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Home & Away
A Trans-Tasman Poetry Symposium

In Sydney at
University of Technology & University of Sydney
1-3 September 2010

Participating poets and thinkers:
Miro Bilbrough, Ken Bolton, Pam Brown, Michelle Cahill, Janet Charman, Jen Crawford, Martin Edmond, Michael Farrell, Brian Flaherty, Martin Harrison, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, David Howard, Cath Kenneally, Jill Jones, Michele Leggott, Kate Lilley, Selina Tusitala Marsh, Peter Minter, John Newton, Vivienne Plumb, Chris Price, Nigel Roberts, Jack Ross, Lisa Samuels, Amanda Stewart, Helen Sword, John Tranter, Ann Vickery, Adrian Wiggins,
Mark Young

For further information, locations and the program
                  click here

Everyone Welcome   Free Entry


Sitting duck
in Toodyay

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Lost toy panda
by the roadside

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Digital creature,

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Hearts and minds
in Oruzgan

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You’re the same age
as the ugg boot

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What will tomorrow
be like

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If that isn’t DADA
it’ll have to do

no further credit