Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
The Wayback Machine -
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out http://PlanetDe
What do you think about the patch?
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Music I use:
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two mai
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at http:
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
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Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
For more information, please contact us:
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Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out http://PlanetDe
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
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Music I use:
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two mai
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at http:
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
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All my Destiny videos!
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Xur / Agent Of The Nine -
Live, Nightfalls,
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
For more information, please contact us:
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Terraria 1.1 Trailer
Terraria 1.1 Trailer
Terraria 1.1 Trailer
Available on Steam:
45 More Bugs in Minecraft 1.1.0
45 More Bugs in Minecraft 1.1.0
45 More Bugs in Minecraft 1.1.0
I demonstrate 45 more bugs, most of which occur in multiplayer, all in the official release of Minecraft 1.1.0 Thanks to Etho, Iseedeadkittens, Robin1225 and...
My Tag Boyfriend Ep. 1.1
My Tag Boyfriend Ep. 1.1
My Tag Boyfriend Ep. 1.1
For more TV5 content, visit:
Star Citizen AC 1.1.1 PTU - My Constellation in multiplayer!
Star Citizen AC 1.1.1 PTU - My Constellation in multiplayer!
Star Citizen AC 1.1.1 PTU - My Constellation in multiplayer!
2500K 4,2ghz
GTX 780 OC
8gb ddr3 1600mhz
SCP Containment Breach new v.1.1.5 - New SCPs
SCP Containment Breach new v.1.1.5 - New SCPs
SCP Containment Breach new v.1.1.5 - New SCPs
No commentary today!
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SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5 ►
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I claim no ownership for this game as it was created by: Regalis - -
SCP Containment Breach:
Protected by Creative Commons 3.0
SCP Containment Breach (1.1.5) | Part 84 | More Updates + New Pocket Dimension Room!
SCP Containment Breach (1.1.5) | Part 84 | More Updates + New Pocket Dimension Room!
SCP Containment Breach (1.1.5) | Part 84 | More Updates + New Pocket Dimension Room!
Hey guys! Welcome to SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5! In this episode I find a whole new area in the pocket dimension as well as making some pretty good progress towards beating the game!
If you enjoyed the video, please hit the LIKE button! It helps a lot!
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Thanks for watching :D
Outro Music is from/by the links below...
APUSH Review, Key Concept 1.1 (Period 1)
APUSH Review, Key Concept 1.1 (Period 1)
APUSH Review, Key Concept 1.1 (Period 1)
To download the PowerPoint used in the video, please visit: To download the New APUSH curric...
The LCPD First Response (LCPDFR) Mod, is a modification for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV (and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City) which turns the entire concept of GTA titles upside down, and puts the player on the other side of the thin blue line - arresting crooks, not working for them.
LCPDFR now, for the first time, features water-based action. Dotted around the map, players can find LCPD Patrol Boats which can be used to conduct maritime patrols
Star Citizen 1.1 - Now With In Game Currency!
Star Citizen 1.1 - Now With In Game Currency!
Star Citizen 1.1 - Now With In Game Currency!
The 1.1 release of Star Citizen just appeared, and after a long download process I had a bit of time to play with it and experience the new rental system that lets you earn in game items through gameplay.
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
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Music I use:
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
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Music I use:
published:02 Aug 2015
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
published:19 Jun 2015
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
published:12 Mar 2015
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat, first-person shooter elements and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers, and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign (titled Squadron 42). The game is built on a modified CryEngine and will feature Oculus Rift support.
Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade, but the exact details are yet to be determined.
A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.
Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer.
You wake up...
The hum of the fusion drive reverberates through the ship's hull. It reminds you that you should probably replace it soon. A quick check on the MobiGlas says there's an Aegis showroom on the planet you're heading to. Couldn't hurt to see what they got, right?
With the Credits you make delivering this cargo, you should be able to buy your ship a little treat. Besides, she's your bread and butter. You roll on your side and look out the window at the vast yawning space outside. A distant planet silently orbits a dying sun.
Your boards light up...
Contact. You kick off the berth and slide into the pilot seat, taking the ship off Auto as you do. Correction, three contacts, pretty far out. Vanduul never raid this far into the Empire... your heart sinks as you mutter to yourself: "Pirates."
You keep bearing and speed, keep shields at current levels. Don't do anything to make them think you're itching to fight. You never know, they might just pass on by. You can't tell what pack they belong to. You've run across pirates in the past, even done business with a few, maybe you'll get lucky...
