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Olympic Dam expansion approved- Traditional Owners speak out

October 11, 2011

Invitation to

Saturday, July 14 -Friday, July 20, 2012
Roxby Downs- Gates of Hell- South Australia

DLF – Desert Liberation Front Response to the governments decision to expand Olympic Dam mine…. Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard, Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain’t so sleepy anymore.

BHP is mining right into that Lizards body. The government has just approved an expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine, making it the biggest uranium mine in the world.

Kalta is angry and wants revenge. Arabana elder Kevin Buzzacott is calling the people of the world to help the lizard shut down the mine. He is calling for people to come and heal the land in the name of peace and justice for the next 10,000 generations to come.
Party in a Dangerous Planet with Theatre, Cabaret and Art installations. Over 20 musical acts. Solar Powered sound system extravaganza and wind powered cinema. More to be anounced..
Stand up and boogie down at the Gates of Olympic Dam 14th July 2012
for more info email-


BHP Billiton - Dirty Energy Report 2011-was released at the BHP Annual General Meeting- in Melbourne on the 17th November

Full list of Media releases for BHP AGM 2011


November 19, 2010

Other Sides to the Story: Threatening Lives, the Environment and People’s Future,  an Alternative Annual Report on BHP Billiton with case studies from across the world Case studies questioning BHP Billiton’s record on human rights, transparency and ecological justice.


MEDIA ROUNDUP from BHP Billiton AGM, Australia 16 November 2010

November 19, 2010

INDEPENDENT ONLINE: BHP Billiton Plant Pollutes

BUSINESS DAILY: Rights groups report BHP plant’s ‘pollution’

NEWS 24: Mozambique NGOs blast BHP emissions

RADIO NORTH WEST WA: Traditional owners maintain calls for uranium inquiry

RADIO AUSTRALIA: Traditional landowners protest uranium mine plan for Western Australia

ABC NEWS: Protests at BHP’s annual general meeting

PERTH NOW: Anger at BHP’s Yeelirrie uranium project

PERTH NOW: Aboriginal uranium mines protesters target BHP

Read the rest of this entry »

MEDIA: Aboriginal uranium mines protesters target BHP

November 19, 2010

POLLUTION FEARS: WANFA chair Della Rae Morrison says over 140 overseas mining companies mining for deposits all around WA are poisoning country and water. Picture: Alf Sorbello, Source: PerthNow

THE human and environmental impacts of the world’s largest mining company will be the focus of protest and attention at BHP Billiton’s annual general meeting today in Perth as Aboriginal leaders speak out.

Members of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) and the Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA) are attending BHP Billiton’s annual general meeting in Perth today to raise issues directly with the board and shareholders about conduct of uranium mining developments on Aboriginal land.

Richard Evans, Koara traditional owner of the proposed Yeelirrie Uranium deposit in WA, said: “This is not the first time we have explained to BHP Billiton that Uranium mining at Yeelirrie is unwanted.

“BHP Billiton are not talking with the right land owners, they are going through the back door with consultation.

“BHP has promised our people that they will take us to see the mine in SA. They promised us 12 months ago. How long does it take a million dollar company to deliver on a promise? In that last 12 months I have heard first-hand from traditional owners what these mines are like and I don’t want one here or anywhere.” Read more…

Protest BHP’s AGM- 16th November – Uranium is a bad investment

September 17, 2010

Tell BHP Billiton Uranium mining is bad investment!

In 2006 BHP Billiton bought up Western Mining Corporation and with it their uranium mine assets at Olympic Dam in South Australia and Yeelirrie in Western Australia. Since then people around Australia an internationally have been calling on BHP to back out of uranium, an expensive, toxic industry which produces radioactive waste and weapons usable material.
Uranium mining is different, uranium is radioactive and mines leave behind radioactive tailings on country. Uranium is the beginning of the nuclear chain which at each stage, uses up clean water, produces CO2 emissions, and produces radioactive wastes. Nuclear wastes and depleted uranium are also implicated in the production of Depleted uranium munitions and nuclear weapons.

Tell BHP Billiton and their shareholders uranium mining is a bad investment.

Across the globe from uranium mines to coal, nickel and copper BHP have a trail of bad human rights records, poor working conditions for workers, environmental damage and dodging responsibilities. Come along to the BHP Annual General Meeting and find out more about BHP Billitons record and dish out a spoonful of corporate responsibility to world’s largest diversified resources company.

“Here you are, BHP, the biggest mining company in the world, and here we are the oldest peoples in the world. You should be listening to us about this land and the water. BHP, don’t go ahead with the expansion, we all know how dan­gerous it is. We don’t know if you shareholders understand the impacts of what you’re doing to the Arabunna people, the Kokatha peo­ple and other tribes around that area. You don’t understand what you’re doing to the land and the culture.” Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna Elder from Lake Eyre South, South Australia.

For more information:

Protest BHP Billiton

October 28, 2009

Welcome to the Protest BHP Billiton website!

26 november 2009

Our very own ‘Don Argus’ answers the hard questions in this staged protest outside the BHP Billiton AGM. Don’t forget to watch the Dust Storm News Flash video here:

Download the BHP Billiton Alternative Annual report – Undermining the Future launched at the BHP Billiton’s AGM 2009

The report is a collection of case studies highlights the disparity between BHP Billiton’s ‘Sustainable Development Policy’ and the reality of its operations.


 - peaceful protest outside BHP Billiton’s head office in Perth in soldiarity with actions at BHP Billiton’s AGM in London, 29 October 2009.

A number of recurring issues are prominent at BHP Billtion’s operations globally including human rights abuses, labour rights, relocation of communities, mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples, destruction of sacred sites, devastating impacts on food and water, climate change, use of paramilitaries, health concerns, irresponsible tailings disposal procedures and questionable corporate social responsibility practices. To see case studies please visit the sister website



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