Avignon, France: Youthful City in Medieval Walls
Avignon, France: Youthful City in Medieval Walls
Avignon, France: Youthful City in Medieval Walls
With its large student population and fashionable shops, Avignon is an intriguing blend of medieval history, youthful energy, and urban sophistication. Subsc...
Avignon - France-day 1A
Avignon - France-day 1A
Avignon - France-day 1A
http://tourvideos.com/ Home to nine popes during the 14th century and one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palace...
Avignon, France part 1, walking tour in Old Town
Avignon, France part 1, walking tour in Old Town
Avignon, France part 1, walking tour in Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ We start at one of the most picturesque streets in town, Rue des Teinturiers, the "street of the tinters." Several ancient water wheel...
Avignon, France part 2 walking tour in Old Town
Avignon, France part 2 walking tour in Old Town
Avignon, France part 2 walking tour in Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon's Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for stroll...
Avignon - France-day 1C
Avignon - France-day 1C
Avignon - France-day 1C
http://tourvideos.com/ Exploring on foot the Old Town of Avignon, main city of Provence in the south of France. Enter the Porte du Rhône gate through the tow...
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, tous en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comme ça, Et puis encore comme ça. S...
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Voici la comptine "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" pour bébés et petits enfants.
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les beaux messieurs font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les belles dames font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les cordonniers font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les blanchisseuses font comme
Janusz Radek Pocztówka z Avignon
Janusz Radek Pocztówka z Avignon
Janusz Radek Pocztówka z Avignon
Janusz Radek Klip do piosenki Pocztówka z Avignon
Vidéo Avignon : visite guidée de la ville
Vidéo Avignon : visite guidée de la ville
Vidéo Avignon : visite guidée de la ville
Suivez notre reporter Mathieu à Avignon pour la journée : tout d'abord visite du palais des Papes, puis une petite danse sur le célèbre Pont d'Avignon, découverte de l'église Saint-Pierre et des autres monuments du centre historique de la ville. Mathieu vous mène ensuite aux Halles pour goûter les produits provençaux et méditerranéens. Après le marché direction les fourneaux ! Le chef jean-Claude Altmayer nous accueille dans sa cuisine : au menu, rouget de la Méditerranée et salade de betteraves. Une fois le fleuve traversé en navette, Mathieu peut se détendre en faisant un tour à vélo sur l'Ile de la Barthelasse.
Avignon Papacy
Avignon Papacy
Avignon Papacy
In this video, we take a look at the Avignon Papacy (1305-1377) and the context of the 100 Years War. For over 70 years the papacy moved from Rome to the city of Avignon, and the story about this move tells us a great deal about the 14th century and the Catholic Church in that day.
Reportage sur Avignon, trafic d'armes, braquages
Reportage sur Avignon, trafic d'armes, braquages
Reportage sur Avignon, trafic d'armes, braquages
http://avignonsudblock84.skyrock.com/ http://avignon-en-image.over-blog.com/
Abonne toi.
Avignon Monclar La Rocade la barbiere snr les grand cypres les quartiers du 84 du vaucluse paca avignon ! son: N-TITO ma première pierre (extrait du street album N-Tito LA FRANCE D'EN BAS) avignon 84 kamelancien kery james rohff booba ol'kainry zup quartier banlieu cité delinquance france arabe noir en froce afrique en force islam unique religion ! 84 13 83 06 91 92 93 94 95 77 78 75 59 67 44 38 66 31 Algérie tunisie maroc 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 !! emeute monclar 84 gitan arabe mino mina zaho k
Avignon Provence
Avignon Provence
Avignon Provence
http://www.eurodestination.com/short-breaks-avignon-eurostar.html We spent two days in the town of Avignon in Provence, France. We got there by taking the Eu...
L'OMBRE 2 JUILLET : La face cachée du Festival d'Avignon
L'OMBRE 2 JUILLET : La face cachée du Festival d'Avignon
L'OMBRE 2 JUILLET : La face cachée du Festival d'Avignon
Au festival d'Avignon, la "culture" s'étale et se vend. Pendant le mois de Juillet, la paisible bourgade devient un enfer grouillant d'intermiteux sous-payés...
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D Encuentranos en Facebook ▻ http://on.fb.me/17iqRf3 Siguenos en Twitter ▻ http://bit.ly/1bl5Z7F.
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 1/6 )
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 1/6 )
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 1/6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 3/6 )
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 3/6 )
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 3/6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
Avignon é a cidade mais fascinante da Provance, sul da França.
Avignon é a cidade mais fascinante da Provance, sul da França.
Avignon é a cidade mais fascinante da Provance, sul da França.
Quem já conhece o sul da França vai com certeza concordar comigo, é uma região que conquista e fascina, seja, pelos maravilhosos vilarejos, pela gastronomia ...
Comptine : Sur le pont d'Avignon
Comptine : Sur le pont d'Avignon
Comptine : Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon PAROLES Sur le pont d'Avignon On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse tous en rond. Les belles dames font comme ça: B...
Tema musical del CD: LAS MAS HERMOSAS RONDAS INFANTILES - buscalo en : www.ebay.com ---Te invito a visitar mi canal haciendo CLICK en : artesaniaslat ( en co...
Après la première édition, WORLD TRANCE & THE WALKING BIRD remettent le couvert pour une édition encore plus folle du WORLD TRANCE FESTIVAL. Nous avons l'hon...
KARAOKE Sobre el Puente de Avignon con letra
KARAOKE Sobre el Puente de Avignon con letra
KARAOKE Sobre el Puente de Avignon con letra
KARAOKE Sobre el Puente de Avignon con letra.
El Puente De Avignon / Canta Y Juega / Ivonne e Ivette
El Puente De Avignon / Canta Y Juega / Ivonne e Ivette
El Puente De Avignon / Canta Y Juega / Ivonne e Ivette
Happy - We are from Avignon Official Clip
Happy - We are from Avignon Official Clip
Happy - We are from Avignon Official Clip
Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Avignon is Always Happy )
Sunshine and Happiness in South of France
Avignon, France: Youthful City in Medieval Walls
With its large student population and fashionable shops, Avignon is an intriguing blend of medieval history, youthful energy, and urban sophistication. Subsc......
With its large student population and fashionable shops, Avignon is an intriguing blend of medieval history, youthful energy, and urban sophistication. Subsc...
wn.com/Avignon, France Youthful City In Medieval Walls
With its large student population and fashionable shops, Avignon is an intriguing blend of medieval history, youthful energy, and urban sophistication. Subsc...
Avignon - France-day 1A
http://tourvideos.com/ Home to nine popes during the 14th century and one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palace......
http://tourvideos.com/ Home to nine popes during the 14th century and one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palace...
wn.com/Avignon France Day 1A
http://tourvideos.com/ Home to nine popes during the 14th century and one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palace...
Avignon, France part 1, walking tour in Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ We start at one of the most picturesque streets in town, Rue des Teinturiers, the "street of the tinters." Several ancient water wheel......
http://tourvideos.com/ We start at one of the most picturesque streets in town, Rue des Teinturiers, the "street of the tinters." Several ancient water wheel...
wn.com/Avignon, France Part 1, Walking Tour In Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ We start at one of the most picturesque streets in town, Rue des Teinturiers, the "street of the tinters." Several ancient water wheel...
Avignon, France part 2 walking tour in Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon's Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for stroll......
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon's Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for stroll...
wn.com/Avignon, France Part 2 Walking Tour In Old Town
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon's Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for stroll...