The three flash their engines and turn to engage you. You charge your shields up full and heat up your guns. You swear to yourself, if you make it through this, to hell with living on the straight and narrow. Times are too tight. You can't afford to keep losing loads. It keeps going like this, you might have to become a pirate tomorrow.
The pirates fan out in an attack formation... but first, you have to make it through today.
Welcome to Star Citizen.
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat, first-person shooter elements and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers, and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign (titled Squadron 42). The game is built on a modified CryEngine and will feature Oculus Rift support.
Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade, but the exact details are yet to be determined.
A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.
Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer.
You wake up...
The hum of the fusion drive reverberates through the ship's hull. It reminds you that you should probably replace it soon. A quick check on the MobiGlas says there's an Aegis showroom on the planet you're heading to. Couldn't hurt to see what they got, right?
With the Credits you make delivering this cargo, you should be able to buy your ship a little treat. Besides, she's your bread and butter. You roll on your side and look out the window at the vast yawning space outside. A distant planet silently orbits a dying sun.
Your boards light up...
Contact. You kick off the berth and slide into the pilot seat, taking the ship off Auto as you do. Correction, three contacts, pretty far out. Vanduul never raid this far into the Empire... your heart sinks as you mutter to yourself: "Pirates."
You keep bearing and speed, keep shields at current levels. Don't do anything to make them think you're itching to fight. You never know, they might just pass on by. You can't tell what pack they belong to. You've run across pirates in the past, even done business with a few, maybe you'll get lucky...
The three flash their engines and turn to engage you. You charge your shields up full and heat up your guns. You swear to yourself, if you make it through this, to hell with living on the straight and narrow. Times are too tight. You can't afford to keep losing loads. It keeps going like this, you might have to become a pirate tomorrow.
The pirates fan out in an attack formation... but first, you have to make it through today.
Welcome to Star Citizen.
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
published:10 May 2015
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
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Song - N/A "If you are the creator of a song from one of my videos, please be sure to let me know so I can add you & your details to the description! Due to a recent error, all my video descriptions got wiped!"
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
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Song - N/A "If you are the creator of a song from one of my videos, please be sure to let me know so I can add you & your details to the description! Due to a recent error, all my video descriptions got wiped!"
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
published:14 Apr 2015
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
I demonstrate 45 more bugs, most of which occur in multiplayer, all in the official release of Minecraft 1.1.0 Thanks to Etho, Iseedeadkittens, Robin1225 and...
I demonstrate 45 more bugs, most of which occur in multiplayer, all in the official release of Minecraft 1.1.0 Thanks to Etho, Iseedeadkittens, Robin1225 and...
No commentary today!
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SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5 ►
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I claim no ownership for this game as it was created by: Regalis - -
SCP Containment Breach:
Protected by Creative Commons 3.0
No commentary today!
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SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5 ►
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I claim no ownership for this game as it was created by: Regalis - -
SCP Containment Breach:
Protected by Creative Commons 3.0
published:23 May 2015
SCP Containment Breach (1.1.5) | Part 84 | More Updates + New Pocket Dimension Room!
Hey guys! Welcome to SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5! In this episode I find a whole new area in the pocket dimension as well as making some pretty good progress towards beating the game!
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Horror Reaction Compilation #2 -
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Hey guys! Welcome to SCP Containment Breach 1.1.5! In this episode I find a whole new area in the pocket dimension as well as making some pretty good progress towards beating the game!
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Horror Reaction Compilation #2 -
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To download the PowerPoint used in the video, please visit: To download the New APUSH curric...
To download the PowerPoint used in the video, please visit: To download the New APUSH curric...
The LCPD First Response (LCPDFR) Mod, is a modification for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV (and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City) which turns the entire concept of GTA titles upside down, and puts the player on the other side of the thin blue line - arresting crooks, not working for them.
LCPDFR now, for the first time, features water-based action. Dotted around the map, players can find LCPD Patrol Boats which can be used to conduct maritime patrols. Ocasionally, there may be callouts related to suspicious activity at sea, which will allow the player to jump into a water pursuit of a fleeing vessel.
LCPD First Response 1.0d►
►Machinimasound-Gold Coast by Jens Kiilstofte -
Finkone Channel►
The LCPD First Response (LCPDFR) Mod, is a modification for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV (and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City) which turns the entire concept of GTA titles upside down, and puts the player on the other side of the thin blue line - arresting crooks, not working for them.
