British diplomats talk about their lives, careers and opportunities working in and travelling with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You can find out more...
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Дмитрий Михеев о расовой теории в англосаксонской модели цивилизации.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонской теории расизма.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Дмитрий Михеев о расово-цивилизационной иерархии в действии.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Дмитрий Михеев о религиозных корнях англосаксонской ментальности, протестантизме и его влиянии на общество США.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская доктрина на практике в политике, культуре и социуме.
Ведущий - Андрей Фефелов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев о влияние на ментальность американского и российского общества протестантизма и православия.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания американской элиты и разночтениях Священного Писания у Православия и Протестантизма.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском герое и его русском антиподе.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Дмитрий Михеев о мифах, связанных с главным американским героем Джорджем Вашингтоном.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Дмитрий Михеев о спасителе американской нации и освободителе рабов Аврааме Линкольне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Дмитрий Михеев об отце либерального империализма Джефферсоне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Дмитрий Михеев о том, почему Россия - загадка для англосаксов и о том, почему "умом Россию не понять".
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
British diplomats talk about their lives, careers and opportunities working in and travelling with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You can find out more...
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Дмитрий Михеев о расовой теории в англосаксонской модели цивилизации.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонской теории расизма.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Дмитрий Михеев о расово-цивилизационной иерархии в действии.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Дмитрий Михеев о религиозных корнях англосаксонской ментальности, протестантизме и его влиянии на общество США.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская доктрина на практике в политике, культуре и социуме.
Ведущий - Андрей Фефелов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев о влияние на ментальность американского и российского общества протестантизма и православия.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания американской элиты и разночтениях Священного Писания у Православия и Протестантизма.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском герое и его русском антиподе.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Дмитрий Михеев о мифах, связанных с главным американским героем Джорджем Вашингтоном.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Дмитрий Михеев о спасителе американской нации и освободителе рабов Аврааме Линкольне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Дмитрий Михеев об отце либерального империализма Джефферсоне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Дмитрий Михеев о том, почему Россия - загадка для англосаксов и о том, почему "умом Россию не понять".
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №14
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №14
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №14
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском воспитании мужчин, о доминировании мужского начала над женским, о влиянии Ветхого завета на менталитет западных людей в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной, о западной прагматичности и русской сентиментальности, а также об аудитории канала День ТВ.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №15
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №15
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №15
Дискуссия со зрителями - кто умнее и чему нам учиться у англоскасов?
George Galloway vs Foreign Office Minister - Parliament - 27th February 2013
George Galloway vs Foreign Office Minister - Parliament - 27th February 2013
George Galloway vs Foreign Office Minister - Parliament - 27th February 2013
Parliamentary debate on British relations with the Middle East. Credit to David Humphreys:
The Great Offices of State - Part 2 - Palace of Dreams
The Great Offices of State - Part 2 - Palace of Dreams
The Great Offices of State - Part 2 - Palace of Dreams
The Foreign Office is the grandest of the three, built in Victorian times to impress foreigners when the British lion still strutted the globe. How the Forei...
Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend
Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend
Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend.
Every year, the FCO on King Charles Street, London, welcomes thousands of visitors during the Open House Weekend to hear about the formation of the office, the historic Fine rooms, the impressive architecture and the symbolic importance of this building in Britain’s past.
Visitors will also have a chance to meet FCO staff and to hear about life in the FCO today.
Visitors are welcome to come to the FCO between 10.00 and 17.00 (last entry 16.30) on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September.
For more information visit -
On Repeat - Foreign Office
On Repeat - Foreign Office
On Repeat - Foreign Office
New EP 'Alaska' Free download - Directed by Chris Tirrell. Released 8th November 2010 on Quiet Life Records.
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015, Pakistan Protest In Foreign Office On LOC Firing
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015, Pakistan Protest In Foreign Office On LOC Firing
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015, Pakistan Protest In Foreign Office On LOC Firing
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015, Pakistan Protest In Foreign Office On LOC Firing
News Headlines 17 September 2015, News Pakistan Updates and Top Stories
Visit our Channel News Town for Daily News and Updates
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ARY News Bulletin 17 September 2015
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015
Express News Headlines Today 17 September 2015
AAJ News Headlines 17 September 2015
Dunya News Headlines 17 September 2015
Bol News Headlines 17 September 2015
Dawn News Headlines 17 September 2015
News One Headlin
Foreign Office. Episode 3
Foreign Office. Episode 3
Foreign Office. Episode 3
This program is an interview with Tim Kirby, an American author and anchorman on Russian TV and radio. What is the American dream? Is it still alive? What does it mean: to be ‘opinionated’ in Russia and the U.S. What misconceptions about America do we have in Russia? After 8 years of living in Russia Tim presents a more unique perspective than many other foreign analysts. Host – Alexander Domrin.
Easy and hard languages & the British Foreign Office
Easy and hard languages & the British Foreign Office
Easy and hard languages & the British Foreign Office
In this video I discuss easy and hard languages, giving examples of each and some in between. In order to express these ideas I use the schema used in the Fo...
British diplomats talk about their lives, careers and opportunities working in and travelling with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You can find out more...
British diplomats talk about their lives, careers and opportunities working in and travelling with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You can find out more...
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская доктрина на практике в политике, культуре и социуме.
Ведущий - Андрей Фефелов.
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская доктрина на практике в политике, культуре и социуме.
Ведущий - Андрей Фефелов.
published:24 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания американской элиты и разночтениях Священного Писания у Православия и Протестантизма.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания американской элиты и разночтениях Священного Писания у Православия и Протестантизма.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
published:17 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском воспитании мужчин, о доминировании мужского начала над женским, о влиянии Ветхого завета на менталитет западных людей в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной, о западной прагматичности и русской сентиментальности, а также об аудитории канала День ТВ.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском воспитании мужчин, о доминировании мужского начала над женским, о влиянии Ветхого завета на менталитет западных людей в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной, о западной прагматичности и русской сентиментальности, а также об аудитории канала День ТВ.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
published:02 Sep 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №15
The Foreign Office is the grandest of the three, built in Victorian times to impress foreigners when the British lion still strutted the globe. How the Forei...
