Cheondoism or Chondoism (in Korean 天道教, hangul 천도교, Cheondogyo, "religion of the Heavenly Way") is a 20th-century Korean religious movement, based on the 19th century Donghak movement founded by Choe Je-u that had its origins in the peasant rebellions which arose starting in 1812 during the Joseon Dynasty. Cheondoist theology is basically monotheistic, pantheistic and panentheistic.
Cheondoism has become increasingly popular in both South Korea with the revival of Korean nationalism, and particularly in North Korea, where, according to government's statistics[clarification needed], it is the major religion of the country, followed by 12.9% of the total population.[citation needed]
Cheondogyo translated literally means "religion of the Heavenly Way", where cheon means "Heaven", do means "Way" (written with the same character as Chinese Tao), and gyo means "religion", "teaching", "-ism".
Cheondoist theology preaches that God (Haneullim, a concept taken from ancestral Korean shamanic beliefs) resides in each of us. It strives to convert our earthly society into a paradise on Earth. It attempts to transform the believers into intelligent moral beings with a high social consciousness. In this respect, it could be seen as a humanistic, socialist religion.
천도교 96주년 3.1운동. Cheondoism.
North Korea Children Learn About Religious Freedom And Buddhism - Victory Over America News
How to Pronounce Cheondoism
Cheondogyo Central Temple in Seoul, South Korea
Monotheism - What is Monotheism
Manajah Presents : North Korea
Korean Shamanism
How To Pronounce Monotheism - Pronunciation Academy
How to Pronounce Cheeky
Message To YouTube
삼일절 맞아 독립기념관에서 다양한 행사 열려 / YTN
celcuk - turkey. Wedding ceremony.
4월의꽃. April Flowers
「生命恩泉」 - 鍾肇峰: 生命的變奏 Variations in the Song of Life
천도교 96주년 3.1운동. Cheondoism.
North Korea Children Learn About Religious Freedom And Buddhism - Victory Over America News
How to Pronounce Cheondoism
Cheondogyo Central Temple in Seoul, South Korea
Monotheism - What is Monotheism
Manajah Presents : North Korea
Korean Shamanism
How To Pronounce Monotheism - Pronunciation Academy
How to Pronounce Cheeky
Message To YouTube
삼일절 맞아 독립기념관에서 다양한 행사 열려 / YTN
celcuk - turkey. Wedding ceremony.
4월의꽃. April Flowers
「生命恩泉」 - 鍾肇峰: 生命的變奏 Variations in the Song of Life
삼일절 기념식 임형진님의 기념강연 (천도교)
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광장시장. Gwangjang.
아마스라. amasra
경기항공전. 수원공군에어쇼. Korea Air Show 2014
How to Pronounce Cheep
아타튀르크묘소. Atatürk. Ankara -Turkey