Binaural ASMR. Playing New Nintendo 3DS XL & Ear-to-Ear Whispering (No Game Sound, Clicking)
Binaural ASMR. Playing New Nintendo 3DS XL & Ear-to-Ear Whispering (No Game Sound, Clicking)
Binaural ASMR. Playing New Nintendo 3DS XL & Ear-to-Ear Whispering (No Game Sound, Clicking)
Hey guys, relax as I play one of my favorite games of all time on my New 3DS XL. ASMR triggers include ear-to-ear whispering, button clicking and there's also a short "show & tell" at the beginning of this video! Enjoy! :)
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----------------- What is ASMR? ----------------
ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is a tingly feeling a lot of people get in their heads while listening to certain sounds such as
New Nintendo 3DS XL - Распаковка и Обзор!
New Nintendo 3DS XL - Распаковка и Обзор!
New Nintendo 3DS XL - Распаковка и Обзор!
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New Nintendo 3DS XL - Распаковка и Обзор!
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Especial Nintendo 3DS - Unboxing, demonstração, Street Fighter e Nintendogs
Especial Nintendo 3DS - Unboxing, demonstração, Street Fighter e Nintendogs
Especial Nintendo 3DS - Unboxing, demonstração, Street Fighter e Nintendogs
Vídeo especial sobre o Nintendo 3DS: unboxing, demonstração da interface, menus, mii maker, Super Street Fighter 4 3d Edition e Nintendogs + Cats. http://www...
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS National Open Tournament
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS National Open Tournament
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS National Open Tournament
Witness who will reign as the National Champion in Nintendo's first ever Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS National Open Tournament.
Learn from the best as hosts Wynton "Prog" Smith, Kris "Toph" Aldenderfer and Bill "TrinTroll" Trinen of Nintendo provide play-by-play analysis, and watch some of the best Smash players in action during the exhibition matches where special guests settle it in Smash.
Super Mario 3D Land - World 6 (Nintendo 3DS Gameplay Walkthrough)
Super Mario 3D Land - World 6 (Nintendo 3DS Gameplay Walkthrough)
Super Mario 3D Land - World 6 (Nintendo 3DS Gameplay Walkthrough)
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! This is Part 6 of the Super Mario 3D Land Gameplay Walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS! This video feature...
Unbox [PT-BR] - Nintendo 3DS
Unbox [PT-BR] - Nintendo 3DS
Unbox [PT-BR] - Nintendo 3DS
Se curtiu o vídeo deixe seu gostei, favorite e comente =D Unbox do Nintendo 3DS. Siga-me no twitter: http://www.twitter.com/guilhermeoss.
MIYAMOTO Y NINTENDO LA CAGAN - New Nintendo 3DS - Casual - Sasel - Noticias - Actualidad
MIYAMOTO Y NINTENDO LA CAGAN - New Nintendo 3DS - Casual - Sasel - Noticias - Actualidad
MIYAMOTO Y NINTENDO LA CAGAN - New Nintendo 3DS - Casual - Sasel - Noticias - Actualidad
Miyamoto llama patéticos a los jugadores casual. Mientras tanto anuncian el nuevo modelo de 3DS. Nintendo ¿En qué te has convertido?
New Nintendo 3DS XL Unboxing with setup and Smash Bros Gameplay
New Nintendo 3DS XL Unboxing with setup and Smash Bros Gameplay
New Nintendo 3DS XL Unboxing with setup and Smash Bros Gameplay
Picked up the New 3DS XL and bought Smash Bros with it I'm so excited to finally play the new Smash Bros game after Brawl. Anyway Buckle up and enjoy the video and don't forget to comment, rate, like and subscribe.
New Nintendo 3DS обзор
New Nintendo 3DS обзор
New Nintendo 3DS обзор
Сделал небольшой обзор новой приставки New Nintendo 3DS. В обзоре также есть сравнение новой приставки с предыдущими моделями Nintendo 3DS и Nintendo 3DS XL.
Unboxing & FirstLook: Nintendo 3DS XL i Pokemon X
Unboxing & FirstLook: Nintendo 3DS XL i Pokemon X
Unboxing & FirstLook: Nintendo 3DS XL i Pokemon X
Zapraszam na spontaniczny i mało ogarnięty unboxing Nintendo 3DS XL i krótki FirstLook z gry Pokemon X ^^
Enjoy ^^
Sprawczynią tego radosnego zamieszania jest - https://www.youtube.com/user/NNiezapominajka
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Nintendo 3DS Ramble, I mean review
Nintendo 3DS Ramble, I mean review
Nintendo 3DS Ramble, I mean review
http://pressstart2.com Fancy watching a rambling, directionless video about the 3DS? Then you're on the right page mister!
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - A-1 Poltergust 5000 (Nintendo 3DS)
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - A-1 Poltergust 5000 (Nintendo 3DS)
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - A-1 Poltergust 5000 (Nintendo 3DS)
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! This is Part 1 of the Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gameplay Walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS! It includes ...
Programar Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL instalar CFW RXTools 2.6 Megatutorial CIA no firmados
Programar Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL instalar CFW RXTools 2.6 Megatutorial CIA no firmados
Programar Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL instalar CFW RXTools 2.6 Megatutorial CIA no firmados
Programar Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL instalar CFW RXTools 2.6 Megatutorial instalar juegos 3ds / CIA no firmados
En este mega tutorial veremos el proceso completo y detalladamente explicado para la instalacion de Custom Firmware CFW para la nintendo 3ds 3dsXL paso a paso y con todas las descargas necesarias en un solo click
Por favor dejar tus dudas y preguntas, con gusto las responderé
también indícame que tutorial te gustaría verán cualquier area de tecnología , consolas, sistemas operativos o videoj
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire [Part 1] - Intro Nintendo 3DS (Gameplay, Commentary)
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire [Part 1] - Intro Nintendo 3DS (Gameplay, Commentary)
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire [Part 1] - Intro Nintendo 3DS (Gameplay, Commentary)
The Asian Guy Gamer is playing Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire on the Nintendo 3DS!!!
