[EL NIVEL IMPOSIBLE!!!] Silent Circles by Cyrillic [Geometry Dash 2.0]
► DALE ME GUSTA AL VIDEO:D ✌ ►ID: 12493102
► Si es primera vez que vez uno de mis Videos Suscribete !
[ A B R E M E - P O R F A V O R ]
NIVEL: Silent Circles by Cyrillic
★ 8 Estrellas Gratis!!! Sin Hacer NADA! [Geometry Dash 2.0]
★ Como Conseguir DOOMED US ALL! | El Wave Illuminati !!! ?
EL DEMON IMPOSIBLE! | Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent 100% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Jose Jax
♦Sucribete! :https://www.youtube.com/c/JoseJaxHernandez
♦Comenten y Delen LIKE =D
♦Mi App para Chrome y Firefox:http://myapp.wips.com/jose-jax-videos
♦MHE O E PASAO, SHOI HUN PHIZHI PRHO (?), Ok no, es la versi´no auto, espero que les haya gustado el Imposible Demon, ya hare una serie como esta (Toshey Confirmed(?), De Demons Imposibles xD, Si te gusto deja tu LIKE! =D
''Geometry Dash'' | (Impossible) ''Silent Circles'' | By: Cyrillic & Sailent
Gracias Por Ver mi zuhkulento vídeo de hoy .... un saludo a todos ,un abrazo virtual...Este nivel se lo han pasado con hacks y es el mas difícil para mi de todo Geometry Dash.... ID de usuario en GD: Dafixx1
Geometry Dash - SILENT CIRCLES 100% - by Cyrillic & Sailent (Impossible)
//- Geometry Dash
ID: 12169905
Level by Cyrillic (Eleven) + Sailent (Nautilus2K).
Cyrillic's YouTube channel;
Anyway, it took a while but it's finally here. Hope you guys enjoy the footage.
Start positions + auto.
Follow me on Instagram; @toshey
In-game name: Toshey.
Leave a like and subscribe for more ◕‿◕
El Hermano de Ice Cream - Cyrillic Temple (very hardest Demon) - In Auto - Geometry Dash
Challenge 3
Level Auto: Cyrillic Temple
Song(TM43 - EuroDancer): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117947
No Olvides seguirme en Mis Redes Sociales:
[IMPOSSIBLE] Silent Circles by Cyrillic and Sailent 100% | Geometry Dash
crazy bonkers map, that was legitness. this map is truly impossible to complete and no human will ever be able to clear it.
made using a mixture of start pos, auto and help by my friend toshdeluxe.
intro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk9R7MiwV3A
level song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
toshdeluxe: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToshDeluxe
cyrillic: https://www.youtube.
¡EL NIVEL MÁS DIFÍCIL DE GEOMETRY DASH! Geometry Dash [2.0] Silent Circles (Auto) By Cyrillic
PD: El nivel que he grabado NO es el original...
PS: I've recorded level is not the original...
Nombre del Nivel (original) / Level Name (original):
- Silent Circles
ID (original) = 12169905
Nombre del Nivel (versión auto) / Level Name (auto version):
Silent Circles Auto
ID (auto version): 12493102
Nombre de la canción / Song Name:
Xtrullor - Supernova
By: Xtrullor
ID de la canción / S
(leer descripcion)"IMPOSSIBLE" SILENT CIRCLES BY Cyrillic and Sailent | GEOMETRY DASH 2.0
el domingo primero les quiero avisar q voy a hacer un directo ya q es halloween y en ese mismo dia es mi cumpleaños (q ojetes) asi q el directo lo are como alas 4 o 5 pm hora central de mexico y tendra de duracion como 2 hrs y jugaremos minecrah
produced by EL'SHEY
download link
RIOT vs CYCLIC - Quien es el mejor jugador de Geometry Dash?
En los comentarios, di quien es el mejor para ti...
Psdt: Para mi el mejor es Riot, POR AHORA!
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▶Suscribete al canal de mi amigo ZaneTruesdale:
EL NIVEL MAS IMPOSIBLE DE TODO GD (Versión auto) - Silent Circles by Sailent and Cyrillic - SrDolo
Silent Circles by Cyrillic (¿Nivel Imposible?) | DarckGH
Hola Naranjitubbie, espero que te guste el vídeo no
olvides dejarme un like, asi me ayudas hacer mas vídeos,
y no olvides suscribirte a este canal zukistrukiz,compartir
el vídeo y comenta! :3 . Espero que tengas un gran dia AWESOME.
Canal de YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZIxvTK
FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/73JgsP
TWITTER: https://goo.gl/NTjSeS
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABRIME D: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ID: 12995050
Wepa,Holap,otra ves :v hoy les vengo ah traer un nivel imposible de GD (Geometry Dash),el cual es Silent Circles,creado por Cyrillic y Sailent,este nivel es auto,haci que no
[IMPOSIBLE] Silent Circles by Sailent & Cyrillic - Geometry Dash - XrioZhen
Esta nivel es la version auto hecha por ToshDeluxe antes de q el nivel original sea borrado ...like y suscribanse :)
ID: 12995050
-Geometry Dash - Easy User Coins : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UK3zJErM6MnYCbRMMiLAWRfRUQw_K6j
-Geometry Dash :
- Geometry Dash - NIveles de Robtop : ht
Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ¡¡ ESPECIAL HALLOWEEN !!
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) quien te conoce SpeedHack
Mi primer especial v': y es el Silent Circles ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ojala lo disfruten, laik, comparte y suscribete :V/
THE IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL - Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent - Geometry Dash 2.01
Nivel: Silent Circles
Creadores: Cyrillic & Sailent
Dificultad: ???
Música: Supernova by Xtrullor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Este nivel es AUTO, lo pueden encontrar buscando el nivel como : Silent Circles Auto
Si te gusto dale like, y si te gusta mi contenido suscribite Ü.
SILENT CIRCLES By Cyrillic & Sailent (Impossible Demon) Geometry Dash (2.0)
Antes de que empiecen HACKER!:V DISLIKE:V...! Este nivel es autoC:
Subire al canal este tipo de niveles imposibles:D:! Disfruta el video!(:
Si te gusto ayudame con un like!:D Suscribete & Comenta:3
Una disculpa denuevo!XD Por no poder aver subido video, ya estoy de vueltaXD!:3 Gracias por su apoyo Shavotz!
----------------★ Mas Videos ★----------------
IMPOSIBLE Geometry Dash 2.0 Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent
música del nivel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Canal del autor de la canción: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCejLri1RVC7kj8ZVNX2a53g
este nivel es un auto ya que el original es tan jodidamente imposible D:
ID del nivel auto: 12995050
ID del nivel: 12169905
Silent Circles - By Sailent and Cyrillic - 100% - (Imposible Level) - Geometry Dash
Para los que no se dieron cuenta este nivel es auto.
Por favor no acusar de hack.
This is a level auto.
Pls No acuse of hack.
El DEMON IMPOSIBLE AUTO :V – Silent Circles Auto - Nico4Dash
NAME : Silent Circles Auto by Cyrillic
RATE : ☆0 Stars☆ HARD/AUTO
Skype : Nico6PC
TWITTER : @Nicosalmeron50
GD : Nico4Dash
IMPOSIBLE DEMON Silent Circles by Sailent and Cyrillic [Geometry Dash 2.01]
Abreme me ahogo
Hola amigos de youtube
Bueno me pase Silent Circles pero me a costado el
mundo FAKE¡¡¡¡
Bueno Si les gusto regalame un like para mas vídeos
Y suscribete bueno y comente cosas agradables
Si me quieres seguir en mis redes sociales aqui estan:
Pagina oficial de facebookhttps://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=393025807574165
Pin de BBM:58D4E332
Geometry Dash [2.0] (S4T4N1C 1MP0551BL3 D3M0N!) Silent Circles by Sailent & Cyrillic (FAKE!)
Obviamente esto es fake! Es una versión Auto de Silent Circles, Un nivel imposible! Espero que les guste! Niveles de subs y Especial de Halloween en unas Horas!
Canción de la Intro! Party Favor - Bap U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz7dttXLaOE
Intro por VegaArtz! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECEhS6Dug0Ip1P88ymrTrA
Juegos muy baratos! http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlexYT
Sigueme en T
Geometry Dash - Silent Circles By Cyrillic y Sailent (IMPOSIBLE) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
el nivel es auto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jeje yo no uso speedhack
[EL NIVEL IMPOSIBLE!!!] Silent Circles by Cyrillic [Geometry Dash 2.0]
► DALE ME GUSTA AL VIDEO:D ✌ ►ID: 12493102
► Si es primera vez que vez uno de mis Videos Suscribete !
[ A B R E M E - P O R F A V O R ]
NIVEL: Silent Circles...
► DALE ME GUSTA AL VIDEO:D ✌ ►ID: 12493102
► Si es primera vez que vez uno de mis Videos Suscribete !
[ A B R E M E - P O R F A V O R ]
NIVEL: Silent Circles by Cyrillic
★ 8 Estrellas Gratis!!! Sin Hacer NADA! [Geometry Dash 2.0]
★ Como Conseguir DOOMED US ALL! | El Wave Illuminati !!! ?
★Como Descargar e Instalar FL Studio 12 !!
★Como Instalar Cinema 4D R12 !!
Canales Amigos: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
wn.com/El Nivel Imposible Silent Circles By Cyrillic Geometry Dash 2.0
► DALE ME GUSTA AL VIDEO:D ✌ ►ID: 12493102
► Si es primera vez que vez uno de mis Videos Suscribete !
[ A B R E M E - P O R F A V O R ]
NIVEL: Silent Circles by Cyrillic
★ 8 Estrellas Gratis!!! Sin Hacer NADA! [Geometry Dash 2.0]
★ Como Conseguir DOOMED US ALL! | El Wave Illuminati !!! ?
★Como Descargar e Instalar FL Studio 12 !!
