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James Gleeson beyond the screen of sight
18 March – 13 June 2005
National Gallery of Australia

Introduction | Essay | Works

Image: James Gleeson 'The attitude of lightning towards a lady mountain' 1939 oil on canvas The Agapitos/Wilson Collection, Sydney © James Gleeson

James Gleeson The attitude of lightning towards a lady mountain 1939 The Agapitos/Wilson Collection Sydney © James Gleeson more detail

James Gleeson: beyond the screen of sight includes 80 paintings and works on paper from public, corporate and private collections throughout Australia. Many of these works have not been seen since their initial exhibition and several have been recently repatriated to Australia.

A detailed and fully illustrated catalogue – published by The Beagle Press – accompanies the exhibition. The publication includes essays by several art historians, which examine various aspects of Gleeson's career, and provides a comprehensive catalogue checklist.

Exhibition curators: Lou Klepac and Geoffrey Smith

The National Gallery of Victoria and National Gallery of Australia acknowledge the generous support of the following individuals and organisations: Anonymous, James Agapitos OAM and Ray Wilson, Geoffrey and Vicki Ainsworth, Australian Enterprise Holdings Pty Ltd, Eva Besen AO and Marc Besen AO, James Fairfax AO, Geoffrey Hassall, Eric Hawley and Glenn Weston, Andrew Klippel, Kenneth Reed, Michael J Reed, Rosemary Ricker and The Nelson Meers Foundation.

Entry charges
Entry $12
Members and concessions $8
Includes entry to Grace Cossington Smith: a retrospective exhbition
Entry for booked school groups and students under 16 is free