The Foreign Office is the grandest of the three, built in Victorian times to impress foreigners when the British lion still strutted the globe. How the Forei...
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend.
Every year, the FCO on King Charles Street, London, welcomes thousands of visitors during the Open House Weekend to hear about the formation of the office, the historic Fine rooms, the impressive architecture and the symbolic importance of this building in Britain’s past.
Visitors will also have a chance to meet FCO staff and to hear about life in the FCO today.
Visitors are welcome to come to the FCO between 10.00 and 17.00 (last entry 16.30) on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September.
For more information visit -
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond welcomes visitors to the Foreign Office for Open House weekend.
Every year, the FCO on King Charles Street, London, welcomes thousands of visitors during the Open House Weekend to hear about the formation of the office, the historic Fine rooms, the impressive architecture and the symbolic importance of this building in Britain’s past.
Visitors will also have a chance to meet FCO staff and to hear about life in the FCO today.
Visitors are welcome to come to the FCO between 10.00 and 17.00 (last entry 16.30) on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September.
For more information visit -
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015, Pakistan Protest In Foreign Office On LOC Firing
News Headlines 17 September 2015, News Pakistan Updates and Top Stories
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ARY News Bulletin 17 September 2015
ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015
Express News Headlines Today 17 September 2015
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Dunya News Headlines 17 September 2015
Bol News Headlines 17 September 2015
Dawn News Headlines 17 September 2015
News One Headlines 17 September 2015
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ARY News Headlines 17 September 2015
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Bol News Headlines 17 September 2015
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Geo News Headlines 18th September 2015
ARY News Headlines 18 September 2015
This program is an interview with Tim Kirby, an American author and anchorman on Russian TV and radio. What is the American dream? Is it still alive? What does it mean: to be ‘opinionated’ in Russia and the U.S. What misconceptions about America do we have in Russia? After 8 years of living in Russia Tim presents a more unique perspective than many other foreign analysts. Host – Alexander Domrin.
This program is an interview with Tim Kirby, an American author and anchorman on Russian TV and radio. What is the American dream? Is it still alive? What does it mean: to be ‘opinionated’ in Russia and the U.S. What misconceptions about America do we have in Russia? After 8 years of living in Russia Tim presents a more unique perspective than many other foreign analysts. Host – Alexander Domrin.
published:01 Apr 2015
Easy and hard languages & the British Foreign Office
In this video I discuss easy and hard languages, giving examples of each and some in between. In order to express these ideas I use the schema used in the Fo...
In this video I discuss easy and hard languages, giving examples of each and some in between. In order to express these ideas I use the schema used in the Fo...
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
The official YouTube channel for Express News. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed. Its affiliates include Express News, Express Entertainment, Express Tribune, Daily Express and is owned by The Express Media Group.
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
The young adult thriller took the top spot in 30 of those territories. Its strong start was fueled by healthy debuts in South Korea where it earned $7.5 million, Russia with $3.8 million, Brazil with $2.7 million and Venezuela with $2.5 million. Next weekend, the film will expand into seven additional markets, including Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” raced to the top of the foreign box office, picking up a robust $43.3 million from 66 markets. So far, the second “Maze Runner” has earned $108.3 million globally. It debuted in the U.S. on Friday, but got a jump on its domestic release by bowing in several territories last weekend. Twentieth Century Fox is distributing the film, which cost $61 million to produce, and focuses on a group of teenagers navigating a deadly post-apocalyptic world.
This video was produced by Wochit using
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Former prime minister's wife reportedly barred from attending a meeting at the Foreign Office with her client, the foreign minister of the Maldives
Cherie Blair was reportedly barred from attending a Foreign Office meeting with her client, the Maldivian foreign minister, in the latest twist in her legal battle against Amal Clooney over the fate of the islands' former leader.
Mrs Blair's firm, Omnia Strategy is representing the government of the Maldives over the imprisonment of deposed former President Mohamed Nasheed, while Mrs Clooney is working pro bono on the campaign for his release.
The UK Government is pressing for Mr Nasheed's release
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Want to read all pages of Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes just visit this link :
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes 1m1lY4r-4m11n
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Audio Book, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 books online, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Offic
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
For the second time this week, Pakistan on Friday summoned India's Deputy High Commissioner here and lodged a protest over killing of three Pakistani civilians in alleged firing by Indian troops across the LoC.
Deputy High Commissioner J P Singh was summoned to the Foreign Office and was told that "intentional targeting of innocent civilians is high condemnable," a Foreign Office spokesman said in a statement. "Pakistan has expressed its deep concern at the continuous unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian security forces and the intentional targeting of innocent civilians, which is high condemnable," the statement said.
Pakistan claim
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
1. Close up of sign reading (English and Urdu) "Foreign Office", pan left to foreign office building 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Abdul Bassit, Pakistan Foreign Office ...
Narendra Modi takes to the stage to the sound of conch shells. NaMo : "This is the season of harsh sunshine and look at the weather we have. I thank the gods ...
1. Passengers pushing luggage trolleys down rail station platform 2. Passengers carrying suitcases on heads 3. Women crying and hugging each other 4.
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we ...
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
ANKARA, TURKEY - SEPTEMBER 18: Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn in Ankara, Turkey on September 18, 2015. Footage by Press Office of Turkish Foreign Ministry / Anadolu Agency .
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania has used a speech in Berlin to call upon Europe to help more Syrian refugees - and not to 'bolt the door for fear of the unknown'. The 45-year-old was speaking at the Federal Foreign Office in front of an audience of 400 politicians and diplomats - including German Chancellor Angela Merkel - and was presented with the Walther Rathenau prize.
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
China is delivering big returns for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Paramount and Skydance title debuted to $86 million in the world's second-largest moviegoing market after opening on Tuesday. That pushed the film's international total to $424.8 million, and its worldwide haul to $613 million. It's the biggest opening for the franchise in China--as well as for any Cruise movie. The film is only 17 percent behind Jurassic World.
With China's help, Rogue Nation easily topped the international weekend chart with $91.3 million from 63 territories.
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
wo Brits have been killed and 10 injured in a train derailment in northern India.
The tragedy happened when a specially chartered service crashed just after starting its journey from Kalka to the Himalayan town of Shimla today.
