Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014 +www.facebook.com/AstraFilmFestival.
Romania - Sibiu city and Sibiu county in 1968 & 1970
Archive footage from 1968 and 1970s showing different places from Sibiu county in 1968 and 1970 respectively.
Jina, Sibiu county[RO]-Cow Parade/Parada vacilor
Comuna Jina este situată în sud-vestul județului Sibiu, la limita cu județul Alba. Accesul în comună se poate face pe două căi, ambele pornind din DN1 Sibiu-Sebeș-Alba: pe DJ Săliște-Galeș-Tilișca-Rod-Poiana--Jina (25 km, DJ 106E) sau pe varianta: Miercurea Sibiului-Dobârca-Poiana- Jina(20 km). Spre vest există un drum mai greu accesibil(aflat în curs de modernizare ce coboară în Valea Sebeșului,
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov. Recorded 13th May 2012. Mediaș ; German: Mediasch; Hunga...
[Trailer] Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
A film by Dumitru Budrala © ASTRA Film 2014.
Sibiu County Bike Tour
Group of cyclists just outside our guesthouse in the beautiful village of Sibiel.
Old traditional house in Transylvania, Sibiu county
This is an old household in Glamboaca village, Sibiu county, Transylvania. Although old, the house is still inhabited by its 85-years owner. The house is full with little things and details about its owner life thus having a very distinct and warm character. Little hidden gems can be discovered virtually in any corner.
Soundtrack is from public domain.
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , few cars only , awesome scenery.
The TED Project 2015-Closing Ceremony-Folk dance from Sibiu County
The TED Project-Closing Ceremony-7th Comenius Meeting,16th-20th May 2015,School No.13 Sibiu, Romania
Henri Osevoort eco house in Michelsberg/ Cisnădioara, Sibiu county, Romania
Henri Osevoort is a dutch building physics consultant moved to Transylvania in a Village near Sibiu. He built there his own eco house according to sunshine. ...
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
Ioan Gyuri Pascu reading to the children in Stejăriș (Sibiu county, Romania)
The "Read with Me!" campaign has held a series of 18 events as we organized reading sessions throughout Bucharest and the country. One of the stories read to...
Unofficial Dance Mob `Against Violence`, Avrig, Sibiu County, Romania 2013
This video is a concept inspired by the Pimp Status Flash Mob and Beyonce`s Let`s Move that we really appreciate! We are merely into dancing and just having ...
Medias, Sibiu County, Romania dance mobility
a dance tribute to MJ, dancing in a winter day was really enjoyable!Long Live The King, King of pop Music!
Very steep downhill Nou Roman - Sibiu County
Coborârea foarte accentuata înspre Nou dinspre Gusterița
Oi cu miei la Jina, în jud.Sibiu
Într-o după-amiază frumoasă de aprilie am surprins aceste frumoase oi țurcane cu miei la păscut într-o grădină pe ulița Hodeșu Mic din comuna Jina din Mărgin...
Romania 2010 - Sibiu-Medias-Sighisoara-Brasov Cities
Sibiu is an important city in Transylvania, Romania that straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu County and betwe...
Sibiu (Hermannstadt) - Romania
Sibiu or Hermannstadt (Romanian: Sibiu, German: Hermannstadt) is an important city in Transylvania, Romania . It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of th...
Romania HiLites: City of Sibiu (Hermannstad)
Sibiu (German: Hermannstad) is an important city in Transylvania. It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu Coun...
Romania: Sibiu to Bucharest thru Fagaras Mountains
Transfagarasanul the highest road in Romania and one of the most spectacular area of the country stretches thru The Fagaras mountains at an altitude of 2030 ...
Crăciun la Sibiu / Christmas in Hermannstadt - episode 2
De la Sibiu la Păltiniş (şi înapoi) 24 decembrie 2013 coloana sonoră: muzică populară din zona Sibiului -----------------------------------------------------...
Documentar Viata La Stana
Viata la stana (Marginimea Sibiului) Life at the Sheepfold (Sibiu county, Romania)
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014 +www.facebook.com/AstraFilmFestival....
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014 +www.facebook.com/AstraFilmFestival.
wn.com/Judetul Sibiu Poarta De Sud A Transilvaniei Sibiu County The Southern Gate Of Transylvania
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014 +www.facebook.com/AstraFilmFestival.
Romania - Sibiu city and Sibiu county in 1968 & 1970
Archive footage from 1968 and 1970s showing different places from Sibiu county in 1968 and 1970 respectively....
