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Posts Tagged ‘Switzerland’

Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich (Switzerland)

Monday, August 31st, 2015

In the night of the 25.8. to the 26.8.2015, we attacked a car on the terrain of the Turkish general consulate at the Weinbergstrasse 65 in Zurich with an explosive device after the Turkish state launched a massive attack against progressive forces in the region with cover from the USA, NATO and the Barzani clan in Iraq in the past weeks. We are in solidarity with the struggle for a free Rojava and the struggle of the revolutionary movement in Turkey!

After a long period of a strategy of tension and the massacre in Suruc on July 20th (where more than 30 comrades from different political tendencies died and dozens were injured), the Turkish state has launched an open attack against the progressive movement. On the one hand, this represents continuity in the collaboration of the AKP with the “Islamic State” and in the struggle of the AKP against progressive forces. Since the city of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border was massively attacked by the “IS” in the fall of last year and the military contention around Kobane and the liberation of the city became international focal points for the revolutionary process, it has been shown time and time again how the Turkish state aids the gangs of “IS” while those fighting with the YPG/J are hindered. This was shown exemplary in the treatment of the wounded from Syria. While those supporting “IS” could be transported to Turkey withouth hindrance and didn’t have much to fear, fighters of the YPG/J had to be smuggled across the border and had to fear being arrested while in the hospital bed. Recently, six YPG/J fighters were even extradited to the Al-Nusra-Front by Turkey! Other examples are the refusal of a humanitarian corridor to Kobane for medicine or food, the documented shipments of weapons by the Turkish secret service MIT to the “IS” or the obvious acceptance of recruitment centres of the “IS” in Turkey. In this sense, the attack in Suruc on July 20th (while Kobane was attacked in parallel with car bombs) which was only possible with the support of the MIT and other security institutions of the Turkish state in this city was only the consistent continuation of AKP-politics against the movement.

On the other hand, this attack was of course also an escalation, a qualitative change in the attack against the revolutionary movement in the region. It wasn’t the first attack by “IS” against progressive forces in Turkey within the context of a strategy of tension (for example the bombs against events of the legal HDP or the sneaky attack against Kobane on June 25th from Turkish soil), but in it’s quality and goals targeting the solidarity explicitly, this attack was different to previous ones. This is also shown in the subsequent actions of the AKP government after this attack. The massacre of Suruc was the kick-off to a broad attack of the Turkish state against all revolutionary forces (prior to this attack, the state attacked the movement via “IS”, now it attacks openly).

This broad attack is presumably driven by (at least) two motivations. On the one hand, Erdogans speculates that in a climate of war and fear the AKP will gain the votes necessary to introduce a presidential system of their liking. On the other hand, it is certainly also the case that a chance was seen to try to halt the revolutionary process in the region. Beside the geo-strategisch importance of the region as it is, where it is in the interest of imperialist forces to have forces in power that favor them (like the Barzani clan in northern Iraq), the struggle for Kobane and then Rojava has reached a political dimension which must be a pain for those in power. Because the struggle there shows that a perspective is possible which stands outside of capitalist or imperial logic. It is important to not neglect this dimension when trying to evaluate the current situation.

In this sense, it is only consistent when the USA and the NATO approves of the airstrikes by Turkey against Qandil or the attacks by the police and military against cities and neighborhoods with a strong presence of revolutionary forces. Not only because they were allowed the use of the airfield Incirlik in Turkey, but also because it would fit their agenda if Rojava were governed by forces like the Barzani clan, who have proven in their history to be loyal to imperialist forces.

Despite or maybe even because of the growing complexity of the conflict in the region, the fundamentals shall not be forgotten. The movement in Rojava is an emancipatory moment with an incredible power, it is not the time to stand aside but to support this path in solidarity. The same is valid for the revolutionary forces in Turkey whose strengthening has been helped by the experiences in the struggle around Gezi-Park and now by the inspiration from Rojava. Confronted with the attacks against them by the Turkish state which also consist of executing militants, we must of course support them.

