MelbourneProtests Weblog

This site is a continuation of Melbourne Protests – – the name pretty much self-explanatory …

Rebranding a Politican Ctd – 12 May 2010 May 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — melbourneprotests @ 7:20 am
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As already reported on this site, Yarra Climate Action Now! have set themselves the target of picketting the office of Richmond MP Richard Wynne every Wednesday until the November State election in an exercise of ‘rebranding’ – see and the YCAN website –

Numbers were low on this occasion, and winter coming on fast, but the determination remains. More helpers would be welcome… (The rebranding happens from 5.30-6.30 at Richard Wynne’s office, 112 Smith Street, Fitzroy.) Soon will be the 21st session, occasion for a small celebration, perhaps?


Rebranding a politician – climate action 3 February February 4, 2010

Picketing Richard Wynne's office

Early in the picket

Climate activist groups Beyond Zero Emissions and YCAN (Yarra Climate Action Now!) are planning to hold weekly ‘rebranding’ sessions outside the office of Labor State Minister Richard Wynne all the way up to the election in November – “or until the Brumby Government implements some decent climate crisis policies!” Six similar actions were held last year, and this was the first of 2010. Response from passers-by and the rush hour traffic was positive, and the turnout more than met the needs of an avowedly ‘low maintenance action’.

The banners and placards were backed up by musicians Ducks in the Mud, bit the din of the traffic rather had he better of them, unfortunately:

Musicians Ducks in the Mud

Unequal contest with the traffic

Passers-by were invited to take a leaflet offering suggestions for action as well as a summary of the Brumby Government’s contradictory actions and words:

Handing out leaflets

All ages were involved

From the flyer:

The Brumby Government likes to talk about taking the lead on climate change. But
they are actively supporting this way of producing electricity and the foreign
corporations that make profits from it, and not supporting renewable energy
alternatives which would cut emissions and save water. Labor’s done this by:

- Investing our money in the construction of a new coal-fired power station
in the Latrobe Valley.
- Lobbying to get the owners of coal power stations more compensation from
taxpayers under an emissions trading scheme.
- Accepting thousands of dollars in donations to the Labor Party from coal
corporations in return for private meetings in which coal expansion
proposals are discussed.
- Investing in research in so-called ‘clean coal’ rather than genuinely clean
energy production like baseload solar and wind power that actually exist.
- Going back on a promise to introduce a gross feed-in tariff which would
pay owners of solar panels for all the electricity their panels produced.
- Looking into exporting dirty brown coal to countries like India.

The flyer is available as a .pdf from the BZE website

Another view of the action:

The lineup outside Richard wynne's office

The action in full swing

On the ground:

Enter coal lobby - chalked on ground

Summing it up