World Refugee Day Rally – 16 June

Refugees are Welcome - banner of Refugee Advocacy Network

We were able to manage only a short stay at this year’s rally, and had to miss the annual march to the EMERGE Festival at Fitzroy Town Hall. Numbers at the rally were respectable but not large – one media report, on ninemsn, refers to ‘hundreds’; The Age says ‘1000’ – and there was a general feeling of disbelief that it should still be necessary to hold these protests now twelve years after the Tampa and under a Labor government at that. The Greens were well represented*, with Adam Bandt one of the speakers, along with Misha Coleman in her capacity also as executive officer of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, and Pamela Curr of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (Facebook) was MC. Music beforehand and during the march was provided by The Conch, and Les Thomas sang a song written for ASIO victim Ranjini.
*Flags of the ANF were also visible, but otherwise not much in the way of union support.

A few photos from the rally outside the Melbourne Museum, mostly self-explanatory:

'Hope Boat' - No Crime to Seek Asylum
'Hope Boat ' - Let Them Come

Pamela Curr and Misha Coleman

Pamela Curr and Misha Coleman (at microphone)

Les Thomas singing

Les Thomas

Banner with message from refugees deemed a threat by ASIO

Socialist Party stall

Socialist Party stall – Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative members were also active at the rally.

Looking over part of the rally during the speeches

Banner of Queenscliff Rural Australians for Refugees

Banner of Ballarat

Ballarat’s Circle of Friends / Australian Refugee Association –

Dog in rainbow jacket

Also showing support