
Juntos somos más fuertes.

Activistas ICAN en Melbourne, Australia, crearon un mural de notas post-it en las ventanas del Servicio Jurídico Fitzroy cerca al


In this inspiring video, children in Melbourne, Australia, “disarm” nuclear bombs by transforming them into something peaceful. Let’s think outside

Our future, our choice

This video was launched in Oslo in March 2013, where more than 500 people from 70 countries gathered to build momentum for a nuclear weapons ban

100 ‘small’ nuclear bombs

The Israeli Disarmament Movement produced this video questioning the Israeli government's decision not to take part in the Oslo conference on the impact of nuclear weapons

Thousand reasons

Thousand Reasons is a project of the WMD Awareness Programme, a UK organization that informs debate about nuclear weapons

  • sheen

    «Si Gandhi y Martin Luther King hijo estuvieran vivos hoy, formarían parte de ICAN».

    Martin Sheen Actor y activista

  • bankimoon

    «Felicito a ICAN por trabajar con tanto compromiso y creatividad en pos de un mundo libre de armas nucleares».

    Ban Ki-moon Secretario General de la ONU

  • yokoono

    “We can do it together. With your help, our voice will be made still stronger. Imagine peace.”

    Yoko Ono Artist

  • jodywilliams

    “Governments say a nuclear weapons ban is unlikely. Don’t believe it. They said the same about a mine ban treaty.”

    Jody Williams Nobel laureate

  • desmondtutu

    “With your support, we can take ICAN its full distance – all the way to zero nuclear weapons.”

    Desmond Tutu Nobel laureate

  • herbiehancock

    “Because I cannot tolerate these appalling weapons, I whole-heartedly support ICAN.”

    Herbie Hancock Jazz musician

  • hansblix

    “I am proud to support the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.”

    Hans Blix Weapons inspector

  • dalailama

    “I can imagine a world without nuclear weapons, and I support ICAN.”

    Dalai Lama Nobel laureate