Archive footage from 1968 and 1970s showing different places from Sibiu county in 1968 and 1970 respectively.
wn.com/Romania Sibiu City And Sibiu County In 1968 1970
Archive footage from 1968 and 1970s showing different places from Sibiu county in 1968 and 1970 respectively.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 153
Jina, Sibiu county[RO]-Cow Parade/Parada vacilor
Comuna Jina este situată în sud-vestul județului Sibiu, la limita cu județul Alba. Accesul în comună se poate face pe două căi, ambele pornind din DN1 Sibiu-Seb...
Comuna Jina este situată în sud-vestul județului Sibiu, la limita cu județul Alba. Accesul în comună se poate face pe două căi, ambele pornind din DN1 Sibiu-Sebeș-Alba: pe DJ Săliște-Galeș-Tilișca-Rod-Poiana--Jina (25 km, DJ 106E) sau pe varianta: Miercurea Sibiului-Dobârca-Poiana- Jina(20 km). Spre vest există un drum mai greu accesibil(aflat în curs de modernizare ce coboară în Valea Sebeșului, făcând legătura cu Dobra(7 km), Șugag(9km), iar de acolo se coboară la Sebeș (38 km), sau se urcă în munți spre Tău(15 km), Oașa(30 km), Obârșia Lotrului, Brezoi-Vâlcea, Novaci-Gorj, Petroșani-Hunedoara. Teritoriul mai este străbătut de numeroase drumuri forestiere pe văile Dobrei, Șugagului, Sebeșului, Bistrei ș.a. Pe aceste drumuri se poate ajunge cu mașina până sus în inima munților, la colibele si stânile care sunt frecvente atât în munții Cindrel cât și ai Sebeșului. Vatra satului este așezată la 1000 m altitudine, pe șapte coline, ca și Roma. Comuna face parte din cunoscuta zonă etnofolclorică Mărginimea Sibiului, fiind reprezentativă pentru porturile și obiceiurile tradiționale legate de păstorit. În fiecare an se desfășoară manifestarea folclorică "Sus pe muntele din Jina", cu participarea satelor din Mărginimea Sibiului. Suprafața comunei: 31566 ha(315,66 kmp), cod poștal 557110.
Secvența de mai sus vă prezintă câteva din frumoasele vaci ale jinarilor care se duc să pască în voie pe bogatele pășuni montane existente în jurul celei mai întinse comune din județul Sibiu.
wn.com/Jina, Sibiu County Ro Cow Parade Parada Vacilor
Comuna Jina este situată în sud-vestul județului Sibiu, la limita cu județul Alba. Accesul în comună se poate face pe două căi, ambele pornind din DN1 Sibiu-Sebeș-Alba: pe DJ Săliște-Galeș-Tilișca-Rod-Poiana--Jina (25 km, DJ 106E) sau pe varianta: Miercurea Sibiului-Dobârca-Poiana- Jina(20 km). Spre vest există un drum mai greu accesibil(aflat în curs de modernizare ce coboară în Valea Sebeșului, făcând legătura cu Dobra(7 km), Șugag(9km), iar de acolo se coboară la Sebeș (38 km), sau se urcă în munți spre Tău(15 km), Oașa(30 km), Obârșia Lotrului, Brezoi-Vâlcea, Novaci-Gorj, Petroșani-Hunedoara. Teritoriul mai este străbătut de numeroase drumuri forestiere pe văile Dobrei, Șugagului, Sebeșului, Bistrei ș.a. Pe aceste drumuri se poate ajunge cu mașina până sus în inima munților, la colibele si stânile care sunt frecvente atât în munții Cindrel cât și ai Sebeșului. Vatra satului este așezată la 1000 m altitudine, pe șapte coline, ca și Roma. Comuna face parte din cunoscuta zonă etnofolclorică Mărginimea Sibiului, fiind reprezentativă pentru porturile și obiceiurile tradiționale legate de păstorit. În fiecare an se desfășoară manifestarea folclorică "Sus pe muntele din Jina", cu participarea satelor din Mărginimea Sibiului. Suprafața comunei: 31566 ha(315,66 kmp), cod poștal 557110.
Secvența de mai sus vă prezintă câteva din frumoasele vaci ale jinarilor care se duc să pască în voie pe bogatele pășuni montane existente în jurul celei mai întinse comune din județul Sibiu.
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 614
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov. Recorded 13th May 2012. Mediaș ; German: Mediasch; Hunga......
