- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 15408
In show business, a guest appearance is the participation of an outsider performer (such as a musician or actor) in an event such as a music record or concert, show, etc., when the performer does not belong to the regular cast, band or other performing group. In music, such an outside performer is often referred to as a guest artist. In performance art, the terms guest role or guest star are also common, the latter term specifically indicating the guest appearance of a celebrity. The latter is often also credited as "special guest star" or "special musical guest star" by some production companies. A guest character is a character being portrayed within a fictional entertainment setting who is only involved as part of the plot once or a few times at most. A guest character has fewer appearances than main characters, supporting characters, and recurring characters.
In pop music, guest appearances are often described with the words featuring, with, or and. It is abbreviated in credit lists as feat., ft., f/, f.. In a television series, a guest star is an actor who appears in one or a few episodes. In radio and television shows, a guest star is a guest of the show who is a celebrity.
Hora may refer to:
Mania is the mood of an abnormally elevated arousal energy level, or "a state of heightened overall activation with enhanced affective expression together with lability of affect." Although mania is often conceived as a “mirror image” to depression, the heightened mood can be either euphoric or irritable; indeed, as the mania worsens, irritability often becomes more pronounced and may eventuate in violence.
The nosology of the various stages of a manic episode has changed over the decades. The word derives from the Greek μανία (mania), "madness, frenzy" and the verb μαίνομαι (mainomai), "to be mad, to rage, to be furious".
In current DSM-5 nomenclature, hypomanic episodes are separated from the more severe full manic episodes, which, in turn, are characterized as either mild, moderate, or severe, with specifiers with regard to certain symptomatic features (e.g., catatonic, psychotic). Mania, however, may be divided into three stages: hypomania, or stage I; acute mania, or stage II; and delirious mania, or stage III. This “staging” of a manic episode is, in particular, very useful from a descriptive and differential diagnostic point of view.
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Căluşari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C4%83lu%C5%9Fari Morris dance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_dance http://foaienationala.ro/sabina-ispas-despre-clu-cluar-viziune-neconvenional-asupra-unui-ritual-taumaturgic-arhaic-partea-nti.html Sabina Ispas despre Căluş şi Căluşar. O viziune neconvenţională asupra unui ritual taumaturgic arhaic (prima parte) http://www.youtube.com/user/Fabr1s Archaic Romanian (not only...) traditional folk songs channel. http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/history.shtml How old is The Orthodox Faith? http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/Pascha_Holy_Light/ Miracle in the Orthodox Church: The Ceremony of the Holy Light in Jerusalem http://www.stanthonysmonastery.org/music/Index.html The Divine Music Project "Călușul" - "Morris dance" - çok eski gelene...
Ansamblul folcloric GHIOCELUL din com. Cezieni, jud. Olt, coordonat de ȚENEA EUGEN a participat la simpozionul național ”Educarea preșcolarilor și școlarilor în spiritul valorilor morale” derulat la Caracal și inițiat de Școala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Caracal sub coordonarea prof. Sanda CIOROIANU.
CALUSUL - CLARINET RECORDED LIVE WITH ROMANIAN RHAPSODY CONDUCTED BY PAVEL CEBZAN AT THE INTERNATIONAL CLARINET FESTIVAL IN CHICAGO 1994. Formerly with Zamfir's group, clarinetist Pavel Cebzan, originally from Banat, Romania, but in Chicago since 1989, plays a dance tunes from Banat, Oltenia, Transylvania, Ardeal. He is accompanied by Romanian Rhapsody, musicians who live in Chicago. A CONCERT OF ROMANIAN FOLK MUSIC. From the Ardeal, Oltenia, Moldova, Transilvania Region CALUSUL Pavel Cebzan - Clarinet, Taragot Nicolae Feraru - cimbalom Nelu Achim - Keyboard Romica Andras - Accordion
caval - Dorin Cuibariu voce - Titiana Mihali (arhivă) song crafted by - Florin-C. Romașcu, Victor Mihăilescu, Robert Magheți mix&master; @Infinity Studio imagini arhivă, montaj Florin-C. Romașcu www.cobzality.ro www.facebook.com/Cobzality booking: Acta Music - csc@actamusic.com
"Ciufu" performed by Tudor Macarie Ensemble. Romanian traditional folk song from Wallachia, Muntenia, Buzău area, Râmnicu Sărat surroundings. Field recording from 1930's. ******* © Fabris, 2011
Laureații din acest an de la Festivalul- Concurs ,, Călușul Copiilor” de la Slatina, câștigători ai Marelul Premiu, au fost membrii Formației de Călușari GAL-Vedea Găvanu- Burdea de la Ghimpețeni, premiu oferit de inspectorul școlar general Fleicia Man. Acest festival a ajuns la cea de-a XVII-a ediție și a adunat peste 1700 de copii din toata tara si Republica Modova, care s-au întrecut timp de trei zile în dansuri călușerești specifice zoneleor din care provin. (sursa text Revista Semnalul Oltului, Ramnicului si Argesului) VGtv www.vgtvolt.cabanova.com Redactor Georgiana Raicu, op. imag. ing Viorel Raicu