International solidarity is practical and not dependent on seasonal fluctuation but driven by the necessity of actions because of political reference points and principals. We don’t stand here today and there tomorrow, but at the side of the revolutionary forces fighting for a society with socialist elements. There exist different forms of international solidarity, one was the support of the defense of Kobane through massive pressure from the streets of Europe, others are the support of the military struggle (as in the context of the International Freedom Brigade) or in the reconstruction of the destroyed cities (as was the campaign targeted on July 20th in Suruc, carried by the federation of socialist youth groups and bringing together different forces). Finally it can be a contribution to push forward the revolutionary process here and connect it to the revolutionary process there to advance together.

Solidarity and power to all fighters for a free Rojava!
Solidarity and power to all fighting for a revolutionary perspective!

For a revolutionary perspective

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Posted in Direct Action

Video: Marco Libero! Eco-anarchist imprisoned since 1991 – FR/EN/DE/GR/IT/ES (Switzerland)

Friday, June 19th, 2015

Just in time for the international solidarity days with Marco Camenisch – Our movie “Marco Libero!” now has Spanish subtitles (plus French, English, German, Greek and Italian ones). Spread the word! International solidarity is our arme!

From RHI.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

20-22 June : Internationale Aktionstage mit Marco Camenisch – de/en/fr/it (Switzerland)

Monday, June 1st, 2015

EN PDF : 20-22 June – International Actiondays with Marco Camenisch.

FR PDF : Appel à des actions internationales de solidarité : Marco Libero.

IT PDF : Appello ad iniziative internazionali di solidarieta’ Marco Libero.

Internationale Aktionstage: Marco libero!

Wir rufen für die Tage vom 20. – 22. Juni zu solidarischen Aktionen mit Marco Camenisch auf, der seit 1991 ununterbrochen in Italien oder der Schweiz im Gefängnis sitzt. Marco ist ein ungebrochener grün-anarchistischer Revolutionär mit einer politischen Geschichte, die zurück in die 1970er-Jahre reicht. Wegen Sprengstoffangriffen gegen Hochspannungsleitungen wurde er erstmals inhaftiert, ihm gelang die Flucht. Erst nach Jahren in der Illegalität wurde er 1991 in Italien bei einer Personenkontrolle verhaftet, er sass dort bis 2002 im Knast. Verurteilt wurde er unter anderem wiederum wegen militanten Aktionen gegen Hochspannungsleitungen. 2002 wurde er dann in die Schweiz ausgeliefert, wo er einerseits die Reststrafe seiner allerersten Verurteilung abzusitzen hatte, andererseits aber wegen dem Tod eines Grenzwächters verurteilt wurde. Marco hat immer wieder wiederholt, dass es nicht sein Toter ist. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Marco Camenisch: Psychiatry as a weapon of repression against a radical prisoner – en/gr/de/it/fr (Switzerland)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Marco Camenisch: ROS – psychiatry assumes the power to define the execution of probation and correctional law

The office for probation and corrections services of the cantonal Office for the Execution of Penal Sentences and Justice sabotages all efforts aiming at easing the situation of imprisonment of Marco or to grant parole for him. The office for enforcement 3 (SMV3) uses a clearly political argumentation: As an unbroken anarchist he can not be released from prison, and by drawing up an ROS report (risk-oriented sanctions enforcement), a kind of “Materials Testing Institution”, they acquire new arguments.

For some time the penal system is being aggressively colonized by psychiatry and psychology in Zurich as in prisons elsewhere. The report of the forensic psychiatric department from 31.3.2015, provides a “risk-oriented sanctions enforcement” assessment, a new evaluating development, since the report explicitly uses psychiatric argumentation only and for the first time formulates specific “recommendations”. Urbaniok’s psychiatry distributes contact prohibitions – defines political distancing or rather political renunciation as a requirement for conditional release. The big word is and remains the “crime-promoting ideology”! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Real Democracy (Direct Democracy) & Feasible Implementation

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

This article collection is against the doctrines which state “We cannot change the system” or “There is no better system than the current one”!