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov. Recorded 13th May 2012. Mediaș ; German: Mediasch; Hunga...
wn.com/Romania 477 773 2 46 0103 Depart Medias (Sibiu County) Hauling The Ir375 From Budapest To Brasov
Romania: 477-773-2 & 46-0103 depart Medias (Sibiu County) hauling the IR375 from Budapest to Brasov. Recorded 13th May 2012. Mediaș ; German: Mediasch; Hunga...
Sibiu County Bike Tour
Group of cyclists just outside our guesthouse in the beautiful village of Sibiel....
Group of cyclists just outside our guesthouse in the beautiful village of Sibiel.
wn.com/Sibiu County Bike Tour
Group of cyclists just outside our guesthouse in the beautiful village of Sibiel.
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Old traditional house in Transylvania, Sibiu county
This is an old household in Glamboaca village, Sibiu county, Transylvania. Although old, the house is still inhabited by its 85-years owner. The house is full w...
This is an old household in Glamboaca village, Sibiu county, Transylvania. Although old, the house is still inhabited by its 85-years owner. The house is full with little things and details about its owner life thus having a very distinct and warm character. Little hidden gems can be discovered virtually in any corner.
Soundtrack is from public domain.
wn.com/Old Traditional House In Transylvania, Sibiu County
This is an old household in Glamboaca village, Sibiu county, Transylvania. Although old, the house is still inhabited by its 85-years owner. The house is full with little things and details about its owner life thus having a very distinct and warm character. Little hidden gems can be discovered virtually in any corner.
Soundtrack is from public domain.
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 8
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery....
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
wn.com/Cycling In Pitoresque Romania Sibiu County Tichindeal Towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 111
author: Dan Paul
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , few cars only , awesome scenery....
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , few cars only , awesome scenery.
wn.com/Cycling In Pitoresque Romania Sibiu County Hosman Cornatel Towrads Sibiu
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County -Hosman Cornatel -towrads Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , few cars only , awesome scenery.
- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 178
author: Dan Paul
The TED Project 2015-Closing Ceremony-Folk dance from Sibiu County
The TED Project-Closing Ceremony-7th Comenius Meeting,16th-20th May 2015,School No.13 Sibiu, Romania...
The TED Project-Closing Ceremony-7th Comenius Meeting,16th-20th May 2015,School No.13 Sibiu, Romania
wn.com/The Ted Project 2015 Closing Ceremony Folk Dance From Sibiu County
The TED Project-Closing Ceremony-7th Comenius Meeting,16th-20th May 2015,School No.13 Sibiu, Romania
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 10
Henri Osevoort eco house in Michelsberg/ Cisnădioara, Sibiu county, Romania
Henri Osevoort is a dutch building physics consultant moved to Transylvania in a Village near Sibiu. He built there his own eco house according to sunshine. ......
Henri Osevoort is a dutch building physics consultant moved to Transylvania in a Village near Sibiu. He built there his own eco house according to sunshine. ...
wn.com/Henri Osevoort Eco House In Michelsberg Cisnădioara, Sibiu County, Romania
Henri Osevoort is a dutch building physics consultant moved to Transylvania in a Village near Sibiu. He built there his own eco house according to sunshine. ...
Cycling in pitoresque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery....
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
wn.com/Cycling In Pitoresque Romania Sibiu County Nocrih Tichindeal Towrads Sibiu
Cycling in picturesque Romania - Sibiu County - Nocrih - Tichindeal -towards Sibiu 20 Aug 2011 Sunset , new road , no cars , awesome scenery.
- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 125
author: Dan Paul
Ioan Gyuri Pascu reading to the children in Stejăriș (Sibiu county, Romania)
The "Read with Me!" campaign has held a series of 18 events as we organized reading sessions throughout Bucharest and the country. One of the stories read to......
The "Read with Me!" campaign has held a series of 18 events as we organized reading sessions throughout Bucharest and the country. One of the stories read to...
wn.com/Ioan Gyuri Pascu Reading To The Children In Stejăriș (Sibiu County, Romania)
The "Read with Me!" campaign has held a series of 18 events as we organized reading sessions throughout Bucharest and the country. One of the stories read to...
Unofficial Dance Mob `Against Violence`, Avrig, Sibiu County, Romania 2013
This video is a concept inspired by the Pimp Status Flash Mob and Beyonce`s Let`s Move that we really appreciate! We are merely into dancing and just having ......
