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Fri, 16/10/2015 - 00:56
Statement of collective Anarchist Black Cross - Moscow: anti-fascist and anarchist Serebrennikov Oleg needs your help and solidarity!

Anarchical Black Cross Moscow (ABC - Moscow) urges to show solidarity and to help the anti-fascist and the anarchist Serebrennikov Oleg. On an extent more than ten years he actively participated in the anarchical and anti-fascist movements in Russia and in Izhevsk.  Long time he cooperated with collective ABC - Moscow, helped detainees and the arrested anti-fascists and anarchists with Izhevsk, looked for for them lawyers, informed the public and activists on the repressions untied by police against anti-fascists in the city.  He actively participated in solidarity actions in support of the imprisoned anti-fascists and social activists. Because of the serious problems with health which arose after attack of neo-Nazis on Oleg in 2004 the help is now necessary need for him.

Wed, 14/10/2015 - 14:03
Notes from the general strike of 100 million euros

We flowed among the water and our co-demonstrators to the mass demonstration at the central railway station in Helsinki. We were there to oppose the redistribution of income from the poor and the middle income workers to the rich, and from employees to corporations planned by the cabinet of prime-minister Sipilä. There were more than 30,000 of us. STOP, as the demonstration (TN: 18th of September 2015) was called, was the largest in Finland for decades. It was the biggest that I have personally ever attended in this country and possibly the biggest demonstration of labor unions since the 1950’s. It probably is the first one in the 21st century that saw a lot more people than it seemed it would judging from the Facebook event. So everything isn’t yet organized through...

Wed, 07/10/2015 - 15:18
Disturbances lecture series 15th of October: Anti-Police struggles in the U.S. , CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor.  Doors open 6 PM, Lecture 6:15 PM.

Tue, 29/09/2015 - 12:47
Prisoner support kitchen in Kupoli

Mannerheimintie 5 B 7. krs.  Food will be served from 4pm and from 4.30 we'll show a new documentary film about Strangeways's prison riot (1h), discussion afterwards. There's also a possibility to write support letters to prisoners. Welcome! Kupoli is unfortunately not very accesible. MENU Pea soup Oven pancake with jam Green salad Coffee, tea, bread etc. Kupoli Blog: Facebook: Organised by Helsinki ABC and A-ryhmä

Fri, 25/09/2015 - 18:00
Interview with a representative fan group Dolphins Gruppo 05 (FC Panamvrakikos)

Fans associations in Greece there are not only in big cities but also in a very small towns across the country. Most people strive to maintain the famous team, but sometimes ultras groups appear in the clubs of the regional leagues.

Sat, 12/09/2015 - 21:17
Disturbances lecture series 27th of September: Ultra-light history of the anarchist movement

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor. Doors open 4 PM, Lecture 4:30 PM. Antti Rautiainen gives 60 minute TED-style talk on the history of the anarchist movement. Suitable for attention span of the internet generation. No meme pics.   Facebook: Disturbances is an open series of lectures and discussions at the crossroads of society, philosophy, history, economy and resistance. We are already aware that we can not live as before, but we do not know what the future holds. Others are stuck in the past, but we only want to understand it. Even a small disturbance of an initial condition can lead a system into a completely different state. Our speakers are Finnish and international anti-authoritarian researchers and...

Fri, 11/09/2015 - 02:44
The Tallinn Anarchist Bookfair is back!

This year on Sunday, November 15th Telliskivi Loomelinnak is once again hosting the biggest alternative book fair in Estonia.

Fri, 04/09/2015 - 15:40
Folk kitchen in Kupoli for A-prisoner support

Food will be served from 4pm. There will be info about the Kolchenko & Sentsov- + Tamara Sol-cases. Also a possibility to write letters to prisoners. Welcome! Kupoli is unfortunately not very accesible. MENU Lentil patties w/ mashed potatoes Green-cabbage salad Apple pie Coffee, tea, bread etc.

Sat, 29/08/2015 - 17:22
Solidarity action for Kolchenko and Sentsov in Helsinki

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { } Today, Saturday the 29th August 2015, we participated in the international solidarity week and went around with few people in Helsinki demanding freedom for Aleksander Kolchenko and Oleg Sentsov, who got really long prison sentences few days ago.

Fri, 21/08/2015 - 20:38
Disturbances lecture series 18th of October: Movement against austerity — which way forward?

Disturbances lecture series 18th of October: Movement against austerity — which way forward? In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on September 12th. 

Tue, 21/07/2015 - 20:34
July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners!!

International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners Saturday, July 25, 2015 Antifascists fight against those who—in the government or in the streets—dream of imposing their fascist and other Far Right nationalist nightmares on the rest of us. Throughout the world, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and racist bigotries are on the rise. Antifas are on the frontline in confronting these reactionary politics, and we will not forget our comrades imprisoned in the course of this struggle. The July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian who is imprisoned in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. Groups around the world took...

