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Posts Tagged ‘Lions of Rojava’

War against ISIS/Daesh: Long live the Lions of Rojava – Photo of a few American fighters (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, January 15th, 2016

For dignity, solidarity, freedom – American fighters of Lions of Rojava.

Death to the terrorists of Islamic-fascism – Total liberation.

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Posted in Autonomy

Interview with Paul Z Simons: Stories From Rojava On Revolution, Daily Life, and Hope (Free Radical Radio)

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

From Free Radical Radio / Modern Slavery:

Paul Z. Simons, also known as El Errante, is interviewed by rydra on his recent trip to Rojava. Paul tells stories of his trip, relays discussions he had with people in Rojava in the YPG, YPJ, taxi drivers, translators, and more. Paul describes the situation in Rojava as a “post-leftist revolution in a pre-leftist society.” Paul also tells us how he got into the country, how others can, and why he feels that what is going there is important to anarchists all around the world.

Rojava Interview.OGG

More formats: http://archive.org/details/RojvaInterview

Rojava Plan
Lions of Rojava
Modern Slavery

Rojava Report
Kurdish Question

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Posted in Interviews

War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter John Gallagher of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

John Gallagher, the Canadian volunteer YPG fighter, is an internationalist hero who gave his life for a noble cause. He left behind a grieving family, and a world in gratitude for his bravery and sacrifice.

Why the War in Kurdistan Matters

First, let me get the obvious out of the way: I do not expect anyone to agree that it is a wise course of action to volunteer to fight against ISIS. Would-be terrorists from all over the world, including Canada, (including some I probably went to school with,) are flooding into the Middle East by the thousands. They’ve got the numbers and the weapons to win this war, so to go stand on the other side of the battlefield is objectively insane.

I also respect the viewpoint that the last thing any westerners ought to do is get involved in another Middle Eastern conflict. We’ve already done tremendous damage to the region; the rise of ISIS is a direct result of foreign policy blunders by the last two Presidents (at least!). If you think that for the good of the region we should all sit this one out, I can understand that. But I can’t agree.

The cause of a free and independent Kurdistan is important enough to be worth fighting for all on its own. The Kurdish people are the largest ethnicity in the world without a country of their own, and have suffered enormously under the boot-heel of regional powers. Now they are under threat from another genocidal foe, yet they have not given themselves over to the joint manias of religious fanaticism and suicide murder. This should be enough reason for the West to give them whatever support they need in such a time of crisis. But there is an even better reason. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: British YPG fighters part of mine-clearing operation (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

YPG/YPJ on the Al-Hawl front are clearing 400+ IEDS on the frontline placed by ISIS gangs, after taking control of the area. The comrades are reported to be 4km from Al-Hawl and advancing from 2 sides.

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Kobane: 134 Days of Heroic Resistance Against ‪ISIS Terrorists (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

1st November 2015 Global Day For ‪Kobane.
134 Days of Heroic Resistance Agaist ‪ISIS Terrorists.

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1/11: International Day of Solidarity with Kobane (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Friday, October 16th, 2015

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International Call for Solidarity with the Revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan, Syria)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

With this call out we invite individuals, organizations, collectives to participate in or support our fight for liberation, liberation not only of the Kurds for their land, but first and foremost liberation from the power of the state and capitalism and of patriarchy. We invite you to come to Rojava, Canton Cizire and Kobani.

Rojava (Western Kurdistan) is a piece of land largely freed from the presence of ISIS but under embargo: an embargo implemented against us not only from Turkey but also from Iraqi Kurdistan, whose regime does not appreciate the social changes taking place here. This embargo limits the availability of basic necessities, but also on the shortage of medicines and medical equipment needed to treat the injured. Here there are thousands of martyrs, of people killed by war: many have lost their family and home.

Our region lives since four years in an intensive atmosphere of war and great popular resistance. The attacks of authoritarian forces of modern capitalism backed up by regional reactionary forces which are deployed in the region, and are practically embodied in extremist religious organizations with its different names, which can be summed up in ISIS, is not only an armed attack which is supported by all technical modern means against the forces of resistance, such as women, youth and the forces of protection, but it is an intellectual and ideological attack that represents the peak of authoritarian and monopolistic patriarchal mentality which is anti-women, youth and the whole society. It is an international war, all hegemonic powers are directly or indirectly playing their part, all because they want influence in this region. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Website and contact details for Lions of Rojava, internationalist fighters section of YPG (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Complete growing website for the Lions of Rojava, foreign wing of the People’s Defence Units (YPG) in Rojava, autonomous area of Kurdish Syria.




We need everyone, not just fighters. We need specialists like architects, doctors, engineers, technology specialists, media and translators. We need street artists, musicians and cultural people. If you want to come stay here, please reach out to us with what you can offer. We also need revolutionary people who understand what is happening here.

Secondly, know that when you come here, you will spend time learning, maybe months before doing anything. That means understanding what Rojava is about, learning to speak the language and how the society works. This is a revolution, not a Facebook event.

To get started, follow this guide:

What you can do here
Learn the Kurdish language
Preparing yourself

Books and other resources on Rojava
A personal account of Rojava

The journey here
What to expect
I’m ready to come

You should study the information above so that you can fully understand the situation you are about to enter. Understand that we cannot pay volunteers, as all resources go towards the war effort.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG Commander Kevin Jochim ‘Dilsoz Bahar’ funeral 22/8, Karlsruhe (Germany)

Friday, August 21st, 2015

This Saturday ‪‎YPG‬ Commander Kevin Jochim (Dilsoz Bahar) will be buried in his hometown of Karlsruhe, Germany. For those who want participate in funeral procession:

22nd Aug; 10 o’clock
Friedhof Grünwinkel
Durmer­s­hei­­mer Str. 34
76185 Karlsruhe

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War against ISIS/Daesh: International Brigade members of YPG arrested and locked up in a cell with Islamic State fascists (Kurdistan, Iraq)

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Four foreign fighters of YPG were arrested in Iraq as they returned to their respective countries (two Americans, a Russian, and an unconfirmed fourth). They were eventually released after 23 days of detention. Robert Alleva Fonda and Michael (both Americans) have confirmed that they had been locked in the same cell that members of the Islamic State were in, despite having repeatedly said to the official of the KDP [Kurdistan Democratic Party, rightist party in power in Iraqi Kurdistan] that they were members of YPG. There is no need to specify the risks that have incurred the four being locked in the same cell as the Islamists.

Long live the revolution in Rojava

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