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Posts Tagged ‘Rojava’

PDF: Medical equipment and medicines list (Rojava)

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Kurdish Red CrescentThis is a list of medical equipment and medicines that we need in Rojava.

Equipment list

Medicine list

If you can help please contact: solidaritywithrojava[at]gmail[dot]com

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Posted in Autonomy

Campagne de Soutien au Bataillon International de Libération au Rojava (Kurdistan, Rojava)

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Texte d’appel de la campagne

Au coeur du Moyen-Orient, les populations du Rojava (Kurdistan syrien) se sont soulevées depuis deux ans contre les forces réactionnaires qui oppressent la région depuis des décennies. Après avoir libéré le Rojava de l’Etat Islamique, les habitants du Rojava et les nombreux révolutionnaires étrangers qui sont venus les soutenir inquiètent à présent les impérialistes américains et l’OTAN, ainsi que les régimes réactionnaires et fascistes du Moyen-Orient : la Turquie, l’Arabie Saoudite et l’Iran. Tous à présent interviennent par bombardements ou ingérence, reproduisant les stratégies qui ont abouti à la création des nombreux groupes islamistes comme l’Etat Islamique, al Qaïda ou le front al-Nosra, des golems qui ont échappé au contrôle des pays capitalistes qui les ont façonnés. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

International Call for Solidarity with the Revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan, Syria)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

With this call out we invite individuals, organizations, collectives to participate in or support our fight for liberation, liberation not only of the Kurds for their land, but first and foremost liberation from the power of the state and capitalism and of patriarchy. We invite you to come to Rojava, Canton Cizire and Kobani.

Rojava (Western Kurdistan) is a piece of land largely freed from the presence of ISIS but under embargo: an embargo implemented against us not only from Turkey but also from Iraqi Kurdistan, whose regime does not appreciate the social changes taking place here. This embargo limits the availability of basic necessities, but also on the shortage of medicines and medical equipment needed to treat the injured. Here there are thousands of martyrs, of people killed by war: many have lost their family and home.

Our region lives since four years in an intensive atmosphere of war and great popular resistance. The attacks of authoritarian forces of modern capitalism backed up by regional reactionary forces which are deployed in the region, and are practically embodied in extremist religious organizations with its different names, which can be summed up in ISIS, is not only an armed attack which is supported by all technical modern means against the forces of resistance, such as women, youth and the forces of protection, but it is an intellectual and ideological attack that represents the peak of authoritarian and monopolistic patriarchal mentality which is anti-women, youth and the whole society. It is an international war, all hegemonic powers are directly or indirectly playing their part, all because they want influence in this region. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Website and contact details for Lions of Rojava, internationalist fighters section of YPG (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Complete growing website for the Lions of Rojava, foreign wing of the People’s Defence Units (YPG) in Rojava, autonomous area of Kurdish Syria.




We need everyone, not just fighters. We need specialists like architects, doctors, engineers, technology specialists, media and translators. We need street artists, musicians and cultural people. If you want to come stay here, please reach out to us with what you can offer. We also need revolutionary people who understand what is happening here.

Secondly, know that when you come here, you will spend time learning, maybe months before doing anything. That means understanding what Rojava is about, learning to speak the language and how the society works. This is a revolution, not a Facebook event.

To get started, follow this guide:

What you can do here
Learn the Kurdish language
Preparing yourself

Books and other resources on Rojava
A personal account of Rojava

The journey here
What to expect
I’m ready to come

You should study the information above so that you can fully understand the situation you are about to enter. Understand that we cannot pay volunteers, as all resources go towards the war effort.

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Posted in Autonomy

Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich (Switzerland)

Monday, August 31st, 2015

In the night of the 25.8. to the 26.8.2015, we attacked a car on the terrain of the Turkish general consulate at the Weinbergstrasse 65 in Zurich with an explosive device after the Turkish state launched a massive attack against progressive forces in the region with cover from the USA, NATO and the Barzani clan in Iraq in the past weeks. We are in solidarity with the struggle for a free Rojava and the struggle of the revolutionary movement in Turkey!