Local police said the two people who died were women.
Ten Brits and three Indian crew were injured. Two people were left critical.
Foreign Office minister for Asia Hugo Swire said: “I am saddened two British nationals have been killed. My thoughts are with their family and friends.”
The £1,795 a head, 12-day tour was organised by York-based Great Rail Journeys, writes Stephen Hayward in the Sunday People.
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
- Geo News Headlines 11 September 2015
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ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015, ARY News Headlines today 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin 11 September 2015, ARY News Live, ARY News Reports 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin Today 11 September 2015
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India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
Team GB Triathlete India Lee supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
Lauren Steadman on vaccinations | Stay Ahead of the Games
Lauren Steadman on vaccinations | Stay Ahead of the Games
Lauren Steadman on vaccinations | Stay Ahead of the Games
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Lauren Steadman supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
Andy Lewis on passports | Stay Ahead of the Games
Andy Lewis on passports | Stay Ahead of the Games
Andy Lewis on passports | Stay Ahead of the Games
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Andy Lewis supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
Say it in French = Where’s the nearest foreign exchange office
Say it in French = Where’s the nearest foreign exchange office
Say it in French = Where’s the nearest foreign exchange office
Learn how to say in French (and also how to correctly pronounce) words, expressions and sentences!
VIDEO Mission Impossible 5 tops foreign box office
VIDEO Mission Impossible 5 tops foreign box office
VIDEO Mission Impossible 5 tops foreign box office
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
News Updates Today 29th August 2015 Pakistan Top Urdu News Story of the Day August 29, 2015.
Express News Bulletin, News Updates Today,
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Express News, Dawn News,
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015
Express News Headlines 29th August 2015
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, News Pakistan,
Visit our Channel News Town for Daily News and Updates
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Geo News, Dawn News,
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Geo News Headlines 29th August 2015, Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015,
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015
Geo News Bulletin 29th August 2015
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
The official YouTube channel for Express News. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed. Its affiliates include Express News, Express Entertainment, Express Tribune, Daily Express and is owned by The Express Media Group.
The official YouTube channel for Express News. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed. Its affiliates include Express News, Express Entertainment, Express Tribune, Daily Express and is owned by The Express Media Group.
published:21 Sep 2015
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
The young adult thriller took the top spot in 30 of those territories. Its strong start was fueled by healthy debuts in South Korea where it earned $7.5 million, Russia with $3.8 million, Brazil with $2.7 million and Venezuela with $2.5 million. Next weekend, the film will expand into seven additional markets, including Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.
The young adult thriller took the top spot in 30 of those territories. Its strong start was fueled by healthy debuts in South Korea where it earned $7.5 million, Russia with $3.8 million, Brazil with $2.7 million and Venezuela with $2.5 million. Next weekend, the film will expand into seven additional markets, including Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.
published:21 Sep 2015
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” raced to the top of the foreign box office, picking up a robust $43.3 million from 66 markets. So far, the second “Maze Runner” has earned $108.3 million globally. It debuted in the U.S. on Friday, but got a jump on its domestic release by bowing in several territories last weekend. Twentieth Century Fox is distributing the film, which cost $61 million to produce, and focuses on a group of teenagers navigating a deadly post-apocalyptic world.
This video was produced by Wochit using
“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” raced to the top of the foreign box office, picking up a robust $43.3 million from 66 markets. So far, the second “Maze Runner” has earned $108.3 million globally. It debuted in the U.S. on Friday, but got a jump on its domestic release by bowing in several territories last weekend. Twentieth Century Fox is distributing the film, which cost $61 million to produce, and focuses on a group of teenagers navigating a deadly post-apocalyptic world.
This video was produced by Wochit using
published:21 Sep 2015
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Former prime minister's wife reportedly barred from attending a meeting at the Foreign Office with her client, the foreign minister of the Maldives
Cherie Blair was reportedly barred from attending a Foreign Office meeting with her client, the Maldivian foreign minister, in the latest twist in her legal battle against Amal Clooney over the fate of the islands' former leader.
Mrs Blair's firm, Omnia Strategy is representing the government of the Maldives over the imprisonment of deposed former President Mohamed Nasheed, while Mrs Clooney is working pro bono on the campaign for his release.
The UK Government is pressing for Mr Nasheed's release and Dunya Maumoon, the Maldives' foreign minister, was due to meet Huge Swire, the foreign office minister, last week to discuss the case.
Ms Maumoon requested Mrs Blair attend the meeting with her but Mr Swire refused, resulting in the meeting being cancelled, the Mail on Sunday reported.
Former prime minister's wife reportedly barred from attending a meeting at the Foreign Office with her client, the foreign minister of the Maldives
Cherie Blair was reportedly barred from attending a Foreign Office meeting with her client, the Maldivian foreign minister, in the latest twist in her legal battle against Amal Clooney over the fate of the islands' former leader.
Mrs Blair's firm, Omnia Strategy is representing the government of the Maldives over the imprisonment of deposed former President Mohamed Nasheed, while Mrs Clooney is working pro bono on the campaign for his release.
The UK Government is pressing for Mr Nasheed's release and Dunya Maumoon, the Maldives' foreign minister, was due to meet Huge Swire, the foreign office minister, last week to discuss the case.
Ms Maumoon requested Mrs Blair attend the meeting with her but Mr Swire refused, resulting in the meeting being cancelled, the Mail on Sunday reported.
published:20 Sep 2015
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Want to read all pages of Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes just visit this link :
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes 1m1lY4r-4m11n
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Audio Book, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 books online, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 PDF, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Review, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Quotes
Want to read all pages of Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes just visit this link :
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes 1m1lY4r-4m11n
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Audio Book, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 books online, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 PDF, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Review, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Quotes
published:19 Sep 2015
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
For the second time this week, Pakistan on Friday summoned India's Deputy High Commissioner here and lodged a protest over killing of three Pakistani civilians in alleged firing by Indian troops across the LoC.
Deputy High Commissioner J P Singh was summoned to the Foreign Office and was told that "intentional targeting of innocent civilians is high condemnable," a Foreign Office spokesman said in a statement. "Pakistan has expressed its deep concern at the continuous unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian security forces and the intentional targeting of innocent civilians, which is high condemnable," the statement said.
