Revealed: The Sydney councils facing the axe

Jacob Saulwick 9:42 PM   All but seven councils in the Sydney region have been found to be not fit for the future.


Latest NSW news

UNSW sets sights on place in top 50 unis

The University of NSW aims to be a top 50 university within 10 years.

Alexandra Smith 4:32 PM   The University of NSW will position itself as Australia's global university and one of the best 50 institutions in the world under a new strategy.

Private insurers may be breaking the law

The doctor was suspended for professional misconduct after he admitted to inappropriate relationships with two patients.

Esther Han 4:56 PM   Greg and Linda Rostron were shocked when they faced a $15,000 bill for back surgery despite their top extras and hospital cover. They're not alone.

HSU says Lawler may have a case to answer

Michael Lawler and Kathy Jackson on <i>Four Corners</i>.

Anna Patty 5:56 PM   The national secretary of the HSU says it appeared that Michael Lawler and Kathy Jackson were trying to repair their public reputations on Four Corners.

Gridlock warning: 'Just skirt the city'

Market Street will be a challenge once part of George Street is closed to vehicles on Friday.

Matt O'Sullivan 4:55 PM   When George Street closes on Friday, one area will be a congestion epicentre.

Comments 18

'Hidden masterpiece in the suburbs' restored

SMH News. Story by Kim Arlington. In 1977 Australia's most famous architect, Glenn Murcutt, designed the unique Ockens House at Cromer. Now young architect Matt Chan is restoring it. Story to preview the opening of a UNSW exhibition celebrating 60 years of their architecture school (Murcutt was in the first intake of students). Photo of both architects at the house.  Photo: Peter Rae  Monay 19 October 2015.

Kim Arlington 1:25 PM   The house was neglected, decaying - and utterly unique. It was also designed by Australia's greatest living architect.

Badgerys Creek airport plans revealed

The new airport at Badgerys Creek is expected to be the size of Gold Coast Airport when it opens in 2025.

Matt O'Sullivan and Jacob Saulwick   Sydneysiders will have their chance to voice their views on a second airport for the city following the release on Monday of draft plans for the site at Badgerys Creek.

20,000 face job losses in disability wage claim

An increase in wages for disabled workers would force ADEs to close.

Rachel Browne 10:17 AM   Advocates say almost 20,000 workers with disabilities deserve a fair wage for work that generates millions in revenue each year. But the charities that run the businesses say even a modest pay increase would force many to close.

Privacy chief calls for rules on access to photos

GENERIC: Espionage / spy / spies / surveillance

generic wages, negotiation, businessmen, work, employment. spy, police, investigator, detective etc.  wages 990405 pic Greg Newington.  


Sean Nicholls   Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Coombs has warned that new protocols must be in place before security agencies can access hundreds of thousands of photographs of NSW citizens.

Climate change makes thirsty work for plants

tdm030910.001.004: AFR Pix-Tony McDonough.
Corrigin Wheat farmer, Neville Turner in part of his wheat crop on the outskirts of the wheatbelt town of Corrigin in Western Australia.

Lucy Cormack   Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is making plants in Australia's semi-arid and subtropical regions bigger and greener. It's also making them a hell of a lot thirstier.

Stamp duty bonanza could be last for a while

The state government received $2.1 billion in stamp duty payments between July and September.

Sean Nicholls 8:57 AM   Sydney's property market has delivered another record stamp duty take for the NSW government - but it could mark the end of the tax bonanzas if predictions of a market slowdown are correct.

Wind farms 'resonate in the skulls' of people 

Assistant Health Minister Pru Goward.

Peter Hannam   A split has emerged inside the Baird government after assistant health minister Pru Goward attacked wind farm projects as making nearby residents sick from 'pressure waves'.

Are you up for three-unit physics?

Wiley Park Girls High School students (from left) Ushna Fatima, Tasnim Alam and Courtney Allerton in their science classroom.

Eryk Bagshaw   The state's most talented HSC science students could be offered extension courses including a new super-science subject by 2017.

Comments 1

Inner west traffic to worsen with WestConnex:

An artist’s impression of the modified Concord Road intersection, looking east across the portal entry and exit ramps.

Jacob Saulwick   Traffic congestion will worsen considerably through many local streets in the inner west, says Leichhardt Council, which calls its findings a "smoking gun". The council says many local rat-runs will get worse because of the toll.

Rail link push needs a bit of direction

All roads lead to Badgerys Creek, but what about the potential rail link?

Jacob Saulwick   Before you give the federal government a hard time over the absence of a rail link from day one, consider this.

Homeowners risk lives over electrical cables

End view of five core Infinity cable

Esther Han   The cables may soon cause fires and electrocutions. "We actually can't believe they'll do this crazy thing, putting people's lives at risk, either themselves or tradespeople in the future."

Asbestos levy needed to stop risks: unions

Asbestos Series.Photo shows, Houses on Sunnyholt  Road Blacktown which all have asbestos in them. L  Asbestos removal contractor Ross Mitchell pictured with Greg Cummings from the CFMEU showing the correct safety procedure in handling asbestos. Photo by Peter Rae  pmr Monday 25 October 2004. SMH story by Michael Bradley. SPECIALX 11111

Saffron Howden   The illegal dumping and unsafe removal of the deadly material could be arrested with a new scheme, says Unions NSW.

Unscrupulous deal left workers out of pocket

Cleanevent paid its staff at 2006 rates in 2010 after a deal with the AWU.

Anna Patty   Only "savvy" workers would have realised the bad deal they were on, the trade union royal commission has heard.

Three words that led an MP to seek an AVO

Fears for her safety: Melanie Gibbons, Liberal MP for Holsworthy.

James Robertson   The struggle for Liberal control in Sydney's south-west has turned nasty. Now one MP wants a restraining order against a branch member.

Sydney's asbestos dumping grounds

A house with exposed asbestos in Camden.

Saffron Howden   Sydney's fringes are serving as a dumping ground for asbestos waste as unscrupulous builders and renovators seek to avoid costly and labour-intensive legal disposal.

Workers paid 50c a chicken - after clocking off

One of Baiada's contractors supplying major retailers including Coles. Photo supplied.

Anna Patty   Australia’s biggest chicken supplier is facing allegations its contractors are exploiting foreign workers and using bogus business addresses, despite promising to improve standards months ago.


Pick your partner or face an arranged marriage

They have 30 days to tie the knot - and each council is being offered up to $15 million to pay for the wedding.

City of Sydney's future 

The option of leaving City of Sydney as a standalone council has been left open. 

A last road trip, aged 96

A new report has found there is one key ingredient in making sure people can die with dignity: and it all comes down to you.

'The Sam de Brito I knew'

Colleagues and friends of Sam de Brito share their memories of the late Sydney columnist and author.

Baird misstep on national security jars as Turnbull tries a new language

NSW will be alone among western democracies if it detains terror suspects for 28 days without charge.


'That was scary': Qantas plane's close call

Lightning strikes behind a Qantas plane as it lands at Sydney airport.

NRL dumps el Masri over 'abhorrent' allegations

Former Bulldogs player Hazem el Masri is dumped from all NRL ambassadorial roles after being charged with domestic violence offences. Courtesy ABC News 24.

George Street light rail fly through

A NSW government video from May announces that George Street light rail will extend to Sydney's south east.