Victorian Trades Hall Council. The voice of Victorian workers since 1856.Victorian Trades Hall Council. The voice of Victorian workers since 1856.

Equal Pay Rallies Around the Nation - Melbourne Sees 6,000 March to Parliament House

10 June 2010
Australian women are demanding real pay equity with men, and want 2010 to be the year when it happens.

The VTHC, along with the rest of the union movement, is supporting a landmark test case led by the Australian Services Union, that is being run this year. It is crucial to extend the principle of fair pay rates for female-dominated industries once and for all.

The case also involves the Health Services Union and Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, Australian Workers’ Union and Australian Education Union.

The VTHC, along with the ACTU, is backing the ASU-led equal pay case, which seeks to lift the pay of more than 200,000 workers in the female-dominated social and community services sector by an average 25% or $100 a week.

Rallies were held around Australia today (10/6/10) in support of this important trade union claim.

The ASU lodged its submissions and witness statements with Fair Work Australia this week.

The latest data shows that women’s pay has slipped even further behind that of men to an average 18% pay gap, of $1 million over their working lives.

Pay equity and workforce participation for women are top priorities for unions this year.

Unions expect to see a big move forward soon, after the Federal Government’s response to last year’s Parliamentary inquiry into pay equity.

Another national day of action is planned for the 19th November 2010.

More Archive

  • Melbourne Equal Pay Rally Today - Great Success

    Melbourne Equal Pay Rally Today - Great Success
    2010 - Dec - 15

    Wednesday 15 December 2010
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    (photos by Helen Atkinson, VTHC Website Co-ordinator) Unions again rallied in the centre of Melbourne today, to press for ongoing support for the equal pay case, currently running in Fair Work Australia (FWA). Yesterday the unions had a win when the Federal Government clarified its support for the case, after its earlier FWA submission caused great concern. The submission had asked for the potential impact of any positive outcome on its federal budget process, be taken into more

  • Rally to Support Equal Pay

    Rally to Support Equal Pay
    2010 - Dec - 03

    15 December more

  • Business as usual for Unions - after Ballieu/ Ryan win Victorian State Election

    Business as usual for Unions - after Ballieu/ Ryan win Victorian State Election
    2010 - Dec - 02

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    2 December 2010

    The Victorian ALP led by John Brumby lost government. While there will be plenty of time to analyse all of the issues around the election (such a process is still occurring around the last federal election that occurred back in August - see Secretary's Soapbox) one thing is clear – it is business as usual for the union more

  • Victorian State Election Result - Business as usual for the Union Movement

    Victorian State Election Result - Business as usual for the Union Movement
    2010 - Nov - 29

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    29 November 2010

    The Victorian ALP led by John Brumby is not going to form a government, even though there are many votes still to count. While there will be plenty of time to analyse all of the issues around the election (such a process is still occurring around the last federal election that occurred back in August) one thing is clear – it is business as usual for the union more

  • A message from the Premier

    A message from the Premier
    2010 - Nov - 26

    Issued Friday 26th November 2010 - 12 Noon more

  • Victorian State Election - 27/11

    Victorian State Election - 27/11
    2010 - Oct - 28

    November 2010
    Victorian I.R Minister Martin Pakula (2nd from left) and Williamstown ALP MP Wade Noonan (Centre) join VTHC Full time officers David Cragg (VTHC Assistant Secretary – Far Left); Bronwyn Halfpenny (VTHC Campaigns Industrial Officer – 2nd from Right) and Brian Boyd VTHC Secretary – Far Right) at the launch of the VTHC’s Victorian State Election more

  • VTHC OHS Representatives Conference

    VTHC OHS Representatives Conference
    2010 - Oct - 19

    VTHC OHS Representatives Conference - Wednesday 27th October 2010
    1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf, Melbourne (Crown side of the Yarra River) more

  • 40th Anniversary of the West Gate Bridge Collapse

    40th Anniversary of the West Gate Bridge Collapse
    2010 - Oct - 01

    Friday 1st October 2010
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary

    At 11.50am on 15th October 1970 the then partially completed West Gate Bridge collapsed killing 35 workers. Many workers were also injured. It was one of the worst industrial accidents in Australia’s history. Forty years on the union movement and working people in general will commemorate this event with a major event on Friday 15th October more

