Alternating Current - A Level Physics
Alternating Current - A Level Physics
Alternating Current - A Level Physics
A description of AC electricity - its sine wave function, generation, power, root mean square, transformers, transmission and rectification
AC vs. DC
AC vs. DC
AC vs. DC
Electricity video #2. Explaining the difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Thank you too:
PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado, their link is posted below. These are amazing to use within classrooms.
What is Alternating Current?
What is Alternating Current?
What is Alternating Current?
In this lesson, we will discuss what Alternating Current (AC) is and how it differs from DC current in a circuit.
Doc Physics - Intro to AC Circuits using Phasors and RMS Voltage and Current
Doc Physics - Intro to AC Circuits using Phasors and RMS Voltage and Current
Doc Physics - Intro to AC Circuits using Phasors and RMS Voltage and Current
We will use a cool method of describing the oscillation of current and voltage called phasors, which are fixed-length vectors that rotate at a constant frequ...
AC Power - Alternating Current Generation - Explained
AC Power - Alternating Current Generation - Explained
AC Power - Alternating Current Generation - Explained
What is AC power? What is an alternating current? How is an alternating current generated? Alternating currents are exactly what they sound like. A flow of e...
Alternating Current Fundamentals
Alternating Current Fundamentals
Alternating Current Fundamentals
Most of the electrical equipment used today operates on alternating current (AC). The purpose of this training unit is to review significant terms, concepts,...
Direct Current And Alternating Current MOTORS AND GENERATORS How Do They Work.
AC 01: Introduction to Alternating Current
AC 01: Introduction to Alternating Current
AC 01: Introduction to Alternating Current
Topics: Alternating Current, Production of Alternating Current, Average value of AC over half cycle, Mean or average of Alternating EMF Physics, class XII, U...
Electromagnetic AC Generator
Electromagnetic AC Generator
Electromagnetic AC Generator
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In this animated module, how an AC generator produces electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is explained for better understanding and retention. The principle behind the working of AC generator is also explained.
For more video's on digital education subscribe to our channel - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7t6bG2oCbKXBm2vyVwCdwQ
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Electric Motors: "AC Motors and Generators" 1961 US Army Training Film
Electric Motors: "AC Motors and Generators" 1961 US Army Training Film
Electric Motors: "AC Motors and Generators" 1961 US Army Training Film
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/
US Army Training Film TF9-3107
Reupload of a previously uploaded film, in one piece instead of multiple parts.
Electronics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA9B0175C3E15B47
Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduc
Nikola Tesla Inventions - Alternating Current Explaination
Nikola Tesla Inventions - Alternating Current Explaination
Nikola Tesla Inventions - Alternating Current Explaination
Nikola Tesla Inventions http://nikolateslaenergy.com/digi - Nikola Tesla Invention Official Website https://twitter.com/nikolateslainv - Nikola Tesla Inventi...
AC vs DC Power?
AC vs DC Power?
AC vs DC Power?
The story about why DC power systems are returning to common use and how it is happening.
The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC)
The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC)
The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC)
Have you always wondered if you shocked yourself with electricity, which type of electricity would hurt more: AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current)...
Conceptual Physics : Alternating Current
Conceptual Physics : Alternating Current
Conceptual Physics : Alternating Current
Paul Hewitt explains how alternating current works.
Direct Current versus Alternating Current
Direct Current versus Alternating Current
Direct Current versus Alternating Current
This animation contrasts the motion of conventional charge in AC and DC circuits.
Alternating Current Generator
Alternating Current Generator
Alternating Current Generator
Check out us at:http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iv/alternating-currents/dynamo.php Alternating Current Generator An 'AC generator' or 'dyna...
Alternating Current
Alternating Current
Alternating Current
The ups and downs of Alternating Current. Note: the video compression process makes the oscilloscope images a little strange...
Alternating Current
Alternating Current
Alternating Current
Download the Show Notes: http://www.mindset.co.za/learn/sites/files/LXL2013/LXL_Gr12Physical%20Sciences_12_AC%20Current_23July.pdf In this live Grade 12 Phys...
What does AC and DC mean for electronics?
What does AC and DC mean for electronics?
What does AC and DC mean for electronics?
Twitter: @addohms Web: www.addohms.com Just what the heck is the difference between "AC" and "DC? And if the "C" stands for "current", then why do people say...
