- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 301
Mark may refer to:
Tiger Orange is an American drama film, released in 2014. Directed by Wade Gasque and written by Mark Strano, the film stars Strano and Frankie Valenti as Chet and Todd, two gay brothers struggling to reconnect after their father's death.
Chet, shy and reserved, has been living relatively closeted in the small town where the brothers grew up, running their father's hardware store and taking great care not to be too open about his sexuality in the town's relatively conservative social order, while Todd, more upfront about his sexuality, left home at 18 to move to Los Angeles, where he has been struggling to build a career as an actor. Despite the clash of personalities, however, each also envies some aspects of the other's life; Chet envies Todd's freedom to live his life openly, while Todd regrets not having experienced Chet's sense of belonging to a close-knit community and the opportunity he had to remain in close contact with their father. The tensions between them reach their peak when Brandon (Gregory Marcel), Chet's high school crush, also returns home to take care of his ailing mother; Chet continues to struggle with his feelings for Brandon, while Todd actively pursues him.
Mark Andrew Miodownik is a British materials scientist, engineer, broadcaster and writer at University College London. Previously, he was the head of the Materials Research Group at King's College London, and a co-founder of Materials Library.
Miodownik attended Emanuel School and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in metallurgy from St Catherine's College at the University of Oxford in 1992, and a D.Phil in turbine jet engine alloys from Oxford in 1996, specifically oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys.
Mark Miodownik says that his interest in materials came from an incident when he was stabbed in the back with a razor blade, on his way to school. Realising that a small piece of steel had done him so much harm started his interest in materials.
Miodownik's scientific research is primarily in Materials Science, Metallurgy and Biomechanics. He has also been key to the development of the concept of Sensoaesthetics, which is the "application of scientific methodology to the aesthetic, sensual and emotional side" of materials.
LesGaiCineMad 2014 — Wade Gasque & Mark Strano (Tiger Orange)
Mark Strano Acting Reel
Tiger Orange - Trailer (Starring: Mark Strano, Frankie Valenti)
Tiger Orange Official Trailer (2014) - Mark Strano, Johnny Hazzard HD
Strano animale avvistato in chatta.it russa come un australopiteco ( Australopithecus Afarensis )
Strange Materials with Mark Miodownik
Il Gioco più strano del mondo!!
Teodor Ilincai-Quale strano turbamento-L'amico Fritz, Mascagni
Hablamos con Wade Gasque y Mark Strano, que vinieron a LesGaiCineMad a presentar su película Tiger Orange. Más información: http://www.universogay.com
scenes from "Tiger Orange" (now on festival circuit www.TigerOrangeMovie.com) & "Housebroken" available on YouTube http://youtu.be/yNJxJooSr7w *all clips used by permission for demo purposes
Two estranged gay brothers one a closeted introvert, the other an out-and-proud hunk attempt to make amends in this charming small-town drama and blunt, playful meditation on queer sibling rivalry.
" CHILLIN BLAST INTERVIEWS - EPISODE 2 - MARK STRANO " FROM THE SHORTY AWARD NOMINATED TEAM of CHILLIN BROADCASTING & THE YOUNGE HOLLYWOOD BLAST COMMERCIAL FREE with support from viewers like you. Please subscribe to The Younge Hollywood Blast. http://theyoungehollywoodblast.com FOLLOW @BlastEditor Please connect with Chillin Broadcasting. http://www.facebook.com/cbroadcasting FOLLOW @CBroadcasting Music courtesy of Asis Gavin - asisgavin.bandcamp.com ------------------ MARK STRANO and WHERE WE BELONG LINKS ------------------ Mark's Twitter - @MarkStrano Mark's Tumblr - markstranoactor.tumblr.com Where We Belong's website - wherewebelongmovie.com Where We Belong's Twitter - @WhereWeBlgMovie
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Materials are a defining characteristic of society. The ages of civilization are named after materials and the development of new materials do more than simple transform technology: they change behaviour and shape the urban landscape, from our cities and our hospitals, to our homes and our art. In this Ri Discourse, Professor Mark Miodownik introduces us to the innovations that are shaping a new materials age, one that blurs the fundamental distinction between living and non-living things and challenges the very notion of material itself. From ferrofluid to the revolution that is 3D printing, Mark points to the materials and innovations that will shape our future. Just as bionic limbs and synthetic organs are becoming the norm so our man-made environment is also changing to become more l...
Buona visione
Live recording Opera National du Rhin, Strasbourg, October 2014 Direction musicale Paolo Carignani Mise en scène Vincent Boussard Décors Vincent Lemaire Costumes Christian Lacroix Lumières Guido Levi Vidéo Isabel Robson Fritz Kobus Teodor Ilincai Suzel Brigitta Kele Beppe Anna Radziejewska David Elia Fabbian Hanezò Sévag Tachdjian Federico Mark Van Arsdale Chœurs de l'Opéra national du Rhin Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg
Hablamos con Wade Gasque y Mark Strano, que vinieron a LesGaiCineMad a presentar su película Tiger Orange. Más información: http://www.universogay.com
scenes from "Tiger Orange" (now on festival circuit www.TigerOrangeMovie.com) & "Housebroken" available on YouTube http://youtu.be/yNJxJooSr7w *all clips used by permission for demo purposes
Two estranged gay brothers one a closeted introvert, the other an out-and-proud hunk attempt to make amends in this charming small-town drama and blunt, playful meditation on queer sibling rivalry.