★Como Instalar Cinema 4D R12 !!
Canales Amigos: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 15
EL DEMON IMPOSIBLE! | Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent 100% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Jose Jax
♦Sucribete! :https://www.youtube.com/c/JoseJaxHernandez
♦Comenten y Delen LIKE =D
♦Mi App para Chrome y Firefox:http://myapp.wips.com/jose-jax-videos
♦MHE O ...
♦Sucribete! :https://www.youtube.com/c/JoseJaxHernandez
♦Comenten y Delen LIKE =D
♦Mi App para Chrome y Firefox:http://myapp.wips.com/jose-jax-videos
♦MHE O E PASAO, SHOI HUN PHIZHI PRHO (?), Ok no, es la versi´no auto, espero que les haya gustado el Imposible Demon, ya hare una serie como esta (Toshey Confirmed(?), De Demons Imposibles xD, Si te gusto deja tu LIKE! =D
♦Mi Segundo Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyPuWfNlgQC5zzd261rd_Xg
♦Frase del Dia: YIYI IZI ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
♦El Segmento Ideal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb-Lv3Iz3kE&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEqK2q6NGwdyGonWeZWV5RK
♦Las 5 Curiosidades más Curiosas:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ElQ_J6p73s&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEg52tUv0Rkx5lC0hkCDeju
♦Jose Jax News:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk4krArWNzE&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqGdL8PudRzjSP8W7c9EhOhu
♦Gameplays Sensualmente Estupidos! :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bGEqmEibs0&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEAQC38Twqkj3AepbOqpDsr
wn.com/El Demon Imposible | Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent 100 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Jose Jax
♦Sucribete! :https://www.youtube.com/c/JoseJaxHernandez
♦Comenten y Delen LIKE =D
♦Mi App para Chrome y Firefox:http://myapp.wips.com/jose-jax-videos
♦MHE O E PASAO, SHOI HUN PHIZHI PRHO (?), Ok no, es la versi´no auto, espero que les haya gustado el Imposible Demon, ya hare una serie como esta (Toshey Confirmed(?), De Demons Imposibles xD, Si te gusto deja tu LIKE! =D
♦Mi Segundo Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyPuWfNlgQC5zzd261rd_Xg
♦Frase del Dia: YIYI IZI ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
♦El Segmento Ideal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb-Lv3Iz3kE&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEqK2q6NGwdyGonWeZWV5RK
♦Las 5 Curiosidades más Curiosas:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ElQ_J6p73s&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEg52tUv0Rkx5lC0hkCDeju
♦Jose Jax News:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk4krArWNzE&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqGdL8PudRzjSP8W7c9EhOhu
♦Gameplays Sensualmente Estupidos! :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bGEqmEibs0&list;=PLz_y7j-GBlqEAQC38Twqkj3AepbOqpDsr
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 91
''Geometry Dash'' | (Impossible) ''Silent Circles'' | By: Cyrillic & Sailent
Gracias Por Ver mi zuhkulento vídeo de hoy .... un saludo a todos ,un abrazo virtual...Este nivel se lo han pasado con hacks y es el mas difícil para mi de todo...
Gracias Por Ver mi zuhkulento vídeo de hoy .... un saludo a todos ,un abrazo virtual...Este nivel se lo han pasado con hacks y es el mas difícil para mi de todo Geometry Dash.... ID de usuario en GD: Dafixx1
wn.com/''Geometry Dash'' | (Impossible) ''Silent Circles'' | By Cyrillic Sailent
Gracias Por Ver mi zuhkulento vídeo de hoy .... un saludo a todos ,un abrazo virtual...Este nivel se lo han pasado con hacks y es el mas difícil para mi de todo Geometry Dash.... ID de usuario en GD: Dafixx1
- published: 10 Jan 2016
- views: 17
Geometry Dash - SILENT CIRCLES 100% - by Cyrillic & Sailent (Impossible)
//- Geometry Dash
ID: 12169905
Level by Cyrillic (Eleven) + Sailent (Nautilus2K).
Cyrillic's YouTube channel;
//- Geometry Dash
ID: 12169905
Level by Cyrillic (Eleven) + Sailent (Nautilus2K).
Cyrillic's YouTube channel;
Anyway, it took a while but it's finally here. Hope you guys enjoy the footage.
Start positions + auto.
Follow me on Instagram; @toshey
In-game name: Toshey.
Leave a like and subscribe for more ◕‿◕
Intro made by SonicFX;
Subscribe to his channel, he has amazing content!:
*Yes, I accept level requests, that's what the GD part of my channel meant for. It depends on the gameplay, doesn't have to be a pretty level, as long as I like to play it (most importantly I listen to the music, so make a good choice, be original). Keep your level ID's in the comment section down below and it will be up to me if your level is getting recorded on my channel since I'll review it. I can't guarantee everyone a video of their level, so it's basically based on pure luck, although I most likely read most comments, so I will also pay attention to the IDs and check them out.
**Great texture pack! (Twinkle - by Biton):
Download link (2.01):
//- G2A.COM - Games for a low price!
//- Info
Jump and fly your way through danger in this rythm-based action platformer! Prepare for a near impossible challenge in the world of Geometry Dash. Push your skills to the limit as you jump, fly and flip your way through dangerous passages.
//- Sony Vegas Pro Settings
Pixel format: 8-bit
Pixel aspect ratio: 1,0000
Compositing gamma: 2,222 (Video)
View transform: OFF
Full-resolution rendering quality: Best
Motion blur type: Gaussian
Deinterlace method: Blend fields
Frame rate: 30,000
Resolution: 1920x1080x32
Audio: 192 Kbps; 48.000 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo; WMA
//- System
-OS: Windows 8.1 x64
-CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3632QM (Intel Ivy Bridge)
-CPU Speed: @ 2.20 GHz / Boost: 3.20 GHz
-GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7670M
-HDD: 1 TB 5400 RPM SATA
-MC (Microprocessor Cache): 6 MB L3 cache
-MB: Intel M HM76
-Screen: 39,6-cm (15,6-inch) HD BrightView LED-backlit (1366 x 768)
-Monitor: LG 25UM65-P LED Display, 63.5 cm (25" inch) 21:9 UltraWide Monitor, TFT-LCD, IPS, Full HD, 2560 x 1080 pixels
-Audio: Altec Lansing integrated speakers + Dolby Advanced audio
//- Amazing Channels!
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnlyNevec (Riot)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuU48hlxRelzAU_GuGJiCg (MonkeyTheOfficial)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Wn3Tlq_Dv5CgQquaFzc4Q (The Railgunner)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsjWeDDjmRcWNpBjsr3zwbg (knobbelboy)
//- Subscribe for more!
wn.com/Geometry Dash Silent Circles 100 By Cyrillic Sailent (Impossible)
//- Geometry Dash
ID: 12169905
Level by Cyrillic (Eleven) + Sailent (Nautilus2K).
Cyrillic's YouTube channel;
Anyway, it took a while but it's finally here. Hope you guys enjoy the footage.
Start positions + auto.
Follow me on Instagram; @toshey
In-game name: Toshey.
Leave a like and subscribe for more ◕‿◕
Intro made by SonicFX;
Subscribe to his channel, he has amazing content!:
*Yes, I accept level requests, that's what the GD part of my channel meant for. It depends on the gameplay, doesn't have to be a pretty level, as long as I like to play it (most importantly I listen to the music, so make a good choice, be original). Keep your level ID's in the comment section down below and it will be up to me if your level is getting recorded on my channel since I'll review it. I can't guarantee everyone a video of their level, so it's basically based on pure luck, although I most likely read most comments, so I will also pay attention to the IDs and check them out.
**Great texture pack! (Twinkle - by Biton):
Download link (2.01):
//- G2A.COM - Games for a low price!
//- Info
Jump and fly your way through danger in this rythm-based action platformer! Prepare for a near impossible challenge in the world of Geometry Dash. Push your skills to the limit as you jump, fly and flip your way through dangerous passages.
//- Sony Vegas Pro Settings
Pixel format: 8-bit
Pixel aspect ratio: 1,0000
Compositing gamma: 2,222 (Video)
View transform: OFF
Full-resolution rendering quality: Best
Motion blur type: Gaussian
Deinterlace method: Blend fields
Frame rate: 30,000
Resolution: 1920x1080x32
Audio: 192 Kbps; 48.000 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo; WMA
//- System
-OS: Windows 8.1 x64
-CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3632QM (Intel Ivy Bridge)
-CPU Speed: @ 2.20 GHz / Boost: 3.20 GHz
-GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7670M
-HDD: 1 TB 5400 RPM SATA
-MC (Microprocessor Cache): 6 MB L3 cache
-MB: Intel M HM76
-Screen: 39,6-cm (15,6-inch) HD BrightView LED-backlit (1366 x 768)
-Monitor: LG 25UM65-P LED Display, 63.5 cm (25" inch) 21:9 UltraWide Monitor, TFT-LCD, IPS, Full HD, 2560 x 1080 pixels
-Audio: Altec Lansing integrated speakers + Dolby Advanced audio
//- Amazing Channels!
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnlyNevec (Riot)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuU48hlxRelzAU_GuGJiCg (MonkeyTheOfficial)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Wn3Tlq_Dv5CgQquaFzc4Q (The Railgunner)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsjWeDDjmRcWNpBjsr3zwbg (knobbelboy)
//- Subscribe for more!
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 2530
El Hermano de Ice Cream - Cyrillic Temple (very hardest Demon) - In Auto - Geometry Dash
Challenge 3
Level Auto: Cyrillic Temple
Song(TM43 - EuroDancer): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117947
No Olvides seguirme en Mis Redes Soc...