Avignon - France-day 1C
http://tourvideos.com/ Exploring on foot the Old Town of Avignon, main city of Provence in the south of France. Enter the Porte du Rhône gate through the tow......
http://tourvideos.com/ Exploring on foot the Old Town of Avignon, main city of Provence in the south of France. Enter the Porte du Rhône gate through the tow...
wn.com/Avignon France Day 1C
http://tourvideos.com/ Exploring on foot the Old Town of Avignon, main city of Provence in the south of France. Enter the Porte du Rhône gate through the tow...
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, tous en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comme ça, Et puis encore comme ça. S......
Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, tous en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comme ça, Et puis encore comme ça. S...
wn.com/Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, tous en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comme ça, Et puis encore comme ça. S...
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Voici la comptine "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" pour bébés et petits enfants.
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse ...
Voici la comptine "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" pour bébés et petits enfants.
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les beaux messieurs font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les belles dames font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les cordonniers font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les blanchisseuses font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
wn.com/Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
Voici la comptine "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" pour bébés et petits enfants.
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les beaux messieurs font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les belles dames font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les cordonniers font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
Les blanchisseuses font comme ça
Et puis encore comme ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tous en rond
- published: 09 Dec 2014
- views: 23
Janusz Radek Pocztówka z Avignon
Janusz Radek Klip do piosenki Pocztówka z Avignon...
Janusz Radek Klip do piosenki Pocztówka z Avignon
wn.com/Janusz Radek Pocztówka Z Avignon
Janusz Radek Klip do piosenki Pocztówka z Avignon
- published: 05 Jan 2008
- views: 607492
Vidéo Avignon : visite guidée de la ville
Suivez notre reporter Mathieu à Avignon pour la journée : tout d'abord visite du palais des Papes, puis une petite danse sur le célèbre Po...
Suivez notre reporter Mathieu à Avignon pour la journée : tout d'abord visite du palais des Papes, puis une petite danse sur le célèbre Pont d'Avignon, découverte de l'église Saint-Pierre et des autres monuments du centre historique de la ville. Mathieu vous mène ensuite aux Halles pour goûter les produits provençaux et méditerranéens. Après le marché direction les fourneaux ! Le chef jean-Claude Altmayer nous accueille dans sa cuisine : au menu, rouget de la Méditerranée et salade de betteraves. Une fois le fleuve traversé en navette, Mathieu peut se détendre en faisant un tour à vélo sur l'Ile de la Barthelasse.
wn.com/Vidéo Avignon Visite Guidée De La Ville
Suivez notre reporter Mathieu à Avignon pour la journée : tout d'abord visite du palais des Papes, puis une petite danse sur le célèbre Pont d'Avignon, découverte de l'église Saint-Pierre et des autres monuments du centre historique de la ville. Mathieu vous mène ensuite aux Halles pour goûter les produits provençaux et méditerranéens. Après le marché direction les fourneaux ! Le chef jean-Claude Altmayer nous accueille dans sa cuisine : au menu, rouget de la Méditerranée et salade de betteraves. Une fois le fleuve traversé en navette, Mathieu peut se détendre en faisant un tour à vélo sur l'Ile de la Barthelasse.
- published: 20 Sep 2011
- views: 28391
Avignon Papacy
In this video, we take a look at the Avignon Papacy (1305-1377) and the context of the 100 Years War. For over 70 years the papacy moved from Rome to the city o...
In this video, we take a look at the Avignon Papacy (1305-1377) and the context of the 100 Years War. For over 70 years the papacy moved from Rome to the city of Avignon, and the story about this move tells us a great deal about the 14th century and the Catholic Church in that day.
wn.com/Avignon Papacy
In this video, we take a look at the Avignon Papacy (1305-1377) and the context of the 100 Years War. For over 70 years the papacy moved from Rome to the city of Avignon, and the story about this move tells us a great deal about the 14th century and the Catholic Church in that day.
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 8
Reportage sur Avignon, trafic d'armes, braquages
http://avignonsudblock84.skyrock.com/ http://avignon-en-image.over-blog.com/
Abonne toi.
Avignon Monclar La Rocade la barbiere snr les grand cypres les quartier...
http://avignonsudblock84.skyrock.com/ http://avignon-en-image.over-blog.com/
Abonne toi.
Avignon Monclar La Rocade la barbiere snr les grand cypres les quartiers du 84 du vaucluse paca avignon ! son: N-TITO ma première pierre (extrait du street album N-Tito LA FRANCE D'EN BAS) avignon 84 kamelancien kery james rohff booba ol'kainry zup quartier banlieu cité delinquance france arabe noir en froce afrique en force islam unique religion ! 84 13 83 06 91 92 93 94 95 77 78 75 59 67 44 38 66 31 Algérie tunisie maroc 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 !! emeute monclar 84 gitan arabe mino mina zaho kenza anissa mahboula officiel badboystehsud 84 le departement le plus violent de france ! nique tout en force اڢيعنون فرانچي العيريي ماروچ تونيسيي افريقوي نوير اراب وسا ميامي نيو يورك あゔいgのん fらんcえ نابيل Monclar La rocade saint chamand la croix des oiseaux les sources la barbiere les grand cypres cap sud auchan le pontet auchan mistral 7 carrefour la courtine gare tgv avignon valence aix en provence pou du plan amandiers sorgue docteur ayme 84 cavaillon pertuis montfavet brok's city Avignon sud Avignon Nord Avignon centre Avignon est Avignon ouest la reine jeannes les neufs peyres champfleury Truand 2 la galere zehef morsay 95: Argenteuil Arnouville Beauchamp Beaumont mery meriel Béssancourt Bezons Bouffémont Bruyères Cergy Cormeilles Deuil-la-barre Domont Eaubonne Enghien-les-bains Eragny Ermont Ezanville Fosses Franconville Garges-lès-gonesse Gonesse Goussainville Jouy-le-Moutier Montigny Montmagny Montmorency Osny Persan Pierrelaye Pontoise Sannois Sarcelles Soisy-sous-montmorency St-gratien St-leu St-ouen-L'aumone Kalif Hardcore Villiers-le-bel
94: Cachan Champigny Choisy-le-roi Creteil Fontenay-sous-bois Ivry Joinville Nogent Orly saint-georges Thiais Villejuif Villeneuve-st-georges Vitry
93: Aubervillers Aulnay-sous-bois bagnolet Blanc-Mesnil Bobigny Bondy Bourget Clichy-sous-bois Drancy La Courneuve Epinay-sur-seine Montfermeil Montreuil Noisy-le-grand Noisy-le-sec Pantin Pierrefitte Raincy Romainville Rosny St-denis St-ouen Sevran Stains Tremblay Villepinte Villetaneuse
92: Antony Asnieres Bagneux Boulogne Clamart Clichy-la-garenne Chatenay Chatillon Chaville Colombes Courbevoie Fontenay Gennevilliers Issy-les-moulineaux Levallois Malakoff Montrouge Nanterre Plessis Puteaux Reuil Sèvres Suresnes Villeneuve-la-garenne