Physics Alternating current part 1 (Introduction) CBSE class 12
Physics Alternating current part 1 (Introduction) CBSE class 12
Physics Alternating current part 1 (Introduction) CBSE class 12
Physics Alternating current part 1 (Introduction) CBSE class 12.
Magnetic field experiments, high alternating current in a coil, frequency= 147 kHz
Magnetic field experiments, high alternating current in a coil, frequency= 147 kHz
Magnetic field experiments, high alternating current in a coil, frequency= 147 kHz
Vainglory - Changing The Meta - Ep 7 - Alternating Current/Atk. Speed Celeste
Vainglory - Changing The Meta - Ep 7 - Alternating Current/Atk. Speed Celeste
Vainglory - Changing The Meta - Ep 7 - Alternating Current/Atk. Speed Celeste
Vainglory changing the meta attack speed celeste!
About The Game:
Outplay real opponents in this deep, uncompromising real-time MOBA. Fight with lightning-fast controls using powerful heroes. Destroy the enemy Vain crystal and claim glory! Watch the preview video now to see real gameplay of 3-vs-3 multiplayer battles. (Yeah, it really looks like the screenshots.)
Anyone who is advertising, spamming, or just being rude in the comments will be banned from my channel permanently.
I stream on mSportz. mSportz is a brand new mobile game focused streaming service currently only for android (though that is set to chang
Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - Alternating Current Circuits - Video 176
Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - Alternating Current Circuits - Video 176
Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - Alternating Current Circuits - Video 176
Suscribete a mi Canal: http://bit.ly/ULHegl - Ejercicios de Aplicacion Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - http://www.miprofesordefisica.com - Ejercicio sencillo para calcular la corriente y el voltaje en funcion del tiempo en un circuito RLC.
Alternating Current - A Level Physics
A description of AC electricity - its sine wave function, generation, power, root mean square, transformers, transmission and rectification
A description of AC electricity - its sine wave function, generation, power, root mean square, transformers, transmission and rectification...
wn.com/Alternating Current A Level Physics
A description of AC electricity - its sine wave function, generation, power, root mean square, transformers, transmission and rectification
- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 61704
AC vs. DC
Electricity video #2. Explaining the difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Thank you too:
PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado, their link is posted below. These are amazing to use within classrooms.
Electricity video #2. Explaining the difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Thank you too:
PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Col...
wn.com/Ac Vs. DC
Electricity video #2. Explaining the difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Thank you too:
PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado, their link is posted below. These are amazing to use within classrooms.
- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 93
What is Alternating Current?
In this lesson, we will discuss what Alternating Current (AC) is and how it differs from DC current in a circuit.
In this lesson, we will discuss what Alternating Current (AC) is and how it differs from DC current in a circuit....
wn.com/What Is Alternating Current
In this lesson, we will discuss what Alternating Current (AC) is and how it differs from DC current in a circuit.
Doc Physics - Intro to AC Circuits using Phasors and RMS Voltage and Current
We will use a cool method of describing the oscillation of current and voltage called phasors, which are fixed-length vectors that rotate at a constant frequ...
We will use a cool method of describing the oscillation of current and voltage called phasors, which are fixed-length vectors that rotate at a constant frequ......
wn.com/Doc Physics Intro To Ac Circuits Using Phasors And Rms Voltage And Current
We will use a cool method of describing the oscillation of current and voltage called phasors, which are fixed-length vectors that rotate at a constant frequ...
AC Power - Alternating Current Generation - Explained
What is AC power? What is an alternating current? How is an alternating current generated? Alternating currents are exactly what they sound like. A flow of e...
What is AC power? What is an alternating current? How is an alternating current generated? Alternating currents are exactly what they sound like. A flow of e......
wn.com/Ac Power Alternating Current Generation Explained
What is AC power? What is an alternating current? How is an alternating current generated? Alternating currents are exactly what they sound like. A flow of e...
Alternating Current Fundamentals
Most of the electrical equipment used today operates on alternating current (AC). The purpose of this training unit is to review significant terms, concepts,...
Most of the electrical equipment used today operates on alternating current (AC). The purpose of this training unit is to review significant terms, concepts,......
wn.com/Alternating Current Fundamentals
Most of the electrical equipment used today operates on alternating current (AC). The purpose of this training unit is to review significant terms, concepts,...
