
ICAN in Australia

Donate to ICAN Australia →

Please consider making a monthly contribution of $30 or $50 to support our work to ban nuclear weapons.

ICAN Australia is at the forefront of global efforts to outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons. With more than 60 diverse partner organisations nationwide, we aim to raise public awareness about the catastrophic humanitarian harm caused by nuclear weapons and put nuclear disarmament squarely on the Australian political agenda.


Australia’s efforts to stall ban movement

An FOI investigation by ICAN has revealed that Australia is “worried” about the “growing momentum” for a near-term ban on nuclear weapons.

The impact of nuclear weapons on Australia

For many Australians, nuclear weapons are not a distant, abstract threat, but a lived reality. Learn more about the impact of nuclear testing and uranium mining.

Australia’s conflicted position on disarmament

The Australian government has resisted calls to ban nuclear weapons, as it claims that US nuclear weapons enhance Australia’s security.

Widespread support in Australia for a ban

More than 100 Australian parliamentarians and 800 recipients of the Order of Australia have signed ICAN appeals to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons.

Learn more about ICAN’s work in Australia

ICAN originated in Melbourne in 2006. Since then, it has become a vibrant global campaign. Find out how you can become involved in our Australian activities.

Donate to the Tom Uren Memorial Fund

A passionate anti-nuclear and peace activist, Tom Uren fought all his political life against these immoral weapons. This fund carries on his legacy.

Contact ICAN Australia
ICAN Australia
PO Box 1379
Carlton VIC 3053
Phone: +61 (0)3 9023 1958
Media:+61 (0)400 967 233

  • sheen

    “If Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr were alive today, they would be part of ICAN.”

    Martin Sheen Actor and activist

  • bankimoon

    “I salute ICAN for working with such commitment and creativity.”

    Ban Ki-moon UN chief

  • yokoono

    “We can do it together. With your help, our voice will be made still stronger. Imagine peace.”

    Yoko Ono Artist

  • jodywilliams

    “Governments say a nuclear weapons ban is unlikely. Don’t believe it. They said the same about a mine ban treaty.”

    Jody Williams Nobel laureate

  • desmondtutu

    “With your support, we can take ICAN its full distance – all the way to zero nuclear weapons.”

    Desmond Tutu Nobel laureate

  • herbiehancock

    “Because I cannot tolerate these appalling weapons, I whole-heartedly support ICAN.”

    Herbie Hancock Jazz musician

  • hansblix

    “I am proud to support the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.”

    Hans Blix Weapons inspector

  • dalailama

    “I can imagine a world without nuclear weapons, and I support ICAN.”

    Dalai Lama Nobel laureate