Sun, 14/06/2015 - 23:49
Court hearings on the case of political prisoner's Ilya Romanov to start June 16

On June 2 preliminary hearing regarding the case of anarchist political prisoner Ilya Romanov from Nizhnii Novgorod was conducted in Moscow District Military Court. Ilya took part in the court session via video conference link.

Sun, 14/06/2015 - 17:56
Campaign of solidarity with Alexander Kolchenko continues

Actions to demand the release Alekxander Kolchenko will take place in France from June 27 to 30, 2015. Demonstraions and meetings will be organised in Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Marseille and Biarritz. We strongly encourage you to join the solidarity campaign and to do something in support of Alexander Kolchenko from June 30 to July 5.

Sun, 31/05/2015 - 23:18
Rally against the police department of Yekaterinburg №5

In Yekaterinburg May 30, 2015 rally against the tyranny of the police. The occasion was a series of unjustified detentions of public activists cops of the Police Department №5, including anti-fascists on May 9 for a photo with a scarf Omonia at the monument to the heroes of World War II.

Thu, 28/05/2015 - 12:46
No Tav activists sentenced to 2 years and 10 month

Lucio, Graziano and Francesco were sentenced to 2 years, 1 months and 20 days, on May 27th 2015. The prosecution of the crown prosecutors was dismantled in Turin for Lucio, Francesco and Graziano.

Wed, 27/05/2015 - 18:19
Mikalai Dziadok cuts his abdomen and arms in prison

Mikalai Dziadok protested against tortures by prison staff. Viasna human rights centre learnt it from Valeria Khotsina, the wife of the political prisoner. Mikalai Dziadok was transferred to correctional facility No.9 in Horki for his new prison term on May 12. On May 13, he was thrown into a punishment cell for five days. On May 19, he was transferred to a solitary confinement cell. Mikalai Dziadok spent the night in a very cold cell and asked to be transferred to another cell. On the morning of May 20, the political prisoner cut his abdomen and arms to draw attention of prison officers. He received medical attention in a medical unit and was returned to the same cold cell where he remained until May 26. According to Valeria Khotsina, her husband already received four sanctions....

Sat, 23/05/2015 - 00:56
Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki statement on the benefit gig of May 2nd and National Boshevism

Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki organised a support concert 2nd of May with Liquid Sisters, Suspiria, Mare And The Corpse-Eyed Toads, Celibat, Kombinator.

Thu, 21/05/2015 - 06:19
A Troubling Arrest in Russia!

In Yekaterinburg (Russia) antifascists arrested for taking photos with an Antifa Omonia scarf!!!

Wed, 20/05/2015 - 15:22
SUN 14.6. Disturbances-lecture: The sark side of Swedish folkhemmet

Why has neo-nazism has attracted Swedes? Why have extreme nationalist and xenophobic parties grown in popularity in a traditionally social-democratic country?

Tue, 19/05/2015 - 13:24
LA 23.5. Eurovisions without borders

This saturday we will cheer PKN and internationalism at Kupoli! Let's leave behind all that pointless nationalism and make Eurovisions open for everyone. While watching live stream of the contest we will cheer the creative potential of communities and Eurovisions' borderless future.

Wed, 13/05/2015 - 15:27
SAT 16.5. Sytyke grill

It's time again to devour seitanburgers! A-ryhmä cooks 100% vegan seitanburgers on Restaurantday 16.5.2015 at Karhupuisto from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or as long as there is food left. Come and get your burger with A-ryhmä's famous seitansteak and extinguish your thirst with Club-Mate. We'll be distributing our paper Sytyke at the grill, grab yours! Seitan-burger 7€ Club-Mate -drink 3,5€ Burger and drink 10€ Facebook-event:

Mon, 04/05/2015 - 00:50
News on the case of Alexander Kolchenko

On April 9, Lefortovskiy district Moscow court prolonged detention of Alexander Kolchenko for a month, till May, 16. On May 16 a year will pass away since Kolchenko had been arrested in the Simferopol center as a terrorist attack suspect. 22/05/2014 he had been sent to Moscow together with other defendants and had been held in a pretrial detention center "Lefortovo" since then.

Sun, 03/05/2015 - 02:54
Alexander Kolchenko: The “Terrorist” from Simferopol

According to the FSB, Alexander Kolchenko is a member of the anti-Russian underground in Crimea. Along with three other arrested residents of the peninsula, he has been accused of terrorism.

