
Hipsterphobia Sails Close to Homophobia and Gendered Norms [3/3]

This the final article from Cava Sunday’s blog on anti-hipster politics, reposted with permission.

This has been really difficult to write. I have been poring over it for days trying to make what seemed to be gutteral, knee-jerk reactions seem… Continue reading

#FUCKPARADE – What the fuck is to be done?

It’s official. The #fuckparade has gone viral. Two previous outings generated small write ups in local papers and on blogs, most notably on #fuckparade 2 where a skirmish with a group of fascists provided the main talking point. #fuckparade 3,… Continue reading

Class Conscious? The Gentrification of Revolution and the Silencing of the Working Class

You’re sitting in a bar. You are surrounded. A man is talking. Do you know what he is saying? Does he want you to know what he is saying or does he just enjoy saying it?

You pick up on… Continue reading

Finding Hope on an A to B March

I haven’t been on many A to B marches over the last few years due to doubts about state sanctioned protest but I managed to get down to the anti-austerity demo on June 20th in London, and was glad I… Continue reading

2015: A Time for Outrage?

Two years have passed since one of the great political and social thinkers of our time departed this world.

On 26 February 2013 Stephane Hessel died at the age of 95. Hessel enjoyed a long life, from his birth in… Continue reading

New Year, New We? The Dialectics of Survival in 2015


Today I walked the ten miles from Leamington Spa to Coventry because I had eleven pence in my pocket and the barrier guard was up and at ‘em. Eleven pence. This is my sole capital. A first class honours… Continue reading

Burn Up, Don’t Burn Out: Mental Health and Freedom.

Last week, I documented the events at Warwick Uni and the police brutality that followed a peaceful sit in. This week, as a continuation of those events I want to try to present an understanding of how these attacks are… Continue reading

Constructing The Self

Sociologists known as Social Constructionists (1) believe that we construct our sense of self, of self identity from the cultural resources available to us. That is, in order to construct a version of ourselves that is understandable and intelligible to ourselves and others we… Continue reading

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

September 8th marked the start of another season of Badger Culling, a practice deemed by most to be both unwanted and unnecessary. Last year’s pilot was an unmitigated disaster for the Government, whose attempts to appease dairy farmers and the… Continue reading

Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy

Freedom presents an essay by contributor Corin Bruce, intended as an  introduction to ‘green anarchism’ and the ways in which it can challenge hierarchies.

In the last few decades new forms of activism have begun to emerge that concerned not… Continue reading