Thousands rally for Plan B on climate

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Thousands of Australians took to the streets today as community groups, environment organisations, unions and churches held climate emergency rallies in every capital city. The rallies called on the government to drop its stalled Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and instead invest in renewable energy.

In Melbourne the 4000 strong rally began at State Library and marched down Swanston St where a sit in was held outside the Victorian ALP State Conference at Melbourne Town Hall.

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Melbourne comedian Rod Quantock kicked off the event followed by an emergency siren and a short speech by 11-year old school girl India Jilly. Melbourne author of Climate Code Red David Spratt and Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown spoke. Peter Marshall, Victorian Secretary, United Firefighters Union finished the speeches, followed by a minutes silence for the victims of climate change. The sit-down in front of the ALP conference was addressed by Emeretta Cross, a Pacific climate activist from Tuvalu and Damien Lawson, National Climate Justice Coordinator with Friends of the Earth. Thousands of rally participants shook their keys calling on the Federal and State government to unlock solutions to climate change by investing in renewable energy.

The march concluded in Treasury Gardens with local community climate organiser Taegen Edwards from Yarra Climate Action Now and music by Melting Pot.

"Fire fighters know an emergency when we see one. Climate change will increase the number of extreme fires we all face. The government needs to do more to halt global warming and return us to a safe climate”, said Peter Marshall, Victorian Secretary United Fire Fighters Union.

“To an 11 year old it is simple, do the right thing. Australians are good and kind people we should be leading the way to protect our earth we only have one”, said 11-year old India Jilly.

“We must protect our planet and secure a future for our children. We want our children to be able to grow up in their homeland, we do not want them to have to become climate change refugees”, said Emeretta Cross who was born in the Pacific Island of Kiribati and is a citizen of Tuvalu.

“There is already too much greenhouse gases in the air. We are on a dangerous precipice. So we need emergency action to cut carbon pollution to zero and then take pollution out of the atmosphere”, said David Spratt author of Carbon Code Red.

“The government's carbon pollution legislation will fail to cut Australian carbon pollution. It is time for Kevin Rudd to switch to Plan B. We need public led investment in renewable energy and an end to fossil-fuel subsidies”, Damien Lawson, National Climate Justice Coordinator, Friends of the Earth concluded.

The rally demands included: 100% renewable energy by 2020; Don't pass the Carbon Pollution Law; Global Climate Justice - Australia should take the lead at Copenhagen and protection of Australia's forests.

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