Sat, 02/05/2015 - 23:54
Panathinaikos Ioannina

“After many years during which I saw many things, what I know most surely about morality and the duty of man I owe to football.” Albert Camus

Sat, 25/04/2015 - 17:29
Interview with fan groups Wolfbrigade 04 (Sankt Polten, Austria)

Austria does not have such a serious ultras scene in other countries. In general, it is known only derby between Rapid and FK Austria Wien. However, in small towns outside the capital are their local fan group. One of the largest provincial fan movements appeared in St. Pölten and at the same time its members are not alien to the anti-racist views.

Mon, 20/04/2015 - 15:00
Praha: May Day – internationally against militarism

Situation in our country starts to resemble the era of Cold war. US army organizes a military parade across east Europe, mainstream media hails propaganda of USA, high-ranking politician would gladly accept permanent presence of soldiers of United States. The similar slogans, that were used to celebrate USSR, now celebrate USA.

Fri, 17/04/2015 - 02:05
Report on repressions, January-March 2015

We are proceeding with reports on repressions against anarchists and libertarian activists, as the authorities continue jailing and haunting our comrades.

Thu, 16/04/2015 - 16:22
SU‭N ‬10.5.‭Disturbances-lecture:‭ How life will be changed, or The life and visions of Arthur Rimbaud

Due to popularity lecture has been moved from Kupoli to Mannerheim-hall of Uusi Ylioppilastalo, A-entrance 5th floor. Unfortunately no lift available. Budget vegan food served at 4pm, the lecture starts at ‬4.30pm.

Wed, 08/04/2015 - 21:27
SAT ‬25.4.‭ Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬Fennovoima, power and resistance

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.) Doors open at 6 pm, lecture starts 6.15 pm. While rest of the Europe is developing renewable and decentralized energy systems, Finland is devoted to large and centralized by investing to new nuclear energy production. Why serious question of foreign policy related to decision on Fennovoima are not taken seriously? What kind of power relations lie in large scale energy system decisions? Maarit Laihonen is about to finish her doctoral thesis on questions of justice in the latest decisions on nuclear power in Finland. She has also done research on international climate policy, corporate power in environmental governance and indoctrination in higher education. Maarit's background is in business studies, social and moral philosophy and...

Wed, 08/04/2015 - 04:42
Sunday 19th of April. Disturbances lecture series: Evening against elections - alternatives for exercise of power

At Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.   Vegan food available at 4pm, lecture begins at 4:30pm     One does no have to waste parliament election evening to following of election results.

Tue, 07/04/2015 - 15:26
Kaunas Karnival - East-Central European Squatters' And Radicals' Gathering 1st-5th of May 2015

Street actions, raves, workshops, discussions Kaunas Karnival is a not-quite-party-but-not-really-conference-either gathering. Squatters, political activists and all the other good radical people from Eastern Europe (and further) are invited to come to a four days street action, skill-sharing and network building event. The main aim of the gathering is to exchange knowledge between collectives from EastCentral Europe about radical actions, such as squatting and organizing movements and establish a basis for future cooperation. The program of Kaunas Karnival will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, between the 1st and 4th of this May. ABOUT US and KAUNAS We are a new autonomous collective “Egzilis” (“Exile”) based in Kaunas, Lithuania. Several months ago we opened our...

Tue, 07/04/2015 - 04:01
The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed

I'm at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March.

Thu, 02/04/2015 - 15:13
3x3 basketball tournament in Thessaloniki (10/04/14)

In connection with the murder of football fan in Crete during the riots championship in Greece was suspended. Therefore to remind people about the true values of sport collective team Proodeftiki Toumba decided to hold an amateur basketball tournament among the residents of his district. Tournament without aggression and injuries, only a partnership and healthy sports atmosphere.

Wed, 01/04/2015 - 18:45
SAT‭ ‬23.5.‭ ‬Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬The political economy of oil now

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Doors open at ‬18:00,‭ ‬lecture starts at ‬18:15.

Tue, 31/03/2015 - 02:52
ABC Benefit in Helsinki Saturday 2nd of May 2015

Liquid Sisters ... 6792564120 Suspiria (Riot Girrl, Helsinki) Кобыла и Трупоглазые Жабы (Mare And The Corpse-Eyed Toads, post-punk, Moscow) Целибат (Celibat, post-punk, Nizhni Novgorod) Kombinator (post-punk, Moscow) At Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5b, Helsinki 9PM.  Tickets 6 euros. Possible profits will be spent for anarchist prisoners.  amr_hki[ÄT] for additional info.  Facebook:

Fri, 27/03/2015 - 23:12
Apeitharxos Ioannina - Proodeftiki Toumpas (13.09.14)

Friends from amateur club Proodeftiki informed me about this game in advance. I was just about to go to Ioannina, so I was extremely delighted this news. Because a self-governing Greek clubs I've heard a lot, but never attended their games.

Wed, 25/03/2015 - 17:07
Levadiakos - Kerkyra (28/09/14)

Near the sacred Mount Parnassus and the ruins of Delphi there is a small town of Levadia. Will of fate I was fortunate enough prove to be in this place and get acquainted with the local fan scene.

Sun, 22/03/2015 - 21:53
Protest action at Holiday Inn of Helsinki

In the center of Helsinki, at the building of Holiday Inn, action of anarchists took place against a conference of far-right parties, which took place in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg. Around 15 participators encouraged a boycott of hotel chain. 

Sun, 22/03/2015 - 06:34
On racism in the Russian antifa and hardcore subculture

In February, a critique of Moscow-based bands What We Feel(WWF) and Moscow Death Brigade(MDB) written by “Antifascist Subculture Worldwide”-collective appeared on the German website, Linksunten (in English).

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 18:26
Anti-fascist movement in Nis (Serbia)

Although our group exists for four years already, ANTIFA Niš is still an informal, grassroot and self-organized group, which is the politics we do not plan to abandon no matter how this fact can actually slow us down. It is only under these conditions do we consider our struggle sincere and true.

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 15:59
A demonstration against far-right meeting in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg

Let's stop the convention of fascists in Holiday Inn (St. Petersburg) Meeting at Holiday Inn Helsinki City Center (Elielinaukio 5), Sunday 22th of March 3PM On the 22 of March, the convention of European Neo-Nazi parties, is going to take place in St. Petersburg. The convention organized by Russian neo-fascist pro-Putin party “Rodina” (“Motherland”). The following European neo-fascist and ultra far-right organizations are taking part in the conference: Golden Dawn, Greece; National Democratic Party of Germany; Svenskarnas parti, Sweden; Attack (Ataka), Bulgaria; Freedom Party of Austria; Serbian Radical Party; Forza Nuova, Italy; and some others. The most astonishing is that exactly the hotel Holiday Inn, belonging to the Britain corporation...

Thu, 12/03/2015 - 22:29
MDB and WWF: against hate, discrimination, and inner-scene elitism

Hello! Here is an official reply of MDB and WWF to the critical article against us, originally posted on Indymedia.

Sun, 08/03/2015 - 04:42
Russian 'antifa' discrediting antifascism

This article criticizing the Russian music anti-fascists scene was published on the German website Linksunten in February and had a great resonance and a storm of discussion in the international anti-fascist movement, but has not yet been translated into English.

Fri, 06/03/2015 - 03:51
Join international solidarity campaign for Alexander Kolchenko

Alexander Kolchenko is a Crimean anarchist, social activist and antifascist who is held in captivity by the Russian authorities. Along with other Crimean activists, he has been kidnapped by the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) and is now detained as a political hostage in Lefortovo jail in Moscow.

Wed, 25/02/2015 - 22:00
Interview with a representative fan groups Warriors Gate 6 (Panetolikos Agrinio)

The provincial Greek town of Agrinio can hardly something to interest demanding public. Essentially it stands out among thousands of other industrial cities only a local football club and its fan movement. Warriors can rightly be considered one of the top local firms in Greece, in his city they can to fight even with a famous Athenian hooligans.

Wed, 25/02/2015 - 13:56
Guardia Rossa (SC Red Star Penzing)

It must have been around one year ago when a few politically interested footballcracks from Vienna who followed different First League Clubs decided to cancel their support for their former clubs because of their developments and to search for a club in the lower leagues that everybody of them could identify with.

Sun, 22/02/2015 - 00:35
Azzurra Familia (Pas Giannina, Greece)

Azzurra Familia club was created in 2013 after fleeing of several members from the leading club, Blue Vayeros.

Fri, 20/02/2015 - 17:35
SAT 28.3. Disturbances lecture series: Paris commune

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor. Doors open at 6pm, beginning of the lecture at 6:15pm.

Fri, 20/02/2015 - 17:26
SUN 15.3. Disturbances-lecture: Anarchism and labour

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor. Budget food at 4pm, beginning of the lecture at 4:30pm

Fri, 13/02/2015 - 18:00
Show your ass to the authorities: call for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists from 25th February to 1st March

The forth presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko will expire in 2015. In 21 years Lukashenko has managed to suppress almost all social struggles in the country, kill several political opponents in the 90s, and eradicate nearly all of the official opposition. Lukashenko didn’t allow Belarusian society to transcend the limits of Soviet mentality. Any complaint or criticism of the government are met with repression from the police or the KGB. Any attempts of organizing face with prosecution and hysteria from the state. The policy of the government can be described simply as follows: “Everything that cannot be controlled must be destroyed”. At this moment Belarusian state is slowly but steadily getting to the extermination of any dissent or independent thinking.  ...