Pakistan claimed that three of its nationals were killed in Nikial sector due to "unprovoked" ceasefire violations by Indian troops.
For the second time this week, Pakistan on Friday summoned India's Deputy High Commissioner here and lodged a protest over killing of three Pakistani civilians in alleged firing by Indian troops across the LoC.
Deputy High Commissioner J P Singh was summoned to the Foreign Office and was told that "intentional targeting of innocent civilians is high condemnable," a Foreign Office spokesman said in a statement. "Pakistan has expressed its deep concern at the continuous unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian security forces and the intentional targeting of innocent civilians, which is high condemnable," the statement said.
Pakistan claimed that three of its nationals were killed in Nikial sector due to "unprovoked" ceasefire violations by Indian troops.
published:18 Sep 2015
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
1. Close up of sign reading (English and Urdu) "Foreign Office", pan left to foreign office building 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Abdul Bassit, Pakistan Foreign Office ...
Narendra Modi takes to the stage to the sound of conch shells. NaMo : "This is the season of harsh sunshine and look at the weather we have. I thank the gods ...
1. Passengers pushing luggage trolleys down rail station platform 2. Passengers carrying suitcases on heads 3. Women crying and hugging each other 4.
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we ...
1. Close up of sign reading (English and Urdu) "Foreign Office", pan left to foreign office building 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Abdul Bassit, Pakistan Foreign Office ...
Narendra Modi takes to the stage to the sound of conch shells. NaMo : "This is the season of harsh sunshine and look at the weather we have. I thank the gods ...
1. Passengers pushing luggage trolleys down rail station platform 2. Passengers carrying suitcases on heads 3. Women crying and hugging each other 4.
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we ...
published:18 Sep 2015
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
ANKARA, TURKEY - SEPTEMBER 18: Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn in Ankara, Turkey on September 18, 2015. Footage by Press Office of Turkish Foreign Ministry / Anadolu Agency .
ANKARA, TURKEY - SEPTEMBER 18: Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn in Ankara, Turkey on September 18, 2015. Footage by Press Office of Turkish Foreign Ministry / Anadolu Agency .
published:18 Sep 2015
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania has used a speech in Berlin to call upon Europe to help more Syrian refugees - and not to 'bolt the door for fear of the unknown'. The 45-year-old was speaking at the Federal Foreign Office in front of an audience of 400 politicians and diplomats - including German Chancellor Angela Merkel - and was presented with the Walther Rathenau prize.
Jordan's Queen Rania has used a speech in Berlin to call upon Europe to help more Syrian refugees - and not to 'bolt the door for fear of the unknown'. The 45-year-old was speaking at the Federal Foreign Office in front of an audience of 400 politicians and diplomats - including German Chancellor Angela Merkel - and was presented with the Walther Rathenau prize.
published:18 Sep 2015
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
China is delivering big returns for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Paramount and Skydance title debuted to $86 million in the world's second-largest moviegoing market after opening on Tuesday. That pushed the film's international total to $424.8 million, and its worldwide haul to $613 million. It's the biggest opening for the franchise in China--as well as for any Cruise movie. The film is only 17 percent behind Jurassic World.
With China's help, Rogue Nation easily topped the international weekend chart with $91.3 million from 63 territories.
This video was produced by Wochit using
China is delivering big returns for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Paramount and Skydance title debuted to $86 million in the world's second-largest moviegoing market after opening on Tuesday. That pushed the film's international total to $424.8 million, and its worldwide haul to $613 million. It's the biggest opening for the franchise in China--as well as for any Cruise movie. The film is only 17 percent behind Jurassic World.
With China's help, Rogue Nation easily topped the international weekend chart with $91.3 million from 63 territories.
This video was produced by Wochit using
published:13 Sep 2015
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
wo Brits have been killed and 10 injured in a train derailment in northern India.
The tragedy happened when a specially chartered service crashed just after starting its journey from Kalka to the Himalayan town of Shimla today.
Local police said the two people who died were women.
Ten Brits and three Indian crew were injured. Two people were left critical.
Foreign Office minister for Asia Hugo Swire said: “I am saddened two British nationals have been killed. My thoughts are with their family and friends.”
The £1,795 a head, 12-day tour was organised by York-based Great Rail Journeys, writes Stephen Hayward in the Sunday People.
Boss Peter Liney said the firm was working with the Foreign Office to help relatives travel to India as soon as possible.
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
wo Brits have been killed and 10 injured in a train derailment in northern India.
The tragedy happened when a specially chartered service crashed just after starting its journey from Kalka to the Himalayan town of Shimla today.
Local police said the two people who died were women.
Ten Brits and three Indian crew were injured. Two people were left critical.
Foreign Office minister for Asia Hugo Swire said: “I am saddened two British nationals have been killed. My thoughts are with their family and friends.”
The £1,795 a head, 12-day tour was organised by York-based Great Rail Journeys, writes Stephen Hayward in the Sunday People.
Boss Peter Liney said the firm was working with the Foreign Office to help relatives travel to India as soon as possible.
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
published:13 Sep 2015
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015, ARY News Headlines today 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin 11 September 2015, ARY News Live, ARY News Reports 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin Today 11 September 2015
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ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015, ARY News Headlines today 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin 11 September 2015, ARY News Live, ARY News Reports 11 September 2015, ARY News Bulletin Today 11 September 2015
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Subscribe Now For Next ARY News Headlines 12 September 2015
Team GB Triathlete India Lee supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
Team GB Triathlete India Lee supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
published:08 Sep 2015
Lauren Steadman on vaccinations | Stay Ahead of the Games
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Lauren Steadman supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Lauren Steadman supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Andy Lewis supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
ParalympicGB Paratriathlete Andy Lewis supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
published:07 Sep 2015
Say it in French = Where’s the nearest foreign exchange office
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
News Updates Today 29th August 2015 Pakistan Top Urdu News Story of the Day August 29, 2015.
Express News Bulletin, News Updates Today,
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Express News, Dawn News,
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015
Express News Headlines 29th August 2015
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
News Updates Today 29th August 2015 Pakistan Top Urdu News Story of the Day August 29, 2015.