1) 2 pages document about the implementation of Real Democracy (Direct Democracy) today:


(or https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Z5YU3ass1-T1pJS2Z4cVJRcm8/ )

2) 1 page document about the continuance of an indicative operating framework which aims to unanimity and respects fundamental human rights of individuals and minorities:


(or https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Z5YU3ass1-U2VIc1REeWQ3UFk/ )

Pericles Network (is a way of implementing Direct Democracy which was developed many years ago in “National Technical University of Athens”):
1) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QqHCzMYn0eWbJ-Up9_P6Vtxm6uCMqwdh4bS7sJMj3j0/
2) http://www.ntua.gr/periklesnet/page3/page3.html

VIO.ME. (a self-management factory in Thessaloniki, Greece):
1) http://roarmag.org/2013/06/vio-me-greece-factory-documentary/
2) http://www.viome.org/

Initiative 136 (a self-management initiative to stop water privatization in Thessaloniki, Greece):
1) http://www.enetenglish.gr/?i=news.en.economy&id=838
2) http://www.136.gr/article/citizens-bid-control-thessalonikis-water

The paradigm of frequent referendums by people’s initiative in Switzerland for validating laws made by citizens or for cancelling laws made by their government:
1) http://direct-democracy.geschichte-schweiz.ch/
2) http://direct-democracy.geschichte-schweiz.ch/switzerlands-system-referendums.html

View and download all the above in one PDF file:


(or https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Z5YU3ass1-Qld5T0pKZ1N2Tms/ )

I wish Freedom to all of you!

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Posted in Autonomy

Text by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle for the event organized by the International Red Help for the 1st of May (Greece, Switzerland)

Friday, May 1st, 2015

The events of May 1886 that took place in Chicago are a turning point in the history of the revolutionary labor movement.

It was not only the fight of the workers to reduce working hours to eight hours daily that featured in this fight and led to the global fight of the proletariat for an 8 hour work day, but it was also a response of the workers to a crackdown by the bosses, and the murder of workers at the McCormick factory. This response was “Workers in arms” which called for a reaction of the working class to the killings of the bosses. It was the armed reaction of the workers when police ordered the dissolution of the Hay Market Square protest that was called against the killings of the strikers at the McCormick factory. The armed tradition of the working class and revolutionary movement was at that time closely related to unionism and the struggle for an 8 hour work day, better working conditions, wage increases, social security. And all this was seen to some extent, as a stage on the way to the abolition of the capitalist system.

Such struggles, which were inspired by the events of May 1886 in Chicago erupted in many countries over the next few years in France, in Italy, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Argentina and they were characterized by the use of armed violence on the part of workers.

Unfortunately a large part of the labor movement adopted an approach that considered armed practices as “provocation” and practices of “individual terrorism” that harm the labor movement and were therefore condemnable. There is the view, for example, that the events of the Hay Market Square with the throwing of a bomb and the armed scuffle against the police that followed were an intentional provocation to justify the murder of several of the assembled workers, but also the conviction and execution by hanging of the organizers of the Hay Market Square protest. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Rejection of the request for release of comrade Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

Friday, April 17th, 2015

From actforfree:

Once again the Federal Tribunal rejected request of release on bail for Marco Camenish on 3rd December 2014, after the comrade has served 2/3 of the sentence, thus postponing his liberation to 2018.

The request had already been rejected by the Administrative Tribunal of Zurich on 24th October 2013, on the grounds that the comrade had showed no signs of repent in the course of the years.

The Swiss judiciary understanding of the case continues to follow the same line, as usual, and this is significant and conclusive as for the mechanisms of repressive revenge towards indomitable anarchist prisoners.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Zurich: Demo against Racism and Repression – Solidarity with Albert Woodfox (Switzerland)

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

On Saturday 28 February in Zurich, Switzerland, there was a demo/rally organised by Revolutionäres Bündnis Zürich, against racism and repression and for solidarity. The demo was specifically as part of international solidarity days for Albert Woodfox, member of Angola 3 and Black Panthers. An American flag was burned in front of the banner “Freedom for A. Woodfox and all the Black Panther prisoners”

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Posted in Direct Action

Zurich: Angriffe gegen CH-Rustungsexport (Schweiz)

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015


Gestern Nacht haben wir als Beitrag zur Kampagne gegen das World Economic Forum die RUAG Defence (im Gebäude mit der Adresse Im Tiergarten 7 ZH) und die NEOSOFT AG (im Gebäude mit der Adresse Üetlibergstrasse 132 ZH) mit Feuerwerk angegriffen. Der Angriff richtet sich gegen zwei Exponenten der schweizer Rüstungsindustrie, wobei die RUAG ein Bundesunternehmen ist. Abgeschlossene Rüstungsdeals und Militärabkommen am WEF in Davos unterstreichen die Bedeutung, welche dieses Jahrestreffen für diesen Teil der hiesigen Wirtschaft hat.