After a long period of a strategy of tension and the massacre in Suruc on July 20th (where more than 30 comrades from different political tendencies died and dozens were injured), the Turkish state has launched an open attack against the progressive movement. On the one hand, this represents continuity in the collaboration of the AKP with the “Islamic State” and in the struggle of the AKP against progressive forces. Since the city of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border was massively attacked by the “IS” in the fall of last year and the military contention around Kobane and the liberation of the city became international focal points for the revolutionary process, it has been shown time and time again how the Turkish state aids the gangs of “IS” while those fighting with the YPG/J are hindered. This was shown exemplary in the treatment of the wounded from Syria. While those supporting “IS” could be transported to Turkey withouth hindrance and didn’t have much to fear, fighters of the YPG/J had to be smuggled across the border and had to fear being arrested while in the hospital bed. Recently, six YPG/J fighters were even extradited to the Al-Nusra-Front by Turkey! Other examples are the refusal of a humanitarian corridor to Kobane for medicine or food, the documented shipments of weapons by the Turkish secret service MIT to the “IS” or the obvious acceptance of recruitment centres of the “IS” in Turkey. In this sense, the attack in Suruc on July 20th (while Kobane was attacked in parallel with car bombs) which was only possible with the support of the MIT and other security institutions of the Turkish state in this city was only the consistent continuation of AKP-politics against the movement.

On the other hand, this attack was of course also an escalation, a qualitative change in the attack against the revolutionary movement in the region. It wasn’t the first attack by “IS” against progressive forces in Turkey within the context of a strategy of tension (for example the bombs against events of the legal HDP or the sneaky attack against Kobane on June 25th from Turkish soil), but in it’s quality and goals targeting the solidarity explicitly, this attack was different to previous ones. This is also shown in the subsequent actions of the AKP government after this attack. The massacre of Suruc was the kick-off to a broad attack of the Turkish state against all revolutionary forces (prior to this attack, the state attacked the movement via “IS”, now it attacks openly).

This broad attack is presumably driven by (at least) two motivations. On the one hand, Erdogans speculates that in a climate of war and fear the AKP will gain the votes necessary to introduce a presidential system of their liking. On the other hand, it is certainly also the case that a chance was seen to try to halt the revolutionary process in the region. Beside the geo-strategisch importance of the region as it is, where it is in the interest of imperialist forces to have forces in power that favor them (like the Barzani clan in northern Iraq), the struggle for Kobane and then Rojava has reached a political dimension which must be a pain for those in power. Because the struggle there shows that a perspective is possible which stands outside of capitalist or imperial logic. It is important to not neglect this dimension when trying to evaluate the current situation.

In this sense, it is only consistent when the USA and the NATO approves of the airstrikes by Turkey against Qandil or the attacks by the police and military against cities and neighborhoods with a strong presence of revolutionary forces. Not only because they were allowed the use of the airfield Incirlik in Turkey, but also because it would fit their agenda if Rojava were governed by forces like the Barzani clan, who have proven in their history to be loyal to imperialist forces.

Despite or maybe even because of the growing complexity of the conflict in the region, the fundamentals shall not be forgotten. The movement in Rojava is an emancipatory moment with an incredible power, it is not the time to stand aside but to support this path in solidarity. The same is valid for the revolutionary forces in Turkey whose strengthening has been helped by the experiences in the struggle around Gezi-Park and now by the inspiration from Rojava. Confronted with the attacks against them by the Turkish state which also consist of executing militants, we must of course support them.

International solidarity is practical and not dependent on seasonal fluctuation but driven by the necessity of actions because of political reference points and principals. We don’t stand here today and there tomorrow, but at the side of the revolutionary forces fighting for a society with socialist elements. There exist different forms of international solidarity, one was the support of the defense of Kobane through massive pressure from the streets of Europe, others are the support of the military struggle (as in the context of the International Freedom Brigade) or in the reconstruction of the destroyed cities (as was the campaign targeted on July 20th in Suruc, carried by the federation of socialist youth groups and bringing together different forces). Finally it can be a contribution to push forward the revolutionary process here and connect it to the revolutionary process there to advance together.

Solidarity and power to all fighters for a free Rojava!
Solidarity and power to all fighting for a revolutionary perspective!