This video is a concept inspired by the Pimp Status Flash Mob and Beyonce`s Let`s Move that we really appreciate! We are merely into dancing and just having ...
wn.com/Unofficial Dance Mob `Against Violence`, Avrig, Sibiu County, Romania 2013
This video is a concept inspired by the Pimp Status Flash Mob and Beyonce`s Let`s Move that we really appreciate! We are merely into dancing and just having ...
Medias, Sibiu County, Romania dance mobility
a dance tribute to MJ, dancing in a winter day was really enjoyable!Long Live The King, King of pop Music!...
a dance tribute to MJ, dancing in a winter day was really enjoyable!Long Live The King, King of pop Music!
wn.com/Medias, Sibiu County, Romania Dance Mobility
a dance tribute to MJ, dancing in a winter day was really enjoyable!Long Live The King, King of pop Music!
Very steep downhill Nou Roman - Sibiu County
Coborârea foarte accentuata înspre Nou dinspre Gusterița...
Coborârea foarte accentuata înspre Nou dinspre Gusterița
wn.com/Very Steep Downhill Nou Roman Sibiu County
Coborârea foarte accentuata înspre Nou dinspre Gusterița
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Oi cu miei la Jina, în jud.Sibiu
Într-o după-amiază frumoasă de aprilie am surprins aceste frumoase oi țurcane cu miei la păscut într-o grădină pe ulița Hodeșu Mic din comuna Jina din Mărgin......
Într-o după-amiază frumoasă de aprilie am surprins aceste frumoase oi țurcane cu miei la păscut într-o grădină pe ulița Hodeșu Mic din comuna Jina din Mărgin...
wn.com/Oi Cu Miei La Jina, În Jud.Sibiu
Într-o după-amiază frumoasă de aprilie am surprins aceste frumoase oi țurcane cu miei la păscut într-o grădină pe ulița Hodeșu Mic din comuna Jina din Mărgin...
Romania 2010 - Sibiu-Medias-Sighisoara-Brasov Cities
Sibiu is an important city in Transylvania, Romania that straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu County and betwe......
Sibiu is an important city in Transylvania, Romania that straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu County and betwe...
wn.com/Romania 2010 Sibiu Medias Sighisoara Brasov Cities
Sibiu is an important city in Transylvania, Romania that straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu County and betwe...
Sibiu (Hermannstadt) - Romania
Sibiu or Hermannstadt (Romanian: Sibiu, German: Hermannstadt) is an important city in Transylvania, Romania . It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of th......
Sibiu or Hermannstadt (Romanian: Sibiu, German: Hermannstadt) is an important city in Transylvania, Romania . It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of th...
wn.com/Sibiu (Hermannstadt) Romania
Sibiu or Hermannstadt (Romanian: Sibiu, German: Hermannstadt) is an important city in Transylvania, Romania . It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of th...
Romania HiLites: City of Sibiu (Hermannstad)
Sibiu (German: Hermannstad) is an important city in Transylvania. It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu Coun......
Sibiu (German: Hermannstad) is an important city in Transylvania. It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu Coun...
wn.com/Romania Hilites City Of Sibiu (Hermannstad)
Sibiu (German: Hermannstad) is an important city in Transylvania. It straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu Coun...
Romania: Sibiu to Bucharest thru Fagaras Mountains
Transfagarasanul the highest road in Romania and one of the most spectacular area of the country stretches thru The Fagaras mountains at an altitude of 2030 ......
Transfagarasanul the highest road in Romania and one of the most spectacular area of the country stretches thru The Fagaras mountains at an altitude of 2030 ...
wn.com/Romania Sibiu To Bucharest Thru Fagaras Mountains
Transfagarasanul the highest road in Romania and one of the most spectacular area of the country stretches thru The Fagaras mountains at an altitude of 2030 ...
Crăciun la Sibiu / Christmas in Hermannstadt - episode 2
De la Sibiu la Păltiniş (şi înapoi) 24 decembrie 2013 coloana sonoră: muzică populară din zona Sibiului -----------------------------------------------------......
De la Sibiu la Păltiniş (şi înapoi) 24 decembrie 2013 coloana sonoră: muzică populară din zona Sibiului -----------------------------------------------------...
wn.com/Crăciun La Sibiu Christmas In Hermannstadt Episode 2
De la Sibiu la Păltiniş (şi înapoi) 24 decembrie 2013 coloana sonoră: muzică populară din zona Sibiului -----------------------------------------------------...
Documentar Viata La Stana
Viata la stana (Marginimea Sibiului) Life at the Sheepfold (Sibiu county, Romania)...