Express News Bulletin, News Updates Today,
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Express News, Dawn News,
Express News Headlines 29 August 2015
Express News Headlines 29th August 2015
published:29 Aug 2015
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, News Pakistan,
Visit our Channel News Town for Daily News and Updates
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Geo News, Dawn News,
News Updates Today 29 August 2015, Top News Urdu Stories of the Day August 29, 2015
Geo News Headlines 29th August 2015, Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015,
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015
Geo News Bulletin 29th August 2015
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, Indian High Commissioner Called at Foreign Office
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015, News Pakistan,
Visit our Channel News Town for Daily News and Updates
Dunya News, Express News, Capital TV, ARY News, Abb Takk, Samaa News, PTV News, Bol News, Geo News, Dawn News,
News Updates Today 29 August 2015, Top News Urdu Stories of the Day August 29, 2015
Geo News Headlines 29th August 2015, Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015,
Geo News Headlines 29 August 2015
Geo News Bulletin 29th August 2015
BBC The Great Offices of State: 2. Palace of Dreams
BBC The Great Offices of State: 2. Palace of Dreams
BBC The Great Offices of State: 2. Palace of Dreams
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
Recorded: February 26. 2010
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, co-founder with Farshid Moussavi of the London-based Foreign Office Architects (FOA), presents the firm’s recent work and current projects under design and construction including the Meydan Shopping Center in Istanbul, the Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in Greenwich, UK, and Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid. Awards to the firm include the Enric Miralles Prize for Architecture; the Kanagawa Prize for Architecture; three RIBA Worldwide Awards; the Special Award in Topography at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale; the Charles Jencks Award for Architecture; an RIBA Europea
BBC The Great Offices of State: 1. The Dark Department
BBC The Great Offices of State: 1. The Dark Department
BBC The Great Offices of State: 1. The Dark Department
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
The Middle East has turned into a constant battlefield. War rages in Iraq and Syria, violence is a common occurrence between Gaza and Israel, Libyas in turmoil. Weve spoken many times about...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
Foreign Office Architects was founded by Farshid Moussavi and Alejandro Zaera Polo in 1992.
Needs Summary
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
Foreign Office.Episode 5
Foreign Office.Episode 5
Foreign Office.Episode 5
This program is an interview with Jared Taylor, an American author, the founder and editor of “American Renaissance” magazine. What issues are considered a taboo in merica? Are there any politicians in the U.S. who represent racially conscious Americans? Is America still “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? What advice does Mr. Taylor give to Russia? Host – Alexander Domrin.
BBC The Great Offices of State: 2. Palace of Dreams
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
Recorded: February 26. 2010
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, co-founder with Farshid Moussavi of the London-based Foreign Office Architects (FOA), presents the firm’s recent work and current projects under design and construction including the Meydan Shopping Center in Istanbul, the Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in Greenwich, UK, and Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid. Awards to the firm include the Enric Miralles Prize for Architecture; the Kanagawa Prize for Architecture; three RIBA Worldwide Awards; the Special Award in Topography at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale; the Charles Jencks Award for Architecture; an RIBA European Award for Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid; and a 2009 RIBA Award for the John Lewis Department Store and Cineplex. FOA also represented Britain at the 8th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002. The work of the firm has been widely published and exhibited.
In parallel to his professional activities, Zaera-Polo has developed a substantial role within academia. He was the Dean of the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam and currently occupies the Berlage Chair at the Technical University of Delft. He is also a Visiting Professor at Princeton University and the first recipient of the Norman R. Foster Visiting Professorship at Yale. He has published extensively as a theorist in El Croquis, Quaderns, A+U, Arch+, Volume, Log and many other international magazines and is a member of the London School of Economics Urban Age project. The practice’s multi-award winning Yokohama International Cruise Terminal in Japan — a dramatically formed port integrated with urban facilities noted for its fascination with the interplay of architecture, landscape and nature and — is credited by the Design Museum as “a design sensation, alive with bustling urbanity and seaside tranquillity.” Zaera-Polo graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and Harvard GSD with Distinction and worked at OMA in Rotterdam prior to establishing FOA in 1993.
The Architectural League’s Current Work series presents the work of significant international figures, who powerfully influence contemporary architectural practice and shape the future of the built environment.
Recorded: February 26. 2010
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, co-founder with Farshid Moussavi of the London-based Foreign Office Architects (FOA), presents the firm’s recent work and current projects under design and construction including the Meydan Shopping Center in Istanbul, the Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in Greenwich, UK, and Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid. Awards to the firm include the Enric Miralles Prize for Architecture; the Kanagawa Prize for Architecture; three RIBA Worldwide Awards; the Special Award in Topography at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale; the Charles Jencks Award for Architecture; an RIBA European Award for Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid; and a 2009 RIBA Award for the John Lewis Department Store and Cineplex. FOA also represented Britain at the 8th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002. The work of the firm has been widely published and exhibited.
In parallel to his professional activities, Zaera-Polo has developed a substantial role within academia. He was the Dean of the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam and currently occupies the Berlage Chair at the Technical University of Delft. He is also a Visiting Professor at Princeton University and the first recipient of the Norman R. Foster Visiting Professorship at Yale. He has published extensively as a theorist in El Croquis, Quaderns, A+U, Arch+, Volume, Log and many other international magazines and is a member of the London School of Economics Urban Age project. The practice’s multi-award winning Yokohama International Cruise Terminal in Japan — a dramatically formed port integrated with urban facilities noted for its fascination with the interplay of architecture, landscape and nature and — is credited by the Design Museum as “a design sensation, alive with bustling urbanity and seaside tranquillity.” Zaera-Polo graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and Harvard GSD with Distinction and worked at OMA in Rotterdam prior to establishing FOA in 1993.
The Architectural League’s Current Work series presents the work of significant international figures, who powerfully influence contemporary architectural practice and shape the future of the built environment.
published:03 Jan 2015
BBC The Great Offices of State: 1. The Dark Department
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
The Middle East has turned into a constant battlefield. War rages in Iraq and Syria, violence is a common occurrence between Gaza and Israel, Libyas in turmoil. Weve spoken many times about...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
The Middle East has turned into a constant battlefield. War rages in Iraq and Syria, violence is a common occurrence between Gaza and Israel, Libyas in turmoil. Weve spoken many times about...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
Foreign Office Architects was founded by Farshid Moussavi and Alejandro Zaera Polo in 1992.