For a revolutionary perspective

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Posted in Direct Action

Élargissons la solidarité révolutionnaire depuis la Turquie, du Kurdistan jusqu’à Palestine

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Notre appel en hommage au camarade Cemil.
Élargissons la solidarité révolutionnaire depuis la Turquie, du Kurdistan jusqu’à Palestine !
Les captifs patriotes, révolutionnaires ne sont pas seuls !

L’État fasciste turc et l’État raciste sioniste d’Israël se rivalisent à torturer et à sauvagement attaquer les captifs progressistes, patriotes et révolutionnaires.

Mohammed Alan, captif palestinien en grève de la faim depuis plus de deux mois, est dans un état critique, branché par les fascistes sionistes qui tentent de le nourrir contre son gré. Face à de lourdes conditions d’isolation, des attaques visant les familles des captifs, des fouilles corporelles dégradantes, de lourdes tortures appliquées mêmes en cas de transferts vers les hôpitaux, de centaines de captifs palestiniens, membres de différentes organisations parmi lesquelles AL FATAH et le FPLP, poursuivent la grève de la faim. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG Commander Kevin Jochim ‘Dilsoz Bahar’ funeral 22/8, Karlsruhe (Germany)

Friday, August 21st, 2015

This Saturday ‪‎YPG‬ Commander Kevin Jochim (Dilsoz Bahar) will be buried in his hometown of Karlsruhe, Germany. For those who want participate in funeral procession:

22nd Aug; 10 o’clock
Friedhof Grünwinkel
Durmer­s­hei­­mer Str. 34
76185 Karlsruhe

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG General Commander Hemo: Turkey Wants to Establish a Buffer Zone to Prevent Our Advance (Kurdistan, Turkey, Syria)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Essential interview from the YPG commander
- http://civiroglu.net/2015/08/04/sipan_hemo-2/

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity greetings from MLKP Rojava to the rallies of 25-26 of July (Kurdistan)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Our friends are to come together to protest against the Suruç Massacre, we are for embracing comrades and friends with love. To say like Che, “Solidarity is delicacy of peoples” is our command still. We are all together against the massacre policy at this time like all of the time.

AKP government was supporting first Al Nusra, but now AKP support ISIS and they attacked revolutionary young people together. The SGDF (Socialist Youth Association) members was on the way to build the city Kobane again. The fascist government of Turkey AKP and ISIS to turns towoards the young people.

Member of the Socialist Youth Association came to rebuild Kobane, young people have the freedom of the Kurdish people saw as their freedom. They target was chosen because they had been building a bridge of brotherhood

ISIS and co-operation with the AKP carried out this attack , nor the meeting with the world Rojava Revolution with the struggle of the Kurdish people will not prevent the meeting of the socialists.

AKP government’s expectations was defeated by the Kobane resistance.

When Til Abyad got liberated, lies came from AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan, “They are killing ethnic groups.” After then with saying “If Kurdish zones and cantons join together, we will enter Syria too.”, started to threaten Kurdish people. AKP, can not tolerate the equal and democratic Rojava, increasing their cooperation with ISIS, then started to make massacres. However, massacres or fascist terrorism are not able to block Kurdish people’s freedom bid.

AKP-ISIS connection will be ended by Kurdish people’s united challenge. We are inviting all workers to save socialist young people who are humanity’s honor and also waiting an answer against AKP-ISIS cooperation.

We will evolve the pain into anger, and the anger will be evolved into rebellion at streets!

Honor, the challenge of freedom and the martrys are immortal!


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War against ISIS/Daesh: International Brigade members of YPG arrested and locked up in a cell with Islamic State fascists (Kurdistan, Iraq)

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Four foreign fighters of YPG were arrested in Iraq as they returned to their respective countries (two Americans, a Russian, and an unconfirmed fourth). They were eventually released after 23 days of detention. Robert Alleva Fonda and Michael (both Americans) have confirmed that they had been locked in the same cell that members of the Islamic State were in, despite having repeatedly said to the official of the KDP [Kurdistan Democratic Party, rightist party in power in Iraqi Kurdistan] that they were members of YPG. There is no need to specify the risks that have incurred the four being locked in the same cell as the Islamists.

