Friday, September 4

Ep 300 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Former McCain Adviser Wants Jorge Ramos To 'Read The Fairness Doctrine'
The Driftglass Blue Gal "porn" kast!

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Wednesday, September 2

Speaking of Sex....

Star Wars Episode Four, A New Hope provides many important life-lessons:

"See, son, the pee-nee shaped x-wing fighter?" I mean, seriously, what's the head on that thing for? Armor? Feh.

"Well, it goes barreling into this dark narrow cavern-like tunnel. The pee-nee ship's job is to shoot a little thingy so that it will penetrate the large spherical Death Star. Watch Luke grunt a little sigh when he shoots his little thingy successfully." Really folks, you need to watch the scene in this context. I am not making this up.

"Then a 'chain reaction' occurs. The big sphere ultimately bursts into a thousand points of light, and all the good guys jump for joy!"

And that is where babies come from.


recycled from a 2006 post.  

Friday, August 28

Ep 299 The Professional Left Podcast

Donald Trump Ratings

Links for this episode:

Donald Trump tells a truth about the media
Black Lives Matter - Campaign Zero and one kind critique
Rand Paul whitesplains to BLM again.
Joe Scarborough claims Hillary timed her press conference with shooting
Mark Halperin false equivalency on “terror” comments
Sununu’s son out at Boston Globe due to $750K conflict of interest
Victory with Labor Relations Board

Ray Bradbury’s FBI File.
Neil Gaiman:  Science Fiction in China

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Friday, August 21

Ep 298 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

New York Times article on Amazon

Science Fiction University:  Trailer for Wild, Wild Planet

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Wednesday, August 19

Hillary Clinton IS Fidel Castro

click image for larger

Seriously, the US Government tried to kill Fidel Castro so many times, many of us finally just gave him a pass for being a Survivor.

It's the same with Hillary.  Enough already.  The GOP has fake-scandaled this woman beyond belief.  Republicans cry, but the wolf isn't there.

Hillary could pick sides on the Meek versus Drake thingy and it wouldn't matter.

She could have an affair with anyone other than Bill Cosby and it wouldn't matter.

I do not care if her name is on the Ashley Madison dump.

Or if she has fetal baby parts yogurt for breakfast.

Go ahead, make some more stuff up.   If she's elected, we'll have eight years of conservative white noise.  That's all it is anymore.  Enough.

Friday, August 14

Ep 297 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Ferguson's Radical Knitters.

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Friday, August 7

Ep 296 The Professional Left Podcast


Links for this episode:

Paul Krugman goes full Driftglass again, this time about The Republican Party.

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Friday, July 31

Ep 295 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Gay whales are spraying chemtrail water on Christians.

Paul Krugman goes full Driftglass again, this time about centrism in the media.

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Friday, July 24

Ep 294 The Professional Left Podcast

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