The Office is a popular mockumentary/sitcom that was first made in the United Kingdom and has now been remade in many other countries, with overall viewership in the hundreds of millions worldwide. The longest running version is the U.S. version which has lasted for eight seasons and 164 episodes as of January 2012. The German version is also still in production and has seen 46 episodes over five seasons. The original UK version was created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. It starred Gervais as the boss and main character. First broadcast on BBC Two on 9 July 2001, the show ran for just 14 episodes – two series of six episodes and a two-part Christmas special.
Gervais has announced he is starting work on a Chinese version of The Office.
Selected major awards won only
Come down sit right here its OK
And my words are spoken slurred every single day
Sure to find some comfort, up against the hallway wall
I know I could, never have it all
Reaching the next level under
Drinking starts this reflex, so I dial your number
But the phone was out of order
Last call was made at 2 AM
Some how when it's broken
Its always there to mend
Stumble don't rumble
Cuase you might get killed
Sip but don't tip
Cause your beer you might spill
Think what you feel
Cause your feelings don't think
Here at the office,
We know just one drink
And I've been living at this address all week
Attractive cause my hair is dull
And my clothes are starting to reek
So when I'm to involved
With the problems I can't solve