Long live the revolution in Rojava

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Posted in Autonomy

Reports about the repression against Kurdish liberation activists, radical left, anti-authoritarians & anarchists (Turkey)

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

26 07 2015 – Today, about 70 anarchists from İstanbul, Ankara, Yalova and other
cities (Eskişehir Anarşi İnisiyatifi, Ankara Anarşi İnisiyatifi, İstanbul Anarşi İnisiyatifi ve Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet), gathered in Eskişehir in a commemoration action for their comrades (Alper Sapan, Evrim Deniz Erol, Medali Barutçu) who were killed by suicide bomb in Suruç (Pirsus) last week. When anarchist gathered and started to march, police suddenly attack and arrested about 15 anarchists.

It was the action of Anarchy Initiative which made an international call for solidarity action against Turkish fascist government. Also other groups, autonoms and individuals joined the action in Eskişehir.

Anarchists who gathered in front of Migros (Adalar) and started to march were attacked by police. And about 15 anarchist arrested. Other activists dispersed to the streets and cafes. Then, fascist groups appeared in the streets to annoy the protestors. Some fascists applauded police who were arresting some anarchists. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

War against ISIS/Daesh: Statement on the Conclusion of Operation Cmdr. Rubar Qamishlo (Kurdistan)

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

July 10: Statement on the Conclusion of Operation Cmdr. Rubar Qamishlo, Briefed By Cmdr. Sozdar Derik in July 10 Press Conference

For the Media and Public Opinion

ROJAVA, Syria (July 10, 2015) – A major military exercise, Operation Commander Rubar Qamisho, which was initiated by combined forces of the People’s Defense Units, Women’s Defense Units, alongside fighters from the Burkan al-Firat (Euphrates Volcano, Free Syrian Army) Joint Operations Room and the effective support of the Anti-ISIS International Coalition – in order to liberate the rural district to the west of Jazira (Cizire) region of Rojava, Syria – managed to achieve incredible and historical successes. The terror of the Daesh (ISIS) organization which treaded on all human values and inspired fear in hearts of the region’s people with their vicious attacks, was delivered with significant blows in the group’s largest setback since its foundation.

As before this operation, a strategic defeat was inflicted to the ISIS terrorists in the city of Kobani. After that conquest, two of the tactical military sites for the terrorists – Til Hemis and Til Berak – were liberated and the terrorist threats were eliminated in that region.

While directing the operation in Til Hemis and Til Berak, the Daesh terrorist carried out a major offensive against the Assyrian, Syriac, Arab and the Kurdish people living in line extent of Til Temir and Hasakah. In that way the Daesh terrorists tried very much to obstacle our movement in Til Hemis and Tel Berak as well as fighting our forces in a broader region, so that it could accomplish victory against our Units. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Open letter from the MLKP-Turkey in solidarity with the arrested combatants of the International Brigade (Spain)

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

Dear comrades,

We send you our warmest revolutionary greetings in solidarity with the two comrades who are arrested by the Spanish state for being fighters for humanity.

This attack against the two comrades who went to Rojava to fight there against the fascist Daesh gangs, is not only an attack against them and your party, its an attack against the international revolutionary movement and against all people who fight against fascism and imperialism. In this moment they attack two of yours but they mean to attack all of us. In this situation the international solidarity is our biggest weapon.

The comrades fought in a legitimate and rightful struggle in Rojava and the people of Rojava will never forget what they did there! We are strongly condemn this repression of the Spanish bourgeois state. Resistance and the fight for humanity, freedom and democracy is not terrorism!

Long live international solidarity!

Long live the international freedom battalion!

Long live the legitimate and rightful fight in Rojava!

Long live PML (RC)!

With revolutionary greetings,



International Bureau

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Posted in Social Control

War against ISIS/Daesh: Two arrests as members of the International Brigade have their homes raided in Madrid (Spain)

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015


During this morning, the repressive forces of the Spanish State are carrying out the arrest of the comrades who have been fighting the fascist forces of DAESH (Islamic State) in Rojava. Due to the lack of further information, we ask you for support, solidarity and spreading the message.

