Kay: The -- uh -- well -- "they."
General John J. Sheehan, General
Charles C. Krulak,
Generals Al Gray,
Donald G. Cook, and espeCIAlly General
James R. Joy. General Jim Joy and General
Carl Steiner General General
Charles E. Wilhelm, Former
U.S. Southern Command --ALL R SATan's LIttlE HELperS/SATelLITE LITtle HELperS--da godS of LITE--
CIA mind control and sexual politics seems to have seeped that bit further into the
Navy than other military departments, Griggs makes the assertion that the
CIA is further down the ladder of influence in covert operations than we may think. She posits another grouping of criminals working within the government and military that she refers to as "
The Joint."
Griggs recounts her husband’s history as a member of the “Cap and Gown” where unusual sex acts were part of initiatory rituals designed to recruit and control participants. “Dining in,” “shell back,” the “
Tail hook” and “cherry marines” are not just military terms but code names for group sex activities which are part and parcel of a homosexual induction.
Young men are allegedly stripped, violated, humiliated and raped. Although the alleged orgies in question are predominantly homosexual, there were also bi-sexual orgies. General Al Gray, General Jim Joy, and General Sheehan were initiated “cherry marines,” and given the task of indoctrinating new recruits for a wide range of useful purposes.
While part of a standard formula for blackmail and mind control, this also serves as a means for rapid advancement through the ranks if you play the game. It has a high cost however – you become shadow government property and prone to emotional overload as the heavy weight of a suppressed conscience returns. The layers of programming designed to dehumanise don’t always strip the individual of their soul and they become the walking dead, unable to escape their fragmented mind. Consequently, many law enforcement and military personnel go off “pop” for precisely these reasons. It would seem that if you begin to question too much, the
Army and Navy have facilities for using psychiatry as a means to detain those who become too vocal or manage to free themselves from programming. Eastern
State Mental Hospital in Williamsburgh is one such place that is alleged to have a high quota of
Army Intelligence personnel who have not played ball.
Sectioning is a convenient method of removing troublesome men who ask too many questions. [5]
Wayne Madsen’s claim of a high level “
X-file” secrecy standing for paedophilia and homosexual blackmail protocols within the
US Navy and
Marine Corp is given further support from Griggs. It is improbable that Grigg’s husband would have shared titbits of information regarding these bizarre rituals if they didn’t have a high percentage of authenticity.
The revelations over the years of serial paedophilia networks in the world at large are an obvious reality so it is hardly illogical to assume that even worse takes place far from prying eyes.
Nazi philosophy, weapons technology and the sciences were not the only things to be injected into the
United States psyche from
Operation PAPERCLIP. Another strain which may have come through this conduit was known as “The
Pink Triangle,” an infestation of occult driven sexual deviants which included rapists, criminals and paedophiles. The individuals were tagged with a pink triangle before being sent to concentration camps during War time
Homosexual men and women were tragically included in this persecution, something which is seldom remembered. However, the key issue here is sexual psychopathy regardless of orientation. According to Griggs and others, thousands of these pink triangle candidates, were brought over to the
States and distributed within the ranks of certain shadow government projects.
- published: 09 Apr 2012
- views: 7147