22 October 2015

GM posts record operating profits from cost-cutting, corporate restructuring

By Jerry White, 22 October 2015

The announcement of GM’s third-quarter profits comes as auto executives, the media and the UAW insist that autoworkers lower their expectations for new four-year labor agreements.

UAW claims early returns point to ratification of Fiat Chrysler sellout contract

By Shannon Jones, 22 October 2015

Voting wrapped up Wednesday on the new contract between the United Auto Workers and Fiat Chrysler amid widespread opposition and distrust in the integrity of the process.

John Deere workers in US demand recount, full release of contract

By George Gallanis, 22 October 2015

The significance of the Fiat Chrysler workers’ fight

More on autoworkers struggles »

German chancellor strikes sordid deal with Turkish government to block refugees

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 22 October 2015

Turkey will serve as a buffer zone against refugees from Syria and Iraq as the regime in Ankara becomes a principal border guard of the EU.

Catastrophic conditions for refugees in Hamburg

By Benjamin Hader, 22 October 2015

Of the 35,000 refugees who have entered the city this year, 4,200 are living in tents, the great majority of which are unheated.

The refugee crisis, war and socialism

Demonstrators condemn brutal treatment of refugees in Berlin, Germany

More on the refugee crisis »

US, Russia in talks on Syria following Assad’s trip to Moscow

By Bill Van Auken, 22 October 2015

Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled that Moscow is prepared to follow its campaign of airstrikes with the initiation of a political “transition” in Syria.

Pseudo-lefts back Washington hardliners on Syria and Russia

More on the crisis in Syria »

US Vice President Biden declines to run for president

By Patrick Martin, 22 October 2015

Biden insisted that the Democratic presidential campaign be based on defending the record of the Obama administration.

More on the 2016 US election »

Florida musician Corey Jones killed by plainclothes officer

By Evan Blake, 22 October 2015

While the police have released limited details of what led to the shooting, they immediately sought to justify the killing by asserting that Jones was armed.

More on police violence in America »

Former Chicago Schools head pleads guilty to federal fraud charge

By Kristina Betinis, 22 October 2015

Barbara Byrd-Bennett’s guilty plea provides some insight into the scale of the fraud committed under the guise of education reform in America's third-largest public school system.

Dismissed teachers file class action lawsuit against Los Angeles Unified School District

By Dan Conway, 22 October 2015

The lawsuit seeks damages arising out of the district’s use of the so-called “teacher jail” system.

Tribunal rules British MPs not exempt from state surveillance

By Barry Mason, 22 October 2015

An October 14 decision by the UK's Investigatory Powers Tribunal opens the door for the British intelligence agencies to spy on parliamentarians.

Air France postpones job cuts as anger rises among workers

By Anthony Torres, 22 October 2015

By reducing the number of job cuts anticipated in the near future at Air France, the French state is trying to prevent an explosion of social struggle against its austerity policies.

Record suicide toll in New Zealand

By Tom Peters and Sam Price, 21 October 2015

Suicides are most prevalent among young people, the unemployed and those in impoverished parts of the country.

Major shareholder predicts closure of Australian steel plant

By Oscar Grenfell, 22 October 2015

The comments underscore that the attack on the Port Kembla workers is part of a global restructuring of the steel industry.

New in Turkish

Fiat Chrysler işçilerinin mücadelesinin önemi

Jerry White, 22 Ekim 2015

Otomotiv işçilerinin son bir aylık deneyimi, şirketlere karşı mücadelenin, işçi sınıfı mücadelesinin bağımsız örgütlerinin yaratılmasını ve bir bütün olarak egemen sınıfın işçi karşıtı birleşik cephesine karşı koymak için yeni bir siyasi stratejiyi gerektirdiğini netleştirmiştir.

Afgan hastanesinin bombalanması: Bir emperyalist savaş suçu

Joseph Kishore, 22 Ekim 2015

Rus savaş uçaklarının Türk hava sahasını ihlal ettiği yönündeki tartışmalı haberlere sarılan ABD ve NATO yetkilileri, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin yönetimine karşı söylemlerini tırmandırdılar.

İsrail ordu-polis baskısı Doğu Kudüs’ü tecrit ediyor

Jean Shaoul, 22 Ekim 2015

İsrail Başbakanı Benyamin Netanyahu, hukuk devletini ve temel demokratik hakları askıya alan önlemleri uygulamak için orduyu ve polisi seferber etti.

Volkswagen emisyon krizini ağır kesintileri dayatmak için kullanıyor

Ulrich Rippert, 22 Ekim 2015

Emisyon ölçümlerinin manipülasyonunun bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan “varoluşsal kriz”, bu küresel şirketi daha karlı hale getirmek üzere, çalışanlar zararına yeniden yapılandırma için kullanılacak.

New in French

La crise des réfugiés, la guerre et le socialisme

Par Peter Schwarz, 22 octobre 2015

L’afflux des réfugiés qui cherchent à fuir l’enfer sur terre créé par l’impérialisme au Moyen-Orient a fait parvenir la réalité de la guerre au cœur de l’Europe.

Répétition générale de l'OTAN pour une guerre à échelle européenne

Par Thomas Gaist, 22 octobre 2015

Les exercices militaires comprennent des scénarios de formation développés en réponse au conflit à propos de la Crimée et de l'Ukraine orientale avec la Russie, dont la guerre de missiles balistiques, la guerre hybride et la mobilisation rapide des forces à haut niveau de préparation de l'OTAN.

Les electeurs boudent le referendum du PS sur l'unité de la gauche avant les régionales

Par Stéphane Hugues, 22 octobre 2015

La tentative du PS de redorer son blason en organisant un référendum sur l'unité de la gauche aux régionales a été un échec retentissant.