Direct Current And Alternating Current MOTORS AND GENERATORS How Do They Work.
Direct Current And Alternating Current MOTORS AND GENERATORS How Do They Work....
wn.com/DC And Ac Motors And Generators How Do They Work
Direct Current And Alternating Current MOTORS AND GENERATORS How Do They Work.
AC 01: Introduction to Alternating Current
Topics: Alternating Current, Production of Alternating Current, Average value of AC over half cycle, Mean or average of Alternating EMF Physics, class XII, U...
Topics: Alternating Current, Production of Alternating Current, Average value of AC over half cycle, Mean or average of Alternating EMF Physics, class XII, U......
wn.com/Ac 01 Introduction To Alternating Current
Topics: Alternating Current, Production of Alternating Current, Average value of AC over half cycle, Mean or average of Alternating EMF Physics, class XII, U...
Electromagnetic AC Generator
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For more details visit http://www.extramarks.com
In this animated module, how an AC generator produces electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is explained for better understanding and retention. The principle behind the working of AC generator is also explained.
For more video's on digital education subscribe to our channel - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7t6bG2oCbKXBm2vyVwCdwQ
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Like us on our FB page - http://www.facebook.com/ExtramarksDigitalEducation
For more details visit http://www.extramarks.com
In this animated module, how an AC ...
wn.com/Electromagnetic Ac Generator
Like us on our FB page - http://www.facebook.com/ExtramarksDigitalEducation
For more details visit http://www.extramarks.com
In this animated module, how an AC generator produces electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is explained for better understanding and retention. The principle behind the working of AC generator is also explained.
For more video's on digital education subscribe to our channel - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7t6bG2oCbKXBm2vyVwCdwQ
Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/extramarks
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 12
Electric Motors: "AC Motors and Generators" 1961 US Army Training Film
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/
US Army Training Film TF9-3107
Reupload of a previously uploaded film, in one piece instead of multiple parts.
Electronics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA9B0175C3E15B47
Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
An AC motor is an electric motor driven by an alternating current.
It commonly consists of two basic parts, an outside stationary stator having coils supplied with alternating current to produce a rotating magnetic field, and an inside rotor attached to the output shaft that is given a torque by the rotating field.
There are two main types of AC motors, depending on the type of rotor used. The first type is the induction motor, which runs slightly slower than the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor of this motor is created by an induced current. The second type is the synchronous motor, which does not rely on induction and as a result, can rotate exactly at the supply frequency or a sub-multiple of the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor is either generated by current delivered through slip rings or by a permanent magnet. Other types of motors include eddy current motors, and also AC/DC mechanically commutated machines in which speed is dependent on voltage and winding connection.
Squirrel-cage rotors
Most common AC motors use the squirrel cage rotor, which will be found in virtually all domestic and light industrial alternating current motors... It is typically cast aluminum or copper poured between the iron laminates of the rotor, and usually only the end rings will be visible. The vast majority of the rotor currents will flow through the bars rather than the higher-resistance and usually varnished laminates. Very low voltages at very high currents are typical in the bars and end rings; high efficiency motors will often use cast copper to reduce the resistance in the rotor.
In operation, the squirrel cage motor may be viewed as a transformer with a rotating secondary. When the rotor is not rotating in sync with the magnetic field, large rotor currents are induced; the large rotor currents magnetize the rotor and interact with the stator's magnetic fields to bring the rotor almost into synchronization with the stator's field. An unloaded squirrel cage motor at rated no-load speed will consume electrical power only to maintain rotor speed against friction and resistance losses. As the mechanical load increases, so will the electrical load...
This is why a squirrel cage blower motor may cause household lights to dim upon starting, but does not dim the lights on startup when its fan belt (and therefore mechanical load) is removed...
To prevent the currents induced in the squirrel cage from superimposing itself back onto the supply, the squirrel cage is generally constructed with a prime number of bars, or at least a small multiple of a prime number (rarely more than 2)...
Virtually every washing machine, dishwasher, standalone fan, record player, etc. uses some variant of a squirrel cage motor.
Calecon Effect
If the rotor of a squirrel cage motor runs at the true synchronous speed, the flux in the rotor at any given place on the rotor would not change, and no current would be created in the squirrel cage. For this reason, ordinary squirrel-cage motors run at some tens of rpm slower than synchronous speed...