" CHILLIN BLAST INTERVIEWS - EPISODE 2 - MARK STRANO " FROM THE SHORTY AWARD NOMINATED TEAM of CHILLIN BROADCASTING & THE YOUNGE HOLLYWOOD BLAST COMMERCIAL FREE with support from viewers like you. Please subscribe to The Younge Hollywood Blast. http://theyoungehollywoodblast.com FOLLOW @BlastEditor Please connect with Chillin Broadcasting. http://www.facebook.com/cbroadcasting FOLLOW @CBroadcasting Music courtesy of Asis Gavin - asisgavin.bandcamp.com ------------------ MARK STRANO and WHERE WE BELONG LINKS ------------------ Mark's Twitter - @MarkStrano Mark's Tumblr - markstranoactor.tumblr.com Where We Belong's website - wherewebelongmovie.com Where We Belong's Twitter - @WhereWeBlgMovie
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Materials are a defining characteristic of society. The ages of civilization are named after materials and the development of new materials do more than simple transform technology: they change behaviour and shape the urban landscape, from our cities and our hospitals, to our homes and our art. In this Ri Discourse, Professor Mark Miodownik introduces us to the innovations that are shaping a new materials age, one that blurs the fundamental distinction between living and non-living things and challenges the very notion of material itself. From ferrofluid to the revolution that is 3D printing, Mark points to the materials and innovations that will shape our future. Just as bionic limbs and synthetic organs are becoming the norm so our man-made environment is also changing to become more l...
Buona visione
Live recording Opera National du Rhin, Strasbourg, October 2014 Direction musicale Paolo Carignani Mise en scène Vincent Boussard Décors Vincent Lemaire Costumes Christian Lacroix Lumières Guido Levi Vidéo Isabel Robson Fritz Kobus Teodor Ilincai Suzel Brigitta Kele Beppe Anna Radziejewska David Elia Fabbian Hanezò Sévag Tachdjian Federico Mark Van Arsdale Chœurs de l'Opéra national du Rhin Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg
Tiger Orange Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2014) - Mark Strano Here http://smarturl.it/13ysc1?IQid=youtube Stars : Mark Strano, Frankie Valenti, Johnny Hazzard, Darryl Stephens, Gregory Marcel, Shaun Cozzens Movie Synopsis : In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.
Tiger Orange (2014) 2014 HD online check out here : Tiger Orange (2014) 2014 HD online 2014 Actor : Mark Strano, Johnny Hazzard, Gregory Marcel, Ty Parker 1m3ld4-1nt4n Plot : In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.
I libri di cui parlo: 01:08 Herman Melville, Moby Dick 03:50 George Orwell, Animal Farm 06:43 Rudyard Kipling, Il libro della giungla BooM https://youtu.be/nlf9QF0yO8I 07:11 Roald Dahl, Fantastic Mr Fox BooM https://youtu.be/w7q8n8NQW_I 07:44 Clive Staples Lewis, Il leone, la strega e l'armadio 10:50 Terence Hanbury White, Re in eterno 15:15 Anna Sewell, Black beauty 17:29 David Wroblewski, La storia di Edgar Sawtelle 19:01 Yann Martel, Vita di Pi 21:03 Mark Haddon, Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte 22:50 Garth Stein, L'arte di correre sotto la pioggia 23:39 Helen Macdonald, Io e Mabel 26:38 Vicki Myron, Io e Dewey 28:04 James Bowen, A spasso con Bob 29:31 Jonathan Safran Foer, Se niente importa Elenco di tutti i libri di cui io abbia mai parlato nei video books: http://www.fede...
Ciao my Darling, il nuovo books che si qualifica secondo nella scala dei Titani, é LUNGHISSIMO! :S Ti consiglio di armarti di pazienza, scorte di cibo, etc. etc. L'elenco dei libri di cui parlo lo trovi qui: http://www.federicafrezza.net/video-books/ I links utili cui accenno nel video sono, nell'ordine: - @ Sangue d'inchiostro per Nick Hornby e 61 Chiodi http://sanguedinchiostro.blogspot.it/2012/07/freds-weird-pages-3.html - @ Sangue d'inchiostro per L'Amuleto di Samarcanda http://sanguedinchiostro.blogspot.it/2012/09/freds-weird-pages-4.html - Durante la discussione su Il circo maledetto accenno a La mappa del Tempo, il cui books é qui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aILspAjUyA8 - Gli altri titoli di Mark Haddon sono qui http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLkh20MZ_Ho - The Curious Inci...