LCPDFR now, for the first time, features water-based action. Dotted around the map, players can find LCPD Patrol Boats which can be used to conduct maritime patrols. Ocasionally, there may be callouts related to suspicious activity at sea, which will allow the player to jump into a water pursuit of a fleeing vessel.
LCPD First Response 1.0d►
►Machinimasound-Gold Coast by Jens Kiilstofte -
Finkone Channel►
The 1.1 release of Star Citizen just appeared, and after a long download process I had a bit of time to play with it and experience the new rental system that lets you earn in game items through gameplay.
The 1.1 release of Star Citizen just appeared, and after a long download process I had a bit of time to play with it and experience the new rental system that lets you earn in game items through gameplay.
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
published:26 Feb 2015
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
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Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
published:19 Jun 2015
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
published:12 Mar 2015
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
published:29 Apr 2015
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat, first-person shooter elements and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers, and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign (titled Squadron 42). The game is built on a modified CryEngine and will feature Oculus Rift support.
Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade, but the exact details are yet to be determined.
A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.
Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer.
You wake up...
The hum of the fusion drive reverberates through the ship's hull. It reminds you that you should probably replace it soon. A quick check on the MobiGlas says there's an Aegis showroom on the planet you're heading to. Couldn't hurt to see what they got, right?
With the Credits you make delivering this cargo, you should be able to buy your ship a little treat. Besides, she's your bread and butter. You roll on your side and look out the window at the vast yawning space outside. A distant planet silently orbits a dying sun.
Your boards light up...
Contact. You kick off the berth and slide into the pilot seat, taking the ship off Auto as you do. Correction, three contacts, pretty far out. Vanduul never raid this far into the Empire... your heart sinks as you mutter to yourself: "Pirates."
You keep bearing and speed, keep shields at current levels. Don't do anything to make them think you're itching to fight. You never know, they might just pass on by. You can't tell what pack they belong to. You've run across pirates in the past, even done business with a few, maybe you'll get lucky...
The three flash their engines and turn to engage you. You charge your shields up full and heat up your guns. You swear to yourself, if you make it through this, to hell with living on the straight and narrow. Times are too tight. You can't afford to keep losing loads. It keeps going like this, you might have to become a pirate tomorrow.
The pirates fan out in an attack formation... but first, you have to make it through today.
Welcome to Star Citizen.
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
published:14 Apr 2015
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Song - N/A "If you are the creator of a song from one of my videos, please be sure to let me know so I can add you & your details to the description! Due to a recent error, all my video descriptions got wiped!"
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
published:26 Feb 2015
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new langua...
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of A...
published:26 Feb 2015
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
Planet Destiny: Before & After 1.1.1 Weapon Damage Analysis
published:26 Feb 2015
Patch Notes:
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
- Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
- Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
- Slightly reduced effective range
- Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
- Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
- Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
- Reduced high-end range values
- Damage falloff starts sooner
- Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
For the latest Destiny news and coverage, check out
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
published:02 Aug 2015
Marth After Patch 1.1.0 - Super Smash Bros. Wii U
Marth After Patch 1.1.0 - Super Smash Bros. Wii U
published:02 Aug 2015
What do you think about the patch?
Let's try to get to 12k subs here!
Follow me on Twitch for streams!
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Music I use:
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. We...
published:19 Jun 2015
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
Geography: Introduction 1.1 - Unacademy UPSC Videos by Roman Saini
published:19 Jun 2015
It deals with introduction of geography and deals with:
1. Importance of Geography
2. Weightage of Geography and Environment in prelims.
3. Geography: Definition, traditional vs modern geography
4. Core areas of Geography: Physical, World and Indian.
5. Useful resources.
6. Geography syllabus in prelims and mains (GS-I, GS-III)
7. GC Leong: Part 1 and Part 2
8. How to prepare Geography for Civil Services Exam
9. Broad topics to be covered
Thanks to Purab Kohli for the special appearance and for supporting the free education initiative.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect ...
published:12 Mar 2015
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
2015 Trek 1.1 Review | Bumstead's Bicycles in Ontario CA
published:12 Mar 2015
Lloyd from Bumstead's Bicycles brings you the 2015 model of Trek's 1.1 Road bike. Perfect for the rider who is just starting or just returning to the sport.
Subscribe to our channel for other 2015 bike reviews and much more!
