Christian Associates


| We Follow Back! | Collective Thoughts, Ideas, Teachings, Advice & Prayers from Men & Women of God. Pass Them On & Be a Blessing to Others. IT'S A GOOD THING!

Tacoma, Washington

已封鎖 @can2009

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  1. 釘選的推文

    We are more than conquerors!

  2. Our lives are an open book. What role does play? What role do we play? Who has the leading role? Who is writing the book?

  3. Pray for this day (today).

  4. The power of a tweet when blessed by the Holy Spirit can save a soul.

  5. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. (Psalm 121:8)

  6. No one who has felt the transforming presence of wants to ever experience any distance from Him. No one!

  7. It's the calling of every believer to follow in the footsteps of !

  8. Confidence comes from knowing that is with you.

  9. Warriors, the battle lines are drawn. Be bold in the name of the Lord.

  10. Unfamiliar with impossible. In , nothing is impossible!

  11. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov 22:6

  12. Don't sell yourself short. There are many who need to hear about your walk and experience with Holy Father in .

  13. In , I have a firm foundation. He is the solid Rock that never fails.

  14. Christian Associates are also on Facebook Page at Be the first to like us and leave a note. Welcome!

  15. When we pray, tremendous power is made available to us!

  16. There is beauty in all of 's creation. Just that everybody can't see it. But with our spiritual eyes, we can see the work of His hands.

  17. Let your spirit speak the name of Jesus - not your flesh. There is a difference. A BIG difference!

  18. The Word of can cut in places we did not even know exist. When the Word cuts, don't try to put the pieces back together.

  19. Faith works - If you work it!

  20. If we sow good seeds, we got a payday coming from .

  21. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works. (1 Chronicles 16:9)


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