Challenge 3
Level Auto: Cyrillic Temple
Song(TM43 - EuroDancer): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117947
No Olvides seguirme en Mis Redes Sociales:
wn.com/El Hermano De Ice Cream Cyrillic Temple (Very Hardest Demon) In Auto Geometry Dash
Challenge 3
Level Auto: Cyrillic Temple
Song(TM43 - EuroDancer): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117947
No Olvides seguirme en Mis Redes Sociales:
- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 12
[IMPOSSIBLE] Silent Circles by Cyrillic and Sailent 100% | Geometry Dash
crazy bonkers map, that was legitness. this map is truly impossible to complete and no human will ever be able to clear it.
made using a mixture of start pos, ...
crazy bonkers map, that was legitness. this map is truly impossible to complete and no human will ever be able to clear it.
made using a mixture of start pos, auto and help by my friend toshdeluxe.
intro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk9R7MiwV3A
level song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
toshdeluxe: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToshDeluxe
cyrillic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYLNeh1aELLcvzgT4BcXqSA
sailent: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFf3ltxVsEWgyvuUati89Qw
wn.com/Impossible Silent Circles By Cyrillic And Sailent 100 | Geometry Dash
crazy bonkers map, that was legitness. this map is truly impossible to complete and no human will ever be able to clear it.
made using a mixture of start pos, auto and help by my friend toshdeluxe.
intro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk9R7MiwV3A
level song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
toshdeluxe: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToshDeluxe
cyrillic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYLNeh1aELLcvzgT4BcXqSA
sailent: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFf3ltxVsEWgyvuUati89Qw
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 6860
¡EL NIVEL MÁS DIFÍCIL DE GEOMETRY DASH! Geometry Dash [2.0] Silent Circles (Auto) By Cyrillic
PD: El nivel que he grabado NO es el original...
PS: I've recorded level is not the original...
Nombre del Nivel (original) / Level Name (original):
- Silen...
PD: El nivel que he grabado NO es el original...
PS: I've recorded level is not the original...
Nombre del Nivel (original) / Level Name (original):
- Silent Circles
ID (original) = 12169905
Nombre del Nivel (versión auto) / Level Name (auto version):
Silent Circles Auto
ID (auto version): 12493102
Nombre de la canción / Song Name:
Xtrullor - Supernova
By: Xtrullor
ID de la canción / Song ID:
ID: 593661
Darle "me gusta" no te olvides de suscribirte si no lo estás... Muchas gracias, nos vemos... Un saludo
Send "likes" do not forget to subscribe if you're not ... Thanks, see you ... Greetings
wn.com/¡El Nivel Más Difícil De Geometry Dash Geometry Dash 2.0 Silent Circles (Auto) By Cyrillic
PD: El nivel que he grabado NO es el original...
PS: I've recorded level is not the original...
Nombre del Nivel (original) / Level Name (original):
- Silent Circles
ID (original) = 12169905
Nombre del Nivel (versión auto) / Level Name (auto version):
Silent Circles Auto
ID (auto version): 12493102
Nombre de la canción / Song Name:
Xtrullor - Supernova
By: Xtrullor
ID de la canción / Song ID:
ID: 593661
Darle "me gusta" no te olvides de suscribirte si no lo estás... Muchas gracias, nos vemos... Un saludo
Send "likes" do not forget to subscribe if you're not ... Thanks, see you ... Greetings
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 29
(leer descripcion)"IMPOSSIBLE" SILENT CIRCLES BY Cyrillic and Sailent | GEOMETRY DASH 2.0
el domingo primero les quiero avisar q voy a hacer un directo ya q es halloween y en ese mismo dia es mi cumpleaños (q ojetes) asi q el directo lo are como alas...
el domingo primero les quiero avisar q voy a hacer un directo ya q es halloween y en ese mismo dia es mi cumpleaños (q ojetes) asi q el directo lo are como alas 4 o 5 pm hora central de mexico y tendra de duracion como 2 hrs y jugaremos minecrah
wn.com/(Leer Descripcion) Impossible Silent Circles By Cyrillic And Sailent | Geometry Dash 2.0
el domingo primero les quiero avisar q voy a hacer un directo ya q es halloween y en ese mismo dia es mi cumpleaños (q ojetes) asi q el directo lo are como alas 4 o 5 pm hora central de mexico y tendra de duracion como 2 hrs y jugaremos minecrah
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 103
produced by EL'SHEY
download link
produced by EL'SHEY
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wn.com/Maven Ft Cyrillic Calvary (No Time Records)
produced by EL'SHEY
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- published: 08 Jan 2016
- views: 91
RIOT vs CYCLIC - Quien es el mejor jugador de Geometry Dash?
En los comentarios, di quien es el mejor para ti...
Psdt: Para mi el mejor es Riot, POR AHORA!
¿Te ha gustado este vídeo?
✔ ¿A qué estás esperando? ¡SUSCRIBET...
En los comentarios, di quien es el mejor para ti...
Psdt: Para mi el mejor es Riot, POR AHORA!
¿Te ha gustado este vídeo?
✔ ¿A qué estás esperando? ¡SUSCRIBETE!
¡Recuerda darle a Me gusta si te ha divertido el vídeo! ¡Gracias!
▶Sígueme en Twitter:
▶Sígueme en Facebook:
▶Suscribete al canal de mi amigo ZaneTruesdale:
▶Agregame a Skype:
KarlGamesYT (mi foto de perfil es la misma que la de este canal)
wn.com/Riot Vs Cyclic Quien Es El Mejor Jugador De Geometry Dash
En los comentarios, di quien es el mejor para ti...
Psdt: Para mi el mejor es Riot, POR AHORA!
¿Te ha gustado este vídeo?
✔ ¿A qué estás esperando? ¡SUSCRIBETE!
¡Recuerda darle a Me gusta si te ha divertido el vídeo! ¡Gracias!
▶Sígueme en Twitter:
▶Sígueme en Facebook:
▶Suscribete al canal de mi amigo ZaneTruesdale:
▶Agregame a Skype:
KarlGamesYT (mi foto de perfil es la misma que la de este canal)
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 225
Silent Circles by Cyrillic (¿Nivel Imposible?) | DarckGH
Hola Naranjitubbie, espero que te guste el vídeo no
olvides dejarme un like, asi me ayudas hacer mas vídeos,
y no olvides suscribirte a este canal zukistrukiz...
Hola Naranjitubbie, espero que te guste el vídeo no
olvides dejarme un like, asi me ayudas hacer mas vídeos,
y no olvides suscribirte a este canal zukistrukiz,compartir
el vídeo y comenta! :3 . Espero que tengas un gran dia AWESOME.
Canal de YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZIxvTK
FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/73JgsP
TWITTER: https://goo.gl/NTjSeS
wn.com/Silent Circles By Cyrillic (¿Nivel Imposible ) | Darckgh
Hola Naranjitubbie, espero que te guste el vídeo no
olvides dejarme un like, asi me ayudas hacer mas vídeos,
y no olvides suscribirte a este canal zukistrukiz,compartir
el vídeo y comenta! :3 . Espero que tengas un gran dia AWESOME.
Canal de YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZIxvTK
FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/73JgsP
TWITTER: https://goo.gl/NTjSeS
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 35
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABRIME D: ---------------------------------------------------------...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABRIME D: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ID: 12995050
Wepa,Holap,otra ves :v hoy les vengo ah traer un nivel imposible de GD (Geometry Dash),el cual es Silent Circles,creado por Cyrillic y Sailent,este nivel es auto,haci que no me digan nada de que uso hacks :v
feizvuk: JaredGames
escaip: dante.wtf1
tuich: dante00000000
SUBSCRIBETE si no lo estas,es GRATIS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like,comenta y comparte...
No me voy ah despedir sin hacer un poco de spam :v
Pasate por esta aqui,70% de descuento en juegos de pc^^: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/
wn.com/Silent Circles| Impossible Level |Geometry Dash 100 |By Cyrillic Sailent
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABRIME D: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ID: 12995050
Wepa,Holap,otra ves :v hoy les vengo ah traer un nivel imposible de GD (Geometry Dash),el cual es Silent Circles,creado por Cyrillic y Sailent,este nivel es auto,haci que no me digan nada de que uso hacks :v
feizvuk: JaredGames
escaip: dante.wtf1
tuich: dante00000000
SUBSCRIBETE si no lo estas,es GRATIS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like,comenta y comparte...
No me voy ah despedir sin hacer un poco de spam :v
Pasate por esta aqui,70% de descuento en juegos de pc^^: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 7
[IMPOSIBLE] Silent Circles by Sailent & Cyrillic - Geometry Dash - XrioZhen
Esta nivel es la version auto hecha por ToshDeluxe antes de q el nivel original sea borrado ...like y suscribanse :)
ID: 12995050
Esta nivel es la version auto hecha por ToshDeluxe antes de q el nivel original sea borrado ...like y suscribanse :)
ID: 12995050
-Geometry Dash - Easy User Coins : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UK3zJErM6MnYCbRMMiLAWRfRUQw_K6j
-Geometry Dash :
- Geometry Dash - NIveles de Robtop : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UK3zJErM6MbAhj6_55KdG7e-SfA2NfU
wn.com/Imposible Silent Circles By Sailent Cyrillic Geometry Dash Xriozhen
Esta nivel es la version auto hecha por ToshDeluxe antes de q el nivel original sea borrado ...like y suscribanse :)
ID: 12995050
-Geometry Dash - Easy User Coins : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UK3zJErM6MnYCbRMMiLAWRfRUQw_K6j
-Geometry Dash :
- Geometry Dash - NIveles de Robtop : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UK3zJErM6MbAhj6_55KdG7e-SfA2NfU
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 14
Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ¡¡ ESPECIAL HALLOWEEN !!
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) quien te conoce SpeedHack
Mi primer especial v': y es el Silent Circles ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ojala lo disfruten, laik, comparte y suscribete :V/...
