brasov -bod
Bod -Brasov
Bod -Brasov.
Brasov - Bod 29122014
Bod,imagini din Bod,Brasov,Romania.
bod brasov + mz power :))))
Stire Bod/Brasov/Romania
Reteta pentru o casatorie de durata povestita de cuplurile cu 45 de ani de casatorie.
Constructii case lemn - cum am construit casa de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura
Constructii case lemn la cheie - constructia casei de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura
Constructii case lemn la rosu - constructia casei de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura
Teren superb.
Cazare Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
KERUCOV .ro: Traseu MTB Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov
Traseu cu bicicleta MTB XC Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov http://mtb-tours.kerucov.ro/articol_traseu_mtb.php?artcod=437 http://tra...
Cazare Colonia Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
Brasov - Bod timelapse
A1745-Brașov-Bod (2Iun2011)
Acc1745 in drum spre Feldioara, cu trecere prin BOD.
Cycling from Bod to Sanpetru near Brasov
Investitie straina in Bod Colonie, jud. Brasov - Schiedel, stire Antena1 08.10.2007.avi
Primarul Comunei Bod
Primarul Paul Cernat, ne vorbeste despre realizarile din acest mandat al administratiei locale din Bod. Intr-un interviu acordat jurnalistului Elena Cristian, departamentul media ADDJB, in luna noiembrie a acestui an.
Surse imagini: Canalul youtube Suflet Transilvan si Romanianroads.
KERUCOV .ro: Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov
http://www.facebook.com/mtb.xc http://trasee-cu-bicicleta.kerucov.ro Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov / MTB Ride Brasov - Sanpetru - B...
[LW] 153 kHz - Radio Antena Satelor - Braşov/Bod Colonie - Romania - 792 km
08 August 2013, 18:59 UTC. QTH: Poltava, Ukraine. Equipment: Luxman TD-377 + Loop antenna in room ID on 00:06.
Street Dance Brasov
Demonstrativ public al grupei de Street Dance BOD.
wn.com/Echitatie La Bod Brasov..Cismasu..
wn.com/Campioni Mondiali La Bod Brasov
Bod,imagini din Bod,Brasov,Romania....
Bod,imagini din Bod,Brasov,Romania.
Bod,imagini din Bod,Brasov,Romania.
Stire Bod/Brasov/Romania
Reteta pentru o casatorie de durata povestita de cuplurile cu 45 de ani de casatorie....
Reteta pentru o casatorie de durata povestita de cuplurile cu 45 de ani de casatorie.
wn.com/Stire Bod Brasov Romania
Reteta pentru o casatorie de durata povestita de cuplurile cu 45 de ani de casatorie.
Constructii case lemn - cum am construit casa de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu ...
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
wn.com/Constructii Case Lemn Cum Am Construit Casa De La Bod, Jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 15
Constructii case lemn la cheie - constructia casei de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu ...
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
wn.com/Constructii Case Lemn La Cheie Constructia Casei De La Bod, Jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 9
Constructii case lemn la rosu - constructia casei de la Bod, jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu ...
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
wn.com/Constructii Case Lemn La Rosu Constructia Casei De La Bod, Jud Brasov
Casaneo Construct | constructii case ieftine | case lemn | case zidarie | proiecte | preturi
Construim case de locuit, vile, case de vacanta, pensiuni, case cu structura de lemn, case americane, prefabricate din panouri de lemn si osb, case ecologice.
Firma noastra executa case zidarie din caramida sau bca
Constructii case structura combinata, parter de zidarie, etaj din lemn
Mansarde pe structura de lemn la case, blocuri
Executam lucrari pentru case de lemn sau zidarie, la cheie, la gri, sau la rosu.
Preturi case la cheie incepand cu 20.000 euro
In fiecare luna pregatim pentru tine, oferte atractive care iti vor usura efortul financiar, atunci cand te-ai hotarat sa construiest o casa
Asiguram proiect gratuit, la toate contractele de constructie
O multitudine de modele de case, proiecte case, cu prezentarea in imagini a acestora si pretul lor
Descriere si prezentare tehnologie constructii case
Informatii utile care sa va usureze drumul catre casa pe care o construiti
Asiguram consultanta gratuita , in vederea construirii casei in cele mai avantajoase conditii pentru dvs.
Asiguram variante de finantare pentru constructia casei
Portofoliu de lucrari cu recomandarile clintilor nostri, garantia seriozitatii si profesionalismului nostru
Posibilitatea de vizionare a lucrarilor executate de noi
Te tinem mereu la curent cu stadiul lucrarilor nostre in desfasurare, si informatii utile pe blog www.casaneo.ro/blog
Daca vrei sa te convingi de toate acestea si multe altele, acceseaza site-ul nostru www.casaneo.ro
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 19
Cazare Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri...
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
wn.com/Cazare Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 1
KERUCOV .ro: Traseu MTB Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov
Traseu cu bicicleta MTB XC Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov http://mtb-tours.kerucov.ro/articol_traseu_mtb.php?artcod=437 http://tra......
Traseu cu bicicleta MTB XC Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov http://mtb-tours.kerucov.ro/articol_traseu_mtb.php?artcod=437 http://tra...
wn.com/Kerucov .Ro Traseu Mtb Rupea Racos Augustin Maierus Arini Bod Brasov
Traseu cu bicicleta MTB XC Rupea - Racos - Augustin - Maierus - Arini - Bod - Brasov http://mtb-tours.kerucov.ro/articol_traseu_mtb.php?artcod=437 http://tra...
- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 147
author: kerucov
Cazare Colonia Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri...
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
wn.com/Cazare Colonia Bod, Brasov
http://cazat.ro - Cazare si Pensiuni din Romania.
Adauga o unitate de cazare.
Cazare, Pensiuni, Hoteluri
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 0
A1745-Brașov-Bod (2Iun2011)
Acc1745 in drum spre Feldioara, cu trecere prin BOD....
Acc1745 in drum spre Feldioara, cu trecere prin BOD.
wn.com/A1745 Brașov Bod (2Iun2011)
Acc1745 in drum spre Feldioara, cu trecere prin BOD.
Primarul Comunei Bod
Primarul Paul Cernat, ne vorbeste despre realizarile din acest mandat al administratiei locale din Bod. Intr-un interviu acordat jurnalistului Elena Cristian, ...
Primarul Paul Cernat, ne vorbeste despre realizarile din acest mandat al administratiei locale din Bod. Intr-un interviu acordat jurnalistului Elena Cristian, departamentul media ADDJB, in luna noiembrie a acestui an.
Surse imagini: Canalul youtube Suflet Transilvan si Romanianroads.
wn.com/Primarul Comunei Bod
Primarul Paul Cernat, ne vorbeste despre realizarile din acest mandat al administratiei locale din Bod. Intr-un interviu acordat jurnalistului Elena Cristian, departamentul media ADDJB, in luna noiembrie a acestui an.
Surse imagini: Canalul youtube Suflet Transilvan si Romanianroads.
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 95
KERUCOV .ro: Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov
http://www.facebook.com/mtb.xc http://trasee-cu-bicicleta.kerucov.ro Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov / MTB Ride Brasov - Sanpetru - B......
http://www.facebook.com/mtb.xc http://trasee-cu-bicicleta.kerucov.ro Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov / MTB Ride Brasov - Sanpetru - B...
wn.com/Kerucov .Ro Traseu Mtb Brasov Sanpetru Bod Feldioara Brasov
http://www.facebook.com/mtb.xc http://trasee-cu-bicicleta.kerucov.ro Traseu MTB Brasov - Sanpetru - Bod - Feldioara - Brasov / MTB Ride Brasov - Sanpetru - B...
- published: 02 Jul 2012
- views: 242
author: kerucov
[LW] 153 kHz - Radio Antena Satelor - Braşov/Bod Colonie - Romania - 792 km
08 August 2013, 18:59 UTC. QTH: Poltava, Ukraine. Equipment: Luxman TD-377 + Loop antenna in room ID on 00:06....
08 August 2013, 18:59 UTC. QTH: Poltava, Ukraine. Equipment: Luxman TD-377 + Loop antenna in room ID on 00:06.
wn.com/Lw 153 Khz Radio Antena Satelor Braşov Bod Colonie Romania 792 Km
08 August 2013, 18:59 UTC. QTH: Poltava, Ukraine. Equipment: Luxman TD-377 + Loop antenna in room ID on 00:06.
- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 279
author: fmdxua
Street Dance Brasov
Demonstrativ public al grupei de Street Dance BOD....
Demonstrativ public al grupei de Street Dance BOD.
wn.com/Street Dance Brasov
Demonstrativ public al grupei de Street Dance BOD.
- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 111
author: visualcd
Brasov Vacation Travel Guide
Brasov Travel Guide
Brasov Travel Guide.Accommodation in hotels,pensions and villas Brasov-Poiana Brasov. www.brasovtravelguide.brasovtravel.ro.
"Brasov travel guide" Viaromania's photos around Brasov, Romania (romania travel)
Preview of Viaromania's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/viaromania/viaromania/1192174740/tpod.html T...
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
10. Barcelona
Braşov, Romania Travel Video
Braşov, Romania Travel Video - Legend has it the Pied Piper reemerged from Hamelin in Braşov, and indeed there's something whimsically enchanting about it, w...
Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
24 hours in Brasov, Romania
Often before we visit somewhere we have a general idea of what we're planning on doing when arriving; however, while heading to Brasov for the 1st time we had no clue. Our 24 hours spent in the city allowed us to cover most of the Old Town, do a bit of hiking and tuck into some delicious food before heading out for nightlife. With such time scarcity we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could
Hiking Trails in Brasov, Romania
There's so much more to bicycle touring than simply riding long distances on a bicycle: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #017: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventures in the city and the neighboring areas
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Church of Harman
Take a tour of Harman Fortified Church in Harman, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. This church outside of...
Brasov, Transylvania, Romania and surroundings traveler photos - TripAdvisor TripWow
http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-009b-7d84-b8da?ytv=1 - Tour of Brasov, Romania created at TripWow by TravelPod TripAdvisor™ TripWow Slideshow of Br...
Travel Romania - Visiting Council Square in Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov Council Square in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. At the center of Brasov,...
Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia,
Brasov - Peisaj pitoresc...
Romania loc de vis... Paduri de conifere ce acopera muntii nalti si impresionanti.
Undeva deasupra Brasovului... Calatorim frumos...
Înscriere Paravion Superstar. BRASOV - TRAVEL WITH LOVE
Such a feeling coming over me. There is wonder in most everything I see. Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes and I won't be surprised if it's a dream. There is only one wish in my mind: to travel the world with you, my love. Travel with love through Brasov!