  • Anti-Union Hack Hits the Road...John Lloyd Won't be Missed

    Anti-Union Hack Hits the Road...John Lloyd Won't be Missed
    2010 - Sep - 27

    27th September 2010

    Tomorrow Mr John Lloyd becomes the former head of the infamous Australian Building Construction Commission (ABCC). “Mr Lloyd won’t be missed, especially by tens of thousands of Australian construction workers”, said VTHC Secretary Brian Boyd today. “With 200 compulsory interrogations of building workers under his belt, his legacy will be steeped in the anti-union bashing of the Howard more

  • Trade Union Climate Conference Saturday 9 October 2010

    Trade Union Climate Conference Saturday 9 October 2010
    2010 - Sep - 23

    The Trade Union Climate Conference is being held on Saturday October 9, 2010 at Trades more

  • Book Launch at Melbourne Trades Hall

    Book Launch at Melbourne Trades Hall
    2010 - Sep - 21

    Brian Boyd
    VTHC Secretary
    Wednesday 22 September 2010

    A new book aimed at helping unions and the wider community campaign better was launched at Trades Hall today. It’s called – “Power in Coalition” – Strategies For Strong Unions and Social Change by Amanda Tattersall. It raises the key question – how can we change things in an age in which governments are fixated on the bottom line? Power in Coalition is essential reading for unionists, community activists, and anyone passionate about social change.

    It raises the key question – how can we change things in an age in which governments are fixated on the bottom line? Power in Coalition is essential reading for unionists, community activists, and anyone passionate about social more

  • VTHC Records Secure at Melbourne University Archives

    VTHC Records Secure at Melbourne University Archives
    2010 - Sep - 14

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    14 September 2010 Recently over 400 archival boxes of Victorian Trades Hall Council files and records were transferred to the Melbourne University Archives (M.U.A.) in Dawson Street Brunswick. The last time such a transfer occurred was in the 1980’s. A lot of work was done by VTHC staff. The co-operation with the M.U.A. was excellent and more

  • Vale Don King (Senior)

    Vale Don King (Senior)
    2010 - Sep - 13

    Unionist 27.12.1918 - more

  • Federal Election – Next Phase, with a Minority ALP/ Greens /Independents Government (7/9)

    Federal Election – Next Phase, with a Minority ALP/ Greens /Independents Government (7/9)
    2010 - Sep - 08

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    Wednesday 8th September 2010 Yesterday the stalemate or impasse following the 21/8 Federal Election result, was resolved for now. It was important for working people that the Abbott conservative forces were not able to form a more

  • Federal Election - What Now?..30 August 2010

    Federal Election - What Now?..30 August 2010
    2010 - Aug - 30

    Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    30 August 2010
    The recent Federal Election (21/8) has come and gone.
    The important issue for the union movement is to get a result that doesn’t allow the Conservatives and the employers the ability to re-visit WorkChoices–style policies on Australian more

  • 65 Days in the Red

    65 Days in the Red
    2010 - Aug - 23

    Invitation to Morning Tea for Equal Pay Day at the Trades Hall Friday 9.30am 3rd September more

  • Federal Election - What Now?

    Federal Election - What Now?
    2010 - Aug - 23

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    Monday 23 August 2010

    Last weekend's Election (21/8) has come and gone. The important issue for the union movement is to get a result that doesn’t allow the Conservatives and the employers the ability to re-visit WorkChoices–style policies on Australian more

  • Make Your VOTE COUNT....VTHC SAYS VOTE 'NO' ABBOTT- 17 August 2010

    Make Your VOTE COUNT....VTHC SAYS VOTE 'NO' ABBOTT- 17 August 2010
    2010 - Aug - 17

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    17 August 2010

    We didn’t rally around the country leading up 2007 to see anti-union reactionary Tony Abbott become Prime Minister, three years later! more

  • Nuclear Weapons - An Issue for Everyone

    Nuclear Weapons - An Issue for Everyone
    2010 - Aug - 12

    12 August 2010 by Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    Trade unions have a long and proud history of involvement in Australia’s peace and anti-nuclear movement. This history has included active opposition to Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War and organising against the 2003 US invasion of Iraq.

