June 10th national day of action for equal pay for women

Thousands of Unionists marched around the country today in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, Darwin and many regional areas , organised by the Australian Services Union, which represents community sector workers across the country. They rallied in support of the ASU's equal pay test case to address lower pay among female-dominated community sector workers. ASU Assistant National Secretary Linda White said, "Women in full time paid work still earn 18 per cent less on average than men, which equates to $1 million less over a lifetime. “ See photos of the rallies here

ASU member Joyce Stephens on Youtube here

Footage of the rally approaching Victorian State Parliament

More Youtube footage of speakers speaker representing peak NGO bodies and Vic Branch Sec Brian Parkinson

ABC radio interview with unionist in Sydney rally here

Report from the SBS World News website below

“ASU NSW secretary Sally McManus said in 2010 a gap of 18 per cent remained between the average wages of men and women. "Women's work is not being properly valued," Ms McManus said as the crowd gathered at Sydney's Town Hall ahead of a march through the city. "Workers in the community sector are a classic example of a female-dominated industry being underpaid." In Melbourne, protesters rallied in Federation Square and marched to the Victorian parliament to deliver a petition in support of their claims.

Unions are fighting for pay rises of between 18 and 37 per cent for community sector workers, the people who helped society's most needy, Ms McManus said. This would mean an average $100 a week pay rise for people working in areas such as disability support, youth work and family support. Ms McManus said the rally was organised to support the ASU's test case with Fair Work Australia on pay equity for community sector workers. Union submissions in the case closed on Monday, but the federal government and employers will have until August to respond.”

For more information on the campaign visit http://www.payup.org.au/ or

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Re: June 10th national day of action for equal pay for women

It would be good if women could do the same jobs as men instead of taking the easy jobs

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