Animals Bite Back at the Zoo in Brasov, Romania
I ride my bike, travel the world, and go on all sorts of wild adventures. My name is Darren Alff... and I am the "Bicycle Touring Pro." http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #019: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventu
Brasov, Romania Travel - Visiting St. Nicholas Church in Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov St. Nicholas Church in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Transylvania re...
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, Life, people
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, life, people Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years, Amazing tri...
One Week in BRASOV, ROMANIA: Bike Rides, Bears and a Crazy Stalker Pigeon
Learn to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
After cyclin from Poland to Romania by way of Ukraine, I decided to rent an apartment in the city of Brasov, Romania and settle there for two months. During my first week in the city I went on a bike ride with a bunch of local cyclists, made a ton of new friends, went hiking
Traditional Romanian Food in Brasov, Romania
Having visited Romania twice this year we've had ample time to sample a variety of different traditional dishes. While visiting Brasov, Transylvania we checked out a restaurant that specialized in polenta dishes. We ended up ordering the following:
Afinata (Bilberry Brandy)
Cotlet Dracula (Dracula Pork)
Mamalinguta cu branza si smantana (Polenta with cheese and sour cream)
Greek Salad
【K】Romania Travel-Brasov[루마니아 여행-브라쇼브]흑색 교회/Black Church/Gothic/Organ/Carpet
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Critical Mass Bike Ride in Brasov, Romania
Learn to travel the world and conduct your own incredible bicycle adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Here's a short clip from the monthly critical mass bike ride in Brasov, Romania. If you're ever in Brasov, check out the dates for the next critical mass bike ride and be sure to join to tour! It's a fun way to meet the locals and explore the city.
Brasov tourist attractions
Brasov tourist attractions.
"Transylvanian Myths and Realities" Wanderwoman2010's photos around Brasov, Romania (travel pics)
Preview of Wanderwoman2010's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/wanderwoman2010/1/1282167315/tpod.html ...
Brasov Travel Guide
Brasov Travel Guide.Accommodation in hotels,pensions and villas Brasov-Poiana Brasov. www.brasovtravelguide.brasovtravel.ro....
Brasov Travel Guide.Accommodation in hotels,pensions and villas Brasov-Poiana Brasov. www.brasovtravelguide.brasovtravel.ro.
wn.com/Brasov Travel Guide
Brasov Travel Guide.Accommodation in hotels,pensions and villas Brasov-Poiana Brasov. www.brasovtravelguide.brasovtravel.ro.
- published: 11 Nov 2010
- views: 100
author: misu1960
"Brasov travel guide" Viaromania's photos around Brasov, Romania (romania travel)
Preview of Viaromania's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/viaromania/viaromania/1192174740/tpod.html T......
Preview of Viaromania's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/viaromania/viaromania/1192174740/tpod.html T...
wn.com/Brasov Travel Guide Viaromania's Photos Around Brasov, Romania (Romania Travel)
Preview of Viaromania's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/viaromania/viaromania/1192174740/tpod.html T...
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weath...
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
wn.com/Brasov Travel Guide Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
Brasov Travel Guide: Map, Weather, History
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 301
Braşov, Romania Travel Video
Braşov, Romania Travel Video - Legend has it the Pied Piper reemerged from Hamelin in Braşov, and indeed there's something whimsically enchanting about it, w......
Braşov, Romania Travel Video - Legend has it the Pied Piper reemerged from Hamelin in Braşov, and indeed there's something whimsically enchanting about it, w...
wn.com/Braşov, Romania Travel Video
Braşov, Romania Travel Video - Legend has it the Pied Piper reemerged from Hamelin in Braşov, and indeed there's something whimsically enchanting about it, w...
Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury...
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
wn.com/Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
- published: 27 Aug 2014
- views: 9474
24 hours in Brasov, Romania
Often before we visit somewhere we have a general idea of what we're planning on doing when arriving; however, while heading to Brasov for the 1st time we had n...
Often before we visit somewhere we have a general idea of what we're planning on doing when arriving; however, while heading to Brasov for the 1st time we had no clue. Our 24 hours spent in the city allowed us to cover most of the Old Town, do a bit of hiking and tuck into some delicious food before heading out for nightlife. With such time scarcity we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could. The following are some of the places we had a chance to visit in Brasov, Transylvania (Transilvania)
1) Council Square
2) Black Church
3) Biserica Neagra
4) Brasov Historical Center
5) Yekaterina's Gate
6) Rope Street
7) Citadel of The Guard
24 hours in Brasov, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
So welcome to Brasov. We have finally arrived at our destination. It was a really pleasant train ride. I actually slept for most of it because the motion just puts me to sleep like a baby. But Sam did film some of the scenery and it was really pretty. The fall colors are starting to change. So yeah, now we're in the town. We're going to check it out. We're actually feeling a little bit hungry so I think lunch will be the first order of business and then we'll start exploring.
So last time I attempted riding a pennyfarthing we were in Germany early this summer and I was not very successful. I think these are more for decoration and it is actually attached to the bike-rack so you can just leave your bike and stack it there.
So ready for lunch? You better believe it. And we thought we were going to a local Romanian restaurant but it turns out it is Hungarian. I suppose it is close enough they share a border together.
And the bread has arrived. Oh, that is a nice loaf. It looks homemade. It looks nice and homemade. Look at how thick that is.
Take a bite for us. Woah. This is going to be nice with my soup. Mmmm, it's nice. Crispy on the outside and really soft on the inside.