Needs Summary
Foreign Office Architects was founded by Farshid Moussavi and Alejandro Zaera Polo in 1992.
Needs Summary
published:05 May 2015
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
This program is an interview with Jared Taylor, an American author, the founder and editor of “American Renaissance” magazine. What issues are considered a taboo in merica? Are there any politicians in the U.S. who represent racially conscious Americans? Is America still “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? What advice does Mr. Taylor give to Russia? Host – Alexander Domrin.
This program is an interview with Jared Taylor, an American author, the founder and editor of “American Renaissance” magazine. What issues are considered a taboo in merica? Are there any politicians in the U.S. who represent racially conscious Americans? Is America still “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? What advice does Mr. Taylor give to Russia? Host – Alexander Domrin.
British diplomats talk about their lives, careers and opportunities working in and travelling with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You can find out more...
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
published:04 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 1
published:04 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Дмитрий Михеев о расовой теории в англосаксонской модели цивилизации.
Ведущий - Владислав ...
published:04 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 2
published:04 Jun 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о расовой теории в англосаксонской модели цивилизации.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонской теории расизма....
published:11 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 3
published:11 Jun 2015
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонской теории расизма.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Дмитрий Михеев о расово-цивилизационной иерархии в действии.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов....
published:18 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск № 4
published:18 Jun 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о расово-цивилизационной иерархии в действии.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Дмитрий Михеев о религиозных корнях англосаксонской ментальности, протестантизме и его вли...
published:25 Jun 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №5
published:25 Jun 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о религиозных корнях англосаксонской ментальности, протестантизме и его влиянии на общество США.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская до...
published:24 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
published:24 Jul 2015
Дмитрий Михеев об англо-саксонской цивилизации, о том, как реализуется англо-саксонская доктрина на практике в политике, культуре и социуме.
Ведущий - Андрей Фефелов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Дмитрий Михеев о влияние на ментальность американского и российского общества протестантиз...
published:02 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №6
published:02 Jul 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о влияние на ментальность американского и российского общества протестантизма и православия.
Ведущая - Валентина Боброва.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания америк...
published:17 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №7
published:17 Jul 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о том, во что верят американцы и русские, роли религиозного сознания американской элиты и разночтениях Священного Писания у Православия и Протестантизма.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском герое и его русском антиподе.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов...
published:30 Jul 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №9
published:30 Jul 2015
Дмитрий Михеев об англосаксонском герое и его русском антиподе.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Дмитрий Михеев о мифах, связанных с главным американским героем Джорджем Вашингтоном....
published:06 Aug 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №10
published:06 Aug 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о мифах, связанных с главным американским героем Джорджем Вашингтоном.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Дмитрий Михеев о спасителе американской нации и освободителе рабов Аврааме Линкольне и миф...
published:13 Aug 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №11
published:13 Aug 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о спасителе американской нации и освободителе рабов Аврааме Линкольне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Дмитрий Михеев об отце либерального империализма Джефферсоне и мифах, связанных с ним.
published:20 Aug 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №12
published:20 Aug 2015
Дмитрий Михеев об отце либерального империализма Джефферсоне и мифах, связанных с ним.
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Дмитрий Михеев о том, почему Россия - загадка для англосаксов и о том, почему "умом Россию...
published:27 Aug 2015
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
Foreign Office. Американский тупик с Дмитрием Михеевым. Выпуск №13
published:27 Aug 2015
Дмитрий Михеев о том, почему Россия - загадка для англосаксов и о том, почему "умом Россию не понять".
Ведущий - Владислав Павлов.
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
The official YouTube channel for Express News. Subscribe to find out the latest news and u...
published:21 Sep 2015
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
Indian Deputy High Commissioner summoned in Foreign Office, Islamabad.
published:21 Sep 2015
The official YouTube channel for Express News. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed. Its affiliates include Express News, Express Entertainment, Express Tribune, Daily Express and is owned by The Express Media Group.
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
The young adult thriller took the top spot in 30 of those territories. Its strong start wa...
published:21 Sep 2015
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
published:21 Sep 2015
The young adult thriller took the top spot in 30 of those territories. Its strong start was fueled by healthy debuts in South Korea where it earned $7.5 million, Russia with $3.8 million, Brazil with $2.7 million and Venezuela with $2.5 million. Next weekend, the film will expand into seven additional markets, including Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” raced to the top of the foreign box office, picking up a ...
published:21 Sep 2015
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
‘Maze Runner 2’ Tops Foreign Box Office With $43.3 Million
published:21 Sep 2015
“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” raced to the top of the foreign box office, picking up a robust $43.3 million from 66 markets. So far, the second “Maze Runner” has earned $108.3 million globally. It debuted in the U.S. on Friday, but got a jump on its domestic release by bowing in several territories last weekend. Twentieth Century Fox is distributing the film, which cost $61 million to produce, and focuses on a group of teenagers navigating a deadly post-apocalyptic world.
This video was produced by Wochit using
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Former prime minister's wife reportedly barred from attending a meeting at the Foreign Off...
published:20 Sep 2015
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
Cherie Blair 'snubbed by Foreign Office' in Maldives legal battle against Amal Clooney
published:20 Sep 2015
Former prime minister's wife reportedly barred from attending a meeting at the Foreign Office with her client, the foreign minister of the Maldives
Cherie Blair was reportedly barred from attending a Foreign Office meeting with her client, the Maldivian foreign minister, in the latest twist in her legal battle against Amal Clooney over the fate of the islands' former leader.
Mrs Blair's firm, Omnia Strategy is representing the government of the Maldives over the imprisonment of deposed former President Mohamed Nasheed, while Mrs Clooney is working pro bono on the campaign for his release.
The UK Government is pressing for Mr Nasheed's release and Dunya Maumoon, the Maldives' foreign minister, was due to meet Huge Swire, the foreign office minister, last week to discuss the case.
Ms Maumoon requested Mrs Blair attend the meeting with her but Mr Swire refused, resulting in the meeting being cancelled, the Mail on Sunday reported.