91:Chilly Corbeil-essone Courcouronnes Evry Grigny Les Ulis Longjumeau Massy Ris-orangis Vigneux-sur-seine Savigny Yerres
78: Achères Andrésy Aubergenville Chanteloup-les-vignes Chesnay Conflans-ste-honorine Elancourt Guyancourt La Vérrière Les Mureaux Mantes-la-jolie Poissy Sartrouville Trappes
75: Paris 11ème 13ème 15ème 18ème 19ème 20ème
13: marseille
nice caen cherbourg la rochelle biarritz st tropez montpellier toulouse bordeaux lille nancy cannes bastia ajaccio corse poitiers deauville le havre le mans monaco st etienne sochaux pau avignon aix en provence toulon metz QUARTIER NORD MARSEILLE la paternelle moulant Les arnavaux Les Castors Picon Campagne-Larousse Font-Vert La busserine Le Mail Les flamants Les Iris Le merlan les tilleuls Les oliviers Les Lauriers Les Lilas La Savine
Le plan d'aou La castellane La Calade La Simiane Le Castellas La Maurelette Les Micocouliers la cabucelle la solidarité le parc kalliste la graniere Bourrelys Consolat La viste - La bricarde Corot Bellevue (pas confondre avec felix pyat) Les marronniers Les rosiersLa marine bleueLes Eglantiersles Jonquilles Les Cèdres Les aygualades Frais vallon Val plan Le clos la marie fondacle Campagne l'évèque Le petit séminaire la visitation La savine La sauvagine La cerisaie balustres Mediteranee cité sncf jean jaures massalia gavotte peyret maison blanche bassens les crottes st gabriel
entre centre et quartiers nord Felix Pyat belle de mai la vilette
au sud : La rouguière Air bel ( surement le plu grand kartier de mars + de 50 BAT) Les Nereïdes Chateau St loup La Mazenode st thys balustres bel ombre sauvagère la cayolle la soude
la capelette a cravache benza
et les quartiers den ville
Belsunce Noailles
Le panier Le Racati opéra joliette la plaine st lazard Béziers Les Arènes, La Devèze Montpellier La Paillade Tours Le Sanitas Blois Bégon, Croix Chevalier Nantes Quartiers Nord Toulon La Beaucaire Avignon Quartiers Est : Saint Jean, Reine Jeanne, Grange d'Orel. Orange Quartiers Nord : Fourchesvieilles, Portail Lançon, Aygues La Roche-sur-Yon Les Pyramides, Les Forges Ris-Orangis Grand Ensemble du Plateau La Courneuve Les 4000 Saint-Denis Les Francs Moisins, Bel Air Le Caire, Lagos, Pretoria-Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Casablanca, Alger, Dakar, Tunis Malawi
Malie Maroc Maurice Mauritanie Kalif Harcore Niger Nigeria Ouganda
Réunion Rwanda Sahara occidental Algérie la fouine the game los angeles miami new york usa
wn.com/Reportage Sur Avignon, Trafic D'Armes, Braquages
http://avignonsudblock84.skyrock.com/ http://avignon-en-image.over-blog.com/
Abonne toi.
Avignon Monclar La Rocade la barbiere snr les grand cypres les quartiers du 84 du vaucluse paca avignon ! son: N-TITO ma première pierre (extrait du street album N-Tito LA FRANCE D'EN BAS) avignon 84 kamelancien kery james rohff booba ol'kainry zup quartier banlieu cité delinquance france arabe noir en froce afrique en force islam unique religion ! 84 13 83 06 91 92 93 94 95 77 78 75 59 67 44 38 66 31 Algérie tunisie maroc 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 !! emeute monclar 84 gitan arabe mino mina zaho kenza anissa mahboula officiel badboystehsud 84 le departement le plus violent de france ! nique tout en force اڢيعنون فرانچي العيريي ماروچ تونيسيي افريقوي نوير اراب وسا ميامي نيو يورك あゔいgのん fらんcえ نابيل Monclar La rocade saint chamand la croix des oiseaux les sources la barbiere les grand cypres cap sud auchan le pontet auchan mistral 7 carrefour la courtine gare tgv avignon valence aix en provence pou du plan amandiers sorgue docteur ayme 84 cavaillon pertuis montfavet brok's city Avignon sud Avignon Nord Avignon centre Avignon est Avignon ouest la reine jeannes les neufs peyres champfleury Truand 2 la galere zehef morsay 95: Argenteuil Arnouville Beauchamp Beaumont mery meriel Béssancourt Bezons Bouffémont Bruyères Cergy Cormeilles Deuil-la-barre Domont Eaubonne Enghien-les-bains Eragny Ermont Ezanville Fosses Franconville Garges-lès-gonesse Gonesse Goussainville Jouy-le-Moutier Montigny Montmagny Montmorency Osny Persan Pierrelaye Pontoise Sannois Sarcelles Soisy-sous-montmorency St-gratien St-leu St-ouen-L'aumone Kalif Hardcore Villiers-le-bel
94: Cachan Champigny Choisy-le-roi Creteil Fontenay-sous-bois Ivry Joinville Nogent Orly saint-georges Thiais Villejuif Villeneuve-st-georges Vitry
93: Aubervillers Aulnay-sous-bois bagnolet Blanc-Mesnil Bobigny Bondy Bourget Clichy-sous-bois Drancy La Courneuve Epinay-sur-seine Montfermeil Montreuil Noisy-le-grand Noisy-le-sec Pantin Pierrefitte Raincy Romainville Rosny St-denis St-ouen Sevran Stains Tremblay Villepinte Villetaneuse
92: Antony Asnieres Bagneux Boulogne Clamart Clichy-la-garenne Chatenay Chatillon Chaville Colombes Courbevoie Fontenay Gennevilliers Issy-les-moulineaux Levallois Malakoff Montrouge Nanterre Plessis Puteaux Reuil Sèvres Suresnes Villeneuve-la-garenne
91:Chilly Corbeil-essone Courcouronnes Evry Grigny Les Ulis Longjumeau Massy Ris-orangis Vigneux-sur-seine Savigny Yerres
78: Achères Andrésy Aubergenville Chanteloup-les-vignes Chesnay Conflans-ste-honorine Elancourt Guyancourt La Vérrière Les Mureaux Mantes-la-jolie Poissy Sartrouville Trappes
75: Paris 11ème 13ème 15ème 18ème 19ème 20ème
13: marseille
nice caen cherbourg la rochelle biarritz st tropez montpellier toulouse bordeaux lille nancy cannes bastia ajaccio corse poitiers deauville le havre le mans monaco st etienne sochaux pau avignon aix en provence toulon metz QUARTIER NORD MARSEILLE la paternelle moulant Les arnavaux Les Castors Picon Campagne-Larousse Font-Vert La busserine Le Mail Les flamants Les Iris Le merlan les tilleuls Les oliviers Les Lauriers Les Lilas La Savine
Le plan d'aou La castellane La Calade La Simiane Le Castellas La Maurelette Les Micocouliers la cabucelle la solidarité le parc kalliste la graniere Bourrelys Consolat La viste - La bricarde Corot Bellevue (pas confondre avec felix pyat) Les marronniers Les rosiersLa marine bleueLes Eglantiersles Jonquilles Les Cèdres Les aygualades Frais vallon Val plan Le clos la marie fondacle Campagne l'évèque Le petit séminaire la visitation La savine La sauvagine La cerisaie balustres Mediteranee cité sncf jean jaures massalia gavotte peyret maison blanche bassens les crottes st gabriel
entre centre et quartiers nord Felix Pyat belle de mai la vilette
au sud : La rouguière Air bel ( surement le plu grand kartier de mars + de 50 BAT) Les Nereïdes Chateau St loup La Mazenode st thys balustres bel ombre sauvagère la cayolle la soude
la capelette a cravache benza
et les quartiers den ville
Belsunce Noailles
Le panier Le Racati opéra joliette la plaine st lazard Béziers Les Arènes, La Devèze Montpellier La Paillade Tours Le Sanitas Blois Bégon, Croix Chevalier Nantes Quartiers Nord Toulon La Beaucaire Avignon Quartiers Est : Saint Jean, Reine Jeanne, Grange d'Orel. Orange Quartiers Nord : Fourchesvieilles, Portail Lançon, Aygues La Roche-sur-Yon Les Pyramides, Les Forges Ris-Orangis Grand Ensemble du Plateau La Courneuve Les 4000 Saint-Denis Les Francs Moisins, Bel Air Le Caire, Lagos, Pretoria-Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Casablanca, Alger, Dakar, Tunis Malawi
Malie Maroc Maurice Mauritanie Kalif Harcore Niger Nigeria Ouganda
Réunion Rwanda Sahara occidental Algérie la fouine the game los angeles miami new york usa
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 51
Avignon Provence
http://www.eurodestination.com/short-breaks-avignon-eurostar.html We spent two days in the town of Avignon in Provence, France. We got there by taking the Eu......