    More recently the Electrical Trades Union decision to ban its members from working in uranium mines, nuclear power stations or any other part of the nuclear fuel cycle shows union opposition to the nuclear industry remains more

  • Abbott's Not the One on 21st August 2010

    Abbott's Not the One on 21st August 2010
    2010 - Aug - 12

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    12 August 2010

    Working Australians may be bemused by the topsy -turvey antics and game playing during the current federal election campaign.  But we didnt rally around the country leading up to 2007 to see anti-union reactionary Tony Abbott become Prime Minister, three years later!

    When you cut through all the media hype and mis-information the issue is clear cut – it’s a No vote for more

  • The Federal Election..........Saturday 21 August 2010...

    The Federal Election..........Saturday 21 August 2010...
    2010 - Jul - 28

    What's at Stake?
    27th July 2010
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    The federal election is in full swing. 24 hour news services report everything, even the most banal of events and offer commentary.One thing we can agree on, it is not the same as the lead up to 2007. ‘Kevin 07’ is already becoming a distant memory. Tony Abbott now leads the conservative forces and cannot hide his ‘WorkChoices’ more


    2010 - Jul - 20

    By Brian Boyd
    VTHC Secretary
    Tuesday 20 July 2010

    Rallies occurred across Australia today in support of SA building worker Ark Tribe. The ABCC court case against this rank and filer restarted this morning at the Adelaide Magistrates Court (see background below).

    Thousands of Victorian building workers rallied in Melbourne outside the ABCC Headquarters at 553 St Kilda Road. They heard reports and speeches of support from John Setka CFMEU Assistant Secretary, Troy Gray ETU Assistant Secretary, Steve Dargavel Secretary AMWU, Kevin Bracken Secretary MUA and VTHC President and Brian Boyd VTHC more

  • March On ABCC.......

    March On ABCC.......
    2010 - Jul - 09

    Tuesday 20 July 2010 , 10.00 am

    Assemble 417 St Kilda Road (cnr Toorak Rd)   Rank and file S.A. building worker Ark Tribe faces 6 months jail, after being singled out by the ABCC. His trial restarts 20-22 July 2010 in Adelaide.

    Last month Adelaide Magistrate David Whittle ruled that the ABCC case against Ark Tribe would continue. This followed a 3-day legal battle that began on Tuesday 15/6 to have the charges dismissed, due to the validity of the proceedings. Brind Zichy – Woinarski QC for the federal DPP and the ABCC argued the Federal Crimes Act allowed the charges to be laid the way they were served on Ark more

  • External Heritage Restoration Work on The Iconic Melbourne Trades Hall, Nearly Complete

    External Heritage Restoration Work on The Iconic Melbourne Trades Hall, Nearly Complete
    2010 - Jun - 22

    Tuesday 22nd June 2010, by Brian Boyd VTHC Secretary

    Like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the heritage listed Melbourne Trades Hall needs constant maintenance and care.

    The special coating for the outside of the building began to be applied almost nine years ago. There was also a lot of work done moulding the roof edge adornments and repairing the ramparts. The final phase of the columned front entrance began in late April this more

  • Ark Tribe Trial - 5 July 2010

    Ark Tribe Trial - 5 July 2010
    2010 - Jun - 18

    Support Ark Tribe
    Trial Continues - 20 - 22 July 2010

    Shortly rank and file S.A. building worker Ark Tribe faces 6 months jail, after being singled out by the ABCC.

    Last month Adelaide Magistrate David Whittle ruled that the ABCC case against Ark Tribe would more

  • Ark Tribe on trial June 15 2010 at Adelaide Magistrates Court

    Ark Tribe on trial June 15 2010 at Adelaide Magistrates Court
    2010 - Jun - 10

    Most people are horrified to find out there is no right to silence in the laws that underpin the ABCC. Building workers and their unions are being singled out under Rudd and Gillard’s laws. There is the possibility that an ordinary worker will go to jail. This is something that all working Australians need to be mindful more

  • ASU Day of Action

    ASU Day of Action
    2010 - May - 07

    10 June 2010 
    Federation Square
    Opposite Flinders St Station
    Rally then March up to Parliament
    Pay Up No more lip service to equal pay more


