
rabble blogs are the personal pages of some of Canada's most insightful progressive activists and commentators. All opinions belong to the writer; however, writers are expected to adhere to our guidelines. We welcome new bloggers -- contact us for details.


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karl nerenberg's picture
Prime Minister-Elect Justin Trudeau has many promises to keep | Oct 20 2015 | Karl Nerenberg | Progressive voters who gave Trudeau his majority will have to be vigilant and let the new Liberal government know they expect it to keep its promises, starting with electoral reform.
the views expressed's picture
Why I'm doing all I can to make sure our Nation members vote | Oct 19 2015 | Ken Watts | Ken Watts, vice president of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, tells us why he is urging the members of his community to vote in this election.
Behind The Numbers's picture
Young people: Vote like a geezer and change Canada's future | Oct 19 2015 | Armine Yalnizyan | An eleventh-hour message to voters aged 18–30: in this election, you've got the power.
gerry caplan's picture
This election may prove there's a limit to Canada's regard for the NDP | Oct 19 2015 | Gerry Caplan | Many Canadians seemed somewhere between reconciled to and delighted with the prospect of an NDP government. Then they weren't.
Christopher_Majka's picture
Election Results 2015: A political crystal ball | Oct 18 2015 | Christopher Majka | Although the results of the 2015 Canadian election are not in, there are a few things that can be predicted with the political crystal ball. We're certainly going to be in for a wild political ride.
yves engler's picture
Green Party sop to auto industrial complex | Oct 17 2015 | Yves Engler | Why would the Green Party take a more environmentally regressive position on an important issue than Stephen Harper?
karl nerenberg's picture
Election eve reflections on the leaders -- especially Trudeau | Oct 17 2015 | Karl Nerenberg | Trudeau showed a progressive and compassionate side when he was his party's immigration critic. He has promised much, including major electoral reform. But he does not need a majority.
the views expressed's picture
Chew on this: Why do we accept poverty in a nation as rich as Canada? | Oct 17 2015 | Joe Gunn, Leilani Farha | When did Canada decide that 4.9 million people living in poverty was something that we consent to as a nation?
djclimenhaga's picture
11 grinding weeks and this election comes down to a science question: momentum, or inertia? | Oct 17 2015 | David J. Climenhaga | If the Liberals’ positive momentum continues through the weekend, it’s not inconceivable they could push themselves into majority territory as the NDP did in Alberta, pollster says.
Scott Vrooman's picture
Citizens > Consumers | Oct 17 2015 | Scott Vrooman | Elections is a great reminder that we're citizens first.
rabble staff's picture
Harper is a serial abuser of power. Here are 70 facts to prove it. | Oct 16 2015 | rabble staff | Stephen Harper is a serial abuser of power. How do we know? Because the Tyee compiled a 70-item list.
Child Care Canada Now's picture
Finally. 'Fertile ground' for a national child-care program | Oct 16 2015 | Martha Friendly | There seems to be fertile ground for the long-awaited national child care program to become a reality.
PolicyNote's picture
Why my dad and I will vote for health | Oct 16 2015 | Vanessa Brcic | As a family physician, the most important way I can help (and not harm) my patients, is to vote for health care in this election.
policyfix's picture
What's at stake for Winnipeg women in the federal election? | Oct 16 2015 | Molly McCracken | Women have a lot at stake in this election: higher rates of economic inequality, impacts of violence and lack of child care. Here's how Winnipeg women fare.
the views expressed's picture
Who should Arabs and Muslims vote for this election? | Oct 16 2015 | Ehab Lotayef | The NDP's response, was clear, direct and straight forward. It addressed most of the issues we raised with clear commitments of action.
djclimenhaga's picture
Brothels? Neighbourhood injection sites? Have the Cons jumped the shark? Or is the nightmare just beginning? | Oct 16 2015 | David J. Climenhaga | If we have reached the moment when the vaunted Conservative election machine is producing nothing but loud guffaws, more Laurel and Hardy than Kafka, then maybe the nightmare really is over.
karl nerenberg's picture
Gagnier scandal reminds us that lobbyists love Liberals | Oct 16 2015 | Karl Nerenberg | Justin Trudeau promised to sweep the Liberal party clean of its old bad habits. But when push comes to shove, he relies on the same operators who have always wielded great power in the party.
Behind The Numbers's picture
Five ways the Harper Government changed Canada | Oct 16 2015 | Stuart Trew | Yes, it's clickbait. But it's the damnedest clickbait you'll ever read.
the views expressed's picture
No real improvement on poverty in Canada | Oct 16 2015 | Darlene O'Leary | "On the Margins" shows the far-reaching impact of poverty, hitting communities across Canada. Remember that when you go and vote.
rabble staff's picture
It's four days from E-Day. And babblers are getting restless. | Oct 15 2015 | Meg Borthwick | The final roundup of babble election 2015 threads. Oh boy.