http://www.eurodestination.com/short-breaks-avignon-eurostar.html We spent two days in the town of Avignon in Provence, France. We got there by taking the Eu...
wn.com/Avignon Provence
http://www.eurodestination.com/short-breaks-avignon-eurostar.html We spent two days in the town of Avignon in Provence, France. We got there by taking the Eu...
L'OMBRE 2 JUILLET : La face cachée du Festival d'Avignon
Au festival d'Avignon, la "culture" s'étale et se vend. Pendant le mois de Juillet, la paisible bourgade devient un enfer grouillant d'intermiteux sous-payés......
Au festival d'Avignon, la "culture" s'étale et se vend. Pendant le mois de Juillet, la paisible bourgade devient un enfer grouillant d'intermiteux sous-payés...
wn.com/L'Ombre 2 Juillet La Face Cachée Du Festival D'Avignon
Au festival d'Avignon, la "culture" s'étale et se vend. Pendant le mois de Juillet, la paisible bourgade devient un enfer grouillant d'intermiteux sous-payés...
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D Encuentranos en Facebook ▻ http://on.fb.me/17iqRf3 Siguenos en Twitter ▻ http://bit.ly/1bl5Z7F....
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D Encuentranos en Facebook ▻ http://on.fb.me/17iqRf3 Siguenos en Twitter ▻ http://bit.ly/1bl5Z7F.
wn.com/Sobre El Puente De Avignon Rondas Y Canciones Infantiles 3D
Sobre el Puente de Avignon - Rondas y Canciones Infantiles 3D Encuentranos en Facebook ▻ http://on.fb.me/17iqRf3 Siguenos en Twitter ▻ http://bit.ly/1bl5Z7F.
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 1/6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle....
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
wn.com/La Demoiselle D'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 1 6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
- published: 01 Nov 2014
- views: 26
La Demoiselle d'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 3/6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle....
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
wn.com/La Demoiselle D'Avignon ( La Série Complète, Episode 3 6 )
Pour vraiment satisfaire les amateurs et amatrices de cette série à succès de 1972, créée par Frédérique Hébrard et Louis Velle.
- published: 02 Nov 2014
- views: 42
Avignon é a cidade mais fascinante da Provance, sul da França.
Quem já conhece o sul da França vai com certeza concordar comigo, é uma região que conquista e fascina, seja, pelos maravilhosos vilarejos, pela gastronomia ......
Quem já conhece o sul da França vai com certeza concordar comigo, é uma região que conquista e fascina, seja, pelos maravilhosos vilarejos, pela gastronomia ...
wn.com/Avignon É A Cidade Mais Fascinante Da Provance, Sul Da França.
Quem já conhece o sul da França vai com certeza concordar comigo, é uma região que conquista e fascina, seja, pelos maravilhosos vilarejos, pela gastronomia ...
Comptine : Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon PAROLES Sur le pont d'Avignon On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse tous en rond. Les belles dames font comme ça: B......
Sur le pont d'Avignon PAROLES Sur le pont d'Avignon On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse tous en rond. Les belles dames font comme ça: B...
wn.com/Comptine Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
Sur le pont d'Avignon PAROLES Sur le pont d'Avignon On y danse, on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse tous en rond. Les belles dames font comme ça: B...
- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 320807
author: miwiboo
Tema musical del CD: LAS MAS HERMOSAS RONDAS INFANTILES - buscalo en : www.ebay.com ---Te invito a visitar mi canal haciendo CLICK en : artesaniaslat ( en co......
Tema musical del CD: LAS MAS HERMOSAS RONDAS INFANTILES - buscalo en : www.ebay.com ---Te invito a visitar mi canal haciendo CLICK en : artesaniaslat ( en co...
wn.com/Sobre El Puente De Avignon Con Letra
Tema musical del CD: LAS MAS HERMOSAS RONDAS INFANTILES - buscalo en : www.ebay.com ---Te invito a visitar mi canal haciendo CLICK en : artesaniaslat ( en co...
Après la première édition, WORLD TRANCE & THE WALKING BIRD remettent le couvert pour une édition encore plus folle du WORLD TRANCE FESTIVAL. Nous avons l'hon......
Après la première édition, WORLD TRANCE & THE WALKING BIRD remettent le couvert pour une édition encore plus folle du WORLD TRANCE FESTIVAL. Nous avons l'hon...
wn.com/World Trance Festival Parc Expo Avignon 19 04 14
Après la première édition, WORLD TRANCE & THE WALKING BIRD remettent le couvert pour une édition encore plus folle du WORLD TRANCE FESTIVAL. Nous avons l'hon...
Happy - We are from Avignon Official Clip
Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Avignon is Always Happy )
Sunshine and Happiness in South of France...
Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Avignon is Always Happy )
Sunshine and Happiness in South of France
wn.com/Happy We Are From Avignon Official Clip
Pharrell Williams - Happy ( Avignon is Always Happy )
Sunshine and Happiness in South of France
- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 21870
Avignon Travel Video Guide
Avignon Travel Video Guide
Avignon Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Avignon in France.
A famous song that features a bridge takes us into the French Provencal town of Avignon. 'Sur Le Pont D'Avignon': thus begins the world famous French song that is familiar with both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the Pont Saint Enezet Bridge. Internal disputes in addition to power struggles in Rome transformed Avignon into the new seat of the Pontificate. The impressive Popes' Palace dominates the centre of the town. Its exterior resembles a military fortress rather than a religious residence. A coat of arms above the main entrance is reminiscent of the papal court that was fou
Avignon Video Guide
Avignon Video Guide
Avignon Video Guide
For more on Avignon and other areas of Provence visit http://www.seeprovence.com The Palace of Popes, the Pont d'Avignon and the Rocher de Doms are just some...
Provence: Legendary Light, Wind and Wine
Provence: Legendary Light, Wind and Wine
Provence: Legendary Light, Wind and Wine
In this program, we climb Roman ruins in Nimes, explore a papal palace in Avignon, and savor vivid views immortalized by van Gogh in Arles. Crossing acres of...
Avignon - France
Avignon - France
Avignon - France
Avignon is a French commune in southeastern France in the department of the Vaucluse bordered by the left bank of the Rhône river. Of the 90194 inhabitants ...
