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Posts Tagged ‘Kubani’

War against ISIS/Daesh: International call for solidarity by the Women’s Freedom Assembly – KÖM (Turkey, Rojava, Syria)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are women who have come together as the Women’s Freedom Assembly (KÖM)
in order to create a common language regarding all aspects of women’s
struggle for freedom, to intervene and collectively demonstrate presence in
all spheres of life, to be a party and take active role in the peace and
negotiation process in Turkey. At this moment,

The war in Turkey is intensifying; people, all living beings and history
is being destroyed!

As the State becomes more and more ISIS-like, the peoples’ resistance
resembles Kobanê!

In the Kurdish towns/provinces of Hakkari, Dargeçit, Sur, Nusaybin, Silopi
and Cizre, the State:

· Has removed all doctors’ leaves and permissions, calling all
medical equipment personnel to be prepared,

· Has emptied out student dormitories, placing security forces
within them instead of students, (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Defense Units Disrupt Terrorists’ Preparations In Western Euphrates, Repel Attackers In Aleppo (Kurdistan, Syria)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

KOBANE, Rojava (December 11, 2015) — At about 3 pm on December 10, combatants from the People’s Defense Units (YPG), joined by the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ), carried out an assault operation against a unit of hostile elements who were preparing to attack the village of Qereqozax in southwestern Kobane. In the process of the operation which targeted the enemy positions in western bank of the Euphrates River one of the group’s elements was confirmed killed.

— On December 10 in place near the village of Pino, northern Aleppo, Al-Nusra terrorists attempted to launch an attack. After a swift intervention by the Defense Units, a short-time battle was experienced in the area. One terrorist fighter was killed in consequence.

People’s Defense Units (YPG)
| Press Office, December 2015


KOBANE, Rojava (December 10, 2015) – In the evening of December 9, combined forces of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) initiated a military operation aimed at engaging terrorist groups who have been attacking western Kobane, particularly the village of Qereqozax, for several consecutive months. The assault operation which targeted numerous enemy positions in western bank of the Euphrates River enabled the Defense Units to eliminate at least one terrorist fighter and wounded two others.

The latest move is part of ongoing efforts by the People’s Defense Units coordinated to prevent terrorists from disrupting reconstruction and security conditions in rural district in Kobani where dozens of civilians were killed as result of mortar attacks all carried out from the west of the river.

– In the dead hours of December 9, an operation was conducted by joint Defense Units against a group of Al-Nusra terrorists positioned in the village of Pino in northern portion of Aleppo. One terrorist element was confirmed killed there.

People’s Defense Units (YPG)
| Press Office | December 2015


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Kobane: 134 Days of Heroic Resistance Against ‪ISIS Terrorists (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

1st November 2015 Global Day For ‪Kobane.
134 Days of Heroic Resistance Agaist ‪ISIS Terrorists.

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1/11: International Day of Solidarity with Kobane (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Friday, October 16th, 2015

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PDF: Medical equipment and medicines list (Rojava)

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Kurdish Red CrescentThis is a list of medical equipment and medicines that we need in Rojava.

Equipment list

Medicine list

If you can help please contact: solidaritywithrojava[at]gmail[dot]com

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Campagne de Soutien au Bataillon International de Libération au Rojava (Kurdistan, Rojava)

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Texte d’appel de la campagne

Au coeur du Moyen-Orient, les populations du Rojava (Kurdistan syrien) se sont soulevées depuis deux ans contre les forces réactionnaires qui oppressent la région depuis des décennies. Après avoir libéré le Rojava de l’Etat Islamique, les habitants du Rojava et les nombreux révolutionnaires étrangers qui sont venus les soutenir inquiètent à présent les impérialistes américains et l’OTAN, ainsi que les régimes réactionnaires et fascistes du Moyen-Orient : la Turquie, l’Arabie Saoudite et l’Iran. Tous à présent interviennent par bombardements ou ingérence, reproduisant les stratégies qui ont abouti à la création des nombreux groupes islamistes comme l’Etat Islamique, al Qaïda ou le front al-Nosra, des golems qui ont échappé au contrôle des pays capitalistes qui les ont façonnés. (more…)

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International Call for Solidarity with the Revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan, Syria)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

With this call out we invite individuals, organizations, collectives to participate in or support our fight for liberation, liberation not only of the Kurds for their land, but first and foremost liberation from the power of the state and capitalism and of patriarchy. We invite you to come to Rojava, Canton Cizire and Kobani.