Viata la stana (Marginimea Sibiului) Life at the Sheepfold (Sibiu county, Romania)
wn.com/Documentar Viata La Stana
Viata la stana (Marginimea Sibiului) Life at the Sheepfold (Sibiu county, Romania)
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities: http://www.dw.de/program/euromaxx-city/s-14035-9798
Transylvania Sibiu Travel Guide
Sibiu, the European Cultural Capital in 2007 is one of the most beautiful towns in Romania, being located in the picturesque Transylvania. Located at the foothills of Carpathians, Sibiu has a lot of touristic attractions such as: Transfagarasan Scenic Road, Biertan Fortified Church, Sighisoara Medieval Town, Paltinis Ski Resort.
Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live.
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things M
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Champetre Ciprian Porumbescu - Hora Detrunchiatilor.
Travel to || SIBIU [Day 1] Romanian Adventure
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
My Trip to Sibiu, Romania [2015]
A video of my visit to the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, Romania.
Instagram!: https://instagram.com/rtwstefan/
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to see my future travel videos!
In 2007 Sibiu was designated as the European Capital of Culture and is ranked as one of the most idyllic places to live in Europe.
The first record of Sibiu comes from 1191 and during the 14th century it rose to prominence as an im
Sibiu 2007 - A video guide
Sibiu Pictures.
Romania Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
Dont forget to subscribe ! 2 new videos a week!
N'oubliez pas de vous abonner! 2 nouvelles vidéos par semaine!.
News videos on my Youtube
Festival medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
Festival medieval Sibiu 2
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu 3
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
Festival medieval Sibiu 5
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu 6
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
Festival medieval Sibiu artificii
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
Biertan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Biertan in Romania.
Amid the enchanting wine region of Transylvania is the small village of Biertan formerly known as, Birthaelm, one of the region's oldest settlements. An impressive fortified church rises majestically above the dreamy village, a reminder that Biertan was once of great religious and political importance. The village is still influenced by its old wo
Travel Romania Sibiu
http://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007AZEO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=390957&creativeASIN;=B00007AZEO&li...;
Calatorie Sibiu
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
Calatorie Sibiu mecanism ceas
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com mecanismul ceasului
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of ...
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
wn.com/Romania Travel Guide Visiting The Historic Town Of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 12094
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th c...
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities: http://www.dw.de/program/euromaxx-city/s-14035-9798
wn.com/Visiting The Transylvanian City Of Sibiu | Euromaxx City
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities: http://www.dw.de/program/euromaxx-city/s-14035-9798
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 5816
Transylvania Sibiu Travel Guide
Sibiu, the European Cultural Capital in 2007 is one of the most beautiful towns in Romania, being located in the picturesque Transylvan...
Sibiu, the European Cultural Capital in 2007 is one of the most beautiful towns in Romania, being located in the picturesque Transylvania. Located at the foothills of Carpathians, Sibiu has a lot of touristic attractions such as: Transfagarasan Scenic Road, Biertan Fortified Church, Sighisoara Medieval Town, Paltinis Ski Resort.
Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live.
wn.com/Transylvania Sibiu Travel Guide
Sibiu, the European Cultural Capital in 2007 is one of the most beautiful towns in Romania, being located in the picturesque Transylvania. Located at the foothills of Carpathians, Sibiu has a lot of touristic attractions such as: Transfagarasan Scenic Road, Biertan Fortified Church, Sighisoara Medieval Town, Paltinis Ski Resort.
Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live.
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 15
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Gui...
