Naval Supply Systems Command
The Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is a command of the United States Navy.
Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, the NAVSUP and Navy Supply Corps team deliver logistics and support to the Navy.
NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS)
NAVSUP Business Systems Center (NAVSUP BSC)
Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
NAVSUP Global Logistics Support (NAVSUP GLS)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville (NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk (NAVSUP FLC Norfolk)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor (NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Puget Sound (NAVSUP FLC Puget Sound)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center San Diego (NAVSUP FLC San Diego)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella (NAVSUP FLC Sigonella)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Yokosuka (NAVSUP FLC Yokosuka)
- NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Bahrain (NAVSUP FLC Bahrain)
NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville (NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville)