the deletions

poems * poetry news * palaver * art * life * culture

Presenting ten square format booklets from Vagabond Press:

New work by Anselm Berrigan, Don Mee Choi
Stephanie Christie, Toby Fitch, Angela Gardner,
Jaimie Gusman, Rachel Loden, Susan M. Schultz
Ann Vickery & Maged Zaher.

Series edited by Pam Brown & designed by Chris Edwards.

For more information - biographies of the poets & notes on the work -
please visit Vagabond Press
While you're there you can pre-order copies of these exciting booklets.

Seizure Magazine is doing a series of Late Night Library events
in Haymarket, Sydney. ALL CUT UP is on the 1st of October:
an evening of collage poetry featuring readings by Kate Fagan,
Pam Brown and Chris Edwards.

(the blurb) Hosted by Toby Fitch and featuring work from three contemporary Australian poets writing in the anti-tradition of collage, 'All Cut Up' is a night for new poetry. The readings will lead provocatively into a hands-on collaging session where the programmed poets will each provide unusual source material (government docs, etiquette books, who knows...?) for attendees to chop up and recombine in whatever illicit way they see fit.
Scissors and glue provided. BYO mental shears and word processors (if you prefer electronic cut-and-paste).

There will also be wine and cheese.

KATE FAGAN — poet and musician whose books include First Light (Giramondo Publishing)and The Long Moment (Salt Publishing).

PAM BROWN — poet of 17 books including Home by Dark (Shearsman), Authentic Local (papertiger press), True Thoughts (Salt Publishing),and Alibis (with French translations, Lulu).

CHRIS EDWARDS — poet and editor whose books include After Naptime (Vagabond Press),People of Earth (Vagabond Press), and A Fluke: A mistranslation of Mallarme's Un Coup de Des (Monogene).

TOBY FITCH — poet of Jerilderies (deciBels series, Vagabond Press),Rawshock (Puncher & Wattmann) and Quarrels (Stale dePress).

Haymarket Library is on the corner of George St & Hay St,
on the Capitol theatre side.

Wednesday 1st October, 8-9pm sharp
so get there from 7:30 onwards.

Free! But book here! because it's a small space.

I've added some recent reviews to Extras on the 'the deletions' side bar - including my review of two books by Jane Joritz-Nakagawa in Plumwood Mountain and a speechette I made at the launch of Kent MacCarter's new book Sputnik's Cousin in Sydney in early August. It was published in Rochford Street Review. The most recent is from The Critical Flame - a review of Rachel Blau DuPlessis' latest collection Interstices published on September 8th.