The homes of the comrades were searched by investigators of the Provincial Brigade Intelligence Office of the Madrid police. These comrades are two militants of the Partido Marxista-Leninista (Reconstrucción Comunista) that are accused by the police of appearing in the video above. Police said that the two activists came into Syria via Turkey and Germany. They are accused of participating in an armed conflict outside Spain without the permission of the State, of collaborating with a terrorist organization (this is probably the PKK – Kurdish People’s Party being described here), use of military weapons and explosive devices, and of seriously undermining Spanish national interests. Reconstrucción Comunista is an organization composed of members of the Communist Youth who have broken with the Partido Comunista de España, PCE. Its founding members initially were active in this organisation before founding their own organization, close to the MLKP (Marksist-Leninist Komünist Partisi – Turkey) in 2009.





Info from Marxist-Leninist Party (Reconstrucción Comunista), 6th July 2015, via RHI-SRI – Secours Rouge.


Update – International Brigade comrades Paco & Martos released on conditional bail

According to the Spanish mainstream press, National Court judge Eloy Velasco has released Paco and Martos, the two comrades from the International Brigade who fought for six months against Daesh / Islamic State in Rojava. The two comrades have been charged with membership of a ‘terrorist organization’ along with associated charges and have been released on conditional bail. The conditions of the comrade’s bail are weekly reporting to the police, surrendering of their passports and a ban on leaving the country.

Solidarity with Paco and Martos!
The Spanish state must drop the charges!
International Solidarity is not a crime!

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Posted in Social Control

War against ISIS/Daesh: ‘From Tuzluçayır to Kobane’ – Interview With An Anarchist Warrior (Kurdistan)

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The following article is an interview with an environmentalist, vegetarian anarchist from Turkey who is a member of Sosyal Isyan (Social Insurrection) fighting as part of Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (United Freedom Forces) alongside the YPG / YPJ in Kobane, Rojava. The interview was conducted by H. Burak Öz and originally appeared on the jiyan.org website. We would like to thank the comrade Ece for translating the interview into English for us.

Environmentalist, vegetarian, anarchist combatants who fight in Kobane.

We are sitting at the headquarters of United Freedom Forces (Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri) in Kobane. I ask for a cigarette from a fighter aiming to meet and talk with him. While he offers one, I’m asking how many group form the United Freedom Forces. He says that, this force consist of salvationists (Kurtuluşçular), MLSPB, TDP and anarchists and indicates that he is an anarchist too.

What is the aim of fighting here for the anarchists?

I’m one of the founders of Social Insurrection and also their spokesperson. When the attack of ISIS started in Kobane, in the name of international solidarity, not considering it too much, we idealized to raise the defense as International Brigades much like in the Spanish Civil War.

United Freedom Forces was formed by different socialist factions from Turkey. Being an anarchist, how did you become involved with this structure?

United Freedom Forces was founded when we arrived. We made a call to anarchists and ecologists. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

War against ISIS/Daesh: Turkish Army massing on the border readying for invasion in support of beleaguered Daesh terrorists after their defeated Kobane incursion (Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria)

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

As the Turkish Army is massing in the border area with Rojava/Syria, threatening to invade Syria to prevent the three cantons of Rojava from being united, Kurdish villagers in the border town of Roboski (Nothern Kurdistan/Turkey) clashed with the soldiers who have been sent to prepare for the invasion. The Turkish army has been firing at the people and their homes. The people made barricades in the streets and were met with armoured vehicles, live fire and tear gas.

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Posted in Social Control

War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG capture Egyptian ISIS terrorist who confirms they had crossed the border from the Turkish side (Kurdistan, Turkey)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

Captured ISIS member: The main group arrived at Kobanê from the Turkish side.


Among those ISIS members who infiltrated into Kobanê and massacred over 200 civilians, one Egyptian of the gang captured alive by YPG/YPJ forces said the main group that started the attack had come into Kobanê from Turkey. He further said the ammunition used by the gangs in the clashes that lasted several days after the attacks had also been brought into Kobanê from the Turkish side.