It just needs some butter now.
So my soup has arrived and I'm very excited. It is a Hen's soup with vegetables. And it has huge semolina dumplings. Show us how big? Bigger than my spoon. Look at that.
Wow, let's get a close-up shot of that. Yeah, and it is nice and hot. It is steaming so let's try it.
It's almost like a bread dumpling. Or like Polenta. It's good.
So we've had our lunch and now we are checking out the town. This is actually one of those trips that we didn't plan too well. We just decided to come to Brasov spur of the moment. So we don't really know what the main attractions are which means this afternoon we're just going to be walking around and figuring it out as we go.
We've been walking around Brasov for a few hours what are your first impressions so far? Well, already I can tell you I like it a lot more than Bucharest. It definitely has more of a medieval feel here and it is more well preserved as well. You can walk around and there is lots of cool architecture and buildings and great restaurants and pubs to drop in to. Yeah, it is very colorful and lots of renovations happening. Exactly.
So where are we now? We are visiting the narrowest street in Brasov. And we've seen pictures of people jumping and touching both sides of the walls. So we're going to try to both attempt that.
So at its narrowest this is 1.3 meters so let's keep walking towards the most narrow part.
And I think this is probably it.
Something I've really been enjoying about this city so far are all of these little side streets and alleys. It's really easy to escape the busy sections of the city.
That's quite the fancy structure behind you. Yeah, we're checking out St. Catherine's gate. Part of a medieval fortification system.
So when we were taking the bus into the city earlier this morning we saw this big fortress on top of the hill and we decided we wanted to go visit. So this afternoon we decided to climb. We've arrived and it is right here behind me. I don't know the name of it because we still haven't set foot inside because I wanted to have my little snack. But I can tell you that you get some really good views of the new town from this very spot.
Alright guys, so this is Brasov on a Thursday night. It's looking a little bit quiet and I'm not seeing a lot of people but I'm sure there has to be a neighborhood where the pubs are open and people are hanging out. So let's go find one.
So that's a wrap from Brasov. We had a really good time here. It reminded us of a place we had visited in Europe and it took us all day to figure it out. That place is Tallinn, Estonia. Anyways, we had a really good time and tomorrow we're off to Bran Castle. To find Dracula!
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/24 Hours In Brasov, Romania
Often before we visit somewhere we have a general idea of what we're planning on doing when arriving; however, while heading to Brasov for the 1st time we had no clue. Our 24 hours spent in the city allowed us to cover most of the Old Town, do a bit of hiking and tuck into some delicious food before heading out for nightlife. With such time scarcity we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could. The following are some of the places we had a chance to visit in Brasov, Transylvania (Transilvania)
1) Council Square
2) Black Church
3) Biserica Neagra
4) Brasov Historical Center
5) Yekaterina's Gate
6) Rope Street
7) Citadel of The Guard
24 hours in Brasov, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
So welcome to Brasov. We have finally arrived at our destination. It was a really pleasant train ride. I actually slept for most of it because the motion just puts me to sleep like a baby. But Sam did film some of the scenery and it was really pretty. The fall colors are starting to change. So yeah, now we're in the town. We're going to check it out. We're actually feeling a little bit hungry so I think lunch will be the first order of business and then we'll start exploring.
So last time I attempted riding a pennyfarthing we were in Germany early this summer and I was not very successful. I think these are more for decoration and it is actually attached to the bike-rack so you can just leave your bike and stack it there.
So ready for lunch? You better believe it. And we thought we were going to a local Romanian restaurant but it turns out it is Hungarian. I suppose it is close enough they share a border together.
And the bread has arrived. Oh, that is a nice loaf. It looks homemade. It looks nice and homemade. Look at how thick that is.
Take a bite for us. Woah. This is going to be nice with my soup. Mmmm, it's nice. Crispy on the outside and really soft on the inside.
It just needs some butter now.
So my soup has arrived and I'm very excited. It is a Hen's soup with vegetables. And it has huge semolina dumplings. Show us how big? Bigger than my spoon. Look at that.
Wow, let's get a close-up shot of that. Yeah, and it is nice and hot. It is steaming so let's try it.
It's almost like a bread dumpling. Or like Polenta. It's good.
So we've had our lunch and now we are checking out the town. This is actually one of those trips that we didn't plan too well. We just decided to come to Brasov spur of the moment. So we don't really know what the main attractions are which means this afternoon we're just going to be walking around and figuring it out as we go.
We've been walking around Brasov for a few hours what are your first impressions so far? Well, already I can tell you I like it a lot more than Bucharest. It definitely has more of a medieval feel here and it is more well preserved as well. You can walk around and there is lots of cool architecture and buildings and great restaurants and pubs to drop in to. Yeah, it is very colorful and lots of renovations happening. Exactly.
So where are we now? We are visiting the narrowest street in Brasov. And we've seen pictures of people jumping and touching both sides of the walls. So we're going to try to both attempt that.
So at its narrowest this is 1.3 meters so let's keep walking towards the most narrow part.
And I think this is probably it.
Something I've really been enjoying about this city so far are all of these little side streets and alleys. It's really easy to escape the busy sections of the city.
That's quite the fancy structure behind you. Yeah, we're checking out St. Catherine's gate. Part of a medieval fortification system.