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Want to read all pages of Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New For...
published:19 Sep 2015
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New
published:19 Sep 2015
Want to read all pages of Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes just visit this link :
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Book Quotes 1m1lY4r-4m11n
Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Audio Book, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 books online, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 PDF, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Review, Battle of the Styles Society Culture and the Design of a New Foreign Office 18551861 Quotes
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
For the second time this week, Pakistan on Friday summoned India's Deputy High Commissione...
published:18 Sep 2015
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
Pakistan summons Indian Deputy High Commissioner over 'targeting of innocent civilians' by army
published:18 Sep 2015
For the second time this week, Pakistan on Friday summoned India's Deputy High Commissioner here and lodged a protest over killing of three Pakistani civilians in alleged firing by Indian troops across the LoC.
Deputy High Commissioner J P Singh was summoned to the Foreign Office and was told that "intentional targeting of innocent civilians is high condemnable," a Foreign Office spokesman said in a statement. "Pakistan has expressed its deep concern at the continuous unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian security forces and the intentional targeting of innocent civilians, which is high condemnable," the statement said.
Pakistan claimed that three of its nationals were killed in Nikial sector due to "unprovoked" ceasefire violations by Indian troops.
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
1. Close up of sign reading (English and Urdu) "Foreign Office", pan left to foreign offic...
published:18 Sep 2015
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack
published:18 Sep 2015
1. Close up of sign reading (English and Urdu) "Foreign Office", pan left to foreign office building 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Abdul Bassit, Pakistan Foreign Office ...
Narendra Modi takes to the stage to the sound of conch shells. NaMo : "This is the season of harsh sunshine and look at the weather we have. I thank the gods ...
1. Passengers pushing luggage trolleys down rail station platform 2. Passengers carrying suitcases on heads 3. Women crying and hugging each other 4.
Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we blame India for that attack Pak Lady said: when we don't have anything to explain then we ...
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
ANKARA, TURKEY - SEPTEMBER 18: Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembo...
published:18 Sep 2015
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
Turkish FM Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn
published:18 Sep 2015
ANKARA, TURKEY - SEPTEMBER 18: Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu meets Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn in Ankara, Turkey on September 18, 2015. Footage by Press Office of Turkish Foreign Ministry / Anadolu Agency .
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania has used a speech in Berlin to call upon Europe to help more Syrian ...
published:18 Sep 2015
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
Jordan's Queen Rania called for exceptional solutions to the refugee crisis
published:18 Sep 2015
Jordan's Queen Rania has used a speech in Berlin to call upon Europe to help more Syrian refugees - and not to 'bolt the door for fear of the unknown'. The 45-year-old was speaking at the Federal Foreign Office in front of an audience of 400 politicians and diplomats - including German Chancellor Angela Merkel - and was presented with the Walther Rathenau prize.
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
China is delivering big returns for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.
published:13 Sep 2015
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
Foreign Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation' Opens to Huge $86M in China
published:13 Sep 2015
China is delivering big returns for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Paramount and Skydance title debuted to $86 million in the world's second-largest moviegoing market after opening on Tuesday. That pushed the film's international total to $424.8 million, and its worldwide haul to $613 million. It's the biggest opening for the franchise in China--as well as for any Cruise movie. The film is only 17 percent behind Jurassic World.
With China's help, Rogue Nation easily topped the international weekend chart with $91.3 million from 63 territories.
This video was produced by Wochit using
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
wo Brits have been killed and 10 injured in a train derailment in northern India.
The tra...
published:13 Sep 2015
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
Two British tourists killed and 10 injured as charter train crashes in India
published:13 Sep 2015
wo Brits have been killed and 10 injured in a train derailment in northern India.
The tragedy happened when a specially chartered service crashed just after starting its journey from Kalka to the Himalayan town of Shimla today.
Local police said the two people who died were women.
Ten Brits and three Indian crew were injured. Two people were left critical.
Foreign Office minister for Asia Hugo Swire said: “I am saddened two British nationals have been killed. My thoughts are with their family and friends.”
The £1,795 a head, 12-day tour was organised by York-based Great Rail Journeys, writes Stephen Hayward in the Sunday People.
Boss Peter Liney said the firm was working with the Foreign Office to help relatives travel to India as soon as possible.
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign O...
published:10 Sep 2015
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
published:10 Sep 2015
Ary News Headlines 11 September 2015 - Daish Cannot Exist in Pakistan SpokPerson Foreign Office
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ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
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published:10 Sep 2015
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
ARY News Headlines 11 September 2015 - No existence of Daish in Pakistan Foreign Office
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India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
Team GB Triathlete India Lee supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay ...
published:08 Sep 2015
India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
India Lee | Stay Ahead of the Games
published:08 Sep 2015
Team GB Triathlete India Lee supporting the Foreign Office's travel advice campaign 'Stay Ahead of the Games' which provides advice and guidance to fans travelling to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.
For more info:
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
Recorded: February 26. 2010
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, co-founder with Farshid Moussavi of the...
published:03 Jan 2015
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
Current Work: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Foreign Office Architects
published:03 Jan 2015
Recorded: February 26. 2010
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, co-founder with Farshid Moussavi of the London-based Foreign Office Architects (FOA), presents the firm’s recent work and current projects under design and construction including the Meydan Shopping Center in Istanbul, the Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in Greenwich, UK, and Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid. Awards to the firm include the Enric Miralles Prize for Architecture; the Kanagawa Prize for Architecture; three RIBA Worldwide Awards; the Special Award in Topography at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale; the Charles Jencks Award for Architecture; an RIBA European Award for Carabanchel Social Housing in Madrid; and a 2009 RIBA Award for the John Lewis Department Store and Cineplex. FOA also represented Britain at the 8th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002. The work of the firm has been widely published and exhibited.
In parallel to his professional activities, Zaera-Polo has developed a substantial role within academia. He was the Dean of the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam and currently occupies the Berlage Chair at the Technical University of Delft. He is also a Visiting Professor at Princeton University and the first recipient of the Norman R. Foster Visiting Professorship at Yale. He has published extensively as a theorist in El Croquis, Quaderns, A+U, Arch+, Volume, Log and many other international magazines and is a member of the London School of Economics Urban Age project. The practice’s multi-award winning Yokohama International Cruise Terminal in Japan — a dramatically formed port integrated with urban facilities noted for its fascination with the interplay of architecture, landscape and nature and — is credited by the Design Museum as “a design sensation, alive with bustling urbanity and seaside tranquillity.” Zaera-Polo graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and Harvard GSD with Distinction and worked at OMA in Rotterdam prior to establishing FOA in 1993.
