Replace Hazelwood with Clean Energy

Let's replace Australia's dirtiest power station with clean energy solutions that create jobs.

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Respect Research thumbnail

Abbott’s science and research failure continues: Bandt

Overall science and research funding continues to stagnate under the Abbott government, with further cuts in the Budget and important programs stuck on life support. While the continuation of the Medical Research Fund is very welcome, despite threats to make it contingent on the GP co-payment, concerns remain on the source of its funding from cuts to the health Budget. The government has put the NCRIS and the Synchrotron on life support but this comes at the expense of $212.5 million cuts to university research and $26.8 million in cuts to the Cooperative Research Centres program with more cuts possible following a review.
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hazelwood thumbnail

After East West, Hazelwood is next say Greens

More than 200 people gathered on the states of the Victorian State Parliament today calling on the Labor government to replace Hazelwood power station with clean energy. Hazelwood is Australia’s dirtiest power station and was slated to close by the former Labor government in 2010. The Greens want Premier Daniel Andrews to follow through with Labor’s commitment to close the power station and put in place a community-led transition for the Latrobe Valley, including mine rehabilitation.
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workersrights thumbnail

Prime Minister must rule out penalty rates changes: Greens

Greens Deputy Leader and Employment and Workplace Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to rule out changes to penalty rates and the minimum wage after Small Business Minister Bruce Billson backed a review of penalty rates over Easter. “Time and again, we hear Senior Ministers send different messages,” Mr Bandt said. “The Employment Minister says he’s ‘surprised’ the Productivity Commission is reviewing penalty rates but the Small Business Minister now backs the growing attack.”
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Adam Bandt Adam Bandt

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