Two-phase AC servo motors
A typical two-phase AC servo-motor has a squirrel cage rotor and a field consisting of two windings:
- a constant-voltage (AC) main winding.
- a control-voltage (AC) winding in quadrature (i.e., 90 degrees phase shifted) with the main winding so as to produce a rotating magnetic field. Reversing phase makes the motor reverse.
An AC servo amplifier, a linear power amplifier, feeds the control winding. The electrical resistance of the rotor is made high intentionally so that the speed/torque curve is fairly linear. Two-phase servo motors are inherently high-speed, low-torque devices, heavily geared down to drive the load.
Single-phase AC induction motors
Three-phase motors produce a rotating magnetic field. However, when only single-phase power is available, the rotating magnetic field must be produced using other means. Several methods are commonly used:..
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/
wn.com/Electric Motors Ac Motors And Generators 1961 US Army Training Film
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/
US Army Training Film TF9-3107
Reupload of a previously uploaded film, in one piece instead of multiple parts.
Electronics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA9B0175C3E15B47
Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
An AC motor is an electric motor driven by an alternating current.
It commonly consists of two basic parts, an outside stationary stator having coils supplied with alternating current to produce a rotating magnetic field, and an inside rotor attached to the output shaft that is given a torque by the rotating field.
There are two main types of AC motors, depending on the type of rotor used. The first type is the induction motor, which runs slightly slower than the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor of this motor is created by an induced current. The second type is the synchronous motor, which does not rely on induction and as a result, can rotate exactly at the supply frequency or a sub-multiple of the supply frequency. The magnetic field on the rotor is either generated by current delivered through slip rings or by a permanent magnet. Other types of motors include eddy current motors, and also AC/DC mechanically commutated machines in which speed is dependent on voltage and winding connection.
Squirrel-cage rotors
Most common AC motors use the squirrel cage rotor, which will be found in virtually all domestic and light industrial alternating current motors... It is typically cast aluminum or copper poured between the iron laminates of the rotor, and usually only the end rings will be visible. The vast majority of the rotor currents will flow through the bars rather than the higher-resistance and usually varnished laminates. Very low voltages at very high currents are typical in the bars and end rings; high efficiency motors will often use cast copper to reduce the resistance in the rotor.
In operation, the squirrel cage motor may be viewed as a transformer with a rotating secondary. When the rotor is not rotating in sync with the magnetic field, large rotor currents are induced; the large rotor currents magnetize the rotor and interact with the stator's magnetic fields to bring the rotor almost into synchronization with the stator's field. An unloaded squirrel cage motor at rated no-load speed will consume electrical power only to maintain rotor speed against friction and resistance losses. As the mechanical load increases, so will the electrical load...
This is why a squirrel cage blower motor may cause household lights to dim upon starting, but does not dim the lights on startup when its fan belt (and therefore mechanical load) is removed...
To prevent the currents induced in the squirrel cage from superimposing itself back onto the supply, the squirrel cage is generally constructed with a prime number of bars, or at least a small multiple of a prime number (rarely more than 2)...
Virtually every washing machine, dishwasher, standalone fan, record player, etc. uses some variant of a squirrel cage motor.
Calecon Effect
If the rotor of a squirrel cage motor runs at the true synchronous speed, the flux in the rotor at any given place on the rotor would not change, and no current would be created in the squirrel cage. For this reason, ordinary squirrel-cage motors run at some tens of rpm slower than synchronous speed...
Two-phase AC servo motors
A typical two-phase AC servo-motor has a squirrel cage rotor and a field consisting of two windings:
- a constant-voltage (AC) main winding.
- a control-voltage (AC) winding in quadrature (i.e., 90 degrees phase shifted) with the main winding so as to produce a rotating magnetic field. Reversing phase makes the motor reverse.
An AC servo amplifier, a linear power amplifier, feeds the control winding. The electrical resistance of the rotor is made high intentionally so that the speed/torque curve is fairly linear. Two-phase servo motors are inherently high-speed, low-torque devices, heavily geared down to drive the load.
Single-phase AC induction motors
Three-phase motors produce a rotating magnetic field. However, when only single-phase power is available, the rotating magnetic field must be produced using other means. Several methods are commonly used:..
