Mass Rally – Free Craig Johnston – 25 November

(This report is a restoration; first posted to Melbourne Indymedia but no longer available there.)

Thousands of unionists rallied at the State Library this morning before marching to Treasury Place to deliver a petition to Premier Steve Bracks calling for the release of jailed union leader Craig Johnston – currently three months into a nine-month sentence.

The events began with a rally at the State Library. Speakers included John Cummins, seen here with some of the petition sheets holding over ten thousand signatures calling on Steve Bracks to exercise his prerogative of clemency and order the release of Craig Johnston from jail:

John Cummins with sheef of signatures

Crowd at State Library

At the State Library

Another view at the State Library

Another view at the State Library

Man and dog watching from balcony

Spectator watching the march

Workers with fists raised

Defiant workers at Treasury Place

The Eureka flag

The Workers’ Flag

T-shirt with Eureka flag

And on a t-shirt