    2010 - May - 05

    5 May 2010
    Suport AEU Campaign against 'League Tables'
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    The VTHC Executive Council has endorsed the current campaign by the AEU nationally and in Victoria to improve the usefulness of the federal government's “My School” website. In particular, the nation’s teachers professionally want to stop the mis-use of this website by sections of the media by creating “league–tables” that artificially depict what is happening at the school by school level. Of great interest is the federal minister’s rush to use the “big stick” against the AEU in an attempt to quash their professional concerns. The full weight of Fair Work Australia, the Fair Work Ombudsman and State Government Education Ministers is being used against the AEU. Fines against both individual teachers and the union have been threatened. It clearly illustrates the ongoing concerns of many in the union movement that Howard’s IR legacy is still embedded in the new Rudd/Gillard Fair Work Act. As the AEU Vic Branch President Mary Bluett has recently said: “WorkChoices–style industrial laws” are being used by the Federal government against AEU more

  • Events for May Day 2010

    Events for May Day 2010
    2010 - Apr - 29 more

  • Unions are crucial to workplace safety

    Unions are crucial to workplace safety
    2010 - Apr - 28

    10,000 march on Deputy Prime Ministers' Office on Workers Memorial Day
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    Wednesday 28 April 2010 Today is International Workers' Memorial Day, and unions are continuing their battle to maintain OHS standards around Australia. Despite state, territory and federal government commitments that OHS standards would not be reduced in the harmonisation process, this is not the case. While the so called Model Act has been signed off, the devil is in the detail. We are now into the next phase: the regulations, and already more losses are looming. Since the crackdown on unions in the construction industry began under the Howard Government, things have got more

  • VTHC Labour Day Dinner Dance a big success

    VTHC Labour Day Dinner Dance a big success
    2010 - Apr - 20

    20 April 2010 The Victorian Trades Hall Labour Day Dinner Dance held at the San Remo Ball Room in Carlton on Friday 16th April 2010 was a great success with over 270 guests attending.  This annual occasion celebrates the achievement by Victorian unions gaining the world’s first 8 hour working day in 1856.  The 8 hour day public holiday was celebrated on the actual day of victory for the 8 hour movement, 21 April, until 1934.  The Victorian Unions have reinstituted the holding of their Labour Day celebrations closest as possible to the 21 April of each year.  This decision was made in 2006, the 150th anniversary of the 8 hour day.     Russell Atwood, VTHC Senior Vice President and Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary hosted the evening.  The guest speaker was Daniel Andrews, State Minister for Health.  ACTU President elect Ged Kearny was also in attendance. more

  • Australian Services Union slams Rudd over possible HACC takeover

    Australian Services Union slams Rudd over possible HACC takeover
    2010 - Apr - 14

    14 April 2010
    Australian Services Union Branch Secretary Brian Parkinson has urged the Federal government not to disrupt Victoria’s home and community care (HACC) system by reneging on a 2008 COAG commitment to consult with local government before considering future reforms to aged more

  • Important Upcoming Events

    Important Upcoming Events
    2010 - Apr - 12

    Workers Memorial Day, Wednesday April 28, 2010

    On Wednesday April 28 workers around Australia will be holding commemoration ceremonies, rallies and marches to mourn the dead and fight for the living. The theme of International Workers Memorial Day for 2010 is Unions and Health and Safety Reps Make Workplaces Safer. Australia is currently in the process of nationally harmonising its OHS legislation: Act, Regulations May Day 2010 Melbourne, Assemble 1pm in Lygon Street, Sunday 2 May 2010
    Outside Victorian Trades Hall, Carlton South more

  • Joint VTHC /ACTU Rally re proposed national ‘harmonisation’ of Workers Compensation - Not again!

    Joint VTHC /ACTU Rally re proposed national ‘harmonisation’ of Workers Compensation - Not again!
    2010 - Mar - 30

    30 March 2010
    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    Today the federal government's SafeWork Australia (SWA) bureaucracy began a two day national forum on the future of workers' compensation.    At the request of the ACTU’s Workers Compensation Committee last week, the VTHC’s WorkCover Committee hastily called a protest outside the forum venue, the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne.