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) quien te conoce SpeedHack
Mi primer especial v': y es el Silent Circles ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ojala lo disfruten, laik, comparte y suscribete :V/
wn.com/Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ¡¡ Especial Halloween
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) quien te conoce SpeedHack
Mi primer especial v': y es el Silent Circles ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) ojala lo disfruten, laik, comparte y suscribete :V/
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 23
THE IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL - Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent - Geometry Dash 2.01
Nivel: Silent Circles
Creadores: Cyrillic & Sailent
Dificultad: ???
Música: Supernova by Xtrullor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Este nivel ...
Nivel: Silent Circles
Creadores: Cyrillic & Sailent
Dificultad: ???
Música: Supernova by Xtrullor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Este nivel es AUTO, lo pueden encontrar buscando el nivel como : Silent Circles Auto
Si te gusto dale like, y si te gusta mi contenido suscribite Ü.
wn.com/The Impossible Level Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent Geometry Dash 2.01
Nivel: Silent Circles
Creadores: Cyrillic & Sailent
Dificultad: ???
Música: Supernova by Xtrullor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Este nivel es AUTO, lo pueden encontrar buscando el nivel como : Silent Circles Auto
Si te gusto dale like, y si te gusta mi contenido suscribite Ü.
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 27
SILENT CIRCLES By Cyrillic & Sailent (Impossible Demon) Geometry Dash (2.0)
Antes de que empiecen HACKER!:V DISLIKE:V...! Este nivel es autoC:
Subire al canal este tipo de niveles imposibles:D:! Disfruta el video!(:
Si te gusto ayudame ...
Antes de que empiecen HACKER!:V DISLIKE:V...! Este nivel es autoC:
Subire al canal este tipo de niveles imposibles:D:! Disfruta el video!(:
Si te gusto ayudame con un like!:D Suscribete & Comenta:3
Una disculpa denuevo!XD Por no poder aver subido video, ya estoy de vueltaXD!:3 Gracias por su apoyo Shavotz!
----------------★ Mas Videos ★----------------
✔GEOMETRY DASH [2.0 - 2.01]
✔If Demons Was Lv1
-------------★ REDES SOCIALES ★--------------
👍SKYPE: Thedriferny
👍FACEBOOK PERSONAL: https://www.facebook.com/juanfernando...
👍XBOX LIVE:3! FernandoMw3 [Agregame para jugar:D]
👍WHATSAPP: Lo doy ya que tenga 1000XD!
★Nos vemos en otro videooo SHAVOS! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)★
wn.com/Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent (Impossible Demon) Geometry Dash (2.0)
Antes de que empiecen HACKER!:V DISLIKE:V...! Este nivel es autoC:
Subire al canal este tipo de niveles imposibles:D:! Disfruta el video!(:
Si te gusto ayudame con un like!:D Suscribete & Comenta:3
Una disculpa denuevo!XD Por no poder aver subido video, ya estoy de vueltaXD!:3 Gracias por su apoyo Shavotz!
----------------★ Mas Videos ★----------------
✔GEOMETRY DASH [2.0 - 2.01]
✔If Demons Was Lv1
-------------★ REDES SOCIALES ★--------------
👍SKYPE: Thedriferny
👍FACEBOOK PERSONAL: https://www.facebook.com/juanfernando...
👍XBOX LIVE:3! FernandoMw3 [Agregame para jugar:D]
👍WHATSAPP: Lo doy ya que tenga 1000XD!
★Nos vemos en otro videooo SHAVOS! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)★
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 84
IMPOSIBLE Geometry Dash 2.0 Silent Circles by Cyrillic & Sailent
música del nivel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Canal del autor de la canción: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCejLri1RVC7kj8ZVNX2a53g
este nivel...
música del nivel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Canal del autor de la canción: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCejLri1RVC7kj8ZVNX2a53g
este nivel es un auto ya que el original es tan jodidamente imposible D:
ID del nivel auto: 12995050
ID del nivel: 12169905
aplicación para tu navegador:
wn.com/Imposible Geometry Dash 2.0 Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent
música del nivel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WXyCJ1w3Ks
Canal del autor de la canción: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCejLri1RVC7kj8ZVNX2a53g
este nivel es un auto ya que el original es tan jodidamente imposible D:
ID del nivel auto: 12995050
ID del nivel: 12169905
aplicación para tu navegador:
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 39
Silent Circles - By Sailent and Cyrillic - 100% - (Imposible Level) - Geometry Dash
Para los que no se dieron cuenta este nivel es auto.
Por favor no acusar de hack.
This is a level auto.
Pls No acuse of hack....
Para los que no se dieron cuenta este nivel es auto.
Por favor no acusar de hack.
This is a level auto.
Pls No acuse of hack.
wn.com/Silent Circles By Sailent And Cyrillic 100 (Imposible Level) Geometry Dash
Para los que no se dieron cuenta este nivel es auto.
Por favor no acusar de hack.
This is a level auto.
Pls No acuse of hack.
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 173
El DEMON IMPOSIBLE AUTO :V – Silent Circles Auto - Nico4Dash
NAME : Silent Circles Auto by Cyrillic
RATE : ☆0 Stars☆ HARD/AUTO
Skype : Nico6PC
TWITTER : @Nicosalmeron50
GD : Nico4Dash
NAME : Silent Circles Auto by Cyrillic
RATE : ☆0 Stars☆ HARD/AUTO
Skype : Nico6PC
TWITTER : @Nicosalmeron50
GD : Nico4Dash
wn.com/El Demon Imposible Auto V – Silent Circles Auto Nico4Dash
NAME : Silent Circles Auto by Cyrillic
RATE : ☆0 Stars☆ HARD/AUTO
Skype : Nico6PC
TWITTER : @Nicosalmeron50
GD : Nico4Dash
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 95
IMPOSIBLE DEMON Silent Circles by Sailent and Cyrillic [Geometry Dash 2.01]
Abreme me ahogo
Hola amigos de youtube
Bueno me pase Silent Circles pero me a costado el
mundo FAKE¡¡¡¡
Bueno Si les gusto regalame un like para mas vídeo...
Abreme me ahogo
Hola amigos de youtube
Bueno me pase Silent Circles pero me a costado el
mundo FAKE¡¡¡¡
Bueno Si les gusto regalame un like para mas vídeos
Y suscribete bueno y comente cosas agradables
Si me quieres seguir en mis redes sociales aqui estan:
Pagina oficial de facebookhttps://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=393025807574165
Pin de BBM:58D4E332
Geometry Dash:Morseaus257
Bueno eso fue todo por este dia espero les gustado
No vayas sin dejarme un like
Comenta cosas agradables
Suscribete para estar pendiente de mis vídeos
Bueno eso fue todo hasta la proxima
wn.com/Imposible Demon Silent Circles By Sailent And Cyrillic Geometry Dash 2.01
Abreme me ahogo
Hola amigos de youtube
Bueno me pase Silent Circles pero me a costado el
mundo FAKE¡¡¡¡
Bueno Si les gusto regalame un like para mas vídeos
Y suscribete bueno y comente cosas agradables
Si me quieres seguir en mis redes sociales aqui estan:
Pagina oficial de facebookhttps://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=393025807574165
Pin de BBM:58D4E332
Geometry Dash:Morseaus257
Bueno eso fue todo por este dia espero les gustado
No vayas sin dejarme un like
Comenta cosas agradables
Suscribete para estar pendiente de mis vídeos
Bueno eso fue todo hasta la proxima
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 13
Geometry Dash [2.0] (S4T4N1C 1MP0551BL3 D3M0N!) Silent Circles by Sailent & Cyrillic (FAKE!)
Obviamente esto es fake! Es una versión Auto de Silent Circles, Un nivel imposible! Espero que les guste! Niveles de subs y Especial de Halloween en unas Horas...
Obviamente esto es fake! Es una versión Auto de Silent Circles, Un nivel imposible! Espero que les guste! Niveles de subs y Especial de Halloween en unas Horas!
Canción de la Intro! Party Favor - Bap U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz7dttXLaOE
Intro por VegaArtz! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECEhS6Dug0Ip1P88ymrTrA
Juegos muy baratos! http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlexYT
Sigueme en Twittah! @AlexYT_Oficial
Canales de amigos!
JerexYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nzy6IkNsKVYDPbEzzukbw
GOTS 34: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nzy6IkNsKVYDPbEzzukbw
RandyPlaysGames: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5S0Eof8kek2sJK3iKW6Wmw
Foxy Gaming 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-MV9nYCOnhh_rg6Mr1cQw
TheFofo08: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiPRdDwKoqlJ-7ynAq3hM-w
Humberto07: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvEs4JfwoZlaFV-2BSSytsQ
GD iLunix: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHIMdVUJK6oxHa-uYlXBPmA
El canal del Pelle! (Videos Cuando sea del Pelle xD): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh4FVWGqWgvoW_w5zDjugA
wn.com/Geometry Dash 2.0 (S4T4N1C 1Mp0551Bl3 D3M0N ) Silent Circles By Sailent Cyrillic (Fake )
Obviamente esto es fake! Es una versión Auto de Silent Circles, Un nivel imposible! Espero que les guste! Niveles de subs y Especial de Halloween en unas Horas!
Canción de la Intro! Party Favor - Bap U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz7dttXLaOE
Intro por VegaArtz! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECEhS6Dug0Ip1P88ymrTrA
Juegos muy baratos! http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlexYT
Sigueme en Twittah! @AlexYT_Oficial
Canales de amigos!
JerexYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nzy6IkNsKVYDPbEzzukbw
GOTS 34: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nzy6IkNsKVYDPbEzzukbw
RandyPlaysGames: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5S0Eof8kek2sJK3iKW6Wmw
Foxy Gaming 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-MV9nYCOnhh_rg6Mr1cQw
TheFofo08: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiPRdDwKoqlJ-7ynAq3hM-w
Humberto07: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvEs4JfwoZlaFV-2BSSytsQ
GD iLunix: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHIMdVUJK6oxHa-uYlXBPmA
El canal del Pelle! (Videos Cuando sea del Pelle xD): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh4FVWGqWgvoW_w5zDjugA
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 201
Silent Circles (ImposibleDemon) by:Cyrillic (AUTO)
bueno el nivel es auto pero lo pondré como demonio
Nombre:Silent Circles
Creadores:Cyrillic & Sailent
Canción:Supernova by Xtrullor
Ranking creadores:6/10
Dificultad:Demon (Imposible) 10 estrellas
Ranking dificultad:10/10
Versión del nivel:2.0
Verificadas UC:no
C. usercoins:1
Demon no es LO SIGUENTE Silent cyrcles By Cyrillic
Silent Circles By Cyrillic y Sailent (IMPOSIBLE DEMON)
Hare un video despues sobre TriAxis... Mi sincera opinion sobre el, claro estupido, el video es falso ,-,
Silent Circles- (Auto) -By Sailent and Cyrillic
Este nivel es imposible- This level is impossible.
Súbele el volumen ya que no tengo nada mas que grabar que con mi móvil y no me permite grabar sin el micrófono ya que no lo tengo rooteado.
Crank up the volume because they do not have anything more to record it on my mobile and does not allow me to record without the microphone because I have not rooted.
[Geometry Dash] [IMPOSIBLE] -Silent Circles- By Cyrillic
Muy Buenas Chavales!! Soy ByNiri y en esta ocasión traigo otro nivel imposible, esta vez el famoso Silent Circles, un NC que nadie se podría pasar, espero que os guste!! :D
Vídeo hecho con Star Pos + Auto
ID: 12169905
ID Auto: 12493102
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ByNiriYT
Correo de Contacto: byniri99@gmail.com
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/byniriyt/profile
[IMPOSSIBLE] Silent Circles by Cyrillic and Sailent 100% | Geometry Dash [2.0]
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ¡ABREME! █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
Dejaré en claro qué esté nivel es auto, no comentéis cosas tontas como "Erez jacker" o "es auto", este nivel es imposible, nadie lo pasará al menos qué use hacks o auto, disfrutad del vídeo.
★★★══════ Redes Sociales ══════★★★
Twitter ➜ Twitter.com/dayggergamer
Pagina de facebook ➜ https://goo.gl/dUIMhR
Instagram ➜ https://goo.gl/TfQGye
★★★══════ Pack de texturas
LOL ESTE ES AUTO EL ORIGINAL ES INPOSIBLE QUE LO PASE xD espero y les haiga gustado el video
Geometry Dash [2.0] - SILENT CIRCLES - by Cyrillic & Sailent - Screamer3
GG .. ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
ID: 12169905
Por si alguien no entendió.. xD
Si, el nivel es putamente imposible xD , no es ni speed hack ni nada de eso, es un auto b.b aquí la ID : 12995050
IMPOSIBLE | Silent Circles by Cyrillic | Ema Os
Bueno amigos espero que les guste el video , la verdad este nivel es muy imposible no les miento pero bueno espero que este video reciba mucho apoyo y gracias por los 114 suscriptores, son grandes los quiero , bye bye!!
ID: 12169905
Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ema-Os-381814088693656/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Silent Circles (ImposibleDemon) by:Cyrillic (AUTO)
bueno el nivel es auto pero lo pondré como demonio
Nombre:Silent Circles
Creadores:Cyrillic & Sailent
Canción:Supernova by Xtrullor
Ranking creadores:...
bueno el nivel es auto pero lo pondré como demonio
Nombre:Silent Circles
Creadores:Cyrillic & Sailent
Canción:Supernova by Xtrullor
Ranking creadores:6/10
Dificultad:Demon (Imposible) 10 estrellas
Ranking dificultad:10/10
Versión del nivel:2.0
Verificadas UC:no
C. usercoins:1
wn.com/Silent Circles (Imposibledemon) By Cyrillic (Auto)
bueno el nivel es auto pero lo pondré como demonio
Nombre:Silent Circles
Creadores:Cyrillic & Sailent
Canción:Supernova by Xtrullor
Ranking creadores:6/10
Dificultad:Demon (Imposible) 10 estrellas
Ranking dificultad:10/10
Versión del nivel:2.0
Verificadas UC:no
C. usercoins:1
- published: 30 Dec 2015
- views: 7
Silent Circles By Cyrillic y Sailent (IMPOSIBLE DEMON)
Hare un video despues sobre TriAxis... Mi sincera opinion sobre el, claro estupido, el video es falso ,-,...
Hare un video despues sobre TriAxis... Mi sincera opinion sobre el, claro estupido, el video es falso ,-,
wn.com/Silent Circles By Cyrillic Y Sailent (Imposible Demon)
Hare un video despues sobre TriAxis... Mi sincera opinion sobre el, claro estupido, el video es falso ,-,
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 14
Silent Circles- (Auto) -By Sailent and Cyrillic
Este nivel es imposible- This level is impossible.
Súbele el volumen ya que no tengo nada mas que grabar que con mi móvil y no me permite grabar sin el micróf...
Este nivel es imposible- This level is impossible.
Súbele el volumen ya que no tengo nada mas que grabar que con mi móvil y no me permite grabar sin el micrófono ya que no lo tengo rooteado.
Crank up the volume because they do not have anything more to record it on my mobile and does not allow me to record without the microphone because I have not rooted.
wn.com/Silent Circles (Auto) By Sailent And Cyrillic
Este nivel es imposible- This level is impossible.
Súbele el volumen ya que no tengo nada mas que grabar que con mi móvil y no me permite grabar sin el micrófono ya que no lo tengo rooteado.
Crank up the volume because they do not have anything more to record it on my mobile and does not allow me to record without the microphone because I have not rooted.
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 7
[Geometry Dash] [IMPOSIBLE] -Silent Circles- By Cyrillic
Muy Buenas Chavales!! Soy ByNiri y en esta ocasión traigo otro nivel imposible, esta vez el famoso Silent Circles, un NC que nadie se podría pasar, espero que o...
Muy Buenas Chavales!! Soy ByNiri y en esta ocasión traigo otro nivel imposible, esta vez el famoso Silent Circles, un NC que nadie se podría pasar, espero que os guste!! :D
Vídeo hecho con Star Pos + Auto
ID: 12169905
ID Auto: 12493102
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ByNiriYT
Correo de Contacto: byniri99@gmail.com
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/byniriyt/profile
wn.com/Geometry Dash Imposible Silent Circles By Cyrillic
Muy Buenas Chavales!! Soy ByNiri y en esta ocasión traigo otro nivel imposible, esta vez el famoso Silent Circles, un NC que nadie se podría pasar, espero que os guste!! :D
Vídeo hecho con Star Pos + Auto
ID: 12169905
ID Auto: 12493102
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ByNiriYT
Correo de Contacto: byniri99@gmail.com
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/byniriyt/profile
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 35
[IMPOSSIBLE] Silent Circles by Cyrillic and Sailent 100% | Geometry Dash [2.0]
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ¡ABREME! █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
Dejaré en claro qué esté nivel es auto, no comentéis cosas tontas como "Erez jacker" o "es auto", este nivel es imposible, nadie...
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ¡ABREME! █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
Dejaré en claro qué esté nivel es auto, no comentéis cosas tontas como "Erez jacker" o "es auto", este nivel es imposible, nadie lo pasará al menos qué use hacks o auto, disfrutad del vídeo.
★★★══════ Redes Sociales ══════★★★
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JcSincOver ➜ https://goo.gl/978E3P
AndrewDarkGames ➜ https://goo.gl/sfBJmi
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Bueno, ya sabéis, suscribiros y comentar el vídeos, no olvidéis compartir el vídeo con vuestros amigos y familiares, ¡Nos vemos!.
wn.com/Impossible Silent Circles By Cyrillic And Sailent 100 | Geometry Dash 2.0
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ¡ABREME! █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
Dejaré en claro qué esté nivel es auto, no comentéis cosas tontas como "Erez jacker" o "es auto", este nivel es imposible, nadie lo pasará al menos qué use hacks o auto, disfrutad del vídeo.
★★★══════ Redes Sociales ══════★★★
Twitter ➜ Twitter.com/dayggergamer
Pagina de facebook ➜ https://goo.gl/dUIMhR
Instagram ➜ https://goo.gl/TfQGye
★★★══════ Pack de texturas ══════★★★
★★★══════ Canales Apadrinados ══════★★★
JcSincOver ➜ https://goo.gl/978E3P
AndrewDarkGames ➜ https://goo.gl/sfBJmi
Chen99 ➜ https://goo.gl/ONpCuX
Bueno, ya sabéis, suscribiros y comentar el vídeos, no olvidéis compartir el vídeo con vuestros amigos y familiares, ¡Nos vemos!.
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 23
LOL ESTE ES AUTO EL ORIGINAL ES INPOSIBLE QUE LO PASE xD espero y les haiga gustado el video
LOL ESTE ES AUTO EL ORIGINAL ES INPOSIBLE QUE LO PASE xD espero y les haiga gustado el video
wn.com/¡Silent Circles Demon Insane By Cyrillic And Sailen
LOL ESTE ES AUTO EL ORIGINAL ES INPOSIBLE QUE LO PASE xD espero y les haiga gustado el video
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 47
Geometry Dash [2.0] - SILENT CIRCLES - by Cyrillic & Sailent - Screamer3
GG .. ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
ID: 12169905
Por si alguien no entendió.. xD
Si, el nivel es putamente imposible xD , no es ni speed hack ni nada de eso, es un aut...
GG .. ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
ID: 12169905
Por si alguien no entendió.. xD
Si, el nivel es putamente imposible xD , no es ni speed hack ni nada de eso, es un auto b.b aquí la ID : 12995050
wn.com/Geometry Dash 2.0 Silent Circles By Cyrillic Sailent Screamer3
GG .. ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
ID: 12169905
Por si alguien no entendió.. xD
Si, el nivel es putamente imposible xD , no es ni speed hack ni nada de eso, es un auto b.b aquí la ID : 12995050
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 9
IMPOSIBLE | Silent Circles by Cyrillic | Ema Os
Bueno amigos espero que les guste el video , la verdad este nivel es muy imposible no les miento pero bueno espero que este video reciba mucho apoyo y gracias p...
