Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Extras - Selected Reviews and Other Writings by Pam Brown

(Click on the titles to link to the reviews.)

  • Rachel Blau DuPlessis - Interstices    2014

  • Kent MacCarter - Sputnik's Cousin    2014

  • Jane Joritz-Nakagawa - Flux & Wild Black Lake    2014

  • Louis Armand - Indirect Objects    2014

  • Alan Brunton - Beyond the Ohlala Mountains    2014

  • ubu roi - on the sydney ubu film collective    2013

  • poetry today: position and process : a montage Auckland University, 2013

  • Authentic local - public talk Auckland University, 2013

  • Liam Ferney - Boom    2013

  • Susan Schultz - Dementia Blog Part Two : "She's Welcome to Her Disease"    2013

  • Susan Schultz - Dementia Blog    2005

  • Laurie Duggan - The Collected Blue Hills    2012

  • Jill Jones - Ash is Here, So are Stars    2012

  • October Blog Posts - on various poets - Southerly     2012

  • Commentaries - on various poets - Jacket2    2012

  • Andrew Burke & Phil Hall - Shikibu Shuffle - a note    2012

  • Attention Span - notes on various books    2003 - 2012

  • Kate Lilley - Ladylike    2012

  • Kate Fagan - First Light    2012

  • Launch talk for Vagabond Press Rare Objects - Kit Kelen - Green Thought - Green Shade, S.K. Kelen - Don Juan Variations, Nicolette Stasko - Under Rats, James Stuart - Imitation Era, Niobe Syme - beheld, Adrian Wiggins - Chooks    2012

  • Kevin Davies - The Golden Age of Paraphernalia
    A presentation on an extract    2012 & 2014

  • An Act of Rash Bravado - Pam Brown & Jane Zemiro on Translating Poetry  2011

  • Louis Armand - Letters from Ausland    2011

  • Ken Bolton - Sly Mongoose    2011

  • Pete Spence - Perrier Fever    2011

  • Emma Rooksby, Scott-Patrick Mitchell and J.P. Quinton -
                              New Poets 1    2011

  • Vicki Viidikas - New and Rediscovered    2010

  • Capsule Reviews for Overland magazine - Justin Clemens - Villain, Angela Gardner - Views of the Hudson,
       Homer Rieth - Wimmera, David McComb - Beautiful Waste    2010

  • Philip Mead - Networked Language: Culture & History in Australian

  • Anne Waldman - Interview    2009

  • Miriel Lenore - In The Garden    2008

  • Alan Wearne - The Australian Popular Songbook    2008

  • Laurie Duggan's hiatus - an interview    2008

  • Occasional Poetry - a 'minislec' for The Red Room Company    2007

  • Angela Gardner - Parts of Speech    2007

  • Jeffrey Side - Carrier of the Seed    2007

  • Peter Minter - blue grass    2006

  • John Tranter - Urban Myths : 210 Poems    2006

  • Philip Hammial - Voodoo Realities    2005

  • Recent Australian Poetry - Auckland University    2005

  • How Poets Work    2005

  • Adam Aitken -    2004

  • Poetry and internationalism - Sydney Writers Festival    2004

  • Kate Lilley - Versary    2004

  • New writing - a feature - How2    2003

  • Cassie Lewis - High Country    2002

  • Overland & Jacket - co production    2002

  • Anecdotes - Towards the 70s and Petersham Days

  • A Matter of Poetry: Why and How Does Poetry Matter - Meanjin    2001

  • Writing from an Australian context - How2    2001

  • Here in Berlin    2001

  • Olympic City Tics - Personal Poetics in Sydney in the Year 2000

  • Rolling Column - Australian Book Review    2000

  • S.K. Kelen - Shimmerings    2000

  • Kate Fagan - return to a new physics
    & Peter Minter - Morning, Hyphen

  • Adam Aitken - Romeo and Juliet in Subtitles    2000

  • Patricia Dobrez - Michael Dransfield's Lives : A Sixties Biography    2000

  • Poetry Publishing Heads Back To The Future    2000

  • Five Short Reviews - Jennifer Maiden - Mines, Kevin Hart - Wicked Heat
    Peter Steele - Invisible Riders, David Malouf - Untold Tales
    Peter Minter - Empty Texas    2000

  • Nerdy Dag Talk - at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney    1999

  • Overland #153 - Dorothy Hewett    1998

  • Four Books, Five Poets - S.K. Kelen - Trans-Sumatran Highway and other poems
    Ouyang Yu - Songs of the Last Chinese Poet, - John Kinsella - The Hunt
    Miriel Lenore - travelling alone together and Louise Crisp - Ruby Camp    1998

  • Soundings '97 - Third Biennial National Conference on Poetry    1998

  • Launceston Poetry Festival    1997

  • Looking Across - An Anthology of New Zealand Poetry in English    1997

  • Dorothy Hewett - Collected Poems    1997

  • Adam Aitken - In One House    1996

  • Mina Loy's biographer, Carolyn Burke, in conversation    1995

  • Lofty Anachronism - The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry    1994

  • Asking questions, useless provocations - A Decade at the EAF    1994

  • Qu'est ce que c'est Weirdo?    1991

  • Gay and lesbian poetry in our time: An anthology    1989

  • An interview with David Kerr, eaf    1981

  • Turtles, Dingoes and Parrots - the Broome Aboriginal Arts Group    1981