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style Edible Roses Pictures of Angry Easter Cats Obviously Fake Easter Bunnies Nerdy and Unusual Sofas Nerdy and Unusual PC Case Mods Nerdy and Unusual Kitchen Gadgets Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards Nerdy and Creative Painted Eggs Most Amazing Sea Slugs Lakitu Super Mario Gift Ideas Kiwifruit Recipes Ideas Images of Dogs Eating Ice Cream Images of Cats Playing Musical Instruments Images of Cats Looking out of Windows Images of Cats Jumping Images of Animals Winking Images of Animals on Ladders Images of Animals in Drains Images of Animals in Cups Images of Animals Being Bottle Fed Double Dipped Strawberries Creative and Unusual Pencil Sharpeners Creative and Unusual Coat Hooks Creative and Unusual Cake Pops Creative and Unusual Business Cards Creative and Unusual Bird Feeders Cats in the Sunshine Cakes Made With Flakes Best Ways To Repurpose Vinyl Records Best Ways To Repurpose Tyres Best Ways To Repurpose Compact Discs Best Ways to Recycle a Wheelbarrow Best Ways to Paint Pebbles Best St Patrick’s Day Cupcakes Best Pictures of Funny Sheep Best Oreo Cheesecake Recipes Best Images of Shoe Planters Best Images of Laser Eyed Cats Best Images of Cats Waiting Best Images of Cats and Dogs Best Images of Cats in Boxes Best Icebox Cake Recipes Best Gift Ideas for Star Trek Fans Best Cake Roll Recipes Best Cadbury Creme Eggs Cupcakes Best Ostereier Baum Easter Trees Art on Drains and Drainage Pipes April Fools Office Pranks Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans Amazing Digital Animals Fruit Amazing and Unusual Surfing Animals
wn.com/Sibiu Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style Edible Roses Pictures of Angry Easter Cats Obviously Fake Easter Bunnies Nerdy and Unusual Sofas Nerdy and Unusual PC Case Mods Nerdy and Unusual Kitchen Gadgets Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards Nerdy and Creative Painted Eggs Most Amazing Sea Slugs Lakitu Super Mario Gift Ideas Kiwifruit Recipes Ideas Images of Dogs Eating Ice Cream Images of Cats Playing Musical Instruments Images of Cats Looking out of Windows Images of Cats Jumping Images of Animals Winking Images of Animals on Ladders Images of Animals in Drains Images of Animals in Cups Images of Animals Being Bottle Fed Double Dipped Strawberries Creative and Unusual Pencil Sharpeners Creative and Unusual Coat Hooks Creative and Unusual Cake Pops Creative and Unusual Business Cards Creative and Unusual Bird Feeders Cats in the Sunshine Cakes Made With Flakes Best Ways To Repurpose Vinyl Records Best Ways To Repurpose Tyres Best Ways To Repurpose Compact Discs Best Ways to Recycle a Wheelbarrow Best Ways to Paint Pebbles Best St Patrick’s Day Cupcakes Best Pictures of Funny Sheep Best Oreo Cheesecake Recipes Best Images of Shoe Planters Best Images of Laser Eyed Cats Best Images of Cats Waiting Best Images of Cats and Dogs Best Images of Cats in Boxes Best Icebox Cake Recipes Best Gift Ideas for Star Trek Fans Best Cake Roll Recipes Best Cadbury Creme Eggs Cupcakes Best Ostereier Baum Easter Trees Art on Drains and Drainage Pipes April Fools Office Pranks Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans Amazing Digital Animals Fruit Amazing and Unusual Surfing Animals
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 35
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
wn.com/Sibiu Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Champetre Ciprian Porumbescu - Hora Detrunchiatilor....
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Champetre Ciprian Porumbescu - Hora Detrunchiatilor.
wn.com/Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Champetre Ciprian Porumbescu - Hora Detrunchiatilor.
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 738
author: blinder00
Travel to || SIBIU [Day 1] Romanian Adventure
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Rom...
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
wn.com/Travel To || Sibiu Day 1 Romanian Adventure
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 6
My Trip to Sibiu, Romania [2015]
A video of my visit to the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, Romania.
Instagram!: https://instagram.com/rtwstefan/
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to see my future travel v...
A video of my visit to the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, Romania.
Instagram!: https://instagram.com/rtwstefan/
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to see my future travel videos!
In 2007 Sibiu was designated as the European Capital of Culture and is ranked as one of the most idyllic places to live in Europe.
The first record of Sibiu comes from 1191 and during the 14th century it rose to prominence as an important trade center in the region.
For the Germans who were sent sent to settle the Transylvanian frontier, known as the Transylvania Saxons, it was their most important city. It wasn't until after World War 1, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, that Sibiu officially became part of the Romanian state.
Today, Sibiu is one of the best places to visit in Romania and one of the most beautiful cities in Transylvania. It has been wonderfully preserved and it's like taking a step back in time as you walk through the narrow streets and stare up in awe at the architecture of the Old Town Square.
Shot on: Canon S120
0:05 Walking through the Old City Fortifications
0:10 Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral from the Lower Town
0:13 The Small Square and Council Tower
0:21 The Lower Town
0:24 Liar's Bridge
0:33 The Old Town Square
0:52 Council Tower at Night
0:56 Walking Through the Lower Town
1:19 The Many Passages of Sibiu
1:26 Upper Town
1:42 The Small Square
1:46 The Lower Town
2:17 Old Town Square and Council Tower
2:29 Old City Fortifications and Defensive Towers
2:44 The Lower Town
3:11 The Orthodox Church
3:49 View from the Hotel
wn.com/My Trip To Sibiu, Romania 2015
A video of my visit to the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, Romania.
