Gaza rally – Sunday 18 January

The march about to set off

The march about to set off

A few photos from the rally and march held in Melbourne in support of the people of Gaza – more pics and video from Takver on (follow the links). The Age carried a report from Andra Jackson:

Speakers at the State Library and subsequently at Parliament House included Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and former Democrats leader Lyn Allison, as well as well-known cartoonist Michael Leunig (video on YouTube:  Sheik Fehmi Naji El_Imam, Grand Mufti of Australia/New Zealand, was to have spoken, but was too unwell to attend, and his address was read  to the crowd.

After initial speeches at the State Library the rally set off for Parliament House, making a detour on the way to protest outside the Egyptian consulate, condemning what speakers described as that government’s complicity in Israel’s actions.  At Parliament House there were further speakers, and a number of flags were burned.

Part of the crowd at the State Library

Part of the crowd at the State Library

Another view of the crowd

Another view of the crowd

Some of the placards and banners at the rally:

Placards at rally

Placards at rally

One of the banners

One of the banners

More placards

More placards

Another placard - Human Rights for Palestinians

Another placard - Human Rights for Palestinians

Placard - Will you say you didn't know?

Placard - Will you say you didn't know?

A comment on the the Australian Government

A comment on the the Australian Government

Some photos taken on the march:

On the march - 1

On the march - 1

On the march - 2

On the march - 2

On the march - 3. The Mall.

On the march - 3. The Mall.

Onn the march -4. Placard.

On the march - 4. Placard.

The march halts at the Egyptian Consulate

The march halts at the Egyptian Consulate

At Parliament House:

Part of the crowd at Parliament House

Part of the crowd at Parliament House

Some flags and banners on the steps

Some flags and banners on the steps

Placard at Parliament House

Placard at Parliament House

Placards called for a boycott of  Israel

Placards called for a boycott of Israel

Crowd surrounding burning of Israeli flag

Crowd surrounding burning of Israeli flag

Smoke from another flag-burning

Smoke from another flag-burning

More on SHAC …

SHAC called an emergency rally today in the face of the threat of imminent forced eviction. As it turned out, the 12 noon deadline passed, and eventually unofficial word came that no action should be expection today, but when this speech was delivered the best information available was that either the Sheriff’s office or the police would be enforcing the warrant issued by the Supreme Court at the application of the University. More on the SHAC blog –

Protests at Israeli attacks on Gaza

No firsthand accounts, unfortunately, but here are links to coverage posted on Sydney Indymedia and YouTube by Takver:
The 30 December protest –

The 4 January protest –