The Architectural League’s Current Work series presents the work of significant international figures, who powerfully influence contemporary architectural practice and shape the future of the built environment.
BBC The Great Offices of State: 1. The Dark Department
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the se...
BBC UK Three-part series in which award-winning reporter Michael Cockerell uncovers the secret world of Whitehall, showing what the trio of great offices - ...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
The Middle East has turned into a constant battlefield. War rages in Iraq and Syria, viole...
published:19 Apr 2015
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays - Foreign Office veteran
published:19 Apr 2015
The Middle East has turned into a constant battlefield. War rages in Iraq and Syria, violence is a common occurrence between Gaza and Israel, Libyas in turmoil. Weve spoken many times about...
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
SophieCo: British diplomatic services are incompetent nowadays Foreign Office veteran
Foreign Office Architects was founded by Farshid Moussavi and Alejandro Zaera Polo in 1992.
Needs Summary
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
published:05 Jun 2015
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
2004 10 11 FOREIGN OFFICE ARCHITECTS FOA After Yokohama Constructing Communication
published:05 Jun 2015
Foreign Office.Episode 5
This program is an interview with Jared Taylor, an American author, the founder and editor...
published:06 May 2015
Foreign Office.Episode 5
Foreign Office.Episode 5
published:06 May 2015
This program is an interview with Jared Taylor, an American author, the founder and editor of “American Renaissance” magazine. What issues are considered a taboo in merica? Are there any politicians in the U.S. who represent racially conscious Americans? Is America still “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? What advice does Mr. Taylor give to Russia? Host – Alexander Domrin.
Fidgety oil companies and investors heaved a sigh of relief in August when Kenya and Uganda announced they had picked a route for the world’s longest heated pipeline. Finally, there was a plan for getting the estimated 1 billion barrels in Kenya’s remote northwest out of the country ... With low oil prices as low as they are, it seems more likely that the project will be put on ice ... ....
MEXICOCITY... Authorities said efforts to nab Guzman, whose brazen July 11 jailbreak saw him slip through a tunnel under the shower in his cell, have focused on the northwest region in the past few weeks after foreign governments shared intelligence information ... READ ALSO. Mexico's drug lord 'El Chapo' Guzman escapes through tunnel ... "The security cabinet continues to conduct all actions that will allow the recapture of this criminal." ... ....
Italy said Saturday that UNESCO has approved its suggestion to have the United Nation's famous Blue Helmets protect heritage sites around the world from attacks by Islamist militants ... Franceschini called for the UN to "immediately define the operational aspects of this international task force" ... ide/cw ....
Ancient teeth found in China suggest Homo sapiens was outwitted by its rivals. The discovery of a hoard of ancient human teeth in a Chinese cave has forced scientists to reconsider our species’ relations with our closest evolutionary cousins, the Neanderthals. The find, revealed in the science journal Nature, shows modern humans must have left their African homeland and reached southern China more than 80,000 years ago ... Twitter ... ....
Migrants have begun arriving in Slovenia by bus from Croatia, after Hungary shut its border with Croatia to try to stem the numbers arriving en route to western Europe. Hungary closed its frontier, reinforced with a razor-wire fence, at midnight local on Friday ... "We know that this is not the best, but only the second-best solution," HungarianForeignMinisterPeter Szijjarto said, announcing the closure earlier ... Can deeds match words? ... ....
The EU will announce on Sunday the formal end to economic sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear programme, Western diplomatic sources said. Iranian ForeignMinisterZarif makes a statement as EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Mogherini watches, following nuclear talks in Lausanne... ....
“The number of Belgianforeign fighters is reportedly the highest in Europe per capita among those traveling to join conflicts abroad such as in Syria and Iraq,” said Elzbieta Karska, human rights expert and head of the UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries, as cited in a report released by the UN on Friday ... Of these, 46 foreign fighters have been prosecuted.”....
To the studios and the publishers, these two British brandnames, 007 and the creator of Smiley, are box-office gold ... At home, Britons never, never would be slaves, or worse, suffer a foreign (ie, French) kind of police state ... The daring exploits of the fearless but charming Englishman in foreign parts was both a staple of popular fiction and also the recreational side of late-Victorian imperialism....
On the day we meet at a café near his office, Lukar Jam is wearing a worn-out brown coat, a scruffy beard and has a faraway look in his eyes ... Jam’s supporters argue that the middle-way approach — autonomy wherein foreign and military affairs will be controlled by China and Tibetans will have independence to practise language and religion — has not yielded any results....
An assailant in Germany has stabbed and seriously wounded a mayoral candidate who was active in helping foreign refugees in the western city of Cologne... Over 630,000 people fleeing foreign-backed wars, terrorism, and unrest in the Middle East and North Africa have landed on European shores this year after making dangerous sea journeys from Turkey to Greece and across the Mediterranean to Italy ... ....
NAVI MUMBAI. A 41-year old man, Jagannath Patil, was arrested by PanvelACP on Friday for illegally selling liquor since the last six months in Kharghar, which is a liquor-free zone. He used his general store as a front, the police said. A stock of Indian-made foreign liquor and country liquor was seized along with a tempo loaded with liquor bottles collectively worth Rs 2 lakh, cops said ... ....
A total of 17,095 persons were given appointment orders at a job fair conducted in Chief MinisterJayalalithaa’s R.K. Nagar constituency in Chennai on Saturday. A government press release said a total of 58,835 aspirants participated in the fair and 6,453 were given appointment letters. Another 10,642 aspirants were issued temporary appointment orders ... Another 1053 applied for jobs in foreign countries, the release said. ....
Qatar has suffered significant reputational damage as a result of high-profile labour disputes with foreign players, whose careers were significantly disrupted because they were not allowed to leave the country for extended periods of time under the kafala system while they sought to resolve their issues....