Instagram!: https://instagram.com/rtwstefan/
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to see my future travel videos!
In 2007 Sibiu was designated as the European Capital of Culture and is ranked as one of the most idyllic places to live in Europe.
The first record of Sibiu comes from 1191 and during the 14th century it rose to prominence as an important trade center in the region.
For the Germans who were sent sent to settle the Transylvanian frontier, known as the Transylvania Saxons, it was their most important city. It wasn't until after World War 1, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, that Sibiu officially became part of the Romanian state.
Today, Sibiu is one of the best places to visit in Romania and one of the most beautiful cities in Transylvania. It has been wonderfully preserved and it's like taking a step back in time as you walk through the narrow streets and stare up in awe at the architecture of the Old Town Square.
Shot on: Canon S120
0:05 Walking through the Old City Fortifications
0:10 Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral from the Lower Town
0:13 The Small Square and Council Tower
0:21 The Lower Town
0:24 Liar's Bridge
0:33 The Old Town Square
0:52 Council Tower at Night
0:56 Walking Through the Lower Town
1:19 The Many Passages of Sibiu
1:26 Upper Town
1:42 The Small Square
1:46 The Lower Town
2:17 Old Town Square and Council Tower
2:29 Old City Fortifications and Defensive Towers
2:44 The Lower Town
3:11 The Orthodox Church
3:49 View from the Hotel
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 11
Romania Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
wn.com/Romania Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Http Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years am...
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
Dont forget to subscribe ! 2 new videos a week!
N'oubliez pas de vous abonner! 2 nouvelles vidéos par semaine!.
News videos on my Youtube channel:
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mgdtasie
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mgdt/collections/72157625475140092/
Twitter Voyagemonde: https://twitter.com/voyagemonde
Email: blogtourdumonde@gmail.com
Google Map Sibiu: http://goo.gl/maps/7R7Oa
Vidéos de la Roumanie. Videos of Romania. Videos de Rumania.
Видео из Румынии.
Videos von Rumänien. 罗马尼亚视频。
أشرطة الفيديو من رومانيا.
La ville de Sibiu (prononcée [si'biw] ; en allemand Hermannstadt, en hongrois Nagyszeben) est le chef-lieu du județ de Sibiu et, avec une population de 170 000 habitants environ, une des plus grandes villes de Transylvanie. Elle est traversée par la petite rivière Cibin, affluent de la rivière Olt, elle-même tributaire du Danube.
Fondée par des colons allemands au XIIe siècle, elle fut le centre culturel traditionnel des Saxons (ainsi qu'il est d'usage d'appeler les Allemands de Transylvanie) et demeura même exclusivement allemande jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle ; ensuite, elle se roumanisa peu à peu, jusqu'à devenir à majorité roumaine dans les années 1930 ; aujourd'hui, en particulier après l'exode massif des Saxons vers l'Allemagne, la ville est roumaine en très grande majorité (plus de 95 %). Cependant, le maire actuel, réélu avec 88,7 % des voix, Klaus Johannis, est d'origine allemande.
Réf: Wikipédia
Un tour du monde sac à dos à petit budget de 4 ans. 26 pays visités.
Travel around the world.
26 countries visited.
4 years.
Vuelta al mundo con mochila, 4 años. 26 países visitados.
Путешествие по всему миру.
26 стран посетили.
4 года.
Reise um die Welt.
26 Länder besucht.
4 Jahren.
السفر في جميع أنحاء العالم.
زار 26 بلدا.
أربع سنوات.
Merci de votre visite!
Thank you for your visit!
Gracias por su visita!
Спасибо за Ваш визит!
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch!
شكرا لزيارتك!
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love
wn.com/Romania Travel Video Trip, Sibiu City, Army Parade And Dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
Dont forget to subscribe ! 2 new videos a week!
N'oubliez pas de vous abonner! 2 nouvelles vidéos par semaine!.
News videos on my Youtube channel:
Web site: http://mgdtasie.blogspot.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mgdtasie
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mgdt/collections/72157625475140092/
Twitter Voyagemonde: https://twitter.com/voyagemonde
Email: blogtourdumonde@gmail.com
Google Map Sibiu: http://goo.gl/maps/7R7Oa
Vidéos de la Roumanie. Videos of Romania. Videos de Rumania.
Видео из Румынии.
Videos von Rumänien. 罗马尼亚视频。
أشرطة الفيديو من رومانيا.