Per 19. September 2014 wurde die Verordnung über das Kriegsmaterial, welche die Exportbedingungen von schweizer Waffen regelt, von Bundesrat gelockert, nachdem das Parlament im März 2014 sich für diesen Schritt eingesetzt hatte. Hintergrund dieser Lockerung ist die Klage grosser Rüstungskonzerne (wie die RUAG oder MOWAG), dass ihr Umsatz aufgrund strikter Exportbeschränkungen eingebrochen sei. Denn seit 2008 war der Export von Kriegsmaterial an Länder verboten, in denen Menschenrechte “systematisch und schwerwiegend” verletzt würden. Dieser Passus wurde im Herbst vergangenen Jahres gestrichen, nun ist der Waffenexport wieder erlaubt, wenn nur eine geringes Risiko bestehe, dass die Waffen zu “systematischen und schwerwiegenden” Menschenrechtsverletzungen eingesetzt werden.


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Posted in Direct Action

The Federal Court denies Marco Camenisch freedom / Bundesgericht lehnt Haftentlassung von Marco Camenisch ab / Il Tribunale federale nega a Marco Camenisch la libertà (Switzerland)

Friday, December 12th, 2014


After over a year of reflection, the Federal Court in Lausanne has
refused to grant conditional liberty to Marco, relying (as done by
previous officials) on a political principle that, not dissociating
Marco from his political position, the conditional release must be
denied for him. The Supreme Court of Switzerland also reaffirms the
political position of not to release him from prison.

Let’s take a quick look at the history of the applications presented,
because Marco could get conditional release: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Organization for Migration (IOM) headquarters attacked in Geneva (Switzerland)

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

In the night between the 20th and 21st of November 2014, we smashed the windows and covered the entrance of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) headquarters in Geneva with paint as an act of solidarity with the migrants they survey and try to control.

Posing as a humanitarian organization, the IOM actually supports their fundingmember states in maintaining their borders and economic interests at the cost ofhuman lives and freedom. In addition to states, their corporate donors: Chevron,DOW, and UBS all have their starring roles in ecological and economic catastrophesthat displace people from their homes.

We attack the IOM for closely working with Frontex to build up “Fortress Europe“,their involvement in (Australia’s offshore) detention prisons, providing states with data on migration routes and migrants’ identities, their so-called “voluntary return programs“ that bribe migrants to return to their points of origin, and for all other material and technical support they provide in the international regime of migration control.

This was only a small act of solidarity, but the nights are cold and dark and we rather smash any part of the state’s constructed borders and the glass buildings of their guardians than to sleep through the winter.

We remember the 19 July 2013 riot at the Nauru Detention Center and it reminds us that the only response to that kind of imprisonment is destruction.

No person is il/legal! Close the camps!

p.s. Greetings to our unknown friends that seem to have been out in Geneva at around the same time painting the French Consulate blood-red in memory of Rémi F!

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Posted in No Borders

Message from the Red Help International Commission / Grussbotschaft der Kommission für eine Rote Hilfe International / Message de la commission pour un Secours Rouge International (Switzerland, Belgium)

Friday, October 24th, 2014

At present, while the imperialist bourgeoisie is attacking on all fronts to enforce their deadly law of capitalism at any time in the life of each person, all resistance must be assessed positively, also armed resistance that leads to an irreducible denial of the system.

As an international force of resistance against repression and for the support of the resistant and revolutionary prisoners, our solidarity is for all those the system lets pay for their resistance – regardless of the form of repression (job loss, police brutality, torture or prison). But in that countless abundance of those who suffer from the violence of those in power because of their political commitment, we especially want to name those who manage to create a liberation project and give it a collective dimension and continuity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Action in Basel in solidarity with refugees in Berlin (Switzerland)

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Early Tuesday morning (7 Oct. 2014), a German federal police car was set on fire at the Badischer Bahnhof (train station) in Basel. The car was completely destroyed. This action was in solidarity with the struggling refugees in Berlin and everywhere!