France 2 Avignon
France 2 Avignon
France 2 Avignon
Avignon is a fascinating city with many things to see: Medieval Wall Old city center is surrounded by fortress walls. 7 bis rue de Trois Faucons 17th century...
Provence Travel Guide
Provence Travel Guide
Provence Travel Guide
Provence Travel Video Guide
Provence Travel Video Guide
Provence Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty sp
Let's Go Europe: To Avignon, France
Let's Go Europe: To Avignon, France
Let's Go Europe: To Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, on his long journey from Cadeques, Spain to France, visiting Sombre, Nimes, and eventually Avignon. Avignon is cosidere...
Let's Go Europe: Avignon, France
Let's Go Europe: Avignon, France
Let's Go Europe: Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, as he visits the Palace of the Popes, enjoys the city view from the towers and visits the Saint Benezet's Bridge. Go to...
Marseille Travel Video Guide
Marseille Travel Video Guide
Marseille Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Marseille in France.
Marseille is the most important city in Provence and is situated on the south coast of France.
From a distance, one of Marseille's main landmarks rises high above the harbor, the seafarers' church of Notre-Dame de la Garde. With abundant internal furnishings, Byzantine arches, golden mosaics and numerous votives, it is a splendid structure inspired by Byzantine Romanic design.
The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the 5th century, the mighty Abbaye Saint-Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number o
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : Le Palais des Papes veille sur Avignon
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : Le Palais des Papes veille sur Avignon
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : Le Palais des Papes veille sur Avignon
Travel France - Visiting the Avignon Bridge
Travel France - Visiting the Avignon Bridge
Travel France - Visiting the Avignon Bridge
Take a tour of Avignon Bridge in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The remnants of a medieval bridge built over the Rhône River is today known as the Avignon Bridge.
Its construction began in 1171 and carried on until 1185, inspired by the efforts and devotion of Saint Bénézet, a local shepherd
Sadly, it could not withstand the tests of time and nature, and it started collapsing in the 17th century due to lack of funds and proper repairs.
Once more than 900 meters in length, it had 22 arches only 4 of which remain today.
The 18th century Chapel of Saint Nicholas was co
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : À Avignon, des trésors au coin des rues
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : À Avignon, des trésors au coin des rues
SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : À Avignon, des trésors au coin des rues
Visite de la Cité des Papes (Avignon, Vaucluse, France, notrebellefrance, Guide du tourisme)
Visite de la Cité des Papes (Avignon, Vaucluse, France, notrebellefrance, Guide du tourisme)
Visite de la Cité des Papes (Avignon, Vaucluse, France, notrebellefrance, Guide du tourisme)
Avignon est surnommée la « cité des papes » en raison de la présence des papes de 1309 à 1423, elle est actuellement la plus grande ville et le chef-lieu du département de Vaucluse. Venez visiter ses remparts et son centre historique, composé du palais des papes, de l'ensemble épiscopal, du Rocher des Doms et du pont d'Avignon. Avignon a été classée patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Avignon Farmers Market
Avignon Farmers Market
Avignon Farmers Market
Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). As I’ll explain in this clip, at these markets you'll find lots more than a charming and colorful people scene; you can also eat well and affordably. I find that in my guidebooks all across Europe, for lunch I’m recommending sitting down with the local shoppers at the traditional market. What’s your favorite market experience (or meal) in Europe?
At ht
Travel Avignon, France - The Popes' Palace
Travel Avignon, France - The Popes' Palace
Travel Avignon, France - The Popes' Palace
Take a tour of Popes' Palace of Avignon in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excit...
Avignon, Provence, France complete movie
Avignon, Provence, France complete movie
Avignon, Provence, France complete movie
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon in Provence in the south of France, was home to nine popes during the 14th century and is one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palaces, museums and meandering lanes, surrounded by an old fortified wall that still protects it from modernization.
That is one of the beauties of a walled town in Europe: Not only did it protect the town from bandits and invaders during the Middle Ages, but in the 20th and 21st centuries the wall is protecting these historic centers from modernization. This is what the visitors want to see, and it brings in revenue for the city. With
【K】France Travel-Avignon[프랑스 여행-아비뇽]지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
【K】France Travel-Avignon[프랑스 여행-아비뇽]지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
【K】France Travel-Avignon[프랑스 여행-아비뇽]지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
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[한국어 정보]
루시용 마을 구경을 마친 나는 인근의 라벤더 밭을 찾았다. 지중해가 원산지인 라벤더는 향과 기름을 얻기 위해 재배하는데 보라색 꽃의 아름다움 때문에 관상용으로 키우는 경우도 있다고 한다. 제대로 꽃을 볼 수 있는 시기는 7월 초. 내가 찾은 때는 수확기로 꽃이 다소 시드는 때
Travel to Carcassonne, Montpellier, Nimes and Avignon, Southern France
Travel to Carcassonne, Montpellier, Nimes and Avignon, Southern France
Travel to Carcassonne, Montpellier, Nimes and Avignon, Southern France
Four cities in south of France, Medieval castle at Carcassonne; Roman coliseum at Nimes; Pope palace at Avignon
Welcome to Avignon, France
Welcome to Avignon, France
Welcome to Avignon, France
See other travel guides to your destination on my channel...
Avignon Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Avignon in France.
A famous song that features a bridge takes us into the French Provencal town of Avignon. 'Sur Le Pont D'Avign...
Travel video about destination Avignon in France.
A famous song that features a bridge takes us into the French Provencal town of Avignon. 'Sur Le Pont D'Avignon': thus begins the world famous French song that is familiar with both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the Pont Saint Enezet Bridge. Internal disputes in addition to power struggles in Rome transformed Avignon into the new seat of the Pontificate. The impressive Popes' Palace dominates the centre of the town. Its exterior resembles a military fortress rather than a religious residence. A coat of arms above the main entrance is reminiscent of the papal court that was founded by Klemens The Sixth. In 1348 he bought Avignon for 80,000 gold ducats from Johanna The First, Queen of Sicily. During his term of office he added a new, more luxurious building to the Old Palace that was constructed between 1334 and 1342. The beauty of the palace manifests itself in the numerous terraces and towers that were used for defensive purposes during the 14th and 15th centuries. Seven successive French popes transformed Avignon into one of the most glamorous medieval courts in Europe. The town's expansion gradually became increasingly more splendid and the pontificate's dependence on French royalty became further entrenched.
wn.com/Avignon Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Avignon in France.
A famous song that features a bridge takes us into the French Provencal town of Avignon. 'Sur Le Pont D'Avignon': thus begins the world famous French song that is familiar with both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the Pont Saint Enezet Bridge. Internal disputes in addition to power struggles in Rome transformed Avignon into the new seat of the Pontificate. The impressive Popes' Palace dominates the centre of the town. Its exterior resembles a military fortress rather than a religious residence. A coat of arms above the main entrance is reminiscent of the papal court that was founded by Klemens The Sixth. In 1348 he bought Avignon for 80,000 gold ducats from Johanna The First, Queen of Sicily. During his term of office he added a new, more luxurious building to the Old Palace that was constructed between 1334 and 1342. The beauty of the palace manifests itself in the numerous terraces and towers that were used for defensive purposes during the 14th and 15th centuries. Seven successive French popes transformed Avignon into one of the most glamorous medieval courts in Europe. The town's expansion gradually became increasingly more splendid and the pontificate's dependence on French royalty became further entrenched.