    The ACTU Assistant Secretary Geoff Fary and VTHC Secretary Brian Boyd addressed the protest after the main presentations had been made at the forum.   Unions Queensland Secretary Ron Monahan and Unions South Australian Secretary Janet Giles also attended the more

  • Launch of the ASU Campaign to Abolish the Local Government Inspectorate

    Launch of the ASU Campaign to Abolish the Local Government Inspectorate
    2010 - Mar - 03

    3 March 2010
    The Australian Services Union launched their "Recover Our Rights" campaign today to get rid of the secretive Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate - LGI. A funeral procession was organised starting from the Melbourne Town Hall and marching up Collins St to the LGI Offices.  The funeral procession was symbolic of the State Government's attempt to bury basic human rights via the actions of the LGI.

    The LGI is staffed by about a dozen Inspectors who are granted sweeping powers under sections of the Local Government Act.  It is led by former police detective David Wolfe.  The LGI is not governed by specific legislation and answers only to the Minister.  It is similar to secret Ministerial Police found in countries run by more

  • ASU Campaign to Abolish the Local Government Inspectorate

    ASU Campaign to Abolish the Local Government Inspectorate
    2010 - Mar - 01

    Launch of the Campaign, 10am Wednesday March 3, Melbourne Town Hall,  Swanston Street. more

  • SLAM RALLY - Dont Kill Live Music

    SLAM RALLY - Dont Kill Live Music
    2010 - Feb - 24

    24 February 2010
    The Victorian Trades Hall Council supported the “Save Live Australian Music’ (SLAM) Rally held on Tuesday, 23 February 2010.   Thousands of musicians and fans gathered in Melbourne CBD to protest against the State Government’s liquor licensing laws.   The Rally recreated AC/DC’s It’s a Long Way to the Top (if you Wanna Rock’n’Roll) film clip shot in Swanston Street 34 years ago today, travelled from the State Library to Parliament House, filling the streets with musicians and their more

  • Workplace Bullying - VWA's 'Respect at Work' campaign needs to make up lost ground

    Workplace Bullying - VWA's 'Respect at Work' campaign needs to make up lost ground
    2010 - Feb - 17

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    17 February 2010

    The Victorian Trades Hall Council has welcomed the recent successful prosecution for bullying and said the establishment of WorkSafe’s “Respect at Work” campaign needs to hit the ground running.   

    For many years in many WorkSafe forums unions have been raising concerns about the inadequacy of WorkSafe’s response to workplace bullying.  The VTHC is pleased that this campaign is up and running but workers in Victoria deserve a stronger response from WorkSafe on this issue.   For some workers bullying is a life and death issue for others bullying is an all too common occurrence.   The move to prosecute bullies, and the employers who allow it to happen, is welcome.  Sadly, there are many more workers who continue to suffer bullying in the workplace and their stories also need to be told.   The VTHC also says that federal moves to uniform health and safety laws around Australia, if allowed to happen based on current drafts, will result in reduced Victorian OHS standards. more

  • Victorian Workers Compensation Changes - Many Workers Will be Worse Off

    Victorian Workers Compensation Changes - Many Workers Will be Worse Off
    2010 - Feb - 01

    by Brian Boyd VTHC Secretary
    1 February 2010
    There was a comprehensive review of the Accident Compensation Act 1985 over the last two years. Peter Hanks QC oversaw the Review with union and employer representatives being involved.

    During the review process the unions expressed alarm early in proceedings that some of the proposed changes being put forward would not be more

  • Tony Abbott, "The Mad Monk" and the union movement

    Tony Abbott, "The Mad Monk" and the union movement
    2010 - Jan - 18

    By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
    18 January 2010
    It is right for the union movement to warn workers about the return of the right - wing rump now in charge of the federal Liberal / NP opposition. The turmoil inside the Liberal Party at the end of 2009 over a proposed Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has only exposed to the wider Australian public the existence of the ultra conservative, born to rule group of politicians in Canberra, that the union movement has been well aware of for years. We should be wary of their antics, their prograndising, pro- employer, wage cutting, work place destabilisation rhetoric. There is no way ordinary working people want these politicians running the country again. Their arrogance knows no bounds. When their latest leader Tony Abbott said he’s going to resurrect the insulting concept of "Howard’s Battlers" and rename them "Abbott’s Army", it was pathetic. They can try to reinvent themselves as much as they like, but unions know that the contempt they hold for ordinary people will never go away. There is no way Mr Abbott is going to turn back time and play similar games. Yet he fancies more

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