Take Action for Refugee Women and Families
Take Action for Refugee Women and Families
Act now to provide lifesaving aid for women and families fleeing violence.
1325: Take Action for Women-led Peace
1325: Take Action for Women-led Peace
Join MADRE and our allies to champion women's solutions for peace, before policymakers at the UN and beyond.
Vivian Stromberg, Presente!
Vivian Stromberg, Presente!
We celebrate the life of a powerful activist and friend who tirelessly advocated for the rights of women and families worldwide.
Your Healing Gift for Girls
Your Healing Gift for Girls
Give the gift of a safer childhood to young girls worldwide.
Women Are the Answer
Women Are the Answer
The key to the sustainable world we need lies with women.
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Interviews Available: Iraqi Activist to Testify at the UN on ISIS, Sexual Violence and Shelter for Women

This month, the UN marks 15 years since passing the Security Council’s Resolution 1325, mandating the participation of women in...

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From the myMADRE Blog

Celebrating the International Day of Indigenous Peoples

Every year on August 9, we celebrate the International Day...

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