Anti-Choice Extremist Troy Newman Deported From Australia

High court finds he showed “consummate disregard” for Australian law
1 day, 20 hours ago
The one constant amongst our Libertarian Evangelical Utopianists are their overwhelming and all-defining sense of Entitlement. In their worldview, countries should bow to them, as a natural order of things. They really are clueless and reject any notion of actual ...
• Views: 21,478

Troy Newman, head of extreme anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and board member of the Center for Medical Progress (whose deceptively edited “sting” videos attacking Planned Parenthood have set off a firestorm of dishonest right wing outrage), has been deported from Australia after arriving in the country despite having his …

Late Night’s Seth Meyers on the Disgraceful Republican Behavior at the Planned Parenthood Hearing

Republicans have never heard of a Y axis
125Jebediah, RBG
4 days, 9 hours ago
re: #80 The Vicious Babushka Fuck your prayers, Steven Chowderhead. It's just a useless, lazy, useless way for you to project caring that you do not feel.

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood Wins Round in US Court Against Utah Governor’s Attempt to Defund

“Strong public interests outweigh the defendants’ stated interests in defunding”
162retired cynic
5 days, 4 hours ago
re: #160 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance I hate to differ, but I _love_ liver and onions. Bacon improves things, but I love it anyway. Pork liver is better than beef liver, in my family. Don't remind me ...
US News
• Views: 41,705

Rep. Jason Chaffetz: Our Rotten Lying Anti-Choice Scumbag of the Day

Tries to ambush Planned Parenthood’s president with a blatantly misleading chart
5 days, 19 hours ago
re: #1 freetoken This will continue until the anti-choice extremists finally manage to shutter PP. And when they do, the number of abortions across the nation will surge as women find themselves without access to health care, prenatal care, and ...
• Views: 47,446
Christopher Halloran /

Even Ted Cruz’s Republican Colleagues Are Tired of His Far Right Antics

Republican colleagues loudly bellowed “no”
119Jebediah, RBG
6 days, 10 hours ago
re: #44 klys (maker of Silmarils) I continue to be flabbergasted that there are still people who think denying an adult that agency can somehow be justified.

Long Beach City College Professor Applauds Terror Attack on Planned Parenthood

Right wing blogger/professor openly praises anti-choice terrorism
4 weeks ago
re: #318 Great White Snark But the article and my comments are about LARRY, not the firearm self-defense movement you're talking about. And Larry, the guy who turns away Muslims/Arabs/Middle Easterners is kind of a dick, in my opinion. Furthermore, ...
US News
• Views: 53,085

Independent Analysis of Planned Parenthood “Sting” Videos Finds Deceptive Manipulation

The videos “do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict”
204Jebediah, RBG
8/27/15 6:25:50 pm
re: #178 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge And since we do sort of have a standing army now, I think our state is pretty well secured, even without clueless beer-gutted yahoos carrying their AR-15s around town. So - good ...
US News
• Views: 55,695

Ben Carson Slammed Planned Parenthood for Fetal Tissue Donation, but Did Research on Aborted Fetal Tissue Himself

Just some more GOP hypocrisy
8/13/15 5:35:54 pm
It always appalls me to see a doctor, above all, become such an anti-science revanchist. Medicine, for me, is the apogee of the Renaissance. Yes, sometimes it gets poisoned by money-hunger, and quackery is always a temptation-- for some-- because ...
• Views: 60,237

Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Stalls in Senate, as Gov. Bobby Jindal Cuts Off Medicaid Funding

Jindal the creationist decides to harm the women of Louisiana
8/04/15 1:05:11 am
Louisiana is only the 8th worst in teen pregnancies, with a rate 60% than the national average. Jindal is trying to make Louisiana #1 (in something).
• Views: 55,572

Massachusetts Attorney General Exonerates Planned Parenthood of Bogus “Baby Parts” Smear Campaign

The fanatics’ lies are falling apart
8/02/15 10:18:07 am
Trump has the loyal support of the part of the GOP base that likes how he is undeterred by facts from telling them what they like to hear, and likes seeing how he fights back and refuses to back down ...
• Views: 57,756

Anti-Choice Fanatics Used Fake California IDs to Film Planned Parenthood - Now We Have Proof

Fighting back against the smear merchants
211Great White Snark
8/01/15 10:47:25 am
re: #194 #FergusonFireside Too big for me too in some ways. Of course they do have their own PR but sometimes a independent efforts get a little more credibility. I think the parts I'm missing now are a couple interviews ...
• Views: 60,551