Be sure to hit the "LIKE" button for more Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire [Part 1] - Intro
Check out my channel for more gameplays and commentary's.
The Asian Guy Gamer
The Asian Guy Gamer Facebook
Review Nintendo 3DS XL - Funções e Apps
Review Nintendo 3DS XL - Funções e Apps
Review Nintendo 3DS XL - Funções e Apps
Fala galera!!!! Tudo blz??? No vídeo de hoje eu faço uma análise das funções do Nintendo 3DS, bem como todos os seus aplicativos. Eu sei que o vídeo ficou ba...
NEW 3DS XL - test konsoli Nintendo (hardware test) - recenzja - review PL
NEW 3DS XL - test konsoli Nintendo (hardware test) - recenzja - review PL
NEW 3DS XL - test konsoli Nintendo (hardware test) - recenzja - review PL
Prezentujemy Wam wideo-test konsoli Nintendo - NEW 3DS XL. Oczywiście osoby zainteresowane NEW 3DS (bez XL, a więc mniejszą wersją) również znajdą wszystkie potrzebne informacje. Zapraszamy do oglądania, bo to chyba najbardziej szczegółowa recenzja NEW 3DS-a w polskim Internecie. Tradycyjnie - jeśli materiał się podoba, zostawcie kciuka w górę. Nie zapomnijcie o komentowaniu pod filmem - czy nowa konsola Nintendo jest dla Was interesującym kawałkiem sprzętu?
Na koniec podaję link do wspomnianego w filmie szczegółowego testu standardowego 3DS-a, który w formie pisanej pojawił się w 2011 roku na naszej stronie ONLYGAMES.PL - http://onlygames.
Ausgepackt! #99 ~ New Nintendo 3DS White (Unboxing)
Ausgepackt! #99 ~ New Nintendo 3DS White (Unboxing)
Ausgepackt! #99 ~ New Nintendo 3DS White (Unboxing)
Der New Nintendo 3DS ist nun auch in Deutschland erhältlich und ich habe mir spontan die weisse Edition geholt. In diesem Video schauen wir uns das Gerät genau an, testen die Features und vergleichen es mit dem alten Nintendo 3DS XL.
Ocarina of Time bei Amazon.de: http://amzn.to/1BdOQsm
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Pokemon X and Y - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Intro and Starter Evolutions (Nintendo 3DS)
Pokemon X and Y - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Intro and Starter Evolutions (Nintendo 3DS)
Pokemon X and Y - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Intro and Starter Evolutions (Nintendo 3DS)
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! This is Part 1 of the Pokemon X and Y Gameplay Walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS! I'm playing Pokemon X,...
New Nintendo 3DS vs. 3DS Original - Unboxing, Neue Funktionen, Datentransfer
New Nintendo 3DS vs. 3DS Original - Unboxing, Neue Funktionen, Datentransfer
New Nintendo 3DS vs. 3DS Original - Unboxing, Neue Funktionen, Datentransfer
Am 13.2.2015 erschien ein neues Modell der Nintendo 3DS-Reihe mit einigen neuen Funktionen und Features, darunter ein neuer Bildschirm mit dank eines "Eye-Tracking" Sensors verbesserter 3D-Darstellung, höherer CPU-Leistung, NFC-Sensor, einem zweiten Analogstick (Nub) sowie 4 Schultertasten, welche durch eine ZR- und ZL-Taste ergänzt wurden. Des Weiteren wurde der SD-Slot durch einen microSD-Slot ersetzt. Zudem lassen sich nun individuelle Schalen (Faceplates) auf der Ober- und Unterseite tauschen, die es in verschiedenen Farb- & Designvorlagen gibt. Wir haben uns das Gerät genauer angeschaut und mit dem ersten 3DS-Modell von 2011 vergleichen.
Best Games for the 3DS - Picks from VideoGamer.com - VideoGamer
Best Games for the 3DS - Picks from VideoGamer.com - VideoGamer
Best Games for the 3DS - Picks from VideoGamer.com - VideoGamer
Matt Lees and Simon Miller (@SimonMiller316) go through the best games for the Nintendo 3DS.
➜Check out http://VideoGamer.com for the latest news, reviews and features!
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Conheça o portátil Nintendo 3DS (Pt - Br)
Conheça o portátil Nintendo 3DS (Pt - Br)
Conheça o portátil Nintendo 3DS (Pt - Br)
Consoles e Jogos Brasil. O melhor blog de games do Brasil! www.cjbr.com.br.
Nintendo ALL New 2015 GAME TRAILERS! (Wii U, 3DS)
Nintendo ALL New 2015 GAME TRAILERS! (Wii U, 3DS)
Nintendo ALL New 2015 GAME TRAILERS! (Wii U, 3DS)
MAJORA'S MASK, Fire Emblem, MONSTER HUNTER, Xenoblade Chronicles X and many more! Check out all the latest trailers for the hottest Nintendo games of 2015, on Wii U and 3DS! This is shaping up to be a very exciting year for the Big N!