Video produced by Randy Kirk and Associates
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in...
published:29 Apr 2015
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 - Full Tutorial [1080p 60fps]
published:29 Apr 2015
Trying out the all new tutorial mode in Star Citizen! This tutorial mode was introduced in Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.2 and features the first fully voice acted Star Citizen NPC! Let's take a look!
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Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat, first-person shooter elements and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers, and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign (titled Squadron 42). The game is built on a modified CryEngine and will feature Oculus Rift support.
Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade, but the exact details are yet to be determined.
A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.
Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer.
You wake up...
The hum of the fusion drive reverberates through the ship's hull. It reminds you that you should probably replace it soon. A quick check on the MobiGlas says there's an Aegis showroom on the planet you're heading to. Couldn't hurt to see what they got, right?
With the Credits you make delivering this cargo, you should be able to buy your ship a little treat. Besides, she's your bread and butter. You roll on your side and look out the window at the vast yawning space outside. A distant planet silently orbits a dying sun.
Your boards light up...
Contact. You kick off the berth and slide into the pilot seat, taking the ship off Auto as you do. Correction, three contacts, pretty far out. Vanduul never raid this far into the Empire... your heart sinks as you mutter to yourself: "Pirates."
You keep bearing and speed, keep shields at current levels. Don't do anything to make them think you're itching to fight. You never know, they might just pass on by. You can't tell what pack they belong to. You've run across pirates in the past, even done business with a few, maybe you'll get lucky...
The three flash their engines and turn to engage you. You charge your shields up full and heat up your guns. You swear to yourself, if you make it through this, to hell with living on the straight and narrow. Times are too tight. You can't afford to keep losing loads. It keeps going like this, you might have to become a pirate tomorrow.
The pirates fan out in an attack formation... but first, you have to make it through today.
Welcome to Star Citizen.
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it dea...
published:10 May 2015
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
Science and Technology: Introduction 1.1
published:10 May 2015
Finally, the most demanded series, for which all of you were waiting, is here. Yes, it deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
Visit us at and
Video by Unacademy for IAS Preparation. How to prepare for IAS exam, Best IAS Coaching, IAS Civil Services Syllabus, Study Material for IAS Exam, IAS Civil Services Exam, UPSC Preparation, Tips for IAS, Material for IAS Preparation, UPSC Exam Material, IAS How to prepare, Other good resources: Mrunal and Clearias , IAS preparation tips, How to prepare for IAS 2015, Roman Saini Video
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
If You Enjoyed The Video, Consider Leaving A LIKE :) Thanks.
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published:14 Apr 2015
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
published:14 Apr 2015
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Song - N/A "If you are the creator of a song from one of my videos, please be sure to let me know so I can add you & your details to the description! Due to a recent error, all my video descriptions got wiped!"
Destiny: 1.1.2 Patch Update Details! All Changes Including Vault Space & Raid Changes +More
Minecraft - 1.1.0 - Solar Survival Ep. 8: - Urano e um outro| Silverfish s2
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigo...
Gostou do Vídeo!? Demonstre isso!! Deixe seu Like + Favorito, e compartilhe com seus amigos! Se inscreva para acompanhar uploads futuros!! Obrigado!! Skype: ...
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Dea...
published:26 Feb 2015
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
published:26 Feb 2015
Patch 1.1.1 buffed Pulse Rifles among a lot of other things... It has not made the Red Death, a true death dealer.
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Outro Song:
'We Have Hawkawesome' Remix by Mr. Fruit ft. Biolumiose
DESTINY NEW Red Death Buff Patch 1.1.1 Review OP (Funny Gaming Moments)
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks ...
published:10 Jul 2015
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1
published:10 Jul 2015
NVIDIA HairWorks makes it easy to bring hair and fur to life—in real-time! With HairWorks version 1.1, NVIDIA has added support for authoring, rendering, and simulation of long-hair assets. Since HairWorks is using DX11 for rendering/simulation, it can run on any DX11 capable GPU.
NVIDIA HairWorks 1.1:
William Basinski - d|p 1.1
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke dur...
Disintegration Loop 1.1 consists of one static shot of lower Manhattan billowing smoke during the last hour of daylight on September 11th, 2001, set to the d...
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
For more information, please contact us:
Official Website -
published:09 Apr 2015
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
da Vinci 1.1 Plus - Printing For the First Time
published:09 Apr 2015
For more information, please contact us:
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