Bueno amigos espero que les guste el video , la verdad este nivel es muy imposible no les miento pero bueno espero que este video reciba mucho apoyo y gracias por los 114 suscriptores, son grandes los quiero , bye bye!!
ID: 12169905
Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ema-Os-381814088693656/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
wn.com/Imposible | Silent Circles By Cyrillic | Ema Os
Bueno amigos espero que les guste el video , la verdad este nivel es muy imposible no les miento pero bueno espero que este video reciba mucho apoyo y gracias por los 114 suscriptores, son grandes los quiero , bye bye!!
ID: 12169905
Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ema-Os-381814088693656/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 276
DEF CON 12 - Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
In a courtyard at CIA Headquarters stands an encrypted sculpture called Kryptos. Its thousands of characters contain encoded messages, three of which have been solved. The fourth part, 97 or 98 characters at the very bottom, have withstood cryptanalysis for over a decade. The artist who created Kryptos, James Sanborn, has also
All levels Geometry Dash 1-20 [100%] [All Coins]
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18 & 20 levels recorder by AlexPain24
Nicolas Jaar : Mix Tape 66 - Mi Mujer - Russian Dolls - Time For Us - Stay In Love - El Bandido...
http://soundcloud.com/bol3kilol3k/nicolas-jaar-mix-tape-66 420 edition: --- Keep Me There --- After Laughter Comes Tears --- Mi Mujer --- Russian Dolls --- T...
Selo Sikole - Negotin
Sikole (Cyrillic Сиколе) is a village in the opština Negotin, in the district of Bor in eastern Serbia.(eng) Sikole, en serbe cyrillique Сиколе, est un villa...
El team de 4,el parkour impossible y hack!! | Minecraft PvP | w/BaguenGamer11 |
Obten 5% de descuento en IG!!:
Bueno,espero les guste este video de PvP,se que soy noob pero es lo que hay :v.
Canal de Baguen: https://goo.gl/EsUqsr
Video de PvP en Badlion: https://goo.gl/My39ou
Mi canal de musica:
=*=Russian Teacher Relaxing RP=*=
HI :) Я НЕ учитель, и не пытаюсь им стать. я говорю в пол голоса, чтобы слушатель заснул под конец видео. :) In this video by a slip of a tongue I by acciden...
DEF CON 12 - Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries
Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries Information Hiding techniques are much researched in the context of watermarking or fingerprinting...
El Cerdo Dragon | Minecraft: Story Mode | La Orden de la Piedra | Parte 1 | GamePlay en Español
Juegos muy baratos!:
Espero les guste la primera parte,hoy la segunda.
Mi canal secundario:
Pagina de FB:
¿Te quieres unir a TGN? envia tu canal a este correo y pregunta: atorres@
Guča (Serbian Cyrillic: Гуча, pronounced [ɡûtʃa]) is a small town in Serbia. It is situated in the Lučani municipality, Moravica District. The population of ...
The Art of Beatmaking (Latin version)
01. Grim Effect - Dreaming
02. Nexo Morgan - La Noche 03:13
03. Darkside - Trumphession 05:35
04. Dencko Gec - Over 09:58
05. Lost Thought - Detached 11:39
06. RMD Beats - 2-5 14:13
07. Gdos - Shenron 17:27
08. CrsaunBeats - Soyel Creatore 18:58
09. Musk - La Percusión del Panchito 20:31
10. Jum – Eladio el diplomático 23:50
11. Hordatoj - Loop Q***o 26:06
12. Jisah - Escandalo 27:09
13. Dj
Marked - Russian Prison Tattoo Documentary
Russian criminal tattoos have a complex system of symbols which can give quite detailed information about the wearer. Not only do the symbols carry meaning but the area of the body on which they are placed may be meaningful too. The initiation tattoo of a new gang member is usually placed on the chest and may incorporate a rose. A rose on the chest is also used within the Russian Mafia. Wearing fa
El Silencio Es La Maldita Clave|Geometry Dash|#3
Que Tal Amigos como estan aqui les traigo otro episodio de Geometry Dash y en esta ocacion intentare superar Dry out y Base After Base para poder pasar a el siguiente nivel.
MINECRAFT:Mundo Youtuber T:1 Ep:2 El Nuevo mundo
Perdon si no estoy en el mundo anterior hubo un problema con el save del juego y se borro pero en este video lo explico todo lo que paso espero que me perdonen suscribanse,comenten y denle like si le gusto.... ¡GUSTAAA MINECRAFT :)¡¡
Geometry Dash - All Dorabae Basic Levels (1-12)
Video hecho el 15-10-2015 (2.01)
Hasta esa fecha esos son todos los dorabae basic! :)
●Gracias por ver!
●Twitter : https://twitter.com/Brunooo011
●Skype : [GG] Mostacho
●GD : IImostachoII
Nikola Tesla The Story of a Genius Full Documentary
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 18
Geometry Dash | Las aventuras de Robert el magnetico
(No sabia que nombre ponerle al vídeo).
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS THEY SUMER!!...Se que apenas nos conocemos,pero has sido una persona genial...Pasala de 2381290834290840384350834985...
Y no te pude enviar saludos en el vídeo porque lo grabe hace una bosta y recién lo subo :v.
(No me digan nada del día de los enamorados ¬¬).
Si te gusto este vídeo y quieres que siga subiendo ''Geometry Dash'' Deja tu L
Capitulo 1/completa el monumento/minecraftpe
How to use a 1602 16X2 LCD display with Arduino, TI Launchpad, and standalone MSP430
My website: http://www.meanpc.com Wiring a character LCD at Adafruit: http://learn.adafruit.com/character-lcds/wiring-a-character-lcd I show how to use a sta...
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856-- 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electric engineer, mechanical designer, physicist, and also futurist most effectively recognized for his contributions to the style of the contemporary alternating present (Air Conditioning) electrical power supply system.
Nikola Tesla (BBC Documentary) - WWW.OLOSCIENCE.COM
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Born ...
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free
Alfavit - ABC Songs for children
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Learns Russian Alphabet and gets all Cyrillic Letters A to Я (reads ya as in yak) gift from Santa Claus - ABC Songs for Childr...
DEF CON 12 - Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
In a courtyard at CIA Headquarters stands an encrypted sculpture called Kryptos. Its thou...
Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
In a courtyard at CIA Headquarters stands an encrypted sculpture called Kryptos. Its thousands of characters contain encoded messages, three of which have been solved. The fourth part, 97 or 98 characters at the very bottom, have withstood cryptanalysis for over a decade. The artist who created Kryptos, James Sanborn, has also created other encrypted sculptures such as the decade-old Cyrillic Projector, which was cracked last September by an international team led by Elonka Dunin.
This talk is intended for a general audience with beginning to intermediate cryptographic experience. Elonka will go over how the code was cracked, and the current state of knowledge about the Kryptos sculpture, its own encrypted messages, and its mysterious CIA surroundings.
Elonka Dunin is a professional game developer, working at Simutronics (play.net), a provider of massively multiplayer online games. Also an amateur cryptographer, Elonka led the international team that cracked the decade-old KGB Cyrillic Projector Code in September 2003.
Elonka was born in Los Angeles, studied Astronomy at UCLA, and then joined the United States Air Force, where she worked on the SR-71 and U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. Elonka is a world-traveler who speaks multiple languages, and has visited scores of countries around the world, and every continent (yes, including Antarctica). She has won awards for cracking various codes, such as when she cracked the PhreakNIC v3.0 Code, an up-until-Elonka unsolved puzzle created by se2600. Since September 11th, Elonka has also been helping out with the war on terrorism by teaching government agents about cryptography and what types of codes that Al Qaeda may be using. She is co-founder of the Kryptos Group, an online group of cryptographers and interested hobbyists trying to crack the last part of the code on the famous Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters.
wn.com/Def Con 12 Elonka Dunin,Kryptos And The Cracking Of The Cyrillic Projector Cipher
Elonka Dunin,Kryptos and the Cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Cipher
In a courtyard at CIA Headquarters stands an encrypted sculpture called Kryptos. Its thousands of characters contain encoded messages, three of which have been solved. The fourth part, 97 or 98 characters at the very bottom, have withstood cryptanalysis for over a decade. The artist who created Kryptos, James Sanborn, has also created other encrypted sculptures such as the decade-old Cyrillic Projector, which was cracked last September by an international team led by Elonka Dunin.
This talk is intended for a general audience with beginning to intermediate cryptographic experience. Elonka will go over how the code was cracked, and the current state of knowledge about the Kryptos sculpture, its own encrypted messages, and its mysterious CIA surroundings.
Elonka Dunin is a professional game developer, working at Simutronics (play.net), a provider of massively multiplayer online games. Also an amateur cryptographer, Elonka led the international team that cracked the decade-old KGB Cyrillic Projector Code in September 2003.
Elonka was born in Los Angeles, studied Astronomy at UCLA, and then joined the United States Air Force, where she worked on the SR-71 and U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. Elonka is a world-traveler who speaks multiple languages, and has visited scores of countries around the world, and every continent (yes, including Antarctica). She has won awards for cracking various codes, such as when she cracked the PhreakNIC v3.0 Code, an up-until-Elonka unsolved puzzle created by se2600. Since September 11th, Elonka has also been helping out with the war on terrorism by teaching government agents about cryptography and what types of codes that Al Qaeda may be using. She is co-founder of the Kryptos Group, an online group of cryptographers and interested hobbyists trying to crack the last part of the code on the famous Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters.
- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 640
All levels Geometry Dash 1-20 [100%] [All Coins]
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18 & 20 levels recorder by AlexPain24...