La ville de Sibiu (prononcée [si'biw] ; en allemand Hermannstadt, en hongrois Nagyszeben) est le chef-lieu du județ de Sibiu et, avec une population de 170 000 habitants environ, une des plus grandes villes de Transylvanie. Elle est traversée par la petite rivière Cibin, affluent de la rivière Olt, elle-même tributaire du Danube.
Fondée par des colons allemands au XIIe siècle, elle fut le centre culturel traditionnel des Saxons (ainsi qu'il est d'usage d'appeler les Allemands de Transylvanie) et demeura même exclusivement allemande jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle ; ensuite, elle se roumanisa peu à peu, jusqu'à devenir à majorité roumaine dans les années 1930 ; aujourd'hui, en particulier après l'exode massif des Saxons vers l'Allemagne, la ville est roumaine en très grande majorité (plus de 95 %). Cependant, le maire actuel, réélu avec 88,7 % des voix, Klaus Johannis, est d'origine allemande.
Réf: Wikipédia
Un tour du monde sac à dos à petit budget de 4 ans. 26 pays visités.
Travel around the world.
26 countries visited.
4 years.
Vuelta al mundo con mochila, 4 años. 26 países visitados.
Путешествие по всему миру.
26 стран посетили.
4 года.
Reise um die Welt.
26 Länder besucht.
4 Jahren.
السفر في جميع أنحاء العالم.
زار 26 بلدا.
أربع سنوات.
Merci de votre visite!
Thank you for your visit!
Gracias por su visita!
Спасибо за Ваш визит!
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch!
شكرا لزيارتك!
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love
- published: 22 Aug 2006
- views: 28370
Festival medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com....
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com...
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 5
Festival medieval Sibiu 2
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com....
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu 2
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu 3
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com...
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu 3
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 32
Festival medieval Sibiu 5
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com....
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu 5
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com.
Festival medieval Sibiu 6
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com...
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu 6
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 17
Festival medieval Sibiu artificii
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com...
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
wn.com/Festival Medieval Sibiu Artificii
Festival medieval Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 74
Biertan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Biertan in Romania.
Amid the enchanting wine region of Transylvania is the small village of Biertan formerly known as, Birthaelm,...
Travel video about destination Biertan in Romania.
Amid the enchanting wine region of Transylvania is the small village of Biertan formerly known as, Birthaelm, one of the region's oldest settlements. An impressive fortified church rises majestically above the dreamy village, a reminder that Biertan was once of great religious and political importance. The village is still influenced by its old world charm and its fortified church is an atmospheric gem of a bygone age. The militaristic design of the church was a necessary precaution as in former times the region was far from peaceful and idyllic. Both the Tartars and Turks repeatedly invaded Transylvania and thus made it necessary for the village to have a fortified church that could fend off would be attackers.Biertan's church organ is still regarded as a masterpiece and the sound of its one thousand two hundred and ninety pipes is a truly unforgettable and breathtaking experience.As with the larger part of its historical and cultural treasures the fascinating rural character of this intriguing village has been preserved right up to the present day.
wn.com/Biertan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Biertan in Romania.
Amid the enchanting wine region of Transylvania is the small village of Biertan formerly known as, Birthaelm, one of the region's oldest settlements. An impressive fortified church rises majestically above the dreamy village, a reminder that Biertan was once of great religious and political importance. The village is still influenced by its old world charm and its fortified church is an atmospheric gem of a bygone age. The militaristic design of the church was a necessary precaution as in former times the region was far from peaceful and idyllic. Both the Tartars and Turks repeatedly invaded Transylvania and thus made it necessary for the village to have a fortified church that could fend off would be attackers.Biertan's church organ is still regarded as a masterpiece and the sound of its one thousand two hundred and ninety pipes is a truly unforgettable and breathtaking experience.As with the larger part of its historical and cultural treasures the fascinating rural character of this intriguing village has been preserved right up to the present day.
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 77
Travel Romania Sibiu
http://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007AZEO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=390957&creativeASIN;=B00007AZEO&li......;
http://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007AZEO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=390957&creativeASIN;=B00007AZEO&li...;
wn.com/Travel Romania Sibiu
http://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007AZEO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=390957&creativeASIN;=B00007AZEO&li...;
Calatorie Sibiu
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com...
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
wn.com/Calatorie Sibiu
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 40
Calatorie Sibiu mecanism ceas
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com mecanismul ceasului...
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com mecanismul ceasului
wn.com/Calatorie Sibiu Mecanism Ceas
Calatorie Sibiu http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com mecanismul ceasului
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 46