So when we were taking the bus into the city earlier this morning we saw this big fortress on top of the hill and we decided we wanted to go visit. So this afternoon we decided to climb. We've arrived and it is right here behind me. I don't know the name of it because we still haven't set foot inside because I wanted to have my little snack. But I can tell you that you get some really good views of the new town from this very spot.
Alright guys, so this is Brasov on a Thursday night. It's looking a little bit quiet and I'm not seeing a lot of people but I'm sure there has to be a neighborhood where the pubs are open and people are hanging out. So let's go find one.
So that's a wrap from Brasov. We had a really good time here. It reminded us of a place we had visited in Europe and it took us all day to figure it out. That place is Tallinn, Estonia. Anyways, we had a really good time and tomorrow we're off to Bran Castle. To find Dracula!
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 151
Hiking Trails in Brasov, Romania
There's so much more to bicycle touring than simply riding long distances on a bicycle: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #017: M...
There's so much more to bicycle touring than simply riding long distances on a bicycle: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #017: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventures in the city and the neighboring areas.
In this video, we go on a long hike from the local ski resort (Poiana Brasov) through the forest and back to the city center. Here's the video from our hike and our evening in Brasov together.
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Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/Hiking Trails In Brasov, Romania
There's so much more to bicycle touring than simply riding long distances on a bicycle: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #017: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventures in the city and the neighboring areas.
In this video, we go on a long hike from the local ski resort (Poiana Brasov) through the forest and back to the city center. Here's the video from our hike and our evening in Brasov together.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 7
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Church of Harman
Take a tour of Harman Fortified Church in Harman, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. This church outside of......
Take a tour of Harman Fortified Church in Harman, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. This church outside of...
wn.com/Romania Travel Guide Visiting The Church Of Harman
Take a tour of Harman Fortified Church in Harman, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. This church outside of...
- published: 18 Jan 2011
- views: 716
author: geobeats
Brasov, Transylvania, Romania and surroundings traveler photos - TripAdvisor TripWow
http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-009b-7d84-b8da?ytv=1 - Tour of Brasov, Romania created at TripWow by TravelPod TripAdvisor™ TripWow Slideshow of Br......
http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-009b-7d84-b8da?ytv=1 - Tour of Brasov, Romania created at TripWow by TravelPod TripAdvisor™ TripWow Slideshow of Br...
wn.com/Brasov, Transylvania, Romania And Surroundings Traveler Photos Tripadvisor Tripwow
http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-009b-7d84-b8da?ytv=1 - Tour of Brasov, Romania created at TripWow by TravelPod TripAdvisor™ TripWow Slideshow of Br...
Travel Romania - Visiting Council Square in Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov Council Square in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. At the center of Brasov,......
Take a tour of Brasov Council Square in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. At the center of Brasov,...
wn.com/Travel Romania Visiting Council Square In Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov Council Square in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. At the center of Brasov,...
- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 5234
author: geobeats
Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania...
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Be sure to follow the adventure on the official Bicycle Touring Pro website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Be sure to follow the adventure on the official Bicycle Touring Pro website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 215
Brasov - Peisaj pitoresc...
Romania loc de vis... Paduri de conifere ce acopera muntii nalti si impresionanti.
Undeva deasupra Brasovului... Calatorim frumos......
Romania loc de vis... Paduri de conifere ce acopera muntii nalti si impresionanti.
Undeva deasupra Brasovului... Calatorim frumos...
wn.com/Brasov Peisaj Pitoresc...
Romania loc de vis... Paduri de conifere ce acopera muntii nalti si impresionanti.
Undeva deasupra Brasovului... Calatorim frumos...
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Înscriere Paravion Superstar. BRASOV - TRAVEL WITH LOVE
Such a feeling coming over me. There is wonder in most everything I see. Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes and I ...
Such a feeling coming over me. There is wonder in most everything I see. Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes and I won't be surprised if it's a dream. There is only one wish in my mind: to travel the world with you, my love. Travel with love through Brasov!
wn.com/Înscriere Paravion Superstar. Brasov Travel With Love
Such a feeling coming over me. There is wonder in most everything I see. Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes and I won't be surprised if it's a dream. There is only one wish in my mind: to travel the world with you, my love. Travel with love through Brasov!
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 16
Animals Bite Back at the Zoo in Brasov, Romania
I ride my bike, travel the world, and go on all sorts of wild adventures. My name is Darren Alff... and I am the "Bicycle Touring Pro." http://bicycletouringpro...
I ride my bike, travel the world, and go on all sorts of wild adventures. My name is Darren Alff... and I am the "Bicycle Touring Pro." http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #019: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventures in the city and the neighboring areas.
In this video, we go Brasov Zoo and look at the animals: Bears, deer, beavers, wolves, fox, monkeys, tigers, peacocks, owls, snakes and more! Which animal is your favorite?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/Animals Bite Back At The Zoo In Brasov, Romania
I ride my bike, travel the world, and go on all sorts of wild adventures. My name is Darren Alff... and I am the "Bicycle Touring Pro." http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/?ap_id=youtube
EPISODE #019: My friends Sophie and Mike (from http://relaxedpace.com) have been traveling around Europe in a converted camper van for the last 5+ months. We recently met up in Brasov, Romania for a week of adventures in the city and the neighboring areas.
In this video, we go Brasov Zoo and look at the animals: Bears, deer, beavers, wolves, fox, monkeys, tigers, peacocks, owls, snakes and more! Which animal is your favorite?