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 4
Avignon Video Guide
For more on Avignon and other areas of Provence visit http://www.seeprovence.com The Palace of Popes, the Pont d'Avignon and the Rocher de Doms are just some......
For more on Avignon and other areas of Provence visit http://www.seeprovence.com The Palace of Popes, the Pont d'Avignon and the Rocher de Doms are just some...
wn.com/Avignon Video Guide
For more on Avignon and other areas of Provence visit http://www.seeprovence.com The Palace of Popes, the Pont d'Avignon and the Rocher de Doms are just some...
Provence: Legendary Light, Wind and Wine
In this program, we climb Roman ruins in Nimes, explore a papal palace in Avignon, and savor vivid views immortalized by van Gogh in Arles. Crossing acres of......
In this program, we climb Roman ruins in Nimes, explore a papal palace in Avignon, and savor vivid views immortalized by van Gogh in Arles. Crossing acres of...
wn.com/Provence Legendary Light, Wind And Wine
In this program, we climb Roman ruins in Nimes, explore a papal palace in Avignon, and savor vivid views immortalized by van Gogh in Arles. Crossing acres of...
Avignon - France
Avignon is a French commune in southeastern France in the department of the Vaucluse bordered by the left bank of the Rhône river. Of the 90194 inhabitants ......
Avignon is a French commune in southeastern France in the department of the Vaucluse bordered by the left bank of the Rhône river. Of the 90194 inhabitants ...
wn.com/Avignon France
Avignon is a French commune in southeastern France in the department of the Vaucluse bordered by the left bank of the Rhône river. Of the 90194 inhabitants ...
France 2 Avignon
Avignon is a fascinating city with many things to see: Medieval Wall Old city center is surrounded by fortress walls. 7 bis rue de Trois Faucons 17th century......
Avignon is a fascinating city with many things to see: Medieval Wall Old city center is surrounded by fortress walls. 7 bis rue de Trois Faucons 17th century...
wn.com/France 2 Avignon
Avignon is a fascinating city with many things to see: Medieval Wall Old city center is surrounded by fortress walls. 7 bis rue de Trois Faucons 17th century...
Provence Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchan...
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city. ‘Sur Le Pont D’Avignon’ are the words of the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars! For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the city of Nîmes. It is the capital of the Departement Gard that is situated on the periphery of Provence. One of the most well preserved mediaeval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of Aigues-Mortes along the western periphery of the Camargue in the south of France. The town was established in 1240. From the city wall that is eleven metres high and six metres thick, there is a wonderful view across the rooftops of the impregnable city. With historic towns in which both the Romans and the Papacy felt at home, and with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient mountain villages, Provence is a land of sweet aromas and radiant light.
wn.com/Provence Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city. ‘Sur Le Pont D’Avignon’ are the words of the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars! For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the city of Nîmes. It is the capital of the Departement Gard that is situated on the periphery of Provence. One of the most well preserved mediaeval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of Aigues-Mortes along the western periphery of the Camargue in the south of France. The town was established in 1240. From the city wall that is eleven metres high and six metres thick, there is a wonderful view across the rooftops of the impregnable city. With historic towns in which both the Romans and the Papacy felt at home, and with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient mountain villages, Provence is a land of sweet aromas and radiant light.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 41540
Let's Go Europe: To Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, on his long journey from Cadeques, Spain to France, visiting Sombre, Nimes, and eventually Avignon. Avignon is cosidere......
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, on his long journey from Cadeques, Spain to France, visiting Sombre, Nimes, and eventually Avignon. Avignon is cosidere...
wn.com/Let's Go Europe To Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, on his long journey from Cadeques, Spain to France, visiting Sombre, Nimes, and eventually Avignon. Avignon is cosidere...
Let's Go Europe: Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, as he visits the Palace of the Popes, enjoys the city view from the towers and visits the Saint Benezet's Bridge. Go to......
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, as he visits the Palace of the Popes, enjoys the city view from the towers and visits the Saint Benezet's Bridge. Go to...
wn.com/Let's Go Europe Avignon, France
Join Let's Go Researcher Writer, Dan, as he visits the Palace of the Popes, enjoys the city view from the towers and visits the Saint Benezet's Bridge. Go to...
Marseille Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Marseille in France.
Marseille is the most important city in Provence and is situated on the south coast of France.
From a dista...
Travel video about destination Marseille in France.
Marseille is the most important city in Provence and is situated on the south coast of France.
From a distance, one of Marseille's main landmarks rises high above the harbor, the seafarers' church of Notre-Dame de la Garde. With abundant internal furnishings, Byzantine arches, golden mosaics and numerous votives, it is a splendid structure inspired by Byzantine Romanic design.
The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the 5th century, the mighty Abbaye Saint-Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians.
A boat trip from Cassis leads to one of the most beautiful coastal areas in Europe, Les Calanques, a unique nature reserve where shining white limestone cliffs plunge more than 400 metres into the deep blue sea and extend for 20 kilometres.
Sur le pont D'avignon is a world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge, as that is the location of its bars!
A place of radiant light and sweet aromas, with villages that nestle in the rocks like eagles' nests and with cities that have an historic past, Provence is indeed a captivating land full of fascinating contrasts.
wn.com/Marseille Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Marseille in France.
Marseille is the most important city in Provence and is situated on the south coast of France.
From a distance, one of Marseille's main landmarks rises high above the harbor, the seafarers' church of Notre-Dame de la Garde. With abundant internal furnishings, Byzantine arches, golden mosaics and numerous votives, it is a splendid structure inspired by Byzantine Romanic design.
The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the 5th century, the mighty Abbaye Saint-Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians.
A boat trip from Cassis leads to one of the most beautiful coastal areas in Europe, Les Calanques, a unique nature reserve where shining white limestone cliffs plunge more than 400 metres into the deep blue sea and extend for 20 kilometres.
Sur le pont D'avignon is a world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge, as that is the location of its bars!
A place of radiant light and sweet aromas, with villages that nestle in the rocks like eagles' nests and with cities that have an historic past, Provence is indeed a captivating land full of fascinating contrasts.
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 32671
Travel France - Visiting the Avignon Bridge
Take a tour of Avignon Bridge in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The remnants of a medieval bri...
Take a tour of Avignon Bridge in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The remnants of a medieval bridge built over the Rhône River is today known as the Avignon Bridge.
Its construction began in 1171 and carried on until 1185, inspired by the efforts and devotion of Saint Bénézet, a local shepherd
Sadly, it could not withstand the tests of time and nature, and it started collapsing in the 17th century due to lack of funds and proper repairs.
Once more than 900 meters in length, it had 22 arches only 4 of which remain today.
The 18th century Chapel of Saint Nicholas was constructed at the foot of the bridge to replace the initial chapel built on the bridge itself.
The bridge has gained recognition and fame around the world in part from the song ''On the bridge of Avignon".
wn.com/Travel France Visiting The Avignon Bridge
Take a tour of Avignon Bridge in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The remnants of a medieval bridge built over the Rhône River is today known as the Avignon Bridge.
Its construction began in 1171 and carried on until 1185, inspired by the efforts and devotion of Saint Bénézet, a local shepherd
Sadly, it could not withstand the tests of time and nature, and it started collapsing in the 17th century due to lack of funds and proper repairs.
Once more than 900 meters in length, it had 22 arches only 4 of which remain today.
The 18th century Chapel of Saint Nicholas was constructed at the foot of the bridge to replace the initial chapel built on the bridge itself.
The bridge has gained recognition and fame around the world in part from the song ''On the bridge of Avignon".
- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 2891
Visite de la Cité des Papes (Avignon, Vaucluse, France, notrebellefrance, Guide du tourisme)
Avignon est surnommée la « cité des papes » en raison de la présence des papes de 1309 à 1423, elle est actuellement la plus grande ville et le chef-lieu du département de Vaucluse. Venez visiter ses remparts et son centre historique, composé du palais des papes, de l'ensemble épiscopal, du Rocher des Doms et du pont d'Avignon. Avignon a été classée patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
wn.com/Visite De La Cité Des Papes (Avignon, Vaucluse, France, Notrebellefrance, Guide Du Tourisme)
Avignon est surnommée la « cité des papes » en raison de la présence des papes de 1309 à 1423, elle est actuellement la plus grande ville et le chef-lieu du département de Vaucluse. Venez visiter ses remparts et son centre historique, composé du palais des papes, de l'ensemble épiscopal, du Rocher des Doms et du pont d'Avignon. Avignon a été classée patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
- published: 03 Apr 2012
- views: 1486
Avignon Farmers Market
Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead. These were built so this ...
Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). As I’ll explain in this clip, at these markets you'll find lots more than a charming and colorful people scene; you can also eat well and affordably. I find that in my guidebooks all across Europe, for lunch I’m recommending sitting down with the local shoppers at the traditional market. What’s your favorite market experience (or meal) in Europe?
At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
wn.com/Avignon Farmers Market
Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). As I’ll explain in this clip, at these markets you'll find lots more than a charming and colorful people scene; you can also eat well and affordably. I find that in my guidebooks all across Europe, for lunch I’m recommending sitting down with the local shoppers at the traditional market. What’s your favorite market experience (or meal) in Europe?
At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 199
Travel Avignon, France - The Popes' Palace
Take a tour of Popes' Palace of Avignon in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excit......
Take a tour of Popes' Palace of Avignon in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excit...
wn.com/Travel Avignon, France The Popes' Palace
Take a tour of Popes' Palace of Avignon in Avignon, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excit...
- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 2940
author: geobeats
Avignon, Provence, France complete movie
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon in Provence in the south of France, was home to nine popes during the 14th century and is one of the most beautiful cities in Fr...
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon in Provence in the south of France, was home to nine popes during the 14th century and is one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palaces, museums and meandering lanes, surrounded by an old fortified wall that still protects it from modernization.
That is one of the beauties of a walled town in Europe: Not only did it protect the town from bandits and invaders during the Middle Ages, but in the 20th and 21st centuries the wall is protecting these historic centers from modernization. This is what the visitors want to see, and it brings in revenue for the city. Within the wall of Avignon you have a nicely preserved old town, and yet the same time, very modern shops that are way up to date and populated by hip people.
This city in the heart of beautiful Provence lays claim to dozens of historic monuments, especially the great Palace of the Popes which was gradually enlarged into an imposing fortification during the 60-year papal residency and is now a museum open to the public.
This movie combines several shorter earlier movie to provide a complete picture of this wondrful city.
The pedestrian shopping district extends ten square blocks south, but save it for tomorrow so you can devote more of this first day to the historic sites and west side of town.
Energetic types might opt for a 10-block circular stroll through some of these quiet back alleys towards the small 14th-century church of St. Pierre and over to busy Rue Carnot, then walk back to the palace on Rue de la Croix.
Avignon’s Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for strolling. Some of these routes are exclusively for pedestrians, especially in the shopping center just southeast of Place de l’Horloge.
This historic center can easily be seen on foot in one day, for it is a compact zone about one-half mile wide and long.
The curved shape of these streets will keep you guessing what’s around the bend, or which museum or monument is coming up next. Streets are level, riddled with little plazas, fountains, trees, some benches, and numerous cafes.
While this neighborhood is very old, the shops and galleries are up-to-date with modern interiors and contemporary European items for sale.
You'll find Avignon, the capital of Provence, is a perfect home base from which to visit other nearby places like Arles, Aix-en-Provence, Pont du Gard, Nimes, Uzès, Saint-Rémy, Les Baux-de-Provence and Marseilles, which we cover in other movies.
wn.com/Avignon, Provence, France Complete Movie
http://tourvideos.com/ Avignon in Provence in the south of France, was home to nine popes during the 14th century and is one of the most beautiful cities in France today, Avignon is a treasure house of palaces, museums and meandering lanes, surrounded by an old fortified wall that still protects it from modernization.
That is one of the beauties of a walled town in Europe: Not only did it protect the town from bandits and invaders during the Middle Ages, but in the 20th and 21st centuries the wall is protecting these historic centers from modernization. This is what the visitors want to see, and it brings in revenue for the city. Within the wall of Avignon you have a nicely preserved old town, and yet the same time, very modern shops that are way up to date and populated by hip people.
This city in the heart of beautiful Provence lays claim to dozens of historic monuments, especially the great Palace of the Popes which was gradually enlarged into an imposing fortification during the 60-year papal residency and is now a museum open to the public.
This movie combines several shorter earlier movie to provide a complete picture of this wondrful city.
The pedestrian shopping district extends ten square blocks south, but save it for tomorrow so you can devote more of this first day to the historic sites and west side of town.
Energetic types might opt for a 10-block circular stroll through some of these quiet back alleys towards the small 14th-century church of St. Pierre and over to busy Rue Carnot, then walk back to the palace on Rue de la Croix.
Avignon’s Old Town is a charming neighborhood of shopping lanes, narrow residential streets and little back alleys, perfect for strolling. Some of these routes are exclusively for pedestrians, especially in the shopping center just southeast of Place de l’Horloge.
This historic center can easily be seen on foot in one day, for it is a compact zone about one-half mile wide and long.
The curved shape of these streets will keep you guessing what’s around the bend, or which museum or monument is coming up next. Streets are level, riddled with little plazas, fountains, trees, some benches, and numerous cafes.
While this neighborhood is very old, the shops and galleries are up-to-date with modern interiors and contemporary European items for sale.
You'll find Avignon, the capital of Provence, is a perfect home base from which to visit other nearby places like Arles, Aix-en-Provence, Pont du Gard, Nimes, Uzès, Saint-Rémy, Les Baux-de-Provence and Marseilles, which we cover in other movies.