- published: 26 Oct 2014
- views: 20
Nikola Tesla Inventions - Alternating Current Explaination
Nikola Tesla Inventions http://nikolateslaenergy.com/digi - Nikola Tesla Invention Official Website https://twitter.com/nikolateslainv - Nikola Tesla Inventi...
Nikola Tesla Inventions http://nikolateslaenergy.com/digi - Nikola Tesla Invention Official Website https://twitter.com/nikolateslainv - Nikola Tesla Inventi......
wn.com/Nikola Tesla Inventions Alternating Current Explaination
Nikola Tesla Inventions http://nikolateslaenergy.com/digi - Nikola Tesla Invention Official Website https://twitter.com/nikolateslainv - Nikola Tesla Inventi...
AC vs DC Power?
The story about why DC power systems are returning to common use and how it is happening.
The story about why DC power systems are returning to common use and how it is happening....
wn.com/Ac Vs DC Power
The story about why DC power systems are returning to common use and how it is happening.
The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC)
Have you always wondered if you shocked yourself with electricity, which type of electricity would hurt more: AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current)...
Have you always wondered if you shocked yourself with electricity, which type of electricity would hurt more: AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current)......
wn.com/The Pain Of Electricity (Ac Versus Dc)
Have you always wondered if you shocked yourself with electricity, which type of electricity would hurt more: AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current)...
Conceptual Physics : Alternating Current
Paul Hewitt explains how alternating current works.
Paul Hewitt explains how alternating current works....
wn.com/Conceptual Physics Alternating Current
Paul Hewitt explains how alternating current works.
- published: 22 May 2011
- views: 15847
Direct Current versus Alternating Current
This animation contrasts the motion of conventional charge in AC and DC circuits.
This animation contrasts the motion of conventional charge in AC and DC circuits....
wn.com/Direct Current Versus Alternating Current
This animation contrasts the motion of conventional charge in AC and DC circuits.
Alternating Current Generator
Check out us at:http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iv/alternating-currents/dynamo.php Alternating Current Generator An 'AC generator' or 'dyna...
Check out us at:http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iv/alternating-currents/dynamo.php Alternating Current Generator An 'AC generator' or 'dyna......
wn.com/Alternating Current Generator
Check out us at:http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iv/alternating-currents/dynamo.php Alternating Current Generator An 'AC generator' or 'dyna...
- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 7251
Alternating Current
The ups and downs of Alternating Current. Note: the video compression process makes the oscilloscope images a little strange...
The ups and downs of Alternating Current. Note: the video compression process makes the oscilloscope images a little strange......
wn.com/Alternating Current
The ups and downs of Alternating Current. Note: the video compression process makes the oscilloscope images a little strange...
- published: 05 May 2008
- views: 57877
Alternating Current
Download the Show Notes: http://www.mindset.co.za/learn/sites/files/LXL2013/LXL_Gr12Physical%20Sciences_12_AC%20Current_23July.pdf In this live Grade 12 Phys...
Download the Show Notes: http://www.mindset.co.za/learn/sites/files/LXL2013/LXL_Gr12Physical%20Sciences_12_AC%20Current_23July.pdf In this live Grade 12 Phys......
wn.com/Alternating Current
Download the Show Notes: http://www.mindset.co.za/learn/sites/files/LXL2013/LXL_Gr12Physical%20Sciences_12_AC%20Current_23July.pdf In this live Grade 12 Phys...
What does AC and DC mean for electronics?
Twitter: @addohms Web: www.addohms.com Just what the heck is the difference between "AC" and "DC? And if the "C" stands for "current", then why do people say...
Twitter: @addohms Web: www.addohms.com Just what the heck is the difference between "AC" and "DC? And if the "C" stands for "current", then why do people say......
wn.com/What Does Ac And DC Mean For Electronics
Twitter: @addohms Web: www.addohms.com Just what the heck is the difference between "AC" and "DC? And if the "C" stands for "current", then why do people say...
- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 19756
Vainglory - Changing The Meta - Ep 7 - Alternating Current/Atk. Speed Celeste
Vainglory changing the meta attack speed celeste!
About The Game:
Outplay real opponents in this deep, uncompromising real-time MOBA. Fight with lightning-fast controls using powerful heroes. Destroy the enemy Vain crystal and claim glory! Watch the preview video now to see real gameplay of 3-vs-3 multiplayer battles. (Yeah, it really looks like the screenshots.)
