Family Unity


Distant | Relatives
July, 2015. A look at the lives of three families, split between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. (Read More »)

Separating land, separating people
June, 2015. A new position paper by Gisha analyzes what Israel calls the “separation policy”, in the context of control over the Palestinian territory (Read More »)

Infographics: Exiting from Gaza for weddings and funerals in Israel and the West Bank
December 2014. Exit from Gaza is not possible other than in exceptional cases. One such exception: exit by first-degree relatives and their children to attend a wedding or funeral. (Read More »)

New short film by Gisha: “Gaza, Tel Aviv, Gaza”
April, 2014. “Gaza, Tel Aviv, Gaza”, a short film created for Gisha by Itamar Rose, places ordinary Israelis in the roles of those enforcing the criteria on travel from Gaza. (Read More »)

Survey: 31% of Gaza residents have relatives in Israel, East Jerusalem, West Bank
December 19, 2013. More than 25% of Gaza residents have relatives in the West Bank, 15% have relatives in East Jerusalem or Israel. (Read More »)

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