- published: 13 Jun 2015
- views: 46
【K】France Travel-Avignon[프랑스 여행-아비뇽]지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
루시용 마을 구경을 마친 나는 인근의 라벤더 밭을 찾았다. 지중해가 원산지인 라벤더는 향과 기름을 얻기 위해 재배하는데 보라색 꽃의 아름다움 때문에 관상용으로 키우는 경우도 있다고 한다. 제대로 꽃을 볼 수 있는 시기는 7월 초. 내가 찾은 때는 수확기로 꽃이 다소 시드는 때라고 한다. 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알기 위해 박물관을 찾았다. 박물관엔 증유기, 압착기와 같은 채유 기계들이 시대별로 분류되어 가득 전시되어 있었다. 실제 채유하던 모습과 라벤더를 채취하던 모습을 사진으로 소개하고 한편에는 라벤더를 채취하던 사람들의 복장과 도구들이 전시되어 라벤더의 오랜 역사도 알 수 있었다.박물관 야외에는 실제 라벤더 향과 오일을 추출하는 과정을 보여주는 시연장이 자리하고 있다. 관람객들에게 자세한 설명과 함께 과정을 보여주는 곳이지만 실제 과정을 보는 사람은 많지 않다. 모두 보려면 2시간이 소요되기 때문이다. 채유 과정은 통 안에 물과 라벤더를 넣고 증류를 통해 물과 기름이 섞인 물질을 만든 다음 오일을 분리해내는 과정이다. 이렇게 얻은 향과 기름은 향수와 화장품의 원료로 사용하고, 요리의 향료로 사용할 뿐만 아니라 두통이나 신경안정 치료에도 쓰인다고 한다. 박물관에는 라벤더를 가공해 만든 제품을 판매하는 곳도 있었는데 라벤더 오일, 화장품, 비누, 꿀 등 다양한 제품들을 볼 수 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
I found the town of Roussillon finished watching nearby lavender fields. Lavender is a Mediterranean origin that sometimes grow as an ornamental because of the beauty of the purple flowers to grow in order to obtain oils and incense. Correctly when you can see the flower in early July. The flowers are somewhat seed to harvesting when it was time I found. I visited the museum to see more details. Museum yen increase organic chaeyu machines such as presses had been categorized by era full of exhibits. About the appearance and the look was taken Lavender and while there was a real chaeyu photos on display are costumes and tools of those who had taken Lavender Lavender can be seen in the long history museum outdoors in the actual process of extracting oils and lavender Zhang has demonstrated place showing. But where to show visitors the process with a detailed description Not many people see the actual process. Because it takes two hours to see everything. Chaeyu process is put in a bucket of water and lavender oil mixed with water and made a substance through a process of distillation, and then separated the oil. The obtained oil is used as an ingredient in incense and perfumes and cosmetics, and even sseuindago to treat headaches, nervous stability, as well as used as a flavoring in cooking. The museum was also created to sell a product where processing could see lavender lavender oils, cosmetics, soaps, honey and various products.
[French: Google Translator]
Je trouve la ville de Roussillon a terminé en regardant les champs de lavande à proximité. La lavande est une origine méditerranéenne qui poussent parfois comme plante ornementale en raison de la beauté des fleurs pourpres de croître afin d'obtenir des huiles et de l'encens. Correctement lorsque vous pouvez voir la fleur au début de Juillet. Les fleurs sont peu graine à la récolte quand il était temps que je trouvais. Je suis allé au musée pour voir plus de détails. augmentation de yens du musée des machines à chaeyu organique tels que les presses avaient été classés par époque pleine d'expositions.
■클립명: 유럽120-프랑스06-10 지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김인호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 7월 July
,유럽,Europe,유럽,프랑스,France,France,,김인호,2009,7월 July,프로방스 알프스 코트 다 쥐르,Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur,Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur,
wn.com/【K】France Travel Avignon 프랑스 여행 아비뇽 지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관 Lavender Museum Flower Extraction Shop
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU
● Follow me on TWITTER - https://goo.gl/npQdxL
● Like us on FACEBOOK - http://goo.gl/UKHX33
● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
루시용 마을 구경을 마친 나는 인근의 라벤더 밭을 찾았다. 지중해가 원산지인 라벤더는 향과 기름을 얻기 위해 재배하는데 보라색 꽃의 아름다움 때문에 관상용으로 키우는 경우도 있다고 한다. 제대로 꽃을 볼 수 있는 시기는 7월 초. 내가 찾은 때는 수확기로 꽃이 다소 시드는 때라고 한다. 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알기 위해 박물관을 찾았다. 박물관엔 증유기, 압착기와 같은 채유 기계들이 시대별로 분류되어 가득 전시되어 있었다. 실제 채유하던 모습과 라벤더를 채취하던 모습을 사진으로 소개하고 한편에는 라벤더를 채취하던 사람들의 복장과 도구들이 전시되어 라벤더의 오랜 역사도 알 수 있었다.박물관 야외에는 실제 라벤더 향과 오일을 추출하는 과정을 보여주는 시연장이 자리하고 있다. 관람객들에게 자세한 설명과 함께 과정을 보여주는 곳이지만 실제 과정을 보는 사람은 많지 않다. 모두 보려면 2시간이 소요되기 때문이다. 채유 과정은 통 안에 물과 라벤더를 넣고 증류를 통해 물과 기름이 섞인 물질을 만든 다음 오일을 분리해내는 과정이다. 이렇게 얻은 향과 기름은 향수와 화장품의 원료로 사용하고, 요리의 향료로 사용할 뿐만 아니라 두통이나 신경안정 치료에도 쓰인다고 한다. 박물관에는 라벤더를 가공해 만든 제품을 판매하는 곳도 있었는데 라벤더 오일, 화장품, 비누, 꿀 등 다양한 제품들을 볼 수 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
I found the town of Roussillon finished watching nearby lavender fields. Lavender is a Mediterranean origin that sometimes grow as an ornamental because of the beauty of the purple flowers to grow in order to obtain oils and incense. Correctly when you can see the flower in early July. The flowers are somewhat seed to harvesting when it was time I found. I visited the museum to see more details. Museum yen increase organic chaeyu machines such as presses had been categorized by era full of exhibits. About the appearance and the look was taken Lavender and while there was a real chaeyu photos on display are costumes and tools of those who had taken Lavender Lavender can be seen in the long history museum outdoors in the actual process of extracting oils and lavender Zhang has demonstrated place showing. But where to show visitors the process with a detailed description Not many people see the actual process. Because it takes two hours to see everything. Chaeyu process is put in a bucket of water and lavender oil mixed with water and made a substance through a process of distillation, and then separated the oil. The obtained oil is used as an ingredient in incense and perfumes and cosmetics, and even sseuindago to treat headaches, nervous stability, as well as used as a flavoring in cooking. The museum was also created to sell a product where processing could see lavender lavender oils, cosmetics, soaps, honey and various products.
[French: Google Translator]
Je trouve la ville de Roussillon a terminé en regardant les champs de lavande à proximité. La lavande est une origine méditerranéenne qui poussent parfois comme plante ornementale en raison de la beauté des fleurs pourpres de croître afin d'obtenir des huiles et de l'encens. Correctement lorsque vous pouvez voir la fleur au début de Juillet. Les fleurs sont peu graine à la récolte quand il était temps que je trouvais. Je suis allé au musée pour voir plus de détails. augmentation de yens du musée des machines à chaeyu organique tels que les presses avaient été classés par époque pleine d'expositions.
■클립명: 유럽120-프랑스06-10 지중해에서 온 꽃, 라벤더 박물관/Lavender Museum/Flower/Extraction/Shop
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김인호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 7월 July
,유럽,Europe,유럽,프랑스,France,France,,김인호,2009,7월 July,프로방스 알프스 코트 다 쥐르,Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur,Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur,
- published: 05 Jun 2015
- views: 8
Travel to Carcassonne, Montpellier, Nimes and Avignon, Southern France
Four cities in south of France, Medieval castle at Carcassonne; Roman coliseum at Nimes; Pope palace at Avignon...
Four cities in south of France, Medieval castle at Carcassonne; Roman coliseum at Nimes; Pope palace at Avignon
wn.com/Travel To Carcassonne, Montpellier, Nimes And Avignon, Southern France
Four cities in south of France, Medieval castle at Carcassonne; Roman coliseum at Nimes; Pope palace at Avignon
- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 508
Welcome to Avignon, France
See other travel guides to your destination on my channel......
See other travel guides to your destination on my channel...
wn.com/Welcome To Avignon, France
See other travel guides to your destination on my channel...