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- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 177
Brasov, Romania Travel - Visiting St. Nicholas Church in Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov St. Nicholas Church in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Transylvania re......
Take a tour of Brasov St. Nicholas Church in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Transylvania re...
wn.com/Brasov, Romania Travel Visiting St. Nicholas Church In Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov St. Nicholas Church in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Transylvania re...
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 1257
author: geobeats
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, Life, people
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, life, people Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years, Amazing tri......
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, life, people Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years, Amazing tri...
wn.com/Romania Travel Video Trip, Brasov City Tour, Life, People
Romania travel video trip, Brasov city tour, life, people Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years, Amazing tri...
One Week in BRASOV, ROMANIA: Bike Rides, Bears and a Crazy Stalker Pigeon
Learn to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
After cyclin from Poland to Romania...
Learn to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
After cyclin from Poland to Romania by way of Ukraine, I decided to rent an apartment in the city of Brasov, Romania and settle there for two months. During my first week in the city I went on a bike ride with a bunch of local cyclists, made a ton of new friends, went hiking in the mountains above the city, played ping-pong at Club Dash, and did a whole lot of computer work. Watch and see why I chose Brasov, Romania as my "home on the road" for the next two months.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
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Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/One Week In Brasov, Romania Bike Rides, Bears And A Crazy Stalker Pigeon
Learn to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
After cyclin from Poland to Romania by way of Ukraine, I decided to rent an apartment in the city of Brasov, Romania and settle there for two months. During my first week in the city I went on a bike ride with a bunch of local cyclists, made a ton of new friends, went hiking in the mountains above the city, played ping-pong at Club Dash, and did a whole lot of computer work. Watch and see why I chose Brasov, Romania as my "home on the road" for the next two months.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 107
Traditional Romanian Food in Brasov, Romania
Having visited Romania twice this year we've had ample time to sample a variety of different traditional dishes. While visiting Brasov, Transylvania we checked ...
Having visited Romania twice this year we've had ample time to sample a variety of different traditional dishes. While visiting Brasov, Transylvania we checked out a restaurant that specialized in polenta dishes. We ended up ordering the following:
Afinata (Bilberry Brandy)
Cotlet Dracula (Dracula Pork)
Mamalinguta cu branza si smantana (Polenta with cheese and sour cream)
Greek Salad
Somloi (Sponge Cake)
To say this was a feast of feasts would be an understatement. It was one of those meals where we could have passed out under the table for a while ;) However, considering how much food we ordered the bill came in at only 73 Lei ($18 USD). An absolute bargain in our opinion.
Traditional Romanian Food in Brasov, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
It is dinnertime and we are at restaurant Transilvania. In Brasov and we are trying traditional Romanian cuisine. Let's go in and order some food. Yum!
So you've got yourself a fancy drink? Yeah, I'm just diving right in and trying things I've never had before. This is called afinata and it is a bilberry brandy. And, woah, it smells strong, so let's try a sip of that. Good stuff? Oh, yeah it is so sweet but yet it has like really high alcohol content. Is it like a syrup? Yeah, it tastes very syrup-y. That's a good way of describing it.
Well, very exciting times. My food has finally arrived. If you have a look down here I'm having polenta with cottage cheese and sour cream. And I also got some goulash on the side which I know is Hungarian but it was on the menu so 'hey' I got it anyway. So let's start with the polenta because that is very Romanian.
Look at that. Look at the cheese. Look at the sour cream.
Mmmm. Oh, wow. Is that good stuff? That's good. That's real good.
Okay, so tell us about your plate? Now on the menu I saw something I could not resist ordering. It was called Dracula pork. And if something is good enough for Dracula. It's good enough for me. So let's take a look at this.
It appears to be pork with some kind of sauce and like a copious amount of cheese. So it's like a melted cheese and maybe ketchup. Maybe it is Dracula's blood on your little pork medallion. Could be. Dracula's blood!
Would Dracula approve? I think he would. Yeah. That's really tasty.
And I ordered a side of polenta to go with my steak as well. So I'm going to try a bite. That's surprisingly tasty. I have to admit the first time I tried polenta, which was not that long ago, I didn't really like it. I thought gosh that is kind of bland. But it is really growing on me and if you haven't tried it before it's made out of cornmeal. And it has a yeah a kind of starchy kind of taste. You just need a good sauce on the polenta for it to taste good I think. Yeah, I agree.
And we ate all of this. How are you feeling? Bulging belly time.
You've tried quite a bit of Romanian food so far. What are your impressions? My impressions are that it is quite tasty. It's typical of other Eastern European cuisines in the sense that it is very hearty. There is a lot of meat, there is a lot of starchy foods like polenta and potatoes and there is something else that is really cool is that there is really good wine here. Wine here is fantastic.
What's your take on Romanian food? Well, I am stuffed beyond belief so I have to agree. Very hearty. Very filling. Um, I also think this is not a country for vegetarians. You see meat during every meal. During lunch and dinner. Especially pork. So, keep that in mind.
So even though we're quite full we couldn't resist ordering a Romanian dessert. So right here we've got sponge cake with chocolate pudding, chocolate sauce. I think it has orange cognac and whipped cream. And who knows what else. So let's just dig in. That's a huge portion. We're sharing this.
Mmmm. Wow. I wish they had given. Try that again.
I inhaled it. We're keeping this. We're keeping this.
I'm choking on dessert for eating too fast.
So is it like again? I was going to say. I wish they had given me a bigger spoon because it is so good. I want bigger bites. Bigger mouthfuls. But maybe that is not a good thing because I'm choking.
