
Shoutout for Support: Amazon on Hunger Strike

  • Posted on: 19 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Amazon, a transfemale from Gender Anarky in prison in California, began a hunger strike the morning of October 7, 2015 for transfer to a women's prison. Amazon is legally a female. In January 2015, Amazon's birth certificate was amended by the Office of Vital Records in Sacramento to record her sex as "female." Under a new law signed by the governor, transexuals no longer need full sex-reassignment surgery to amend their vital records, but instead a doctor's declaration of transition to reflect their current gender. Amazon accomplished this. She then applied for a transfer to a women's prison. The prison required Amazon to present her new birth certificate. However, prison rules prohibit inmates from possessing birth certificates and Amazon asked the prison to verify the document with the Office of Vital Records. The prison refused to do so. Amazon then attempted to file a grievance over the issue, but she was again required to produce her birth certificate to pursue a grievance.

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Update: Trial Continuance and Mailroom Censorship

  • Posted on: 16 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


We have just received word that Eric’s trial is likely to be continued yet again. Eric’s public defender has entered a motion to continue his trial date until March 8th, so that we can have more time to prepare for trial or otherwise resolve the case. We expect that the judge will grant the motion.

Message from Evi Statiri about her release from prison

  • Posted on: 7 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The first thing you realize once you are released is that your eyes no longer stumble into walls, railings and dividers. They can wander and see the sky barbed wire. Also, your footsteps are no longer numbered. Twenty up to the wall of the courtyard, twenty to return to your cell. Certainly in my own case the walls of the courtyard have expanded to a kilometer from my house and I am not allowed to have any contact with my partner...

But anyway, I feel my release is just the first victory against the fear and injustice they want to impose upon us as a condition of life...

Former Political Prisoner Panel in Denver, 2015 (pt 1)

  • Posted on: 6 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on October 5th, 2015 through October 11th, then podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM.

Greece: Evi Statiri commences hunger strike in Korydallos Women's Prison

  • Posted on: 14 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Insurrection News


Against fear and injustice

From today, September 14, the calendar on my cell wall will not change page. This date will remain stuck there up to the day of freedom.

Today, September 14, I begin a HUNGER STRIKE for my release; against the fear of power, against the lies of journalists, against the apathy, against the silence...

Cops, judges and politicians caged my days within the walls of this prison but they cannot cage my dignity or my desire for freedom...


Greece: “From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou

  • Posted on: 13 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Inter Arma

The captivity condition in which I find myself for 4,5 years now as a vindictive and exemplary punishment has created a distance between me and outside reality, action. Besides, the purpose of imprisonment for those who fight against the existent is separation, deprivation, political isolation, moral annihilation. But there are always bars to brake either you walk in the monotonous sterile corridors of a “penitentiary” or you cross the decorated streets of consumption of prison-society. Now, within the prison cells of democracy, my need for freedom continues to give breath to my each day. It’s my moving force, to think, to imagine, to organize, to act. The decision of total conflict with the existing, the power of individual choice enriched by collective action experiences, are the ingredients that can penetrate the prison bars and high walls. Why in prison you don’t give up… you go on. You reorganize yourself and you fight. For 4,5 years I wake up in a bed in prison always a little after sunrise, although many times I liked sleeping more when I was out, I organize my every move, although outside the spontaneous often moved me, I analyze and judge the data (political and personal) of yesterday’s day alone, although outside I always shared them with comrades. For 4,5 years I wake up every morning feeling sure that I alone defined my participation in the war against any form of authority and that freedom is not given away… you conquer it yourself.

Solidarity with Dariusz “Jus” Brzeski, Prisoner of Germany’s Hambach Forest Struggle

  • Posted on: 9 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

6 weeks ago our comrade Jus got taken from us at the eviction of Remi’s Tower, a huge barricade built in honour of Remi Fraisse, who got killed by the freakin cops.

The first 3 weeks Jus was on hunger strike and as a reaction to that the cops told him he did not have a lawyer registered (which he had) and put him in a isolation cell, where it is hard to sleep because they check every 15 minutes if you are not dead yet by turning the lights on and off. All the letters he receives now get checked and it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for them to get to him. He is in prison for 6 weeks and only had two visits. It is extremely difficult to arrange visits, because there has to be an interpreter at all times, and they want audio-visual surveillance. Also his phone privileges are restricted to only his lawyer (even though everyone else can call whoever the fuck they want) and even about that they are being assholes.

Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp 2015: Towards a world without prisons

  • Posted on: 8 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From the 28th August to the 2nd September 2015, the Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp drew over 130 people to Wrexham, North Wales, to resist the ‘North Wales Prison Project,’ the construction of Europe’s second largest prison. Held at Borras Community Protection Camp, a site camp established to oppose fracking in the area, the gathering sought to link land struggles with resistance to the prison industrial complex(1) and ongoing mechanisms of state violence and dispossession.

Connecting the dots

(A-Radio) ABC Belarus on the release of the prisoners and the upcoming elections

  • Posted on: 5 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we made an interview with ABC Belarus on the release of the anarchist prisoners and the upcoming elections.

Length: 5:18 min

On August 22, the Belarusian president Lukashenko signed papers to release all official political prisoners in the country. This includes the three anarchists that were still imprisoned. We talked with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their release and the upcoming elections among other things. You can find more information also in English on the website of ABC Belarus:
