‘No more mulesed wool!’ – PETA protest at Melbourne Fashion Week show – 15 March 2011

Woman wearing - only - large heart with anti-mulesing message

Continuing its campaign against ‘mulesing’, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) staged a protest this evening outside the Designer Award 2011 Finalist show, part of Melbourne Fashion Week sponsored by Woolmark. Two women wearing heart-shaped signs were accompanied by other campaigners holding placards reading ‘No more mulesed wool’, and others distributed leaflets.

Earlier, PETA had emailed more than 5oo stud merino breeders calling on them to act to stop the practice –

From PETA’s blog:
More than 500 stud merino breeders in Australia received an unexpected e-mail last week: a letter from PETA Australia imploring them to take action to help end the cruel practice of “mulesing.” In a misguided attempt to control flystrike, farmers use instruments resembling gardening shears to cut huge chunks of flesh from sheep’s backsides, while others use clamps similar to vise grips (known as “clips”) to squeeze chunks of skin tightly together until the flesh dies and sloughs off weeks later.

The worst part? It’s not necessary. Approximately 20 percent of Australian farmers already control flystrike with humane methods, such as breeding bare-breech and plain-bodied sheep.

In the letter, PETA Australia Director of Campaigns Jason Baker wrote, “It is up to each farmer and breeder to do the right thing – if not for the well-being of sheep, then for the future of your business – and stud merino breeders can be a vital part of making the transition.”
[end quote]

Those wanting a more graphic demonstration of what mulesing involves may wish to view the video available on this page, but should be aware it is not a pleasant sight – http://www.petaasiapacific.com/issues-nottowear-v-mulesing.asp?c=papblog

More of the picket, including placards

Another view, ad for fashion show in background