Anyone who is advertising, spamming, or just being rude in the comments will be banned from my channel permanently.
I stream on mSportz. mSportz is a brand new mobile game focused streaming service currently only for android (though that is set to change very soon). If you'd like to download the mSportz app so you can watch me you can get it here: http://www.msportz.tv/beta
My streaming schedule is as follows (note that I tweet out before I stream so following me on twitter is an easy way to stay notified):
Friday 12PM - 2PM CDT
Saturday 12PM - 2PM CDT
My Setup:
For those of you wondering how all my videos are made here is the jist.
I have my mobile device (either NVIDIA Shield Tablet or iPad Air 1 depending on the game) hooked up to my Elgato Game Capture HD. My Elgato Game Capture HD is connected to my stock HP Pavilion 500 computer where I record my gameplay in 1080p 30fps. My facecam is recorded with a Logitech C920 webcam through their stock software at 720p 30fps. My audio is recorded with my Blue Snowball Mic in Audacity. I edit all my videos in Sony Vegas 12 Pro and render them to my 2 Tb external SS hard drive. All my graphics including overlays and thumbnails are made in Photoshop CS6.
Suggest Video Ideas:
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The "Vainglory Gameplay | Commander Alex" Twitter
For Business Inquires Only
Intro Music Credit
Intro Designer
Background Music Credit
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Vainglory changing the meta attack speed celeste!
About The Game:
Outplay real opponents in this deep, uncompromising real-time MOBA. Fight with lightning-fa...
wn.com/Vainglory Changing The Meta Ep 7 Alternating Current Atk. Speed Celeste
Vainglory changing the meta attack speed celeste!
About The Game:
Outplay real opponents in this deep, uncompromising real-time MOBA. Fight with lightning-fast controls using powerful heroes. Destroy the enemy Vain crystal and claim glory! Watch the preview video now to see real gameplay of 3-vs-3 multiplayer battles. (Yeah, it really looks like the screenshots.)
Anyone who is advertising, spamming, or just being rude in the comments will be banned from my channel permanently.
I stream on mSportz. mSportz is a brand new mobile game focused streaming service currently only for android (though that is set to change very soon). If you'd like to download the mSportz app so you can watch me you can get it here: http://www.msportz.tv/beta
My streaming schedule is as follows (note that I tweet out before I stream so following me on twitter is an easy way to stay notified):
Friday 12PM - 2PM CDT
Saturday 12PM - 2PM CDT
My Setup:
For those of you wondering how all my videos are made here is the jist.
I have my mobile device (either NVIDIA Shield Tablet or iPad Air 1 depending on the game) hooked up to my Elgato Game Capture HD. My Elgato Game Capture HD is connected to my stock HP Pavilion 500 computer where I record my gameplay in 1080p 30fps. My facecam is recorded with a Logitech C920 webcam through their stock software at 720p 30fps. My audio is recorded with my Blue Snowball Mic in Audacity. I edit all my videos in Sony Vegas 12 Pro and render them to my 2 Tb external SS hard drive. All my graphics including overlays and thumbnails are made in Photoshop CS6.
Suggest Video Ideas:
Subscribe To "Vainglory Gameplay | Commander Alex"
The "Vainglory Gameplay | Commander Alex" Twitter
For Business Inquires Only
Intro Music Credit
Intro Designer
Background Music Credit
How To Get FREE Itunes Gift Cards:
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 1067
Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - Alternating Current Circuits - Video 176
Suscribete a mi Canal: http://bit.ly/ULHegl - Ejercicios de Aplicacion Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - http://www.miprofesordefisica.com - Ejercicio sencillo para calcular la corriente y el voltaje en funcion del tiempo en un circuito RLC.
Suscribete a mi Canal: http://bit.ly/ULHegl - Ejercicios de Aplicacion Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - http://www.miprofesordefisica.com - Ejercic...
wn.com/Análisis De Circuitos En Corriente Alterna Alternating Current Circuits Video 176
Suscribete a mi Canal: http://bit.ly/ULHegl - Ejercicios de Aplicacion Análisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna - http://www.miprofesordefisica.com - Ejercicio sencillo para calcular la corriente y el voltaje en funcion del tiempo en un circuito RLC.
- published: 15 Aug 2014
- views: 143