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18 & 20 levels recorder by AlexPain24
wn.com/All Levels Geometry Dash 1 20 100 All Coins
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18 & 20 levels recorder by AlexPain24
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 863
Nicolas Jaar : Mix Tape 66 - Mi Mujer - Russian Dolls - Time For Us - Stay In Love - El Bandido...
http://soundcloud.com/bol3kilol3k/nicolas-jaar-mix-tape-66 420 edition: --- Keep Me There --- After Laughter Comes Tears --- Mi Mujer --- Russian Dolls --- T......
http://soundcloud.com/bol3kilol3k/nicolas-jaar-mix-tape-66 420 edition: --- Keep Me There --- After Laughter Comes Tears --- Mi Mujer --- Russian Dolls --- T...
wn.com/Nicolas Jaar Mix Tape 66 Mi Mujer Russian Dolls Time For US Stay In Love El Bandido...
http://soundcloud.com/bol3kilol3k/nicolas-jaar-mix-tape-66 420 edition: --- Keep Me There --- After Laughter Comes Tears --- Mi Mujer --- Russian Dolls --- T...
- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 680103
author: BOL3KiLOL3K
Selo Sikole - Negotin
Sikole (Cyrillic Сиколе) is a village in the opština Negotin, in the district of Bor in eastern Serbia.(eng) Sikole, en serbe cyrillique Сиколе, est un villa......
Sikole (Cyrillic Сиколе) is a village in the opština Negotin, in the district of Bor in eastern Serbia.(eng) Sikole, en serbe cyrillique Сиколе, est un villa...
wn.com/Selo Sikole Negotin
Sikole (Cyrillic Сиколе) is a village in the opština Negotin, in the district of Bor in eastern Serbia.(eng) Sikole, en serbe cyrillique Сиколе, est un villa...
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 1841
author: SeloSikole
El team de 4,el parkour impossible y hack!! | Minecraft PvP | w/BaguenGamer11 |
Obten 5% de descuento en IG!!:
Bueno,espero les guste este video de PvP,se que soy noob pero es lo que hay...
Obten 5% de descuento en IG!!:
Bueno,espero les guste este video de PvP,se que soy noob pero es lo que hay :v.
Canal de Baguen: https://goo.gl/EsUqsr
Video de PvP en Badlion: https://goo.gl/My39ou
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Canales Amigos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DeltaGamer14: https://goo.gl/g0xGFD
Snaoky47: https://goo.gl/BMbfuv
SiaGamer: https://goo.gl/SpqDSr
¿Te quieres unir a TGN? envia tu canal a este correo y pregunta: atorres@tgn.tv
Un like me ayuda! : 3
wn.com/El Team De 4,El Parkour Impossible Y Hack | Minecraft Pvp | W Baguengamer11 |
Obten 5% de descuento en IG!!:
Bueno,espero les guste este video de PvP,se que soy noob pero es lo que hay :v.
Canal de Baguen: https://goo.gl/EsUqsr
Video de PvP en Badlion: https://goo.gl/My39ou
Mi canal de musica:
Mi canal secundario:
Pagina de FB:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Canales Amigos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DeltaGamer14: https://goo.gl/g0xGFD
Snaoky47: https://goo.gl/BMbfuv
SiaGamer: https://goo.gl/SpqDSr
¿Te quieres unir a TGN? envia tu canal a este correo y pregunta: atorres@tgn.tv
Un like me ayuda! : 3
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 15
=*=Russian Teacher Relaxing RP=*=
HI :) Я НЕ учитель, и не пытаюсь им стать. я говорю в пол голоса, чтобы слушатель заснул под конец видео. :) In this video by a slip of a tongue I by acciden......
HI :) Я НЕ учитель, и не пытаюсь им стать. я говорю в пол голоса, чтобы слушатель заснул под конец видео. :) In this video by a slip of a tongue I by acciden...
wn.com/Russian Teacher Relaxing Rp
HI :) Я НЕ учитель, и не пытаюсь им стать. я говорю в пол голоса, чтобы слушатель заснул под конец видео. :) In this video by a slip of a tongue I by acciden...
DEF CON 12 - Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries
Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries Information Hiding techniques are much researched in the context of watermarking or fingerprinting......
Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries Information Hiding techniques are much researched in the context of watermarking or fingerprinting...
wn.com/Def Con 12 Rakan El Khalil, Information Hiding In Executable Binaries
Rakan El-Khalil, Information Hiding in Executable Binaries Information Hiding techniques are much researched in the context of watermarking or fingerprinting...
El Cerdo Dragon | Minecraft: Story Mode | La Orden de la Piedra | Parte 1 | GamePlay en Español
Juegos muy baratos!:
Espero les guste la primera parte,hoy la segunda.
Mi canal s...
Juegos muy baratos!:
Espero les guste la primera parte,hoy la segunda.
Mi canal secundario:
Pagina de FB:
¿Te quieres unir a TGN? envia tu canal a este correo y pregunta: atorres@tgn.tv
Un like me ayuda! : 3
wn.com/El Cerdo Dragon | Minecraft Story Mode | La Orden De La Piedra | Parte 1 | Gameplay En Español
Juegos muy baratos!:
Espero les guste la primera parte,hoy la segunda.
Mi canal secundario:
Pagina de FB:
¿Te quieres unir a TGN? envia tu canal a este correo y pregunta: atorres@tgn.tv
Un like me ayuda! : 3
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 32
Guča (Serbian Cyrillic: Гуча, pronounced [ɡûtʃa]) is a small town in Serbia. It is situated in the Lučani municipality, Moravica District. The population of ......
Guča (Serbian Cyrillic: Гуча, pronounced [ɡûtʃa]) is a small town in Serbia. It is situated in the Lučani municipality, Moravica District. The population of ...
Guča (Serbian Cyrillic: Гуча, pronounced [ɡûtʃa]) is a small town in Serbia. It is situated in the Lučani municipality, Moravica District. The population of ...
The Art of Beatmaking (Latin version)
01. Grim Effect - Dreaming
02. Nexo Morgan - La Noche 03:13
03. Darkside - Trumphession 05:35
04. Dencko Gec - Over 09:58
05. Lost Thought - Detached 11:39
06. ...
01. Grim Effect - Dreaming
02. Nexo Morgan - La Noche 03:13
03. Darkside - Trumphession 05:35
04. Dencko Gec - Over 09:58
05. Lost Thought - Detached 11:39
06. RMD Beats - 2-5 14:13
07. Gdos - Shenron 17:27
08. CrsaunBeats - Soyel Creatore 18:58
09. Musk - La Percusión del Panchito 20:31
10. Jum – Eladio el diplomático 23:50
11. Hordatoj - Loop Q***o 26:06
12. Jisah - Escandalo 27:09
13. Dj Neber - Heart of Mariachi 29:38
14. Joey de la Fuente - Strife 32:02
15. Lex Luthorz - Hermano, Por Favor 33:31
16. KaggBeats - Ooh! What A Feeling Baby! (96bpm) 35:33
17. Dj Blackstardo - Sintonia 37:17
18. Diego Bernal & Ernest Gonzales - Daguerreotype 39:17
19. Favela Beats - DFM04 41:53
20. AvC' Beats - Soir De Fete 45:51
21. dB - A2 Onde Está Gaiolin? 48:35
22. Acre Beatmaker - Old Beat 52:06
wn.com/The Art Of Beatmaking (Latin Version)
01. Grim Effect - Dreaming
02. Nexo Morgan - La Noche 03:13
03. Darkside - Trumphession 05:35
04. Dencko Gec - Over 09:58
05. Lost Thought - Detached 11:39
06. RMD Beats - 2-5 14:13
07. Gdos - Shenron 17:27
08. CrsaunBeats - Soyel Creatore 18:58
09. Musk - La Percusión del Panchito 20:31
10. Jum – Eladio el diplomático 23:50
11. Hordatoj - Loop Q***o 26:06
12. Jisah - Escandalo 27:09
13. Dj Neber - Heart of Mariachi 29:38
14. Joey de la Fuente - Strife 32:02
15. Lex Luthorz - Hermano, Por Favor 33:31
16. KaggBeats - Ooh! What A Feeling Baby! (96bpm) 35:33
17. Dj Blackstardo - Sintonia 37:17
18. Diego Bernal & Ernest Gonzales - Daguerreotype 39:17
19. Favela Beats - DFM04 41:53
20. AvC' Beats - Soir De Fete 45:51
21. dB - A2 Onde Está Gaiolin? 48:35
22. Acre Beatmaker - Old Beat 52:06
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 205
Marked - Russian Prison Tattoo Documentary
Russian criminal tattoos have a complex system of symbols which can give quite detailed information about the wearer. Not only do the symbols carry meaning but ...
Russian criminal tattoos have a complex system of symbols which can give quite detailed information about the wearer. Not only do the symbols carry meaning but the area of the body on which they are placed may be meaningful too. The initiation tattoo of a new gang member is usually placed on the chest and may incorporate a rose. A rose on the chest is also used within the Russian Mafia. Wearing false or unearned tattoos is punishable in the criminal underworld, usually by removal of the tattoo, followed by beatings and sometimes rape. Tattoos can be removed (voluntarily, in the case of loss of rank, new affiliation, "life style" change, etc.) by bandaging magnesium powder onto the surface of the skin, which dissolves the skin bearing the marks with painful caustic burns. This powder is gained by filing "light alloy" e.g. lawnmower casing, and is a jailhouse commodity.