Air France tente de lacher du lest sur les licenciements face à la colère des travailleurs

Par Anthony Torres, 22 octobre 2015

En diminuant le nombre de licenciements projetés à court terme à Air France, l'État tente d'empêcher une explosion de luttes sociales contre sa politique d'austérité.

La pseudo-gauche soutient les tenants de la ligne dure vis-à-vis de la Syrie et de la Russie à Washington

Par Bill Van Auken, 22 octobre 2015

L’Organisation socialiste internationale est intervenue dans la dispute politique au sujet de la Syrie à Washington en soutenant les factions les plus belliqueuses de l’État américain.

New in German

Nato probt europaweiten Krieg

Von Thomas Gaist, 22. Oktober 2015

Rund 36.000 Nato-Soldaten nehmen an dem Nato-Manöver Trident Juncture teil. Mehr als 140 Kampfflugzeuge und sechzig Kriegsschiffe sind im Einsatz.

Flüchtlingschaos auf der Balkanroute spitzt sich zu

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 22. Oktober 2015

Mit der Schließung der ungarischen Grenze zu Kroatien am vergangenen Freitag hat sich die Situation von Zehntausenden Flüchtlingen auf der so genannten Balkanroute dramatisch verschlechtert.

Merkel lobt die Zusammenarbeit mit der IG Metall

Von Dietmar Henning, 22. Oktober 2015

Der 23. ordentliche Gewerkschaftstag der IG Metall verfolgt eine Agenda, die auf eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Konzernvertretern und der Bundesregierung ausgerichtet ist.

US-Armeechef will Militärhilfe für Israel erhöhen

Von Jean Shaoul, 22. Oktober 2015

Inmitten verschärfter Angriffe Israels auf Palästinenser in den besetzten Gebieten und in Israel selbst bieten die USA eine höhere Militärhilfe an.

Türkische Regierung hatte Vorkenntnisse über das Selbstmordattentat in Ankara

Von Chris Marsden, 22. Oktober 2015

Trotz einer Nachrichtensperre gibt es Berichte, dass die Behörden Vorabinformationen über den Anschlag hatten

Other Languages


The Canadian election and the intensification of class conflict

22 October 2015

The unions and the NDP promoted the lie that the Liberal Party was an ally of working people in the fight against the Harper government.

Earlier Perspectives »

75 Years Since The Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

David North to speak at public meetings in UK and US: Why and How the GPU Murdered Leon Trotsky

21 October 2015

A public meeting in London on Sunday November 22 has been added to a series of US meetings that will review the significance of Trotsky’s murder at the hands of the Stalinist GPU and the origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation.

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By David North, 30 September 2015

Why and how the GPU murdered Leon Trotsky
Online interviews with David North
Listen to part one Listen to part two

News Feature

Ten years since Hurricane Katrina: Part one
The catastrophe unfolds

By E.P. Bannon, 22 October 2015

Thousands of survivors remained trapped inside the flood-ravaged city without access to food, water or clothing.


What is the Jeremy Corbyn Momentum?

By Julie Hyland, 22 October 2015

Momentum is perpetrating a fiction that the Labour Party “can transform our society for the better,” rather than being an obstacle to such a change.

NATO begins dress rehearsal for Europe-wide war

By Thomas Gaist, 21 October 2015

Canada’s incoming Liberals will pursue austerity and war

By Roger Jordan, 21 October 2015

“Team Trudeau”: Tried and trusted representatives of big business

More on the Canadian elections »

Israel: Racist mob lynches migrant as violence intensifies

By Jean Shaoul, 21 October 2015

Congressional deal unlikely to avert Medicare premium spikes

By Kate Randall, 21 October 2015

Autoworkers Struggles

Fiat Chrysler workers vote as UAW and media push second sellout deal

By Shannon Jones, 21 October 2015

Letter from Ohio GM worker on UAW betrayal of Kmart struggle

21 October 2015

Tennessee GM autoworker expresses solidarity with Fiat Chrysler workers

Vote “no” on second UAW-FCA sellout contract! Build rank-and-file action committees in every plant!

20 October 2015

The WSWS urges workers to download this statement, distribute it to fellow workers and post it on social media.

Autoworkers’ struggle at the crossroads

By Jerry White, 14 October 2015

More on autoworkers struggles »

The 2016 US Elections

Bernie Sanders endorses Obama’s decision to keep troops in Afghanistan

By Patrick Martin, 19 October 2015

Bernie Sanders backs the prosecution of Edward Snowden

Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party and socialism

More on the 2016 US elections »

25 years ago: Economic crisis over Gulf War provokes strikes

On October 24, 1990, over 1,000 riot police were mobilized to force the reopening of the key Basque crossing point into France after the blockading of border crossings to both France and Portugal by striking Spanish independent truckers.

More »

50 years ago: Klansman acquitted in Liuzzo murder

On October 22, 1965, an all-white jury in Haynesville, Alabama acquitted Leroy Wilkins, a member of the Ku Klux Klan, in the murder of civil rights worker Viola Liuzzo.

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75 years ago: Lewis denounces Roosevelt, endorses Willkie

On October 25, 1940, John L. Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers and president of the CIO, denounced Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt for being prowar and antilabor in a nationwide radio broadcast.

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100 years ago: Italy and Russia declare war on Bulgaria

On October 19, 1915, Italy and Russia declared war on Bulgaria, following the latter’s attack on Serbia.

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Arts Review

Coming Home: A small, sincere film about big, complex times

By David Walsh, 20 October 2015

Sicario: A Zero Dark Thirty for the “war on drugs”?