Share buttons for Tumblr

Install AddToAny in Tumblr

  • Go to Customize > Theme > Custom HTML
  • In the HTML code, search for </div> {/block:Posts} using your browser's find feature (commonly in Edit > Find)
  • Right before that line, paste the following code:
    • <!-- AddToAny BEGIN -->
      <br/><a class='a2a_dd' href=''><img alt='Share/Bookmark' border='0' src='//' width='171' height='16'/></a><p class='a2a_linkname_escape' style='display:none'>{Title}</p><script type='text/javascript'>var a2a_config = a2a_config || {};a2a_config.linkname_escape=1;a2a_config.linkurl="{Permalink}";</script><script src='//' type='text/javascript'></script>
      <!-- AddToAny END -->
  • Save