No copyright infringement intended.
wn.com/Marked Russian Prison Tattoo Documentary
Russian criminal tattoos have a complex system of symbols which can give quite detailed information about the wearer. Not only do the symbols carry meaning but the area of the body on which they are placed may be meaningful too. The initiation tattoo of a new gang member is usually placed on the chest and may incorporate a rose. A rose on the chest is also used within the Russian Mafia. Wearing false or unearned tattoos is punishable in the criminal underworld, usually by removal of the tattoo, followed by beatings and sometimes rape. Tattoos can be removed (voluntarily, in the case of loss of rank, new affiliation, "life style" change, etc.) by bandaging magnesium powder onto the surface of the skin, which dissolves the skin bearing the marks with painful caustic burns. This powder is gained by filing "light alloy" e.g. lawnmower casing, and is a jailhouse commodity.
No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 763899
El Silencio Es La Maldita Clave|Geometry Dash|#3
Que Tal Amigos como estan aqui les traigo otro episodio de Geometry Dash y en esta ocacion intentare superar Dry out y Base After Base para poder pasar a el sig...
Que Tal Amigos como estan aqui les traigo otro episodio de Geometry Dash y en esta ocacion intentare superar Dry out y Base After Base para poder pasar a el siguiente nivel.
wn.com/El Silencio Es La Maldita Clave|Geometry Dash| 3
Que Tal Amigos como estan aqui les traigo otro episodio de Geometry Dash y en esta ocacion intentare superar Dry out y Base After Base para poder pasar a el siguiente nivel.
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 8
MINECRAFT:Mundo Youtuber T:1 Ep:2 El Nuevo mundo
Perdon si no estoy en el mundo anterior hubo un problema con el save del juego y se borro pero en este video lo explico todo lo que paso espero que me perdonen ...
Perdon si no estoy en el mundo anterior hubo un problema con el save del juego y se borro pero en este video lo explico todo lo que paso espero que me perdonen suscribanse,comenten y denle like si le gusto.... ¡GUSTAAA MINECRAFT :)¡¡
wn.com/Minecraft Mundo Youtuber T 1 Ep 2 El Nuevo Mundo
Perdon si no estoy en el mundo anterior hubo un problema con el save del juego y se borro pero en este video lo explico todo lo que paso espero que me perdonen suscribanse,comenten y denle like si le gusto.... ¡GUSTAAA MINECRAFT :)¡¡
- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 28
Geometry Dash - All Dorabae Basic Levels (1-12)
Video hecho el 15-10-2015 (2.01)
Hasta esa fecha esos son todos los dorabae basic! :)
●Gracias por ver!
●Twitter : https://twitter.com/Brunooo011
●Skype : [GG] ...
Video hecho el 15-10-2015 (2.01)
Hasta esa fecha esos son todos los dorabae basic! :)
●Gracias por ver!
●Twitter : https://twitter.com/Brunooo011
●Skype : [GG] Mostacho
●GD : IImostachoII
wn.com/Geometry Dash All Dorabae Basic Levels (1 12)
Video hecho el 15-10-2015 (2.01)
Hasta esa fecha esos son todos los dorabae basic! :)
●Gracias por ver!
●Twitter : https://twitter.com/Brunooo011
●Skype : [GG] Mostacho
●GD : IImostachoII
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 101
Nikola Tesla The Story of a Genius Full Documentary
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physici...
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles.
Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited.
Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist". His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. He died on 7 January 1943. His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor.Tesla has experienced a resurgence in interest in popular culture since the 1990s.
wn.com/Nikola Tesla The Story Of A Genius Full Documentary
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles.
Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited.
Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist". His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. He died on 7 January 1943. His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor.Tesla has experienced a resurgence in interest in popular culture since the 1990s.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 5
Geometry Dash | Las aventuras de Robert el magnetico
(No sabia que nombre ponerle al vídeo).
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS THEY SUMER!!...Se que apenas nos conocemos,pero has sido una persona genial...Pasala de 23812908342908...
(No sabia que nombre ponerle al vídeo).
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS THEY SUMER!!...Se que apenas nos conocemos,pero has sido una persona genial...Pasala de 2381290834290840384350834985...
Y no te pude enviar saludos en el vídeo porque lo grabe hace una bosta y recién lo subo :v.
(No me digan nada del día de los enamorados ¬¬).
Si te gusto este vídeo y quieres que siga subiendo ''Geometry Dash'' Deja tu Like :D.
Seguime en mi jodido Twittah: https://twitter.com/CusipumaBruno
wn.com/Geometry Dash | Las Aventuras De Robert El Magnetico
(No sabia que nombre ponerle al vídeo).
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS THEY SUMER!!...Se que apenas nos conocemos,pero has sido una persona genial...Pasala de 2381290834290840384350834985...
Y no te pude enviar saludos en el vídeo porque lo grabe hace una bosta y recién lo subo :v.
(No me digan nada del día de los enamorados ¬¬).
Si te gusto este vídeo y quieres que siga subiendo ''Geometry Dash'' Deja tu Like :D.
Seguime en mi jodido Twittah: https://twitter.com/CusipumaBruno
- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 199
How to use a 1602 16X2 LCD display with Arduino, TI Launchpad, and standalone MSP430
My website: http://www.meanpc.com Wiring a character LCD at Adafruit: http://learn.adafruit.com/character-lcds/wiring-a-character-lcd I show how to use a sta......
My website: http://www.meanpc.com Wiring a character LCD at Adafruit: http://learn.adafruit.com/character-lcds/wiring-a-character-lcd I show how to use a sta...
wn.com/How To Use A 1602 16X2 Lcd Display With Arduino, Ti Launchpad, And Standalone Msp430
My website: http://www.meanpc.com Wiring a character LCD at Adafruit: http://learn.adafruit.com/character-lcds/wiring-a-character-lcd I show how to use a sta...
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856-- 7 January 1943) was a Serbian America...
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856-- 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electric engineer, mechanical designer, physicist, and also futurist most effectively recognized for his contributions to the style of the contemporary alternating present (Air Conditioning) electrical power supply system.
Tesla gained encounter in telephony and also electrical design before emigrating to the Usa in 1884 to benefit Thomas Edison in New York City. He quickly headed on his very own with financial backers, setting up research laboratories and firms to create a range of electric gadgets. His copyrighted Air Conditioner induction motor and transformer were authorizeded by George Westinghouse, that additionally employed Tesla momentarily as a specialist. His work in the developmental years of electrical power growth was involved in a business rotating current/direct existing "Battle of Currents" in addition to numerous license fights.
Tesla took place to pursue his suggestions of cordless lighting and also electricity circulation in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New york city and also Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) declarations on the opportunity of cordless communication with his gadgets. He tried to place these suggestions to sensible usage in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental cordless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower task. In his laboratory he also carried out a variety of try outs mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and very early X-ray imaging. He also built a cordless controlled watercraft, among the first ever before exhibited.
Tesla was renowned for his success and also showmanship, at some point earning him a credibility in pop culture as a stereotypical "mad researcher". His patents gained him a substantial quantity of cash, a lot which was used to fund his own jobs with differing levels of success.:121,154 He lived a lot of his life in a series of New york city resorts, through his retirement. He died on 7 January 1943. His job fell into loved one obscurity after his fatality, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights as well as Measures named the SI device of magnetic change density the tesla in his honor. There has been a revival in interest in Tesla in popular culture given that the 1990s
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wn.com/The True American Hero Nikola Tesla History Documentary
The True American Hero - Nikola Tesla - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856-- 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electric engineer, mechanical designer, physicist, and also futurist most effectively recognized for his contributions to the style of the contemporary alternating present (Air Conditioning) electrical power supply system.
Tesla gained encounter in telephony and also electrical design before emigrating to the Usa in 1884 to benefit Thomas Edison in New York City. He quickly headed on his very own with financial backers, setting up research laboratories and firms to create a range of electric gadgets. His copyrighted Air Conditioner induction motor and transformer were authorizeded by George Westinghouse, that additionally employed Tesla momentarily as a specialist. His work in the developmental years of electrical power growth was involved in a business rotating current/direct existing "Battle of Currents" in addition to numerous license fights.
Tesla took place to pursue his suggestions of cordless lighting and also electricity circulation in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New york city and also Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) declarations on the opportunity of cordless communication with his gadgets. He tried to place these suggestions to sensible usage in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental cordless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower task. In his laboratory he also carried out a variety of try outs mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and very early X-ray imaging. He also built a cordless controlled watercraft, among the first ever before exhibited.
Tesla was renowned for his success and also showmanship, at some point earning him a credibility in pop culture as a stereotypical "mad researcher". His patents gained him a substantial quantity of cash, a lot which was used to fund his own jobs with differing levels of success.:121,154 He lived a lot of his life in a series of New york city resorts, through his retirement. He died on 7 January 1943. His job fell into loved one obscurity after his fatality, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights as well as Measures named the SI device of magnetic change density the tesla in his honor. There has been a revival in interest in Tesla in popular culture given that the 1990s
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- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 7
Nikola Tesla (BBC Documentary) - WWW.OLOSCIENCE.COM
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Born ......
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Born ...
wn.com/Nikola Tesla (Bbc Documentary) Www.Oloscience.Com
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Born ...
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 Ja...
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary.
His work in the formative years of electric power development was also involved in the corporate struggle between making alternating current or direct current the power transmission standard, referred to as the War of Currents. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He even built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary.
wn.com/Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity Documentary
Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary.
His work in the formative years of electric power development was also involved in the corporate struggle between making alternating current or direct current the power transmission standard, referred to as the War of Currents. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, which was his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He even built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Nikola Tesla's Life ★ Free Energy Inventions - Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity // Documentary.
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 1
Alfavit - ABC Songs for children
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Learns Russian Alphabet and gets all Cyrillic Letters A to Я (reads ya as in yak) gift from Santa Claus - ABC Songs for Childr......
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Learns Russian Alphabet and gets all Cyrillic Letters A to Я (reads ya as in yak) gift from Santa Claus - ABC Songs for Childr...
wn.com/Alfavit Abc Songs For Children
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Learns Russian Alphabet and gets all Cyrillic Letters A to Я (reads ya as in yak) gift from Santa Claus - ABC Songs for Childr...