IISc scientists develop solar-powered desalination system

Edit Deccan Herald 07 Dec 2015
The system uses flash evaporation and subsequent condensation to desalinise sea water. “Evaporation of water under normal atmospheric pressure requires more energy than flash evaporation. Through flash evaporation, what we did was vary the pressure inside the evaporation chamber so that water can evaporate at any temperature, not just at 100 degrees,” said a release from IISc....

40 years after Vietnam, Blue Water Navy vets still fighting for Agent Orange compensation

Edit Stars and Stripes 11 Sep 2015
This story was co-published by ProPublica and The Virginian-Pilot. To the best of his knowledge, Jim Smith never saw or handled Agent Orange on the Navy ship he served on during the Vietnam War ... It turns out, he might have been drinking it ... ——— ... The Institute of Medicine used a theoretical model to assess the desalination process from the 1960s, which used a high-heat flash to evaporate saltwater and collect the salt-free condensation ... ....

Outstanding Environmental Research (Universität Karlsruhe)

Edit Public Technologies 24 Jul 2015
Jana Stengler receives the Sparkasse Environmental Award for her doctoral thesis "Studies for the conception and design of a flash evaporator for a low-temperature solar power plant" written at the Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration (ITTK) of KIT ... An alternative concept for drinking water production consists in flash evaporation of seawater by a solarthermal process....

Received Order for Large-scale Desalination Plant for Qatar (HITZ - Hitachi Zosen Corporation)

Edit noodls 01 Jun 2015
MSF (Multi-Stage Flash), which is an evaporation process; and RO (Reverse Osmosis), which is a membrane process ... Multi-stage flash desalination plant and Reverse osmosis desalination plant, Total capacity ....

Wärtsilä wins contracts for sea water desalination systems for seven cruise ships (Wärtsilä Oyj)

Edit noodls 18 Dec 2014
The very reliable evaporators, which employ the multi stage flash (MSF) principle, utilize the waste heat from the ship's main engine in order to evaporate seawater in multiple stages under vacuum ... This is evidenced by the fact that more than 130 cruise ships in global operation have our evaporators on board ... Link to more information about Wärtsilä Multi-stage flash evaporators.....

Bob Sturm scouts the Bears: Forte’s production unmatched over last 7 seasons; what Willie Young did to Cowboys in 2011 unseen before or since

Edit The Dallas Morning News 04 Dec 2014
Bob Sturm Follow @sportssturm Email sturm1310@me.com. Published. December 3, 2014 7.50 pm. Bears running back Matt Forte vs. Cowboys in 2013. (Staff Photo) ... Bob Sturm ... Cowboys fans won't find hope in 2013 Bears game tape ... RB Matt Forte ... Seven of Young’s team-high eight sacks came in the first six games of the season, but his flashes have evaporated considerably since his snaps have increased when Houston was injured against New England ... ....

Conversion of Sea Water into Potable Water (Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Republic of India)

Edit noodls 25 Jul 2014
(Source. Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Republic of India). Conversion of Sea Water into Potable Water ... The LTTD is a process under which the warm surface sea water is flash evaporated at low pressure and the vapour is condensed with cold deep sea water. This technology is efficient and found suitable for the Lakshadweep islands ... The capacity of each of these LTTD plants is 1 lakh liter of potable water per day ... *****. ST/jk....


Edit U~T San Diego 10 Jan 2014
As San Diegans with long teeth recall, the $1 billion desalination plant in Carlsbad is not the region’s first large-scale experience with a life-source science that dates back centuries. In 1960, the Interior Department’s 8-year-old “Office of Saline Water” broke ground on a flash evaporation plant near the tip of Point Loma ... Pat Brown and Congressman Bob Wilson. One of the unofficial heroes of the day was Dr ... In early 1964, the U.S ... Dr....

The time has to be right for desal and 'volt wagons'

Edit U~T San Diego 10 Jan 2014
As San Diegans with long teeth recall, the $1 billion desalination plant in Carlsbad is not the region’s first large-scale experience with a life-source science that dates back centuries. In 1960, the Interior Department’s 8-year-old “Office of Saline Water” broke ground on a flash evaporation plant near the tip of Point Loma ... Pat Brown and Congressman Bob Wilson. One of the unofficial heroes of the day was Dr ... In early 1964, the U.S ... Dr....

Industrial Desalination and Water Reuse: Ultrapure water, challenging waste streams and improved efficiency

Edit PR Newswire 19 Dec 2013
LONDON, Dec. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportbuyer.com just published a new market research report. ... Overview ... Covers ... The profiles cover ... • Produced water RO/evaporation ... 1.5.3 Multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF) 13. Figure 1.12 Multi-stage flash evaporation process with three evaporation chambers 14 ... Figure 1.13 Vapour compression evaporation process 15 ... Figure 2.49 Steam EOR evaporation and high recovery reverse osmosis references 75....

Book Review - Tales of horror reap high marks

Edit The Gleaner 03 Nov 2013
Title. The Cat of MuritaroAuthor. Peter HalderPublisher. Franklin and Franklin PublishingReviewer. Glenville Ashby. The Cat of Muritaro is a compilation of eight fantastical tales culled from the belly of Caribbean folklore ... Admittedly, this book is not for everyone ... There are brilliant moments when Halder weaves comedy and sheer horror ... In the world of magic and evil, victory is ephemeral, a flash that evaporates with deadly con-sequences ... ....