There, as here in Switzerland, people are degraded to problems for which a solution should be found. The solutions of politicians and authorities, as well as the cops as their henchmen, always mean confinement to detention centers, repression and often deportation to peoples’ countries of origin, or third countries.

The struggle of migrants, which they have determined for themselves against the systematic oppression they face, encourages us and at the same time, shows us the need for us to contribute to the sabotage of this repression machinery.

This action is also our response to the upcoming European police operation ‘Mos Maiorum’ (13th-26th Oct. 2014), which will attempt to have 18,000 police, in cooperation with Frontex, control and arrest as many people without residence permits as possible.

Active solidarity with all struggling migrants in Berlin and everywhere!

translated from: http://switzerland.indymedia.org/de/2014/10/93441.shtml

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Posted in No Borders

Attack against Greek consulate in Zürich (Switzerland)

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

We attacked the Greek consulate in Zürich on September 8 as a delayed contribution to the international days of solidarity for anarchist prisoners. The official representation of the Greek state in Zürich was chosen for two reasons. First of all because Nikos Maziotis (militant of the Revolutionary Struggle) was recently arrested in Greece after a manhunt through Athens and after having being shot in the shoulder. This arrest follows a campaign by the state and the media in which Nikos and Pola Roupa have been declared as top fugitives and a huge bounty has been declared for their arrests. Despite him being arrested the media campaign aiming to negate his political identity continues. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

RHI-SRI: Solidarity from the anti-repression festival in Luzurn to Nikos Maziotis and prisoners in struggle (Switzerland)

Saturday, August 16th, 2014

From the anti-repression festival in Luzern, Switzerland, we send revolutionary greetings to the prisoners and hands off Nikos Maziotis the struggle goes on ….

Red Help Switzerland


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Posted in Direct Action

Banner: Solidarity with Nikos Maziotis and prisoners in struggle (Greece, Germany & Switzerland)

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Here’s a photo from Switzerland. Solidarity to Maziotis and the prisoners who fight!


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Zug: Coca Cola Hellenic attacked with pyrotechnics in solidarity with prisoners hunger-strike (Switzerland)

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014


Today, 13 July 2014, we attacked the seat of Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (HBC) at the Turmstrasse 30 in 6300 Zug with pyrotechnics.

We act in solidarity with the struggle of the prisoners in Greece against a “memorandum of prisons” (citation from Kostas Gournas – Revolutionary Struggle – and Dimitris Koufoudinas – 17th November). The memorandum of prisons is in line with different steps aiming to completely restructure Greek society as part of the capitalist attempt to overcome the crisis since 2008. The conditions of the Troika (IMF, ECB and the EU-Commission) which were attached to the credits did not stop at anything. The public health sector, public welfare, infrastructure – everything was trimmed to their satisfaction, what promised profit was generally privatized or sold to other countries (recently representatives of the Chinese government visited Greece for a shopping tour, they were shown airports and ports), jobs were cut and whatever didn’t return profit was liquidated. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Report on the solidarity hunger-strikes for the Greek prisoners (Germany & Switzerland)

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

The hunger-strike took place 18-20 July 2014. The participants were a total of seven prisoners: Ahmet Düzgün Yüskel, Andreas Krebs, Oliver Rast, R., Sadi Özpolat, Thomas Meyer-Falk in Germany, and Marco Camenisch from Switzerland.

Ahmet Yüksel Düzgün

Because of his work as a lawyer for political prisoners in Turkey, he had to leave the country and was arrested in Germany in 2007 because of § 129b [terrorist association]. He was imprisoned in Stuttgart-Stammheim and was also on trial and sentenced there in the process bunker. After his imprisonment he was subjected to the residence rule, e.g. he was allowed to remain in a certain district only. He disregarded this rule and was arrested in Greece and delivered to Germany in May this year. There he faces the extradition to Turkey.

About the strike he wrote: “I was able to do my solidarity hunger strike without any problems.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

RHI-SRI: New website for soli-group ‘International Red Help’ (Switzerland)

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Here we are with a new blog!

From – Rote Hilfe Schweiz

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Posted in Autonomy

Ticino: Solidarity banner for prisoners struggle in Greece (Switzerland)

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Here we are with a good picture of solidarity to the prisoners struggle in Greek prisons from Ticino, Switzerland.

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