
“Action Books has been filling a gap in American publishing by translating works that are considered avant-garde masterpieces in other parts of the world into English. They’ve introduced Americans to writers from Sweden, Japan, Korea, Argentina, Chile… and the list goes on. They also published Tao Lin in the US before you knew who he was and had some dumb opinion about him, alongside a variety of other singular, shape-defying voices including big guns like Aase Berg, Kim Hyesoon, Don Mee Choi, Raúl Zurita, Hiromi Ito, and countless others.” Blake Butler, VICE Magazine

Action Books is transnational.
Action Books is interlingual.
Action Books is Futurist.
Action Books is No Future.

Action Books is feminist.
Action Books is political.
Action Books is for noisies.
[. . .]


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Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream / Lucien Stryk Award

September 15th, 2015|


Kim Hyesoon’s Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream is on the shortlist for the Lucien Stryk Award!

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“Talking About What We Don’t Talk About”

September 1st, 2015|

At the Poetry Foundation, Amy King hosts a roundtable discussion on race and avant-garde poetry with Eunsong Kim, Action Books author Lucas de Lima, Hoa Nguyen, Héctor Ramírez, Metta Sáma, and Nikki Wallschlaeger.

“Whether at […]

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Excerpt from Farid Tali’s Prosopopoeia at World Literature Today

August 30th, 2015|

Action Books will publish Prosopopeia by Farid Tali in the fall of 2016 (trans Aditi Machado). Read an excerpt at World Literature Today
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Early reviews of Aase Berg’s Hackers

August 27th, 2015|

From Jönköpings Posten, by Björn Kohlström:
Aase Berg is not only one of Sweden’s most readable poets, but also one of the most important. Since her first book, Hos Rådjur (1997) she has written hard, compressed […]

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Maria Negroni’s Dark Museum reviewed at Luna Luna

August 17th, 2015|

Thanks to Lisa Marie Basile, who writes:
I’ve been obsessing over this book — a collection of poetic essays, really — for months. It is a tiny thing, so it falls into my bags and appears […]

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Kim Hyesoon on the trilingual Renshi & knocking on the world of afterimages

August 14th, 2015|

Poetry is another reality captured through absence. The poet announces the reality’s fast-approaching death with silence-filled words, and by doing so, meets her own death inside poetry. The poet is a being that lives because […]