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No New Coal Bacchus Marsh

Mantle Mining estimates that 1-2 Billion tonnes of coal could be mined from the Bacchus Marsh area. The Hazelwood mine, right next to Morwell in Gippsland mines just 19 million tonnes of brown coal per year and has not yet seen the removal of 1 Billion tonnes.

For more detailed information on the project, go to Sourcewatch which has great information, including maps, a time line of what has happened so far and documents you can download. We also have a media section with links to news segments from TV, and newspaper/online news sources.

If a new open cut coal mine were to go ahead in Moorabool Shire it would have a devastating impact on our environment and community.  We need to everyone to get involved to stop that happening! Get involved, Moorabool Shire is worth fighting for.  Check out this 5 minute documentary which touches on some of the issues of concern.

After almost a year of trying to engage with Moorabool Council on supporting the Moratorium on new coal and coal seam gas, Council finally addressed the issue at a Council Meeting in May 2013. THANK YOU to all you supported us in the lead up, came to the Council Meeting, and to those who spoke at the Council Meeting on Wednesday 15th May 2013. See the Media Coverage page for news reports of the Council voting 5-2 to support the Moratorium.

Here are some other ways you can get involved and support the campaign:

- Go to the Quit Coal webpage and join the campaign  quitcoal.org.au/contact/

- MEG have become members of the Lock The Gate Alliance - please consider putting up a sign on your property. If you are willing to put a sign on your property, please email nonewcoalbm@gmail.com. For more information on Lock The Gate click here.

- Become a MEG member – click here for more details

- Talk to other people in the community, let them know how serious this issue is and encourage them to become active in the campaign

- Keep your eye on the local papers - for updates and information

- Come to our Public Meetings and stay

- Get in touch with MEG - email us on nonewcoalbm@gmail.com if you have particular skills to offer (for eg, event management, direct action)