How much did that come to? That came to seventy three Lei. And when you convert that into US dollars it was only eighteen dollars. And keep in mind that was for three mains, three drinks and one shared dessert. I haven't had a meal that was that good of quality and that good of value in a very long time.
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Traditional Romanian Food In Brasov, Romania
Having visited Romania twice this year we've had ample time to sample a variety of different traditional dishes. While visiting Brasov, Transylvania we checked out a restaurant that specialized in polenta dishes. We ended up ordering the following:
Afinata (Bilberry Brandy)
Cotlet Dracula (Dracula Pork)
Mamalinguta cu branza si smantana (Polenta with cheese and sour cream)
Greek Salad
Somloi (Sponge Cake)
To say this was a feast of feasts would be an understatement. It was one of those meals where we could have passed out under the table for a while ;) However, considering how much food we ordered the bill came in at only 73 Lei ($18 USD). An absolute bargain in our opinion.
Traditional Romanian Food in Brasov, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
It is dinnertime and we are at restaurant Transilvania. In Brasov and we are trying traditional Romanian cuisine. Let's go in and order some food. Yum!
So you've got yourself a fancy drink? Yeah, I'm just diving right in and trying things I've never had before. This is called afinata and it is a bilberry brandy. And, woah, it smells strong, so let's try a sip of that. Good stuff? Oh, yeah it is so sweet but yet it has like really high alcohol content. Is it like a syrup? Yeah, it tastes very syrup-y. That's a good way of describing it.
Well, very exciting times. My food has finally arrived. If you have a look down here I'm having polenta with cottage cheese and sour cream. And I also got some goulash on the side which I know is Hungarian but it was on the menu so 'hey' I got it anyway. So let's start with the polenta because that is very Romanian.
Look at that. Look at the cheese. Look at the sour cream.
Mmmm. Oh, wow. Is that good stuff? That's good. That's real good.
Okay, so tell us about your plate? Now on the menu I saw something I could not resist ordering. It was called Dracula pork. And if something is good enough for Dracula. It's good enough for me. So let's take a look at this.
It appears to be pork with some kind of sauce and like a copious amount of cheese. So it's like a melted cheese and maybe ketchup. Maybe it is Dracula's blood on your little pork medallion. Could be. Dracula's blood!
Would Dracula approve? I think he would. Yeah. That's really tasty.
And I ordered a side of polenta to go with my steak as well. So I'm going to try a bite. That's surprisingly tasty. I have to admit the first time I tried polenta, which was not that long ago, I didn't really like it. I thought gosh that is kind of bland. But it is really growing on me and if you haven't tried it before it's made out of cornmeal. And it has a yeah a kind of starchy kind of taste. You just need a good sauce on the polenta for it to taste good I think. Yeah, I agree.
And we ate all of this. How are you feeling? Bulging belly time.
You've tried quite a bit of Romanian food so far. What are your impressions? My impressions are that it is quite tasty. It's typical of other Eastern European cuisines in the sense that it is very hearty. There is a lot of meat, there is a lot of starchy foods like polenta and potatoes and there is something else that is really cool is that there is really good wine here. Wine here is fantastic.
What's your take on Romanian food? Well, I am stuffed beyond belief so I have to agree. Very hearty. Very filling. Um, I also think this is not a country for vegetarians. You see meat during every meal. During lunch and dinner. Especially pork. So, keep that in mind.
So even though we're quite full we couldn't resist ordering a Romanian dessert. So right here we've got sponge cake with chocolate pudding, chocolate sauce. I think it has orange cognac and whipped cream. And who knows what else. So let's just dig in. That's a huge portion. We're sharing this.
Mmmm. Wow. I wish they had given. Try that again.
I inhaled it. We're keeping this. We're keeping this.
I'm choking on dessert for eating too fast.
So is it like again? I was going to say. I wish they had given me a bigger spoon because it is so good. I want bigger bites. Bigger mouthfuls. But maybe that is not a good thing because I'm choking.
How much did that come to? That came to seventy three Lei. And when you convert that into US dollars it was only eighteen dollars. And keep in mind that was for three mains, three drinks and one shared dessert. I haven't had a meal that was that good of quality and that good of value in a very long time.
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 337
【K】Romania Travel-Brasov[루마니아 여행-브라쇼브]흑색 교회/Black Church/Gothic/Organ/Carpet
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
브라쇼보 구시가 중심에 위치한 이 광장은 관광객들의 발길이 끊이지 않는 곳이다. 이 광장 모퉁이에 전형적인 독일식 고딕양식으로 지어진 흑색 교회가 있다. 브라쇼보의 상징적인 건축물이기도 한 이 교회는 17세기 오스트리아 함스부르크 군에 침략되어 발생한 화재로 검게 그을렸다고 해서 흑색교회라고 불리어지고 있다. 14세기 말부터 약 80년에 걸쳐 세워진 이 교회 안에는 4천개의 파이프로 이루어진 거대한 오르간이 설치되어있다. 한쪽 벽에는 15세기부터 300년 동안 터키 등에서 가져온 양탄자들이 전시되어있고 비슷한 시기에 그려진 벽화 등이 중요한 문화재로 보존되고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Bra Square is located in the old town center is where the never-ending Shobo the tourists away. There is a black church, built in the typical German style Gothic on the corner of the square. This iconic building is also one of Braga Shobo Church has been referred to as the invasion in the 17th century by the Austrian group hamseu Freiburg ryeotdago scorched by fires black church. Inside the church was built over the 80 years since the end of the 14th century it has made enormous pipe organ installed in 4000. One wall has been exhibited in Turkey, etc. are imported carpets 300 years from the 15th century and has been preserved as an important cultural property, including murals painted around the same time.