On 25 June, ISIS gang members attacked Kobanê town centre from two directions; one from Helince road and the other from the side of Mürşitpınar border gate.

According to the information given by the ISIS member from Egypt, the ISIS members dressed in Turkish military uniforms entered into Kobanê from the Turkish side, while another group entered from Helince road in Free Syrian Army uniforms. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Lions of Rojava change web-address again – New site – Volunteer against Islamic State (Kurdistan, Syria, Iraq)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

Dear friends and supporters of The Lions of Rojava.

We would kindly ask you to like our new Facebook Page and follow our achievements against ISIS under the link below


Messages will be only answered on the new Site.
Thank you and please share this information so that everybody gets aware of it.

The Lions of Rojava


Other groups for foreign volunteers:

Brothers of Kurdistan

We are a group of westerners who have joined the Peshmerga as volunteers. We come from the UK & USA & we are here to help drive ISIS out of Kurdistan.

Peshmerga Volunteers – PV

We are a well established group which allows western fighters and medics to join the Peshmerga (PUK) we will guide you through the process.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Terrorist attack against Kobane is “utterly repelled” by YPG – Turkish PM Erdogan declares that he will never allow a Kurdish state on the border (Turkey, Kurdistan)

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

June 27: Daesh’s Attack on Kobane Utterly Repelled, Remaining Terrorists Driven Out of the City

Immediate Release for the Media and Public Opinion

KOBANE, Rojava (June 27, 2015) – A military operation by members of the People’s/Women’s Defense Units alongside Security Forces continues to encounter terrorist attacks started on Thursday which brutally targeted and killed a large number of unarmed civilian population in Kobane.

Military actions continued last night against a large group of the Daesh (ISIL) terrorists who had infiltrated inside the city; the group was surrounded in 4 distinct locations. In the dead of the night, our troops effectively cleared 3 of those positions from all terrorist activities; moreover this morning our Units were able to fully secure the Mishtenur hospital as the last point controlled by the attackers, and hold initiative over the hiding place.

During the stated securing process, in total 60 terrorist elements who had surreptitiously penetrated into the city were confirmed killed; our forces also could capture a member of the enemy forces in action.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Turkish Army assisted Daesh in crossing the border disguised as YPG forces – Updated (Kurdistan)

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

YPG : June 25: Attacks by Daesh (ISIS) Terrorists on Northern Kobane

Updated: Today, in Kobane, at least 50 people [now known to be over 200] have been killed by Daesh terrorists, who attacked with 3 suicide car bombs, with one from the Turkish border at Kobane’s Mursitpinar border gate. Kobane hospital is currently unable to treat the injured all at once, for those with critical condition are attempted to be moved to North Kurdistan, Turkey. But Turkish military on the borderline are preventing the process of transferring the injured who most of them are women and children. Despite learning how serious situation of the wounded are, the Turkish military and their border officials are not responding consciously and they continue to keep the civilians waiting near the border crossing.

The ISIS terrorists have at 4 o’clock in the morning with the help of Turkish soldiers crossed the border. The ISIS terrorists were wearing the uniforms of YPG. So far 7 dead and 50 injured there. Our people need urgent help. All Kurds in Northern Kurdistan from Pirsus city (Suruç), please go to hospital, people in urgent need of blood ASAP!!!!! Please note all civilian people from Kobanê, please remain calm and don’t leave your homes!!!! In the center of Kobanê so far 10 people have died. In Berxbatan village are very heavy fighting between YPG fighters and terrorists of ISIS. It is difficult to know how many civilians have been killed in Berxbatan village [23 are reported dead so far]. Nobody from YPG was able to connect to the internet today because the Turkish telefon company “Tukcell” has been crippled.

Lions of Rojava


A group of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists who waged an attack on Kobane city this morning June 25, were repulsed by our forces of the People’s/Women’s Defense Units in an appropriate reaction to their quick and simultaneous assaults. During intense fighting near the city’s border gate at least 15 attackers have been confirmed killed, while a member of the terrorists has been captured alive.

For now, clashes continue within an extent where the terrorists encounter a total blockade by the Defense Units.

YPG Media Centre

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