
on rabble.ca

The Crystal Ball
Election Results 2015: A political crystal ball | Oct 18 2015 | Christopher Majka | Although the results of the 2015 Canadian election are not in, there are a few things that can be predicted with the political crystal ball. We're certainly going to be in for a wild political ride.
CBC Radio documentary on Haiti's 2010 earthquake examines foreign aid intervention | Sep 25 2015 | Kim Ives, Roger Annis | A laudable radio documentary on CBC falls short in identifying why so much of post-earthquake aid to Haiti has failed.
Will 2015 be the year Canada promotes Haitian democracy? | Aug 11 2015 | Mark Phillips | Op-ed in Toronto Star challenges Canada's past and present anti-democratic and interventionist policies in Haiti.
New reports on Red Cross in Haiti revisit the record of failed earthquake aid | Jun 10 2015 | Roger Annis | Two investigations by NPR and ProPublica reveal a record of failure and deception by the American Red Cross in Haiti. What about its Canadian partner?
Haitian parliament suspended, leaving president to rule by decree | Mar 2 2015 | Redeye Collective | President Michel Martelly and the Haitian senate have been unable to agree on law for administering elections. As a result, parliament is no longer sitting and the president is now ruling by decree.
Haiti's promised rebuilding unrealized as Haitians challenge authoritarian rule | Jan 12 2015 | Roger Annis, Travis Ross | Haitians are marking the catatrophic earthquake that struck five years ago. Haiti still suffers from a cruel economic order and foreign occupation. But the people are massively resisting.
Are educational spaces in Canada safe for women? On December 6 and academic life | Dec 5 2014 | Lucia Lorenzi | 25 years after the December 6 massacre, are educational spaces in Canada safe for women students and scholars? We've still got a long way to go.
District Court in New York to hear arguments on UN claim to immunity from justice over cholera in Haiti | Oct 17 2014 | Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti | The Haitian victims of the cholera epidemic brought to the country by UN soldiers are pressing their case for justice in a U.S. court.
The UN's occupation of Haiti -- A structure of global complicity | Oct 17 2014 | Lorenzo Fiorito | The ongoing military occupation of Haiti by the UN Security Council is into its 11th year and is an affront to Haiti's national sovereignty and its proud history of anti-colonial struggle.
The United Nations has failed Haiti once again, renewing its occupation force for another year | Oct 15 2014 | Kevin Edmonds and Ajamu Nangwaya | The list of MINUSTAH's crimes in Haiti is a compelling reason for the force to quit the country. The most compelling reason of all is that MINUSTAH is an ongoing violation of Haiti sovereignty.
Video: Activists demand end to 10-year UN military occupation of Haiti | Oct 12 2014 | John Bonnar | On Saturday, the Toronto Haiti Action Committee held an information leafleting action at Dundas Square in Toronto.
Haiti's tyrant Jean-Claude Duvalier is dead but his legacy lives on | Oct 8 2014 | Roger Annis | The death of 'Baby Doc' Duvalier is small comfort to Haiti as it suffers a never-ending military occupation by the UN Security Council and the disastrous presidency of Michel Martelly.

on babble

The Foreign Policy Elephant Aristotleded24 said... With the NDP now the government-in-waiting, NDP foreign policy is going to be that much more...
Open letter to Lawrence Cannon George Victor said... Well put, CM.  I would fault only this idea: "$44 million to the Haitian police and prison...
DisOrientation 2010 @ York University Catchfire said... Hi JessKerr, thanks for this. Welcome to babble! in
NDP and Haiti Left Turn said... Here is the NDP statement on the earthquake in Haiti. The statement is sorely lacking. There is no...
Call for Solidarity and Funds for the Working People of Haiti! Unionist said... Hmmm, an unknown U.S. organization raising money to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti via...
Hannibal Lector Helps Haiti NoDifferencePartyPooper said... Catastrophe in Haiti http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/01/catastrophe-in-haiti "The media coverage of...
Canadian relief in Haiti nussy said... Minister Lawrence Cannon is on CBC now. They are sending a team immedialy and is prepared to sent...
Green Party statement on Haiti M. Spector said... Good statement!Here's an easier to read version:Quote:Green Party Statement of Solidarity with...

supporting Haiti

rabble.ca encourages you to support Haiti through the organizations endorsed by the Canada-Haiti Action Network http://canadahaitiaction.ca/

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