[Romanian: Google Translator]
Sutien Square este situat în centrul vechi al orașului este în cazul în care nu se mai termină Shobo turiștii departe. Există o biserică negru, construită în stil tipic german gotic pe colțul de pătrat. Această clădire iconic este, de asemenea, una dintre Braga Shobo Bisericii a fost menționată ca invazia din secolul al 17-lea de către grupul austriac hamseu Freiburg ryeotdago arse de incendii bisericii negru. Interiorul bisericii a fost construit peste 80 de ani de la sfârșitul secolului al 14-lea le-a făcut orgă imensă instalată în 4000. Un perete a fost expus în Turcia, etc sunt importate covoare 300 ani din secolul al 15-lea și a fost păstrat ca o proprietate culturală importantă, inclusiv picturi murale pictate în jurul același timp.
■클립명: 유럽083-루마니아01-18 흑색 교회/Black Church/Gothic/Organ/Carpet
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,루마니아,Romania,Romania,Republica Romania,성상엽,2006,10월 October
wn.com/【K】Romania Travel Brasov 루마니아 여행 브라쇼브 흑색 교회 Black Church Gothic Organ Carpet
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU
● Follow me on TWITTER - https://goo.gl/npQdxL
● Like us on FACEBOOK - http://goo.gl/UKHX33
● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
브라쇼보 구시가 중심에 위치한 이 광장은 관광객들의 발길이 끊이지 않는 곳이다. 이 광장 모퉁이에 전형적인 독일식 고딕양식으로 지어진 흑색 교회가 있다. 브라쇼보의 상징적인 건축물이기도 한 이 교회는 17세기 오스트리아 함스부르크 군에 침략되어 발생한 화재로 검게 그을렸다고 해서 흑색교회라고 불리어지고 있다. 14세기 말부터 약 80년에 걸쳐 세워진 이 교회 안에는 4천개의 파이프로 이루어진 거대한 오르간이 설치되어있다. 한쪽 벽에는 15세기부터 300년 동안 터키 등에서 가져온 양탄자들이 전시되어있고 비슷한 시기에 그려진 벽화 등이 중요한 문화재로 보존되고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Bra Square is located in the old town center is where the never-ending Shobo the tourists away. There is a black church, built in the typical German style Gothic on the corner of the square. This iconic building is also one of Braga Shobo Church has been referred to as the invasion in the 17th century by the Austrian group hamseu Freiburg ryeotdago scorched by fires black church. Inside the church was built over the 80 years since the end of the 14th century it has made enormous pipe organ installed in 4000. One wall has been exhibited in Turkey, etc. are imported carpets 300 years from the 15th century and has been preserved as an important cultural property, including murals painted around the same time.
[Romanian: Google Translator]
Sutien Square este situat în centrul vechi al orașului este în cazul în care nu se mai termină Shobo turiștii departe. Există o biserică negru, construită în stil tipic german gotic pe colțul de pătrat. Această clădire iconic este, de asemenea, una dintre Braga Shobo Bisericii a fost menționată ca invazia din secolul al 17-lea de către grupul austriac hamseu Freiburg ryeotdago arse de incendii bisericii negru. Interiorul bisericii a fost construit peste 80 de ani de la sfârșitul secolului al 14-lea le-a făcut orgă imensă instalată în 4000. Un perete a fost expus în Turcia, etc sunt importate covoare 300 ani din secolul al 15-lea și a fost păstrat ca o proprietate culturală importantă, inclusiv picturi murale pictate în jurul același timp.
■클립명: 유럽083-루마니아01-18 흑색 교회/Black Church/Gothic/Organ/Carpet
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,루마니아,Romania,Romania,Republica Romania,성상엽,2006,10월 October
- published: 23 Jun 2015
- views: 2
Critical Mass Bike Ride in Brasov, Romania
Learn to travel the world and conduct your own incredible bicycle adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Here's a short clip from ...
Learn to travel the world and conduct your own incredible bicycle adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Here's a short clip from the monthly critical mass bike ride in Brasov, Romania. If you're ever in Brasov, check out the dates for the next critical mass bike ride and be sure to join to tour! It's a fun way to meet the locals and explore the city.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/Critical Mass Bike Ride In Brasov, Romania
Learn to travel the world and conduct your own incredible bicycle adventures: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Here's a short clip from the monthly critical mass bike ride in Brasov, Romania. If you're ever in Brasov, check out the dates for the next critical mass bike ride and be sure to join to tour! It's a fun way to meet the locals and explore the city.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 129
"Transylvanian Myths and Realities" Wanderwoman2010's photos around Brasov, Romania (travel pics)
Preview of Wanderwoman2010's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/wanderwoman2010/1/1282167315/tpod.html ......
Preview of Wanderwoman2010's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/wanderwoman2010/1/1282167315/tpod.html ...
wn.com/Transylvanian Myths And Realities Wanderwoman2010's Photos Around Brasov, Romania (Travel Pics)
Preview of Wanderwoman2010's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/wanderwoman2010/1/1282167315/tpod.html ...