Rojava (Western Kurdistan) is a piece of land largely freed from the presence of ISIS but under embargo: an embargo implemented against us not only from Turkey but also from Iraqi Kurdistan, whose regime does not appreciate the social changes taking place here. This embargo limits the availability of basic necessities, but also on the shortage of medicines and medical equipment needed to treat the injured. Here there are thousands of martyrs, of people killed by war: many have lost their family and home.

Our region lives since four years in an intensive atmosphere of war and great popular resistance. The attacks of authoritarian forces of modern capitalism backed up by regional reactionary forces which are deployed in the region, and are practically embodied in extremist religious organizations with its different names, which can be summed up in ISIS, is not only an armed attack which is supported by all technical modern means against the forces of resistance, such as women, youth and the forces of protection, but it is an intellectual and ideological attack that represents the peak of authoritarian and monopolistic patriarchal mentality which is anti-women, youth and the whole society. It is an international war, all hegemonic powers are directly or indirectly playing their part, all because they want influence in this region. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Website and contact details for Lions of Rojava, internationalist fighters section of YPG (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Complete growing website for the Lions of Rojava, foreign wing of the People’s Defence Units (YPG) in Rojava, autonomous area of Kurdish Syria.




We need everyone, not just fighters. We need specialists like architects, doctors, engineers, technology specialists, media and translators. We need street artists, musicians and cultural people. If you want to come stay here, please reach out to us with what you can offer. We also need revolutionary people who understand what is happening here.

Secondly, know that when you come here, you will spend time learning, maybe months before doing anything. That means understanding what Rojava is about, learning to speak the language and how the society works. This is a revolution, not a Facebook event.

To get started, follow this guide:

What you can do here
Learn the Kurdish language
Preparing yourself

Books and other resources on Rojava
A personal account of Rojava

The journey here
What to expect
I’m ready to come

You should study the information above so that you can fully understand the situation you are about to enter. Understand that we cannot pay volunteers, as all resources go towards the war effort.

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War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG General Commander Hemo: Turkey Wants to Establish a Buffer Zone to Prevent Our Advance (Kurdistan, Turkey, Syria)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Essential interview from the YPG commander
- http://civiroglu.net/2015/08/04/sipan_hemo-2/

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity greetings from MLKP Rojava to the rallies of 25-26 of July (Kurdistan)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Our friends are to come together to protest against the Suruç Massacre, we are for embracing comrades and friends with love. To say like Che, “Solidarity is delicacy of peoples” is our command still. We are all together against the massacre policy at this time like all of the time.

AKP government was supporting first Al Nusra, but now AKP support ISIS and they attacked revolutionary young people together. The SGDF (Socialist Youth Association) members was on the way to build the city Kobane again. The fascist government of Turkey AKP and ISIS to turns towoards the young people.

Member of the Socialist Youth Association came to rebuild Kobane, young people have the freedom of the Kurdish people saw as their freedom. They target was chosen because they had been building a bridge of brotherhood

ISIS and co-operation with the AKP carried out this attack , nor the meeting with the world Rojava Revolution with the struggle of the Kurdish people will not prevent the meeting of the socialists.

AKP government’s expectations was defeated by the Kobane resistance.

When Til Abyad got liberated, lies came from AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan, “They are killing ethnic groups.” After then with saying “If Kurdish zones and cantons join together, we will enter Syria too.”, started to threaten Kurdish people. AKP, can not tolerate the equal and democratic Rojava, increasing their cooperation with ISIS, then started to make massacres. However, massacres or fascist terrorism are not able to block Kurdish people’s freedom bid.

AKP-ISIS connection will be ended by Kurdish people’s united challenge. We are inviting all workers to save socialist young people who are humanity’s honor and also waiting an answer against AKP-ISIS cooperation.

We will evolve the pain into anger, and the anger will be evolved into rebellion at streets!

Honor, the challenge of freedom and the martrys are immortal!


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